Soulmates Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 01/14/2011
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A big thanks to AsylumSeeker for helping me edit this chapter. You're legend!


Dee drove like a mad woman to get to Maria's home. When they went inside, Ulisi called out, "Who's there?"

Maria snapped out of her thoughts. "Just me and Dee, I had to collect somethings." and raced upstairs

Dee headed over to Ulisi and sat down opposite, and the old woman said, "And here I thought I'd catch up with my reading". Marking the place in her Braille book.

Dee smiled a little. "Sorry, a little breakdown with Maria, she thinks that White Deer is wanting to control her emotions to be with Eric."

Ulisi arched a brow. "Well that's not possible, I made sure that wouldn't happen when she was three and called him Wa'ya."

Arching a brow, Dee asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Softly chuckling. "I was trained as a shaman Dee," Ulisi said. "I've been giving her herbs which blocks out any attempt of spirits to take over her body. Sure, I loved my sister but I wasn't going to let my granddaughter be influenced with her emotions if she tried. She might of gotten in with making Maria dream of Eric, but it's all Maria's thoughts about the man."

Shock covered Dee's features. She could of been pushed over by a feather at that moment. "Oh my. You sneaky old wolf."

Maria was on the way back down the stairs, not hearing the rest of the conversation but hearing 'sneaky old wolf'. There was only the women in the house, Eric wasn't there. She'd know if he was because of that tightened feeling in the stomach she got.

She was carrying a large box and asked, "Who's a wolf?" as she put it on the chair closest to them and looked at them both.

Both women froze this time and Ulisi sighed. "I guess I've been hiding my own secret for a long time, my child." She held out her hand which Maria took and knelt down next to her grandmother. Ulisi didn't know where to start. "I know you've probably had an emotional night, so right now wouldn't of been the best, but I guess now the wolf is out of the bag, I should tell you."

Maria looked over to Dee and saw her eyes down cast so she looked back at her grandmother. "What do you mean?"

Ulisi patted her hand gently and said, "I'm like Eric. The wolf spirit came to me after Dee left the tribe. He set me a task to complete, so, here I am fulfilling it. The task I can't speak of, just yet, but it was important things played out."

Maria stood up and tried to pull her hand free but Ulisi had a good hold of it so she couldn't. Maria was confused. "How come your appearance is of a old woman while Eric shows a young man?"

Smiling, Ulisi answered, "Because I wanted to age so I did something about it. But that will change once I release my wolf again." She patted her granddaughters hand again. "So what is wrong, why aren't you back at their home?"

Shaking her head a little, Maria a little stunned with that and now with the change of subject. "Because I don't know if the feelings I have are my own or of White Deer's."

Ulisi smiled. "They are all yours my dear. On your third birthday when you called Eric, Wa'ya, I started to give you herbs that would block any emotions of any spirits that wanted to try to use you. I loved White Deer greatly, but I wasn't going to let her influence what you thought or felt. When I felt something different in you each morning, I upped the magic of the herbs. Even when I spirit walked, I told her not to touch you again and she promised she wouldn't. So what you are feeling, those are your own, not anyone else."

Both women blinked with the added information. Maria took deep breaths to let it all sink in. If tonight was a dream then damn, she was going mental in them. "So what I feel is my own?" she repeated.

Ulisi nodded. "Yes, what you feel is the drawing of the wolf. Even though you haven't gotten your wolf yet, your heart knows where you have to be. I have seen in my visions that your place is with Eric so hurry up and get out of here and back in his arms before you confuse the poor boy any worse than he is already." She chuckled.

Maria blushed hearing her grandmother just pawning her off again. "Thanks Gran. You always know what I have to hear," and hugged her gently, kissing her cheek and stood up. Heading over to the box and picked it up.

Dee smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ulisi."

Ulisi smiled, and moved her hand in a shooing motion. "Get out of here, I have some reading to do." She stared ahead and found her place in her book and started to run her fingers over the bumps again.

The two women left and got back into the car and drove back to the apartments in silence.

* * * * *

Richard looked towards the door when he felt Dee's presence stronger. "They're back".

Eric nodded, even though he wasn't bonded to Maria, the pit of his stomach clenched when she was close by. He continued to pace until he was told he was allowed to go back to his Maria.

For both men it seemed to take hours till Dee walked back thru the door laughing to herself and both men stared straight at her for any answers she could give them to clear the confusion.

She decided to make them hold out a little longer to give Maria plenty of time to set up her surprise for Eric which was what she was laughing about when she got to her apartment. "She was scared," she told them.

Eric growled, "I know she was scared but I thought she knew I would never hurt her."

