Sophie's Corruption Ch. 01

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The beginning of Rowan's new life: college, and a girlfriend.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/25/2021
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


It'd been about a month by now. Rowan could still remember leaving his mom at the airport.

"Bye Mom! Thanks for everything!" He said, smiling from ear to ear. His mom urgently embraced him.

"Oh, my sweet Rowie," she said, "Please remember to brush your teeth every day!" Rowan let out a little laugh at the thought that his mom's last words to him might be a reminder to remain hygienic. "Of course! How could I forget? You drilled this habit into my since I was a little boy!"

Rowan returned his mother's tight hug. Although his mom was the normal height for a woman, Rowan was the same height as her. He had never known his father, but his mom had always teased him about "hopefully in the future having a growth spurt so you can be big and strong like your father!" She'd always begin with that, and finish with spite when she realized what she was saying. Something along the lines of, "But hopefully that's the ONLY thing you pull from his degenerate self."

Apparently Rowan's father had just up and left one day and never come back. Did he die? Was he safe? Rowan would never know, but he knew for sure that his father didn't love him. He'd made peace with that many years ago, but saying goodbye to his mom again now started to bring back some of those emotions.

As they said goodbye, Rowan couldn't help but noticed his mom was hugging him tighter than usual -- to be expected in these circumstances -- but now he also noticed her large breasts pressing into his scrawny chest. This was something he always knew but it was never at the forefront of his mind until now.

He tried his best to remind himself that this was his mother.

As they let go she gave him one last stern look in the eyes. "I love you Rowie. Make sure to call me when you land and don't forget about me, okay?" She gave him a big kiss on the forehead and set him off through security. She watched him go through and before he turned the corner they exchanged one last glance and waved to each other goodbye for the last time in person.

Rowan wasn't sure why he thought back to that, but he found himself suddenly back in his class daydreaming. That seemed to be happening a lot lately. This college thing was a lot easier than he thought it'd be, which was great because living on his own was something completely foreign to him. He paid attention for the rest of his SCI 100 class when the teacher let them out early since they were able to cover the material quicker than he expected.

He headed back to his dorm. The dormitory lifestyle hadn't been so bad. His roommate, Brendon, had treated him well, even though they seemed to be complete opposites -- both in stature and interests. Rowan was into video games for the most part, and Brendon mainly just partied and lifted weights. Rowan was below average height and scrawny, whereas Brendon seemed to be a physical specimen that men strive to be, with very well defined muscles in spite of all the drinking he did.

They both pretty much kept to themselves, and remained completely cordial.

Today when Rowan entered his own dorm room, he was quite surprised.

"Bro, what the fuck? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Brendon asked.

"Uhh, yeah," Rowan trailed off, trying to take in everything that was happening in front of him. Brendon was sitting at the edge of his bed and there was an extremely attractive woman between his roommates legs. She was on her knees with both hands at the base of Brendon's cock. With an audible pop she released the suction from her mouth, lifting up her head to turn towards Rowan, revealing the massive cock she was sucking on. It was fucking huge, and her small build made it seem even bigger.

Rowan was completely dumbfounded. He quickly found some words and said, "I'm sorry, I'll come back later," slammed the door, and left. He was embarrassed, shocked, and envious of Brendon. That girl was so hot and she was clearly enjoying what she was doing, and Rowan hadn't even kissed a woman yet. He kept his head low, thinking about what he saw.

She was a cute blond girl with pretty light brown eyes. If he hadn't just seen her with a mouthful of cock he would have assumed she was as innocent as can be. Her soft gentle hands couldn't even wrap all the way around Brendon's big cock. Yet even with her lips slightly fuller and with drool all over her mouth from her, uh, activities, she was still super fucking hot. When Rowan thought back to it, it was almost like she didn't even care she just got caught in the middle of a blowjob.

How could Rowan get that for himself? If only there wa--

Just then, while he was in the middle of thought he bumped into a girl who was also looking down as she walked. They hadn't seen each other. "Ouchie!" She said, as her distraction -- her phone -- crashed to the floor in a spectacular fashion. Luckily, it didn't break. Her blue eyes looked up from the ground to meet Rowan's.

