Sometimes Dreams Come True


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The wish was easy. It was for Kate and me to love one another as much, as intensely, and exactly the way we did right then, twenty years down the line. And the moment I blew out the candles; applause rang out from all around me.

Kate immediately placed her arms around my neck, and after gently kissing my lips, smiled and said, "Happy Birthday, Rick."

"Thank you, sweetie," I pointedly smiled, announcing, "But you were in on this, too; you all were."

"How can you forget your own birthday?" Kate giggled.

"I don't know," I chuckled, "It's only happened once before."

"The doctor said that it was because he is so smart that his brain isn't yet big enough to store so much information at one time," Mom half-teased/half-scolded, "Actually, he gets so preoccupied with his studies sometimes that he forgets about everything else."

"Hmm," Roger chuckled, gently squeezing Kate's shoulder, "Maybe some of those habits could rub off on you, young lady."

"Uh, excuse me?" Kate indignantly snorted, "I've never brought home anything lower than an "A", thank you."

Needless to say, the pure contempt in Kate's voice had me laughing so hard that I was literally holding my stomach and trying to regain my breath because of it. Even though she was giving me a scalding glare at the time, I knew her well enough by then to know that she was using it to cover the smile that she was so desperately trying to hide.

I also knew that she was kidding when she looked up at me grinning and giggled, "Shut up, smart ass, it's not funny." All I did was simply nod my head, put my arm around her arm and hold her hand, receiving a playful elbow in the ribs because I couldn't stop laughing.

"So," Kate said, changing the subject and smiling at me, "What do you want to do for your birthday, sweetheart?"

"I really need to study," I told her, "I've got a major test coming up tomorrow morning."

"That's okay," she said, and then she leaned down, and into my ear, whispered, "Sara's going to take Mike back to our room tonight so; after I get off of work, you and I can have the whole night to ourselves in your room. How does that sound?"

"That sounds real good to me," I softly replied, then to everyone there, announced, "In the mean time, why don't we all have some cake?"


I had been studying for a good five hours when I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearing time for Kate to get home; and after placing my books back onto my desk, I knew that I was more than ready to take the test the next morning. Right on time, however, there came a knock on my door, followed by Kate, carrying an overnight bag with her.

"Hi, baby," I smiled, as I opened the door for her, "How was work?"

"It was busy," she wearily replied, "But it was over before I knew it."

"Good," I smiled, taking her into my arms as I pulled her down onto the bed with me, "I know you're tired, would you like me to rub your feet?

"Oh, Rick," she purred, taking off not only her shoes and socks, but her pants as well, leaving her in only her tee shirt and panties, "That would be great, thank you, baby."

"Any time, my beautiful Kate," I smiled, taking her right foot into my hands, "Any time at all."


Once I was finished rubbing her feet, Kate went up to her floor to take a shower and then returned to my dorm room for the night.


We were lying on the bed watching the television when Kate leaned up and folded her arms across my chest in order to look at me face-to-face, and meekly began, "Ya know, I've been doing some thinking and I've already spoken to both of our parents about it, and they think it's a great idea, and...."

"Wait a minute, sweetie," I smiled, gently interrupting her, "What're you talking about?"

"Oh, sorry," she giggled, "I was talking about us making preparations during the Christmas break to be moved in together by this coming spring semester. How does that sound to you?"

"Are you serious?" I asked, looking directly into her eyes.

"Yes," she replied, returning the serious look I gave her, "I've never been more serious about anything as I am about this so; what do you say... do you want us to live together, or not?"

"Hell yes," I immediately replied, quickly pulling Kate on top of me, making her loudly squeal in the process, "I can't imagine not having you in my life, and being able to live with you would be the best thing that ever happened to me...well, besides meeting you, that is."

"Thank you, baby," she sniffled, happy tears filling her eyes, "I'm going to be so good to you that you'll never want to even look at another woman again."

"Are you kidding me?" I teased, "I already feel that way now, pretty girl."

"I really love you, Rick," she breathed, kissing me softly upon the lips, "I'll love you with all my heart, because I've never loved anything, or anyone like I love you, baby..."