She poured herself a drink and shook her head. "That wasn't what she was scared about. She knows you'd never hurt her because she knows Richard and I would kick the living shit out of you if you touched a single hair on her body without her say so." she said smiling.

That confused Eric even more. "What was she scared of then?"

Dee went over to him and patted him gently on the shoulder. "She was scared her feelings weren't her own. She was scared, she thought White Deer was influencing her emotions."

Both men blinked. Neither of them had thought of that. They both knew White Deer would never do anything like that to jeopardize Eric's happiness.

Laughing at the look both men had, Dee said, "We went home so she could collect something and Ulisi reassured her that whatever she was feeling was her own and no one elses. The old wolf had been giving her teas so it stops spirits influences on her since she called Eric, 'Wa'ya' when she was three. Whenever she felt a change in her attitude, she'd strengthen it and so forth."

Eric fell back on the sofa, completely stunned at how far Ulisi went to protect Maria and her emotions. Then out of nowhere he said, "I guess Billy and his boys better make the new build faster when they start," he chuckled.

Both Richard and Dee looked at Eric curiously. "What build..." Richard asked.

Eric cringed a little. "Err, I kinda rang Billy before bout getting Maria's desk made and told him I wanted some refurnishing done on the floor below us. It's not being used so thought it would be nice if Ulisi moved in here. Better her being with family than by herself in that big house on her own. Was thinking like here, one side could be Ulisi's apartment and the other side Maria's studio space. That's if you don't mind? We aren't using it for anything."

Both them looked at each other and shrugged then grinned, then Dee said, "As long as we're allowed in the studio and not be kicked out each time she's working on a masterpiece." Which made them all laugh.

Then Dee jumped. "Shit, she's gonna kill me. Get over there now Eric. I told her I'd send you over as soon as I got back here."

Eric growled at Dee and quickly left through the offices. Eric couldn't believe Dee held him up from seeing his love because she wanted to talk. He moved through his apartment, tracking her scent, once it got stronger he said, "Maria, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of spoken so much of White Deer. I won't speak about her again."

Maria smiled looking over to him from the dining room table. "It's fine. I don't want to you to stop talking about her. I want to know about her, about your life as you should know about mine." She had the box beside her on a chair and started pulling out pictures and memories of her life. Even drawing she had done when she was younger, of a girl and a wolf together.

He went over to her and sat down and started looking thru the memories she wanted to share with him. For some reason, his wolf was content. With her showing trust in him of her private memories, he knew he would only ever be honest and open with her as much as he could.

* * * * *

As soon as Eric was gone, Dee smirked. "So where were we before the interruption?". She went over to the bar fridge and pulled out a bottle and poured the dark red liquid into a glass. She looked over to him and he nodded so poured a second glass before putting it back in the fridge. She took both glasses over to him and sat down on his lap and wriggled as she handed him the glass.

He groaned and arched his hips into her backside when she sat. "I think we were just about to do start some foreplay." He took a sip of the red liquid then screwed up his nose a little. "I hate human blood."

Dee nodded. "Same, but we have to, if we want to go to the reservation next week."

Even tho they were vampires, they were more pack than coven. They usually make kills of dear and bled them for their food. They did work during the day, but animal blood didn't have the kick to it, so they didn't do much traveling during sunny days. Human blood tho, for some reason when they went on the diet of only that, they were able to handle sunlight better. Especially the rare blood types. Tonight they were having a nice glass of AB-. For Dee and Richard personally, with their way of living. The rarer the blood type, the stronger they became during those days of their human diet.

Dee and Richard were both psychic vampires. While Dee specialized as a empath, Richard specialized in the mind. When they worked together, no secrets were ever able to be held on to. Against other vampires physically, they might not win a fight, but mentally, they could drive any vampire to madness quickly which made them a strong team in the city. The other vampires in the city knew, not to test the two, but they always offered help when covens were in need of assistance like Eric did for the weres.

Soon they had finished their drinks, the glasses on the table in front of them and Dee shifted to straddle him. She grounded herself hard against him which made Richard buck up again her. His hands moving to her hips and firmly rubbed his clothed self against her.

She flashed him a wicked grin and a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she sent him her thought of what they should do.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked before quickly picking her up and whispering, "As my lady commands."

She wrapped her legs around him as he stood and started to move herself a little more freely against him as he carried her to the bedroom.


To Be Continued.....