After getting over the shock of what just happened, Rowan again found himself utterly confused. He had just been thinking of trying to get a girlfriend and he just randomly bumped into one of the most beautiful woman he ever saw.

Rowan instantly got a quick look at her, trying to figure out what the heck just happened.

She had beautiful pale skin that looked so soft, and long flowing straight black hair that she put up in a ponytail. She wore a loose plaid skirt that exposed a lot of her thighs, and a loose jacket that covered a tight shirt that accentuated her shapely breasts and stopped just below her navel, giving a tiny peek of her midriff.

In a panic, and not wanting to embarrass himself further in front of the cute girl, Rowan scrambled to the ground to pick up her phone. He noticed she had been playing a phone emulated Nintendo 64 game, Goemon's Great Adventure. He loved that game.

"Holy crap, Goemon's Great Adventure?" He said, without a thought, "I never thought I'd ever run into someone else randomly playing this, much less a super fucking hot gi--" He stopped himself before he completed his sentence, and looked up from the phone just in time to see her surprised stare turn to an angry gaze.

"Give me my phone back," she said, with one arm crossed over her body and the other extended out. She leaned over on one leg, her hip angling to the side, clearly expecting him to act on her words.

It took a few seconds, but once she started speaking, and once he took more time to look at her, he instantly recognized her. The phone game she was playing also helped his brain connect the dots.


Sophie was a high school classmate of his. And she looked completely different. Almost like she was one the star of one of those nerdy-chick-transforms-into-a-hot-girl movies. Because that's basically exactly what happened.

'What the fuck?' Rowan thought to himself. He couldn't believe that it was actually her. He didn't realize it at first, but it really was Sophie.

"Ugh, yes it's me, Rowan. Give me my phone back!"

Rowan obliged.

"Sophie, what the hell? You look... different." He realized that might not sound good and instantly corrected himself, "You look amazing!"

Her frustration from being bumped into and dropping her phone turned to embarrassment and she blushed.

"I look the same," she said, trying to downplay her transformation.

"No, seriously Sophie, you... ah nevermind. You obviously know but don't want to talk about it," Rowan said. "Why don't we play that game together back at my place tonight? We can talk more later."

"S-sure," Sophie replied. She seemed nervous. Rowan talked so easily to her due to their familiarity. If they hadn't known each other so well before, Rowan probably would have been unable to speak to such a beautiful girl. He was happy with himself.

"Alright, I'll see you later at my place." They exchanged contact details and had a bit of small talk about how college had been up until that point.

After a few minutes, before leaving, Sophie said, "Rowan, I'm the same person from before. Stop being so weird about it!" She laughed, Then she casually walked away after waving to him.

Although he didn't get to eat, and although he embarrassed himself by barging in on his roommate earlier, he was super happy that he ran into Sophie.

He had known that they were at the same college together, but he just hadn't had time to reach out. They had hung out a lot since middle school and had the same group of friends. She was more of a 'bro' back in the day, which is why it was so confusing to see her this way. He had actually been meaning to set up a get together to catch up.

In a way he had always kind of been attracted to her, but because she basically was considered one of the guys, he never thought of her as anything more than a close buddy.

Now, he found himself thinking of her a different way. Her putting in so much effort into her appearance made her desirable in a way he hadn't thought of before. And just maybe he would have a chance with her given their history.

He resolved that by the time she left his room tonight, she would feel the same way about him.


Later on that night met up with Sophie. She had changed into something more comfortable and loose fitting.

They linked up outside in the dorm lobby and he led her back to his room to play. Turns out her dorm was just the next one over.

"I guess she doesn't feel intimidated by me," Rowan thought. Having zero intimate experience with women before this led him to believe that it was hard work to even get a girls phone number, and here he was bringing someone back to his room!

They got back to his room and he let her know, "So, I have two bluetooth controllers that should connect to your phone and we can play like that. Is that cool?" Rowan asked.

Sophie nodded. 'God she is cute. How did I not see this before?' Rowan thought.

