Southern Belle Evie Pt. 01


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"Shit!" I hissed at myself. Stop it!

Sunny took the car to campus for her evening class, and Bobby said he was going to get some of his homework done, so I was all alone in the living room.

I got myself a glass of wine, curled up on the couch, and tried to find something on the TV to distract my already distracted thoughts. When Mikey finally did get home, I greeted him with my usual kiss and hug, got him his dinner, and we shared a little about our day. I obviously left off the most interesting part of mine.

Mike sometimes treats me sweet and all, but usually it's more like we're just friends who have sex a couple times a week. I don't know if I'm keeping him company or if he's keeping me company. Or maybe it's just familiar. I don't know. I never felt like I was missing something... until now.

On a whim, I got closer on the couch, turned his face toward me, and tried kissing him. Well, I did kiss him, but I tried to kiss him so it would make my little heart go pitter-pat like it did with TJ. It just didn't. It was a kiss. It was fine. Nothing wrong with it... but nothing right either.

Then, like clockwork, we watched something for a while, he rubbed my feet, caressed his way up my legs. Then we got into bed. It was a Friday, so we had sex. The same sex we had on Sunday. The same we had the Friday before. Undress, cuddle, kiss, spoon, five minutes of fucking, and "Do you want some water?"

Geeze! I wanted to cry. Before I talked to Sunny about her sex life, I was fine with this. Now I couldn't imagine why I ever could have been. Even when it was new, it was this dull. I had other boyfriends, but not many. In my whole adult life, I've had sex with six men, though I turned down a lot of offers from many more. And it wasn't always this boring... but it was close.

Jimmy was a tiger in bed when we were new. He did things to me I won't ever forget. But since him, things were a lot less exciting. My four affairs with married men were snatches of sex where we thought we could get away with it. They were usually quick, usually in uncomfortable places, and usually quiet so we wouldn't get caught. I had a one night stand with some guy I met while working at Danny's bar, and he took me to a motel. It was the first time since Jimmy that I screamed and moaned out loud without worrying who might hear. It was also the last time.

I figured it was because I was getting older, and my boyfriends were older still. I had to be realistic. Sex was a young girl's sport, and I wasn't as young as I used to be.

But after that kiss in the ocean, I was starting to wonder if maybe I just wasn't in the right league. I liked older men because they were mature and usually had a steady job and could talk about something other than football or baseball. But what if the younger players in the game used different rules? Sunny and Bobby certainly played by their own rules. TJ wasn't worried about kissing an older woman like I was about kissing a younger guy.

I got out of bed and wandered toward the kitchen for a glass of water, when I heard it again. A soft moan coming from Sunny's room.

"Oh no..." I whimpered to myself. They were at it again?

It was dark, but I had enough light from the windows to not stumble into things, so I crept closer. The pocket door was slightly ajar, so I very slowly slid it open a bit at a time until I could see Sunny's door. It was left partially open! In the dim light, I could only make out shapes moving on the bed.

Sunny's slim body was rocking up and down on top, and Bobby was reaching up for her from beneath! I inched in further until I could see them better. There was just enough light from her window that I could make out that she wasn't giving head this time. They were having sex! Really energetic, wild sex! Her quiet moans were so adorable, like a kitten mewing for her momma. Bobby sounded like a bull in heat, holding back his grunts and groans while that cute Asian girl ground her hips down on him.

I felt like my heart was going to beat a hole in my chest. Every move and every sound sent a shiver through me. As my eyes got more used to the dark, I was able to make out more detail. She was riding him backwards! She was leaning back so he could reach her little tits. I just stood there, like my feet was glued to the floor, watching every move and listening to every sound. I suddenly realized my hand was rubbing over my sex, and it felt lovely.

I wanted to back out, go back to bed. I told myself that's what I should do. But I didn't move. My other hand was now grabbing at my own breast, and I could feel my erect nipple under my little nighty.

Then it happened! Our eyes met! Sunny and me! She saw me! Shit! What now? I froze!

Sunny made a somewhat louder moan, and I heard her whisper. "Oh, Bobby! You're so deep inside me!"

She saw me! I'm sure of it. I could see her eyes and she could see mine. She said that because she knew I'd hear it. She... she liked that I was watching?! I think she smiled at me.

"Do you like my tits?" she hissed softly.

Bobby groaned his approval.

"Do you wish they were bigger?" she moaned and wriggled down on him. "Like Evie's maybe?"

Oh my god! What was she doing?!

Again, he groaned and I watching him push up into her, making Sunny give a little squeak of delight.

"Oh, you like that!" she quipped. "You like her tits! I'll bet she'd like this too!"

Sunny! What in God's name are you doing?!