Due to the type of story this has turned out to be, I'm not doing any in depth sex scenes. But I do plan on writing them and posting them separately if you want to see the down and dirty side of this group. I do apologize if you wanted sex scenes in the story, but I think so far it has been a little to innocent for them. If you disagree, let me know and I can fix the other chapters up that could have them in it.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
cittrancittranalmost 12 years ago
oh shut up

Don't be a hater just because it isn't what YOU want. Jerk.

shanleyboyshanleyboyover 12 years ago

i like the story the way it is and its really really good. keep writing and please dont stop

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Second that motion

It's your story write it like you want to. The lady is right it doesn't have to all be about the lurid. A love story has a special beauty that some of us appreciate.

one_literate_ladyone_literate_ladyabout 13 years ago
Write your story your way!

Everything does not have to be all and only graphic, lurid, down and dirty sex.

As for the non-human category, wolf spirits, i.e. weres, makes this a non-human story. So do vampires. I would like to see details about how Richard remembers his siring, and Dee hers, and I would like memory details of what happened at the time Wa'ya lost White Deer, and what he went through with his brother, and also would like to see details of Ulisi's life, and semi-graphic is ok, yours obviously is not a butt and bondage story! I am enjoying it!

PaganKittyPaganKittyover 13 years ago
Very nice..

but very short. In my opinion, if you can portray the emotions and passion in words, then a sex scene wouldn't detract from the story. However, if you feel you can't bring that passionate need to life, then don't try because it will only detract from a very well written story. Keep writing, we will keep reading. =^_^=

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago
The name is literotica but...

I do like you story and can understand that you think it will detract from the story if you add sex,although if added correctly it can add to the story. However not everyone can write a love scene (including sex) as well as some authors can eg:Jaz Cullen,Doctor Wolf,Whitesabretooth or Mickey can to name a few so if you feel you can't write sex scenes that add the right emotional feel to it. THEN DON'T.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good start

but very short chapter.

if you're going to write with no sex (i.e. this is literotica) you need to put it under that category...not non-human.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 13 years ago
I like it!

It is great that the White Dear persona isn't able to take over Maria so that her feelings are all her own.

luv_romanceluv_romanceover 13 years ago

i like the story the way you are writing them. i do not read literotica just for sex....but more for the story. :)

keep writing... i will keep reading. :) you are doing just fine. :)

sexynoisesturnmeonsexynoisesturnmeonover 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Keep them coming :)

catman71catman71over 13 years ago
in deference to the site name

its literotica, not sex all the time fiction, sex in a sorry should move the story forward. not just be there for gratuity( and gratuity is a open term) so write what you want , nd make the characters flow to the conclusion of the story( and i do think it is a great story)

lucianloverlucianloverover 13 years ago
Wolfie love!!!

Whats a wolfie love story doing without wolfie love?!

Lets get it on girl!!!!

MizTMizTover 13 years ago

Your postings are really quick, which can be nice. However in this instance I would have preferred to wait alittle longer and gotten more pages. I know this is your first story and that in itself is wonderful. Just don't let the pressure of needing to post get to you. This is your story and you should tell it the way you want. If you think sex would take away from the story then don't put it in. If you are happy with posting only pone page, then tell me. You should be writing because it makes you HAPPY!!

I still think this is a very original story line and I'm enjoying watching it unfold. I get such a kick out of Ulisi giving Maria the herbs. And Maria getting her box of "memories" even before she knew of the herbs. She has such a rare quality about her, it's more than simple innocence. I look forward to watching Eric and Maria getting to really know each other. And whats up with Dee and Richard and this reservation that's coming up. Again, I like your story and will be watching for your next posting.

canndcanndover 13 years ago

I enjoyed the chapter but it was a little short. I am a tiny bit confused as to how it works in terms of the soul being the same but White Deer isn't a part of her in this lifetime? Wouldn't she still be a part of the person she is now? I think having a sex scene would be fine in it. I always dislike when people have an innocent virgin girl and then have the scene not reflect the innocence and how a person feels when they have their first time, esp if they are an innocent girl to begin with. As long as the scene stays true to her what her experience would be even though he's centuries old, then I think it is totally fitting that there be sex in it. I kinda felt like he pushed a little to much when he was trying to get a rise out of her and started taiking so dirty. She comes across as such an innocent that I think it would have overwhelmed her a bit, esp with how nervous she is and hasnt' dated even. So, again, just stay true to her. And it would be kinda interesting to see how Dee and Richard interact differently b/c of their being vampires. I'd like to understand them a bit more. I still am wanting to know how he came to e changed to begin with. Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

good story, my only request is to have the chapters longer. And anyone who wants big in-depth sex scene they can read other stories.

Mermaid2189Mermaid2189over 13 years ago
only request

when maria is mated to Eric and gains her wolf least include of what she looks like and kinda of how the changing process work's

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