Sometimes Dreams Come True


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Having witnessed only half of what went on, yet hearing all of it; I got up and went into the kitchen. When I got there, both Roger and Sandy stood leaning against the counter, as well as each other with conspiratorial grins plastered across both of their faces.

"Holy cow," I apprehensively replied, "She seemed like she was really pissed off."

"I wouldn't worry too much," Sandy knowingly chuckled, "She'll get over it the moment you ask her to marry you, I promise."

"I sure hope so," I cautiously agreed, never having seen Kate that mad before, "I really do."


I decided not to try and talk to Kate so; I went to sleep on the couch in front of the fireplace. I was awakened some time in the night, and even though the fire was barely burning, I was still able to make out the brightest, most beautiful pair of blue eyes I'd ever seen.

"Why're you sleeping out here, baby?" Kate sweetly asked me, "Wouldn't you rather come and sleep with me?"

"I'd love to," I said, "But you seemed like you were really pissed off so; I didn't want to make you mad by..."

"I'm sorry, Rick," Kate gently interrupted me, "That had nothing to do with you, and I should have said something right then, again, I'm sorry and..."

I interrupted her this time, by kissing her lips while gently but firmly holding her body against mine, very slowly rubbing against one another.

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" I grinned, trying to regain control of my faculties, even more so after having experienced the rapture of such a deep, yet still very tender, intimate kiss.

"Only you," she giggled, "And that's only when you're trying to get into my panties."

"You big liar," I smiled, "I'm not that way at all, and you know it."

"Do you hear me complaining?" she seductively smiled, pulling me off of the couch as I shook my head, "No? Then come to bed and sleep with me, baby. I miss you when you're not around me."


I awoke to an empty bed the next morning, but I could hear both Sandy's and Kate's voices happily chirping away, like nothing had happened the night before, coming down the hall and into the open doorway of Kate's bedroom. So, after I'd washed my face and brushed my teeth in Kate's bathroom, I put on my jeans and a tee shirt, and then made my way down the hall to two of the three, counting my Mom, prettiest women I knew.


"Good morning," I smiled, pulling Kate by the waist into my arms, and then kissing her soft lips, "How are you two doing this morning?"

"Mmm," Kate smiled, as she hugged me, "We're doing even better, now that you're here."

"I'll second that," Sandy smiled, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek, "Good morning to you, too, handsome."

"Oh, hey, Rick, you're awake," Roger smiled, teasing me as he suddenly came in through the back door by the kitchen, "You don't want you to sleep your life away, now, do you?"

"Jeez," I laughed, "It's only nine o'clock."

"Maybe so," Kate giggled, "But I know for a fact that you don't sleep this late at the dorm."

"Let me remind you, my sweet," I chuckled, kissing her again, "We're not at the dorms, are we?"

"Oh, hush," she giggled again, only this time she slapped my butt, "And you call me a brat."


Later that morning, sometime between ten-thirty and eleven o'clock, Roger and Sandy left to go open the restaurant, leaving Kate and I alone at the house.

"So," she seductively smiled, "Now that I've got the day off, is there anything in particular that you'd like to do?"

Needless to say, we made love the entire morning, well, for a couple of hours at least; and when we were finished, we laid in one another's arms simply enjoying the love we shared, so new, yet so exciting, too.


I took Kate out to eat at The Olive Garden™ because she wanted some Italian food that night. I'd promised Roger, Sandy, and Mom and Dad that I would have Kate back at Evans' Barbeque Pit no later than 10:30, as it closed promptly at 10:00. Besides, I'd invited everyone that we knew on campus, as well as Mr. Kazamatsu, because out of everyone I knew, I most certainly wouldn't have wanted him to miss this for the world.

I even got Sandy to invite a couple of Katie's close friends that she still stayed in touch with, two of whom attended high school with Kate where they were Cheerleaders together. But the best part about it all was when we finally got back to Evans' Barbecue Pit or "The Pit" as we call it now. I made Katie wear a blindfold, just like she'd made me do on my birthday.

"It's not my birthday, Rick," she complained, when I showed her the blindfold, "Why're you making me do this, baby?"

"Trust me," I laughed, "This is going to be way better than your birthday and Christmas combined."

"Humph," she derisively snorted, "It better be, that's all I'm going to say."

