Southern Belle Evie Pt. 01


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That's when I froze for the third time... or was it more. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Not long. A couple weeks maybe." She said, and finally relented in telling me more. "We went down to the beach at night with some friends. It's kind of a regular thing. So, one night, we were there, and he was all upset about some girl he was seeing who broke it off. I told him what an idiot she had been, and I tried to give him a little comfort and support and... the next thing I know... we're making out."

I couldn't believe I was listening to this. But worse than that, I was getting a little tingly just thinking about it. "Just kissing?" I squeaked.

She shrugged. "A little heavy petting. I didn't see it, but I felt it." She sighed like she missed it already. "Until we got home. Then... I went into his room... naked." She blushed her smile at me again. "We didn't think we should do it, so we sort of just used our hands."

"Have you had sex with him?" I asked.

She sighed and shook her head. "Not yet." She breathed. "He wants to. I do too, but I guess I'm trying to be a good girl." She giggled. "Failing; but trying."

Oh, my word! Her too? She saw the look on my face, and it must have made her think I was about to get mad, so she grabbed my hand and looked up at me. "It's not a big deal, really. I mean, we're both dating other people now. So, it's not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Wait!" I gulped on my own shock, and tried not to show that this was getting me a bit turned on. "You're dating someone, and cheating on him with Bobby?"

"Yeah, I guess." She admitted. "It's not like we're married or anything. And it's only cheating if you agree to be exclusive. Neither of us have."

"Well, no. But..."

"And we're not related." She asserted again. "And even if he does become my stepbrother, it's not illegal. If I want to, I could marry him. Hell, even you could! He's not related to either of us in any way you know."

There it was. I'd been thinking that very thing myself. But in my case, he was nine years younger than me. Of course, there were a lot more years between Mike and me. Still, it wouldn't be right. It would be... it would be hotter than Georgia asphalt in August, but not right. "I know, but it's not socially..."

She huffed and threw her hands down. "Socially acceptable?" she scoffed, tears threatening her eyes again. "That's what you were about to say, right? I never cared for that sort of thing before. Why should I now?"

I seem to recall using those exact words when I got pregnant before I got married right out of high school. It was an argument I had with momma when I said I wanted to have the baby. She said I'd be branded a harlot or some stupid thing like that. Momma yelled at me that it was socially unacceptable, and I yelled back that anyone who didn't like how I was living my life, didn't have to take over from me. It was my choice, like it or not. It got me so mad, I went and got married, just to prove her wrong. Ugh!

"But your boyfriend." I tried to hold my ground. "Doesn't he deserve for you to not cheat on him?"

She frowned, and looked at me with those big, dark eyes full of youth and life. She was so pretty. "Have you ever been cheated on?" She asked.

I blinked and wasn't sure where she was going with this. I nodded.

"Me too." She said. "And you know why? Because things got boring. I got boring. Well, we got boring. My boyfriend and me. Same kisses, same touches. I mean, it was like the same movie over and over. Kiss me this way for this long, then touch me here for so long while I touch you there. Then kiss this way while I take off my top. Grrr! Even I was bored with it! So, when I found out he slept with some other girl, and we had our big fight, he explained why he did it. And you know what? I realized he was right."

"You weren't mad?" I asked doubtfully.

"Oh, I was furious, and really hurt." She admitted. "But, after a week or so, I realized he was right. So, you know what I did?" she got a wicked little smile on her face and gave me a mischievous look. "I called him and told him to meet me at the beach one night, and I fucked his brains out on the lifeguard stand." She giggled. "That one, right over there."

"You did what?" I sounded like I lost the ability to speak, my words coming like little puffs of lost breath. I never heard Sunny talk like that before.

"And I didn't do any of the things we did before. Completely different." She sighed to herself. "It was the best revenge ever." She clung to my arm and held my hand again; all excited like. "He couldn't imagine why he ever broke up with me and asked me to be his again. I told him, 'This was just a booty call', and that I had already moved on."

"That wasn't very nice." I frowned.

She shook her head insistently. "No. No. It was very nice. He needed to move on too. And he needed to realize that things didn't have to be boring. That's what I learned. So, when things got boring, and I couldn't spice it up with my boyfriend, I spiced it up with Bobby." She shrugged. "I don't want to be stuck in the wrong relationship. You know? Bored and regretting it. Not me!"