Chapter Seven

Thanksgiving that year was spent at Kate's parent's home. And at Sandy's urging, I made sure that my parents were also there, which gave her and Roger more time to get to know Mom and Dad even better than they already did.


We'd been together for almost four months by this time; and Kate and I had begun to seriously talk about our future together. But...I already knew after only two months of being with her that I was going to eventually ask Kate to be my bride.

Now that I had agreed to Kate's suggestion of the two of us living together, she began to drop subtle hints of the things she wanted...things like what kind of engagement rings she liked, the kind of house she wanted us to live in, and even what kind of sheets she wanted to put on the bed we would be sleeping together in.


However, one afternoon when we were at her parent's house, Kate began talking to her Mom about the previously mentioned things she'd been hinting at to me. I know that I wasn't meant to hear what was said next, but I did.

"You'd better not let Rick hear you talk about engagement rings and bridal dresses," Sandy told her daughter, "Or else you're going to scare him off. Keep in mind that you two have only known one another for a short while, sweetheart."

"I understand what you're trying to tell me, Mom, I honestly do," Kate sweetly replied, "And I don't know how I know this, but I do...Rick is not like that...he loves me, Mom," she began to softly cry, "He really loves me, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make him feel as loved as he makes me feel."

"I'm so happy for you, baby," Sandy sniffled, "And you know that if your brother were still here, he'd love Rick as much as the rest of us."

"I know, Mom," Kate tearfully yet still softly answered, "I know..."


The week we returned back to school after the Thanksgiving Holidays was when I decided that I was going to ask Kate to marry me during the coming Christmas break, because that way; we would at least be engaged while we lived together. Besides, like I've already said several times, I knew in the deepest, most secret reaches of my heart, that where Kate was concerned...for me, there would never, ever be another...

I had managed to save seven-hundred and ninety-five dollars from the summer jobs I had worked throughout the four years I spent in high school; and now the time had come for me to spend it on Kate's engagement and wedding rings.

I had managed to get not only her parents, but my parents as well, to be co-conspirators in the plans I'd made for when the time came that I was going to ask my beautiful Kate to become my wife. Needless to say that they all four gladly agreed to help me, with the provision that they would be able to be there when I popped the question.

"Are you kidding?" Roger laughed, when I'd approached him and Sandy and made them aware of my plans, "I can't wait to see the look on her face when you ask her."

And when I told Mom and Dad what I was about to do, I expected Mom to break down and start crying tears of happiness, but, surprisingly; it didn't happen that way. Instead, Dad was the one who, while not exactly crying, had a river of tears pouring down both sides of his brightly smiling face.

"I can't begin to tell you how happy I am for you, son," he smiled, wiping the tears from his eyes, "You've made a good choice, too. That little girl is as pretty as they come and I hope that the two of you are happy for a long, long time."

"Thanks, Dad," I smiled, as I hugged him, "Kate is my heart, I love her very much, and we're going to be very happy. And the reason I know this is because you and Mom showed me what true love is by the example that you two set for me to follow."

It was right then that Mom finally broke down and began to cry. "Oh, baby boy," she sniffled smiling, "Your father and I love you, honey; and we hope that Kate knows how much we love her, too, and also how very proud we both are to have her as a member of our family." "Besides," Mom giggled, "I always wanted a daughter and now it looks like I'm finally going to have one."


Sandy had no problem giving me all the information I needed when it came to Kate's ring size, clothing sizes etc. I took her and Mom with me when I picked out the wedding rings I wanted to give Kate. However, I gave my grandmother's ring back to Mom telling her that I wanted to give it to mine and Kate's daughter, for her to have when and if we had children

"I understand, baby," Mom sweetly told me, placing the antique rings back into her purse, "But you two better give Sandy and I some pretty grandbabies to spoil."

"She's right, Rick," Sandy giggled, conspiratorially standing next to Mom, "Us Moms are some pretty smart gals so; you should listen to us."

The rings I picked out for Kate was absolutely beautiful. The engagement ring was a two carat, Marquis-cut, platinum mounted diamond upon a twenty-four carat gold band, with a simple twenty-four carat wedding band that matched the engagement ring. Mom and Dad had previously given me some extra money, realizing that I didn't have enough to buy the ring that I wanted to give Kate.