"Stop all of that fussing, baby; it's going to be great," I smiled, softly kissing her lips after blindfolding her, "Take my hand and follow me...I love you, Kate."

"I love you, too," she said, her tone of voice now softened, "What're you up to?"

"You'll remember this for the rest of you life, Kate," I softly replied, "The rest of your life, baby..."


The moment we walked into the restaurant, I could tell that Roger had followed my instructions to a "T". The tables were all clear from the middle of the main dining room, except for one lone chair in the middle of the floor. After I led Kate to the chair in the middle of the room, I asked her to heave a seat.

Roger had placed a temporary floodlight on the ceiling above us, and after turning all the lights in the restaurant off, he turned the spotlight on, illuminating us in pure white light. It was then; after all of the people that we had invited, all gathered around us in a circle, that I removed Kate's blindfold.

"What is going on, Rick," she asked, once she regained her eyesight, "And what is this?"

Looking into her eyes, I pulled the ring box out of my shirt pocket and opened it. Then after dropping down onto one knee, I presented the ring to my beautiful Kate and tenderly replied, "Ever since I met you, my life has been full of beautiful light where there was once a terrible and lonely darkness. In the time we've been together, I've realized that without you, my beautiful Kate, I would surely whither away and die. I promise you that I would lay my life on the line to save yours with no question whatsoever so; I'm asking you with all my heart if you would be my wife?"

"I love you so much, Rick," Kate openly cried, throwing her arms around me, "Yes, I'll marry you whenever you're ready," and then she continued to cry, as applause rang out all around us while I placed the engagement ring on her finger, knowing it would fit her perfectly.

"KISS, KISS, KISS," the crowd began to chant, and before they could say another word, our lips were gently pressed together, sealing the proposal for all time, as well as eliciting another round of applause from the crowd...


Chapter Eight

Everyone made it a point to wish us well; but for me, the best part of the celebration was when Kate realized that her former Cheerleader friends had been there to witness and be a part of the whole thing. They were met with hugs and happy tears from Kate, who also made it a point to introduce me to them as well, and believe it or not, I didn't blush, not even once, how ever much I might have a few months ago though.

"Rick, sweetheart," Kate giddily smiled, taking my arm, "I've got two girls that're here who I grew up with that I want you to meet. We were Cheerleaders together in high school."

"I didn't know that you were a Cheerleader, baby," I suggestively teased, wiggling my eyebrows, "Maybe I can get you to model you cheerleading outfit for me. I've always had a thing for Cheerleaders ya know."

"That's because you're such a dirty boy," she softly and playfully purred, "But that sounds like fun. I'll look for it when we get back to Mom and Daddy's house. In the mean time, come with me; handsome. I want to make some friends of mine jealous..."


"Rick," Kate proudly announced, as she introduced me to her two friends, "I'd like you to meet Callie Kirkland, and Heather Phillips. We not only attended high school together, but we were also Cheerleaders together, too; from the seventh grade until we graduated high school."

Callie was a blonde, and Heather was a Strawberry Blonde, both had blue eyes, and both were built nicely, and while they both were also very pretty and had very sweet and pleasant personalities, neither one of them even came close to my beautiful Kate. Still though, I could tell that a competitive camaraderie of sorts still existed between them as Callie started in first.

"I must say, Heather," she teased, ""Katie girl did rather well for herself, don't you think?"

"Nah," Heather dispassionately replied, "I think she got lucky, that's all."

Kate was about to retaliate until I gently grabbed her hand, giving her a silent look of reassurance, and told Callie and Heather, "Uh, excuse me, ladies; but I don't see rings on either of your left ring fingers," and they were about to speak up, with what I'm quite sure was something nasty, until I silenced them by saying, "I'm not an expert, girls; but it's been my experience that people who live in glass houses sure most certainly shouldn't throw rocks, now should they?"

I thought I was about to get cussed out by Kate's friends until I saw the both of them begin to laugh, as Callie leaned over, and kissing me on the cheek, patted my shoulder and told Kate, "We like him, girl. Don't let this man get away...he's one of the good ones."

"Thank you, Miss Heather, and Miss Callie," I humbly replied, "It means a lot to me to hear that you two ladies approve of me; Kate is my heart, and a man can't live without his heart now, can he?"

"Aww," They both said in unison, "That's so sweet."

"You enjoy your friends," I told Kate, kissing her lips, "I'm going to go talk to your Dad."