Oh my god! Is that my life too? Mikey is nice and all; treats me well; takes care of me. But, yeah... I can predict when he'll come on to me, and exactly how our lovemaking will go.

It's Friday night, so we'll watch TV on the couch and he'll rub my feet. Then later, he'll rub further up my leg until he's grabbing my ass. Then we'll go to the bedroom, and he'll take my clothes off, take his own off, and pull me down onto the bed. He'll spoon up behind me, rub my pussy while he's inside me. Then he'll cum. With luck, I will too. And then he'll ask if I want some water before bed.

All told from couch to water will be about twenty to thirty minutes... same as last week, and the week before, and the week before that. We'll do it again on Sunday, and again on Tuesday or Wednesday maybe. Then Friday we start over. As predictable as the sunrise.

"You okay?" Sunny asked.

I blinked out of my own thoughts, smiled and nodded. "Yes, fine." I took a few more steps and shook my head. "Well, not fine. I mean, how am I supposed to be fine knowing that my daughter and son might be fooling around right behind a closed door not fifteen feet from where I sit in the living room."

Sunny sighed. "First of all, Evie, I'm your stepdaughter. Second, Bobby's not your son, or even your stepson yet. Thirdly... Umm... okay. There's no thirdly. But that should be enough, right? I mean, I get it. You're a little old fashioned, but I'm not doing anything wrong really."

"If he was your boyfriend, I still wouldn't want you having sex while I was right there." Then I sighed, because I heard momma's voice coming out of my mouth. Was every parent just a hypocrite for forbidding their kinds from doing exactly what they themselves did?

"I guess I can try to deal with it." I said reluctantly. "Just don't let Mikey find out. Okay?"

She giggled and lunged in to give me a peck on the corner of my mouth. "You got it!" she agreed. "Come on! Let's take our little treasures back and have a swim. It's hot and I need to cool off."

"Oh, I don't know." I said doubtfully. "This bikini is meant for sun, not surf."

"Oh, come on!" She laughed. "The water is calm enough. Don't be a wuss!"

We took our time getting back and found Bobby just coming out of the water where he'd been body surfing with a couple of good looking guys he probably knew from school. We sat together on the beach blanket and had some cold water. Then Sunny and I shared a half a sandwich each, soaked up some sun for a little while, and went splashing into the waves.

The ocean was a little chilly. One look at Sunny's bathing suit showed that. You could easily see the hard tips of her nipples trying to poke out through her top. I looked down at my own, and realized they were even more noticeable than hers. Like little bullets under my bikini.

She caught me looking, and giggled at my reaction, trying to cover my bikini top with my hands.

"Excuse me ladies." A male voice said. "I think you left your headlights on." It was Bobby with a poorly attempted British accent.

"Bobby!" I exclaimed, but we all had a little laugh.

Then, two figures came racing over the sand, sprinting towards us, and dove into the next wave headfirst. They both came up laughing, and Bobby splashed at them. "That's TJ, and that's Dean." Bobby said by way of introductions. "Sunny, and Evie." He added with a nod to each of us.

"Hello." We both said.

"Nice!" TJ said. He was a bit taller than Bobby, kind of wiry in his build, like he might make a good tennis player. He had what looked like an old 70's mustache, striving for the outdated macho look. It was hard not to find him a little cute though.

"You girls going to school nearby?" Dean asked. He was shorter, stockier, and reminded me of a pitbull. Broad shoulders that looked like they spread too wide, and thick arms with some crazy tattoos crawling up one in just black ink.

Bobby laughed. "Sunny is Evie's stepdaughter." He snickered. "And Evie is my dad's girlfriend."

"Oh, shit!" Dean gasped. "Sorry. I thought... you might be younger."

I blinked at him. "And just how old do you think I am?" I scoffed.

"Careful now." Sunny snickered. "It's a trick question. There's no good answer."

TJ laughed and took over. "I think it's just that... if you're going out with Bobby's dad, then... you're probably close to his age, right?"

Bobby huffed. "Yeah, you'd think so." He said in what sounded like a very disapproving tone. "He's got over twenty years on her."

TJ and Dean both went wide eyed at me.

I shrugged. "It's true."

"But you're not going to tell us your age?" TJ asked.

"That's a stupid question." Sunny giggled. "You're not too good at this 'talking to girl's' thing, are you?"

"Sunny." I scolded her, but with a very amused grin. "Be nice. And I'm not ashamed. I'm 29."