Before they began playing, Sophie apologized for being so short earlier in the day. She explained, "I was in the middle of some intense playing and you fucked up my run. It's alright though, I got over it." She laughed.

'There's the Sophie I know,' Rowan thought to himself. Her potty mouth was unmistakable and usually only came out while she was focused on gaming.

Rowan joined in. "Well let's see how good you are in co-op!" Even though they had known each other for so many years, they had actually never played a video game together with just the two of them. It had always been 1v1 games or bigger team games.

It was a welcome experience.

Sophie laughed more and egged him on, "Don't underestimate me! Let's do this."

They began playing and before they knew it, they were making extremely great progress and got used to each other's playstyles. The side scroller was made so much easier once you had a competent ally by your side who could save you anytime it got difficult.

Sophie began to let more and more of her guard down. She relaxed her shoulders and her legs went from being closed tight with each other to slightly opening more. She was clearly enjoying herself. They played for hours on end, laughing through the night and progressing through Goemon quickly.

Rowan took every opportunity to sneak a peek at her chest. She was wearing looser fitting pajamas and the way she moved caused the buttons every now and then to expose some of her breast. Her breasts were large, probably around a C cup, and they sat perky on her slim body. Rowan was in heaven.

After making an insane amount of progress for the time they played, they found themselves sitting way closer than when they had started hours ago, almost touching now. Subconsciously they had drifted together as the time passed and it was almost too much for Rowan to bear.

"So, that was fun." Sophie looked at him.

"Yeah, haha," Rowan said. He was extremely nervous having never been this close to a girl alone before.

Rowan recalled his resolve from earlier. He grabbed her hand.

"Listen, Sophie, I think you're beautiful and you're obviously really fucking cool," Rowan said. He was trying his best to keep his cool, but it felt like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest.

She was looking back at him, innocently, carefully listening to every word he was saying. She nodded. "Okay..."

"And I..." he trailed off. As if two invisible hands were pushing their heads slowly together, they slowly and without thought traced a line directly to each others lips and starting kissing. Whatever Rowan was about to say couldn't convey this.

Their tongues intertwined, and Rowan tried his best to imitate what he saw on TV. 'This is fucking awesome', he thought, and he got really into it, running his hands down her back slowly to her hips. He slowly helped her to lay down next to him.

He placed his hand just above her hips, to her now exposed midriff. He was feeling her soft skin for the first time and could really feel his cock swelling. They were still making out.

He didn't really know what to do next, so he started to slowly move his hands up her belly towards her breasts. His hands were running over her lower ribs when...

"DUDE! ALRIGHT! I thought you were gay or something," Brendon said as he burst through the door.

Rowan and Sophie quickly retreated from each other and adjusted their clothing, Rowan doing his best to conceal his boner.

"Bro good on you. She's fucking hot!" He looked right at her. "You gonna introduce me?"

Rowan couldn't believe it. He had interrupted earlier that day, and through divine intervention his roommate was now returning the favor. "Sophie, this is my roommate Brendon."

She said, "Hi," meekly, and waved at him and stood up. She was beet red. Brendon extended a hand towards her and she obliged. They shook hands.

Brendon towered over her. She was about the same height as Rowan, at about 5'2", and Brendon was easily 6'4" or so. The height difference was almost comical.

"What were you guys up to?" Brendon was enjoying making them feel embarrassed, and stood in the doorway, imposing on them physically

"Sophie, I'll talk to you tomorrow," Rowan said, trying to put an end to this torment.

"O-okay," she said. They gave each other an awkward hug and said bye under their breath to each other one last time. After that, she avoided eye contact with Brendon and squeezed out the door. Rowan was elated but extremely pissed his fun had been cut short.

"So, how's it feel bro?" Brendon said, laughing.

Rowan knew he was referencing the fact that he had done the same thing to Brendon just half a day ago.

This was the first time they had interacted on something so intimate. Usually their interactions were very cordial but distant, almost done out of a necessity of maintain social order. This time, it really felt like they were 'bros' as Brendon kept calling him. He had never done that before.

Rowan rolled his eyes and responded, "Great!"