"Okay, baby," she sweetly replied, "I love you."

"I know you do," I softly replied, kissing her hand, "And I love you, too," and then I left her to talk with her friends...


"Hey, guys," I smiled, when I appeared at our parent's table, "So, what did you think? Do I do okay?"

"Oh, baby," Mom sniffled, standing up to hug me, "That was the most romantic thing I've ever seen."

"Good job, son," Dad smiled, patting me on the back as Mom hugged me, "You've got yourself a beautiful bride; and you're mother and I couldn't be happier for you, or more proud."

"Thank you, Dad," I appreciatively smiled, "Thank you, both."

"Come here, sweet boy," Sandy grinned, standing up as soon as Mom released me from the hug, "You'd better give your future mother-in-law a hug, too, you handsome rascal," and needless to say, I walked around the table to where she stood, receiving a giant hug from her as well."

"Welcome to our family, sweetheart," Sandy, too, sniffled, "We're so proud to have you."

"She's right, Mark," Roger grinned, "I always wanted another son, and now I'm going to have one."

"I know, Roger," Dad chuckled, "And Jennifer and I always wanted a girl so; the same thing goes for us. It looks like both of our families made out pretty damn good, wouldn't you say?"

"Hell yeah," Roger laughed, "Damn good..."


Dad and Roger had gone to the bar that Roger had built in the back of the restaurant; to congratulate one another on Dad's having gained a daughter-in-law, as well as Roger's gaining a son-in-law. Meanwhile, Mom and Sandy remained at the table to talk to one another about their views on Kate's and my relationship. It wasn't bad mind you; I later found out that they simply enjoyed talking about their offspring.

"Kate is such a beautiful girl, Sandy," Mom sweetly told her, "I know that you and Roger are very proud of that pretty little darling."

"Thank you, Jennifer, and yes, we're extremely proud of her," Sandy reminiscently grinned, "But I can still remember how she was when she was going through puberty; and let me tell you, that was when I truly understood what my mother told me when she said that pretty is as pretty does," and this, of course, sent Mom into a fit of female laughter.

"Tell me about it," Mom grinned, "I'm so glad that I had a boy, other than having to wash an innumerable amount of handkerchiefs, the rest was pretty easy," and then her face went sadly dark as she continued, "But he was so shy, Sandy," and then Mom's eyes began to fill with tears, "It used to kill me knowing that his friends were all out and about on the weekends while Rick would stay home and either read, or look out the window," and then she began to brightly smile, "But when he brought Kate home the first time, his father and I were simply beside ourselves with happiness for our son...So, let me please tell you now, Sandy, how grateful his father and I are that he met your daughter....I don't know how I know this, but that precious, beautiful little sweetheart who's your daughter, is also my son's salvation," and by this time, both women were smiling as they firmly grasped each other's hands smiling proudly.


Moments later, I have no earthly idea who; but someone brought a fairly good sized, stereo in, and in a matter of about ten minutes, nice gentle tunes were wafting through the air, changing the atmosphere in The Pit.

"Oh, Rick," Kate said, "Will you come and dance with me, my handsome fiancée?"

"Kate, sweetie," I softly replied, gently kissing her lips, "You'll never have to ask me to dance with you, baby; you come first in my life above everything and everyone, don't you know that by now?"

"Of course I do," she tenderly replied, "But I still like hearing it...I love you, Rick Parker."

"And I love you," I smiled, "My soon to be Missus Kate Parker."

"I wanted you to know that my friends think that you're the most handsome man they've ever seen," Kate softly told me, gently brushing the hair on my forehead from out of my eyes as she and I danced together, "And they wanted to know if there were any more like you at home."

"Unfortunately not," I grinned, "But it's awfully sweet that they would ask something like that anyway."

"It is," Kate impishly grinned, "But I grew up with Heather and Callie, and I can tell that they're jealous as can be."

"I was about to respond when I suddenly saw Sandy tapping her daughter's shoulder; and when Kate turned around and saw her, Sandy grinned ,and asked, "Do you mind if I cut in, sweetheart?"

"No, not at all," Kate endearingly smiled, "Just bring him back in one piece, Mom, okay?"

"Of course, dear," Sandy laughed, winking at me, "Go talk to your father while I dance with your fiancé."