"Woah!" TJ gasped. "I mean, to look at you, I'd guess like 21, maybe 23 tops."

I smiled brighter. "Wow! Thanks. You lie like a rug, but thanks anyway."

"No, totally!" Dean agreed. "You definitely look younger."

"Well, I try to keep fit." I said.

"She doesn't try anything." Sunny snickered. "She's just being modest. Girl's got a bod that'll make you cry."

"Sunny!" I blushed at her.

"What? It's true!" She insisted. "She's up and jogging every morning she's not working early, spends about an hour on the elliptical every day. And she's been doing yoga for like... ever. Then there's swimming and tennis. She's like that Energizer bunny. Total health freak."

"Yeah?" TJ grinned. "And what do you do to stay in shape?"

"Me?" She wiggled a brow. "Not a thing. I'm just naturally this hot!"

They all laughed.

"Well," Dean began looking me over from the chest up in the water. "I can't see much, but what I can see looks... pretty hot."

"Trust me." Bobby agreed. "She is."

"Bobby!" I gasped at him. He never gave me a compliment about my looks before. It sounded sort of mean, the way he said it... or maybe a little dirty in a way. But he thought I was hot? Really? I wasn't sure that was such a bad thing, I guess. I liked that a young, good looking guy like him would still think I'm easy on the eyes.

"Come on!" he scoffed. "You don't work out like you do to NOT be noticed."

"You know," Dean said, "my dad owns the Gym off the highway, and his yoga instructor is gonna have a baby soon. He's gonna need a replacement. If you do yoga, maybe you could do a class or something."

Well wouldn't that just be peachy! I could ask. Maybe work nights when Mike is working late. Oh, but then I'd be leaving Sunny and Bobby alone in the house... not that I could stop them from having sex if they really wanted to. God, this was so awkward.

I tried changing the subject. Anything to get it off of my body and my stepdaughter's sex life!

We made some idle talk for a while until the water was making me shiver a bit, and my fingers had gone all pruny. "I'm going to get some sun." I announced and turned toward the shore. I swam till I was just able to touch my feet on the bottom and walk, when a rogue wave or something lifted up behind me, took me right off my feet, and tossed me back down... right on top of Dean!

He wasn't prepared for it either, and we both went down, tumbling into each other like a couple socks in the rinse cycle. I pushed off from the bottom, got to the surface, and immediately felt something was wrong. It took a moment before my brain caught on. My bikini top was missing!

"Oh no!" I squeaked and covered up with my back to the boys.

Sunny figured it out pretty quickly and laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. "Something wrong there, Evie?"

"Stop laughing and help me find it!" I gasped.

"Whoa!" TJ gawked at my bare back as he figured out what happened. "I mean, umm... does anyone see it?"

"Can't have gotten far." Dean said as he sputtered and wiped his eyes. He was right beside me, and probably was getting a fairly good look... but he wasn't even trying to find my top.

"Hey!" Sunny giggled. "Is there a reward if one of us finds it?!"

"Sunny! That's not funny." I hissed.

"No, that's a good idea." Bobby agreed.

"What the hell, Bobby?! No! No rewards. Just find my top!" I insisted, holding both my tits under my hands.

As if on the same script, all four of them just stopped and stood there frowning at me while the waves slapped at my turned back. Even Sunny didn't budge.

"You can go home topless, if you want. I don't mind." Bobby snickered, earning a laugh from the others.

"Come on!" I pleaded. "I'm serious. Help me find it."

"A little reward." Sunny suggested. "Nothing big. Like a kiss! That would be good, right guys?"

All three nodded, especially Dean who was now really searching the churn of foam and sand for my top. Even Bobby nodded at the idea. He couldn't expect me to kiss him, could he?

"Small price for a bikini top." Sunny winked as she waded closer. "Go on." She added more quietly. "A little something different doesn't hurt. Remember?"

"Oh, you can't be serious." I hissed back.

"Come on, Evie. It's just a kiss." She said in a hush. "Go on. It's all just fun anyway. Nothing bad will happen."

Oh, shit on a biscuit. There was no easy answer to this one. Coming out here in this wake with this skimpy little thing that would fly off in a stiff breeze! What the hell was I thinking? "Fine!" I spat. "Sure. A kiss to whoever..."

TJ immediately held up his hand, dangling my bikini top, and grinning like he'd just won the lottery. He splashed backward a bit as I took a step towards him, and grinned wider. "Come on." He laughed.