"Is it pretty enough?" I asked Mom and Sandy, "Do you two think Kate will like it?"

While clutching my Mom's arm, with Mom's hand on hers, Sandy looked at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, and said, "I think my daughter is very lucky to have a man like you, Rick, that loves her so much."

"I agree with her, Ricky honey," Mom smiled, with happy tears also in her eyes, with a giant smile dancing across her face, too, "Sandy's right, but I think that you're just as lucky having that beautiful girl who loves you just as much as you love her."


There was only a week left before we broke from college for the Christmas Holidays, and the closer the break got, the more nervous I became. I wasn't actually nervous, it was more like an extreme case of apprehension...okay, I'll admit it...I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Kate and I spent every night together, whether it was in my room, or hers. And whenever the twilight fell upon us those last few nights, you can rest assured that we were in one another's arms either making love, or, having just finished loving each other.

I think that was when I came to another turning point, which made me realize what was most important in life; well, at least to me anyway. Kate was all I thought about when I wasn't studying.

Don't get me wrong, yes; Kate was the most important thing in my life. However, I was in college for a reason, to learn. Still though, I considered Kate to be one of the benefits of studying so hard as a well as the cure for my empty heart from leading such a lonely life up until that point.

And now that we were admittedly and openly showing the world that we belonged to one another, there was no way in hell that I was ever going to let her go, nor would I ever let anyone or anything ever come between us...not without a fight. And it would be a fight to the death if any one, or any thing ever attempted to breach what Kate and I shared.


I had originally planned to go with Mom and Dad, to Mom's Aunt Edna's house for Christmas. However, my dear, sweet parents had no problem with me being with my beautiful Kate on what was our first Christmas together as a couple, and hopefully for her to soon become my fiancée as well. Besides, they had already become part of a great big conspiracy, which, if all went as planned, mine and Kate's love would be sealed together for all eternity.


That following Friday found me and Kate going to her family's home for the Christmas Holidays. We were both happy, because not only was the semester over with, but we also knew that we had both done well on our mid-term exams. I, however, had other things on my mind, and Kate somehow knew.

"What's wrong, baby?" she asked, "You seem a little preoccupied today. Are you alright?"

"I'm okay," I replied smiling, "I've just got something on my mind, that's all."

"Well, then," she giggled, "Do you feel like telling me, or am I going to have to guess?"

"No," I laughed, "You'll find out soon enough, I promise."

"It isn't anything bad;" she fearfully inquired, a pensive look on her face, "Is it?"

"No," I smiled, reassuring her, "You're going to love least I hope you do, anyway."

That seemed to satisfy her for the time being; or at least I thought so, that is. However, little did I realize that she was scared shitless, as she later told me?


Because of the fact that Christmas was still a week away, Kate had to work at the restaurant that night, leaving me alone with Sandy while everyone else was gone.

"So, tell me, Rick," Sandy asked, the moment Kate left the house, "Are you going to propose to Kate over the holidays?"

"I was planning on it," I cautiously replied, "But I'm not sure how Kate is going to take my asking her to marry me."

"Are you kidding me?" Sandy gently smiled, "Trust me, honey, she'll be ecstatic."

"I'll certainly look forward to it then," I optimistically smiled, "Because it would literally kill me if she said no."

"Don't worry about it, Rick honey," Sandy reassured me, "She'll say 'Yes', no doubt about it. Besides, I know my daughter very well, and it would literally kill her if you didn't ask."

"Okay then, I need to ask you guys for a favor," I grinned, "If it's not too much trouble, that is."

"Ooo, let me guess," Sandy conspiratorially grinned, "You want us to give her tomorrow off from work because you're going to ask her tomorrow night. Am I right, sweetie?"

"Damn," I laughed, "You're good."

"Not at all," she replied smiling, softly patting my hand, "I can tell that you love my daughter very much, because you're acting just like Roger did, right before he asked me to marry him."

"I love you very much...Roger, too," I smiled, pulling Sandy toward me and giving her a giant hug, "Having you guys as in-laws is going to be great. I can already tell."