"I bet you'd love to fuck her!" Sunny said in the dark. "Wouldn't you?"

More urgent grunting, and I heard Bobby groan out under his breath, "Hell yeah!"

I almost gasped out loud. Was that just them playing sex games with each other? Mike did that with me sometimes.

"You know what I'd like?" Sunny panted. "I'd like her to watch you fucking me like this!"

My body gave a shiver like someone tickled me. Her eyes met mine again, and she smiled.

"Or better yet..." she continued. "I'd like to watch you do this to her!"

Then, like something had set him off, Bobby went at it like his life depended on it. He bounced and thrust, and shoved, making Sunny's voice shift up an octave as she whimpered. She trembled and shook, and I knew... she was having an orgasm! A huge one!

Bobby kept thrusting up into her through her whole climax. Even after hers was over, he wouldn't let up. I wanted to be scornful of it, like he wasn't treating her sweet like he should. But instead, I... was sort of hoping he'd just keep going and make her eat his cum again!

All of a sudden, he made a deep groan. "I'm gonna cum!"

Sunny made a cute, excited little chirp, got off his cock, and spun around on her knees. Oh God! He's doing it! He's gonna cum in her mouth again! She's gonna let him!

His groans were in time with her moans, and he spasmed over and over. He grabbed her beautiful dark hair, and shoved his cock down into her open mouth. I was close enough to hear her swallow, then swallow again, then again! Good Lord, how much cum did he have?!

Just then, while watching my boyfriend's son cum in my stepdaughter's mouth, I had one hell of an orgasm. I bit down on it, trying to muffle the sound of my moans in the hem of my nighty that I stuffed in my mouth.

Finally, Sunny rolled to her side, and she met my eyes again as she lay her head on his heaving chest. Then, just to be sure I knew that she knew... she waved her fingers at me!

Shit! Quiet as a mouse, I backed out again, and scurried into the kitchen. I completely forgot what I was going out there for. All I knew is that what I just saw was... so very wrong... and so very hot! I could hardly breath, and the thundering of my own heartbeat in my head seemed loud enough to wake the whole house up.

Water! It was water! That's why I came out to the kitchen... and caught my stepdaughter and my boyfriend's son having sex! Oh hell, what was I...

A light hand touched my shoulder, and I almost jumped out of my skin! "Sunny!" I hissed at her.

"Sorry." She giggled. "I didn't mean to scare you."

I sat before I could fall and put my face in my hands. This was going to fry my brain for certain! How could I look at either of them now, knowing that they were having sex behind our backs just twenty or thirty feet from where Mikey and I had sex! This was crazy!

I felt a hand take mine, and reluctantly let her, then opened my eyes.

"It's okay, Evie." She said softly. "Nothing terrible happened. See? The world is still turning."

I didn't mean to sound angry, but I sort of did. "You said you weren't having sex with him!" I shouted in a sort of loud whisper.

"We weren't until tonight." She replied. "I'm sorry, but I was just... really disappointed with my boyfriend tonight, and I just needed to... to..."

"Have sex?!" I hissed.

She giggled and nodded. "I was horny and upset, and Bobby was so..." she sighed, "so big and hard. I couldn't resist."

"You should try harder." I said in a huff.

She giggled. "I was trying harder." She quipped, making fun with the word. "That's why I invited him into my room."

I couldn't help myself. I giggled at her and shook my head. "Sunny. I can't force you to stop..."

"Then don't try." She cut me off. "Evie, things are good with us lately. Don't ruin that by trying to be my mother."

I huffed again. She was right, of course. I could never be her mother. And she didn't want me to be anyway. We were like friends, and I hoped to be a little like sisters. So, what would a friend say? What would a sister say?

"Do you love him?" I asked.

"What!" she squawked. "No! I love his cock, but no. I'm not in love."

"But, why him?" I pressed further.

"Oh, Evie." She groaned. "Haven't you ever had sex just because it feels good?"

I nodded. "Yes, I suppose. But not with... you know... a maybe future relative." We both laughed a little, and I think the tension between us lightened a bit. It felt like it did anyway. "I hope you know what you're doing." I sighed.

She nodded. "I do. Don't worry. I'm fine. Better than fine."

I smirked. "You are better than fine. That might be the problem." I said, and she giggled back at me. "Well... I guess we should probably try to sleep."

She grinned. "Evie, I'm gonna sleep like a baby now." She said cheerfully. "I got just what I needed."

I huffed. "Easy for you to say." I said. "Watching you got me all... wound up."

"Well, go get some for yourself!" she insisted. "I'm sure Mike won't mind waking up for a midnight quickie."

I frowned. "We already had one." I said a little sadly.