Kate walked away with a knowing grin on her face, almost as if there was something going on between her and her mother; but I didn't let it worry me, hell, I was getting the opportunity to dance with two beautiful women that night, well, three, counting my Mom.


"So, how did you like the surprise I had for you tonight," I asked Kate, as we were driving back to her parent's house, "Did you have a good time, my love?"

"Oh, Rick," she beamed, holding up her hand to look at her engagement ring, "That was so romantic, and I love you so much, and this ring is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, well, besides you, baby; thank you."

"You're very welcome, and I'm glad you like it," I contentedly smiled, "I was hoping that you would."

"I don't just like it, Rick, baby," she sweetly told me, "I love it...just like I love you..."


Kate and I had gotten into the habit of making love, and then falling asleep in one another's arms afterward; which meant that I began to feel as safe and secure in Kate's arms, as she did in mine. However, little did either of us realize that our safety would, once again, come under a threat, and that same threat would come all too soon?


The next morning I had to go back to my dorm to pick something up, and Kate and I were on our way out the door headed back to her parent's house when my phone rang. At the time we were in a bit of a hurry, but because we thought it might be her Mom needing us to pick something up on the way, I answered it.

"Hello," I said, "This is Rick Parker."

"Just the man I wanted to speak with," replied a pleasant, but unknown male voice, "My name is Frank Spicolli, Rick. I was wondering if you and I could meet and talk. I have a business position for you."

"I'm a little pressed for time at the moment," I politely replied, "Do you have a number that I could call you back at, Mister Spicolli?"

"How about this?" he said, "Can you and I meet at Valentino's Restaurant at say, oh, six o'clock this evening? You can bring someone with you if that will make you feel better."

"Of course," I smiled, not knowing what I was about to get myself into, "We'll see you then, sir."

"Sounds great," he nicely replied, "I'm looking forward to meeting you. I've heard a lot of good things about you..."


I had a nagging feeling about the phone call, and bringing it to Kate's attention, I asked her if she'd ever heard of Frank Spicolli, and when she told me that she hadn't, the nagging feeling disappeared, but I still wondered what it was that this man wanted from me.

He said that he had a business proposition for me, making me wonder what kind of business he was in. "Oh, well," I thought to my then naïve self. I figured that I'd find out soon enough...


"Good morning, my babies," Sandy smiled, as we entered the house into the kitchen through the back door, "I hope you two are hungry."

"You know me," I grinned, "I'm always in the mood for something good to eat."

"I've noticed that, sweetie," she teased, "You keep it up and you'll start looking like Roger in no time."

"Hey now," Roger laughed, "I resemble that remark," which caused us all to laugh.

It was safe to say that I'd come to love Roger and Sandy almost as much as I did my own parents, and in doing so, I also found more of the richness of Kate's deepest, most sincere and true feelings, just as she had mine...


We hung around Kaye's parent's house most of that day, content in simply being together until it was time to meet Mr. Spicolli."



6:00 PM

"Rick, my name is Frank Spicolli," smiled a rather portly gentleman, with coal black hair and Sicilian brown eyes, and dressed in a very expensive sharkskin suit, "I'm glad you could come," he told me, as we shook hands, "And who might this pretty young lady you've brought with you be?"

"This is Miss Kathryn Evans, sir," I proudly announced, "She's my fiancée, Mister Spicolli."

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Evans," he respectfully replied, slightly bowing, "I'm glad you could come as well. If you and Rick will please follow me, I'll escort you to our table in the back..."


Once we were seated at the table, I noticed that to Mr. Spicolli's right sat a large man with dark hair and eyes, who Mr. Spicolli introduced as simply Bruno.

"Can I get either of you something to drink," Mr. Spicolli asked, "A beer, maybe a glass of wine?"

"Could we both have a soft drink instead, please?" I politely asked, "We don't drink, sir. I'm an athlete, Mister Spicolli."

"Please, call me Frank," he smiled, "You're a great athlete from what I hear, and that's why I wanted to talk with you."

"I'm sorry, Frank," I respectfully replied, "I don't think I understand what you mean."

"I hear that you're a great fighter, kid, and I would like to promote you," he smiled, opening his arms, "Think of all the money you could make with your martial arts skills."

"I don't know, sir," I honestly told him, "I've never fought for money, and I'm not very sure that my Sensei would like it if I did."