"Look, I didn't do it on purpose, but it was funny as fuck to return the favor. And what the fuck bro? She was super fucking hot! You never told me you were a lady killer."

It was clear that Brendon didn't realize that was literally the first girl he had ever kissed. Rowan played it cool, but he knew deep down he just lucked out. "Yeah, well, if you just came back when you usually do -- which is like, midnight -- then maybe you could have barged in on some REAL action," Rowan said, implying and fantasizing that he could have been fucking Sophie in that alternate reality.

"Well, I'll be honest. Earlier events caused me to change up my schedule." He laughed and went to the bathroom. Rowan heard the shower turn on. "Idiot," he muttered under his breath. He was too tired to wait for Brendon to finish, so he just slept in his daytime clothes without showering, or even brushing his teeth.

Before sleeping, he reflected on the success he had with Sophie. He shot her a goodnight text and shut his eyes. He was in a hurry to make it into the next day so he could see her again.

He hadn't felt this giddy in a long, long time.

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Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 3 years ago

Sorry I wasted my time reading this. This story is old as time, very predictable, a blind person can tell where this is going.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonalmost 3 years ago

Why is this in Loving Wives?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

Why a less than one-page chapter one? Unless the story is done, don't post less than 10,000 words, 7,000 minimum.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I haven’t read this and I’m not commenting on the story content instead I wanted to thank you for putting a trigger warning at the top of the first page.

So yeah, thanks for doing that, it’s appreciated.

Tess (uk)

MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 3 years ago

'Swear, this particular story has been written SO MANY TIME on this website...

The funny thing about it is that most of the commenters here already figured out where it us going! 'Fact is, it doesn't really take a rocket scientist to see how it will unfold.

Only trope people seemed to have missed is that the cuck's mom will also end up becoming his enemy's bitch, right next to his girl he's seeing... Hey, it's part of the nonsense.

Anyway, wrong category (so wrong, there's not even a mere girlfriend in this story!), pathetically predictable, as erotic as watching a turtle sleeps, and ultimately wrongly titled (it goes without saying that it will be the tiny, sad virgin who will end up corrupted, not really Sophie.)

Looking forward to see how low the ratings for this one will go, unless its author smarten up and move it to the right category... we'll see.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989almost 3 years ago

Again a story ends and lead you into looking for more. I suppose that is good but it really makes you feel put upon.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

You should be thankful for the small dicked husband story, it saved you from having the dumbest train wreck of a story today.

So that should make you happy. Just like stepping out of that closet would do too skippy. Step out, breath that fresh gay air, move along in life, find a husband to make you feel fulfilled and leave these lame attempts at writing in the past.

Equals87Equals87almost 3 years ago

Useless and a waste of time. This story is a copy of so many others.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another '1st post' from a made-up fake account so another author can post trolling stories to LW just to get a reaction out of them without risking their own ratings. Some of these writers probably have 15-20 fake 1-post accounts by now, perhaps more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So unless he marries sophie so she can then cheat with Brendon I am not sure why this is in LW section. I do see that coming as this is really telegraphing what will happen. The incest I guess is when his Mom comforts him for his loss.

GamblnluckGamblnluckalmost 3 years ago

And Brenden is gonna get Sophie and they are going to humiliate Rowan and destroy him...... yada yadda yadda 3 stars. Not badly written but totally predictable crap.

Realdeal123Realdeal123almost 3 years ago

How is this incest?

By the way I hope that this isn't some generic cuckold stories where Rowan suffering alone without doing revenge.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 3 years ago

Stopped reading when you made Rowan the stereotypical cuck. Below average height, below average physique. Below average ambition. Below average everything.

How about make him average. Could we try that? Could we TRY to make it at least a little more interesting than “the dude was so below average, he made average people look awesome. “

When you enter hell, I hope that you are forced to read below average stories for the rest of eternity.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 3 years ago

"Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content."...So why was this posted in LW? 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So tha info phoned in advance, visible evan fo blinds. Brandon fucks Sophie and Rowie cucky git sloppys anda creampies, right?!

Spare us dude, go back to tha McJob

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