She blinked at me, then got that sad look on her face too. "Oh, Evie." She pouted at me. "I'm sorry."

"Go on." I shooed her away. "I'm just gonna get me a glass of water and have a think."

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked. "Don't need company?"

I shook my head. "If you're here, I'd just be thinking of you waving at me." I fluttered my fingers at her like she had done to me.

She laughed. "Well, okay then." She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the corner of my lips. She took a few steps, then stopped and looked back. "I know you enjoyed it." She said in a hush. "I know you liked watching us. I saw you... touching yourself. It was hot, knowing you could see us."

"Sunny, don't." I pleaded.

"I'm just saying." She sighed. "It's okay to admit you liked it. That's all."

She blew me a kiss, and I returned it. Then I got my water and sat looking out to the empty street outside. I wondered if I went back into the bedroom, if I could wake Mike for another quickie. Would he want to? Would he be able to? We hadn't had sex more than once in a single night as long as we've been together. I wasn't sure if it was his lack of interest, or his lack of ability. Maybe he couldn't get it up again.

I wondered if Sunny would creep into Bobby's room later for a late-night quickie. I'd bet he would be 'up' for it. He was probably hoping she would. Then I wondered if TJ was thinking about holding my ass, his face almost kissing my tits. I wonder if he had someone for a late-night quickie. What would he do with me if I snuck into his room in the middle of the night?

"Stop it, Evie!" I told myself. Just go to bed and stop thinking about it.

That night, sleep avoided me until the very small hours of the morning, and I awoke to a dream still playing in my head like the end of a movie I'd been watching. I was being held up in the water, my bikini completely gone, and a big hand had a hold of my ass. I remember kissing, long and deep, and thinking 'how could I get away with having sex with this younger guy without Mike finding out.' I felt the guilt, and the arousal smash into each other, and just as he let me down enough to feel his cock touching my sex, I kissed him again, wrapped my legs around him as we got into position. It was going to happen! I was going to let him inside me! I opened my eyes. "Bobby!"

I almost shot out of the bed like a Fourth of July rocket! Where the hell did that dream come from! Mike was still asleep, and I felt my heart racing. Well, there was no way I was going back to that dream. I needed to get up.

I had to get to the golf club for seven. It was only five, so I had plenty of time. Shower, hair, makeup, my uniform, then I'd get a coffee in a travel cup, and go.

Mikey was stirring when I got out of the shower, and I was still feeling frisky from that dream that disturbed me. I went over to him in my towel, climbed on top, and smothered him with some morning kisses. Then I wriggled my way into the sheets and out of my towel as I straddled him... but he wasn't hard! I got him to hold me, and caress my hips and rear, but his cock remained stubbornly limp.

A few minutes of my failed attempt at morning sex, and he got up, pulled on his boxers, and headed for the kitchen to get some coffee.

With a lump in my throat, I finished getting ready, got my coffee and kissed Mike goodbye. He never even said a word about my coming on to him. At least Sunny and Bobby slept in, and I didn't have to pretend last night didn't happen to their faces.

On the way to work, I remembered Dean mentioning that his dad owned the gym nearby, and that he needed a yoga instructor. I pulled into the parking lot at the club, looked up the phone number for the gym. They weren't open, of course, so I left a message with my name, my number, and that I heard they needed a yoga instructor. I also mentioned that I heard about the opportunity from his son, Dean, and could I come in for an interview? Then I grabbed my purse and coffee and hurried to the bar to serve up Bloody Mary's and coffee for the early morning golfers.

You know how most dreams fade just minutes after you wake up? Well, that didn't happen! The whole day, I was haunted by that crazy dream, and I kept thinking about watching Sunny and Bobby going at it, and how she let him cum in her mouth! I think I've let a man cum in my mouth like six times in my life, and all but two were when I wasn't expecting it. They just didn't warn me. I couldn't understand why she did it willingly. I just remember it being... kinda gross. But she seemed to like it, if her moans and smacking lips were anything to go by.

Then there was TJ's hand on my ass, that kiss that lasted too long, and how it made me feel after. I felt guilty, but I wanted to do it again! I loved that look on his face when he was right between my little tits. The feel of his bulge as he held me. The way he felt as I slid down his body. And my dream! Kissing TJ, then he turns into Bobby just as we start having sex! What the hell was that about?!

I finished my work day and the evening staff had just arrived, so I got my things, and rushed out of there. I definitely could use the extra income, and if I liked the gym, and they liked me, this could be good for me. Not to mention fun. I love yoga! Well, fingers crossed. Like Momma used to say, 'Fix your makeup, fix your hair, chest out, and a big smile. That gets the door open. The rest is in god's hands.'

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Not a bad start. Please give us another chapter.

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