"Stop it." I scolded him, trying to keep my balance as the waves kept coming, and me trying to stay upright without moving my hands. "Come here."

"Nah, you come here." He snickered.

"TJ." Bobby warned. "Just let her have it."

TJ frowned, then grinned again. "I get my reward first, right?" he said.

"No! I get my top first and I put it on." I said. "Then you can have your kiss."

"If I give it to you, you'll just swim off." He shook his head. "Naw. I get my kiss first."

"It's okay, Evie." Sunny said. "Just go ahead."

Oh, you and I are gonna go round and round, little girl, I growled in my head. I stepped closer, almost went face first into the water once, but just managed to float until my feet got under me again. We met halfway, and I lifted my face up with lips puckered.

It all happened so fast! TJ reached around me and pulled me up to him. I tried pushing back at his chest to get him off me, which uncovered my tits. A tongue plunged into my mouth, and lips crushed to mine, and I didn't have the strength to shove him away. My bare breasts were pushed up to his bare chest, and he reached around to get a hand on my ass. A very big, strong, firm hand! Wow!

What the hell did you just do?! I scolded myself when I realized I had just moaned into this young man's mouth. My hands flailed at him a little more, but he was exploring my mouth with his tongue, and that left no room for my own tongue. So, I did what I always do when getting a deep kiss. I used my tongue in his mouth. I vaguely realized there were some 'Ooo's and Whoa's' being said by the others, but it was mattering less and less as the kiss went on and on.

He paused, grinned down at me like he knew he'd won some game, tilted my head the other way, and kissed me again. And I freaking let him! Damn it! Wake up you silly bitch! He's holding your ass, and you're liking it way too much! Stop kissing him back!

The second one lasted longer than the first, and I moaned into his mouth again. Finally, I was able to get my mouth off his, avoided his attempt at a third, and I took a moment to catch my breath. I realized all had gone quiet, and wondered what the problem was. Then I realized I was sort of floating there where I couldn't reach bottom, my arms around TJ's neck. I had one leg wrapped around his hip, clinging to him while he held me up, his hand still under my ass, and my exposed breasts now pushed up close to his face. If he wanted, he could just pucker up and kiss them both.

"Oh!" I slithered out of his grasp and down his body. As I dropped into the water, I could feel a hard bulge pushing against me under his trunks! Was that for me? Did I make him hard with a kiss? When I surfaced, there was some amused laughter, but you could feel how much the tone had changed. TJ handed me my top and I swam with my breasts submerged until I could stand again. I re-tied the top, slipped it over my head, and tried to reach around to secure it.

Sunny took a little pity on me and swam over to help. As she tugged the ties back and started making a bow, she leaned next to my ear. "That was fun, right?"

"It was embarrassing." I hissed back.

"Maybe, but fun." She giggled. "That looked like one hell of a kiss."

Yeah, it was, damn it! And I tried to remember the last time a kiss made my heart race like that. I couldn't. It was a long time, I'm sure... if ever. Mike never kissed me like that. Did he? Oh Shit! Get your head out of the clouds, Evie, or you'll drive yourself nuts!

I waded out of the water, went back to our blanket, and started packing up our things. I told myself that as soon as the kids were out of the water, we were leaving. They splashed and laughed, and generally had the sort of fun reserved for youth. I was mesmerized.

When I was their age, I was in a loveless marriage and unable to play like that. It was like I skipped a whole chapter of what my life's story was supposed to be. Maybe that's why I couldn't remember feeling so excited by a kiss. I never had one that did what that kiss did to me. Not since Jimmy.

All my boyfriends after my divorce were married men, and I knew they only wanted to fool around with a younger woman. But it also meant they didn't try to impress me all that much. I guess they knew they didn't need to. And I guess that's why I didn't really expect more from my current love life. I didn't really have much else to compare it to.

Finally, I saw Sunny convince Bobby that it was time to go. He gave his friends a fist bump and came out to carry the heavy cooler for us, and I drove us home in a sort of haze. Bobby and Sunny went into their sectioned off part of the house while I took a hot shower and put on a light top and shorts.

We grilled some chicken out back, cleaned up, and I called Mike to see what time he'd be home. He said he was on his way, and to save him a drumstick and a breast.

A breast, I thought. Your girlfriend was showing her breasts today. Not on purpose but still. And those big hands! TJ could hold half my ass in his one big hand. I could still feel his tongue sliding over mine as we...