"Now, let me tell you something, sweet boy," Sandy said, gently pushing away from me to look into my face, tears beginning to fill her eyes, "Roger and I love you very much, and we can both see how much you love our Katie."

"I'd die for her, Sandy," I said, "I swear I would."

"I know you would, baby boy," Sandy softly replied, gently placing her palm against my cheek as she continued, "When our son, Kyle, was killed in Vietnam; I thought that the world...well, mine and Roger's world had ended. Now don't get me wrong, Katie loved her brother very much, and they were very close...but it was Katie that brought her father and I back from the brink of total despair and eventual self-destruction...."

"...Katie was the one who, even though she was only a teen-ager herself, helped her father and I turn our lives around in a very short time. She told us, and I quote, "Both of you need to get off of your drunk, pitiful asses and get your shit together. Do you think that this is how Kyle would've wanted you act? Well, do you?" and when I tried to answer her, she cut me off and said, "I don't want to hear any more of your weak ass excuses, Mom. You and Dad need to get up and take back control of your lives...You think I don't understand how you feel, but its bullshit. I know that Kyle was your son, but he was my brother, too, so; don't think for a damn minute that I don't understand how you feel, you selfish fuckers," and she began to cry and then ran to her room, slamming the door behind her...."

"...And it made Roger and I take a good long look at ourselves, as well as what we'd both become, and we realized that everything that our precious Katie had said to us was true," Sandy continued, still sniffling, "I can't begin to tell you how ashamed of ourselves we both were. But we all pulled together, Katie too, and now here we are, but most importantly, here you are, Rick."

"Aw, I'm nobody special," I smiled, trying to keep from blushing, but failing miserably, "I know I don't know everything, nobody does, but I know for a fact that I'm very lucky to have Kate to begin with so; maybe you should look at it that way instead."

"You're right, you're very lucky to have Katie," Sandy smiled, "But if you're going to look at it that way, then you must also realize that my daughter worships the ground you walk on, sweetie, because you're a part of a dying breed, Rick. You're what all mothers wish for their daughters..."

"...You're what girls call a good boy, honey; and that's a nice thing. It also means that you're always very courteous and extremely well mannered. You're sweet, kind, and from what I've seen so far, you're always mindful of other's feelings, especially Katie's. I can see why she loves you, honey," Sandy teased, "You're a handsome devil, too, Mmm."

"Stop that," I laughed, "You're embarrassing me."

"Quit all that whining," she giggled, still teasing, "You know that you love it when we pick on you."

"Oh, no," I laughed, "Not me..."


"Hi, baby," Kate smiled, kissing me, sitting in my lap, the moment she arrived home from working at the restaurant, "What did you and Mom do while I was gone?"

"What do you think?" I teased, "We talked about you the whole night."

"Oh, really," she giggled, "Well, I can't think of anything better to talk about than me."

"Kate," I playfully scolded, goosing her in the ribs, making her loudly squeal, "You're not like that, and you know it, girlie."

"I know," she giggled, "I just like to get a rise out of you every now and then."

"You're Mom was right about one thing," I goaded.

"Oh, really," Kate snapped, taking the bait, "Do tell, what could that possibly be?"

"I asked her if you'd always been such a brat," I laughed, "And of course she said yes."

"You're the one who's the brat," Kate giggled, bouncing up and down in my lap, "And don't you dare try to deny it either, smart ass."

"Katie, honey," Sandy called, from the kitchen, "I need to talk to you for a minute, sweetheart."

"Okay, Mom," Kate smiled, "I'll be right there," and then she gave me a quick kiss, and then hopped out of my lap and was gone.


"What do you mean I have tomorrow night off?" Kate crossly asked her mother, "That's bull shit, Mom; I make a lot of tips on Saturday night."

"Don't get testy with me, young lady," Sandy firmly stood her ground, "I'm still your mother. Besides, there's a good reason that I don't want you to work tomorrow night, and that's final."

"Dad," Kate said to her father, "Tell her that I stand to lose a lot of money if I don't work, please?"

"I'm sorry, baby girl," Roger replied, shaking his head, unable to look her in the eye, "But I've got to agree with Mom this time."

"Oh yeah? Well I think it sucks," Kate spat, pouting as then made her way to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.
