Sparrow & Tulip


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"I messed things up between you and Nate?" Theo asked.

"No, I did," Kawehi said. "So get rid of that guilty look. The bond between us has been naturally dissolving for a while. Nate will finish his term of combat duty soon and he'll be eligible to transfer out to one of the colony worlds with his partner. Honestly, we've never gotten along as well as we should have."

"Ah, then Colonel Teydora is wrapped up in this," Amanda said. "While I was grateful that she sent her own operatives, it was a little puzzling. That might also explain Jaxson's decision to help Emma find Theo a couple nights ago."

"She tasked us personally to assist the recovery," Kawehi said. "I'm sorry but I don't know more than that."

Amanda waved away the apology. "I've dealt with her on the council before. She's always up to something and manages to surprise to everyone else on a regular basis. Changing the subject, I'd like to spend one evening with my nephew. Is it necessary to head for the Ranch immediately?"

"We've got guest rooms," Mirjam said to Kawehi.

"Unless you're already used to sharing a bed," Emma chimed in, causing Theo's face to turn went a deep red.

"Emma!" Amanda and Mirjam exclaimed at the same time.

"It would be an honor," Kawehi said, grinning.

"That's what we'll do then," Amanda said. "Actually, this may work out for the best. I was summoned offworld yesterday and was worried about these two wearing out poor Nikolai."

"Speaking of which," Mirjam said with a glance at her watch.

Amanda smiled at her. "Yes, dearest. You should all know that my Warden bullies me mercilessly."

"What she means is that I do not allow her to work more than ten hours at a time," Mirjam said, getting up.

The rest of them stood up and Mirjam went over to Theo and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Little Bird, deep in my heart I know that you would never try to hurt any of us. But I've been protecting Amanda for a very long time and I can't take chances with her safety. Those evil scum have one more thing to answer for."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize..." he started to say but she put a finger across his lips.

"If you are going to apologize for being abused or kidnapped, it will make me very irritable. None of this is your fault and I hate that you're mixed up in any of this. They will clear you by the time we're back on Earth. You will live with us. No arguments."

"Yes ma'am," Theo said.

Mirjam cupped his cheek for a moment. "I cannot begin to express how happy I am that you've come back to us."

"I meant to ask, why is this unit losing a member?" Amanda asked, as they waited for the thick door to open.

"Their demolitions sergeant was badly injured in an attack," Kawehi said. "His breastbone and several ribs were broken badly enough that he'll need extensive rehabilitation. The rest of the team will need to adjust their roles and begin working with a replacement to get back up to operational status."

"He was wounded that badly? Broken bones alone..."

Amanda stopped as Marisol cleared her throat. "Response Teams don't use advanced medtech, Amanda. Operations decided that it posed too much of a risk for exposure."

"I don't think that authorizing its use this once will expose us to the Dominion. Jaxson, I want to authorize offworld medical technology for a member of an IRT."

"I'm sorry, Lady Tulani, that's not possible," a smooth androgynous voice replied. "Intrusion Response Teams do not have the budget available for advanced medical treatments."

"Your function is not to inform me when something isn't possible," Amanda said, suddenly curt. "Your function is to create a path to a solution."

"That is not completely accurate," the Synthetic replied. "Sergeant James Shepherd cannot be approved for advanced medical intervention as the situation currently exists. If he were attached to a different activity, and the funds were available, it would be possible. However, conversational context indicates you want this individual to remain with his current duties."

"Then begin the process of bringing James Shepherd into my personal household. In fact, attach the entire team to my family."

"I will begin producing the required documentation immediately."

"An easily solved problem is a rare gift," Amanda said, smiling at the rest of them. "Theo, I'd like to take you to your new home."

The little group emerged from the Administrator's Office. Nate was reading something on his tablet but stood up as they walked across the reception area. Lily, the woman behind the desk, stood up as well, lifting a strap and putting it over her shoulder. Theo thought it was her purse, but as she stepped out from behind the desk, he saw that it was one of the compact guns like Marisol's team carried. They went out into the large, well lit, main tunnel with Lily walking a little way behind them. Nate joined her and when Lily saw Theo looking back at her she winked at him and smiled. He nodded and tried to smile back.

Things were more crowded now and the tunnel was full of people walking back and forth. They took up the entire width of the tunnel and Theo didn't see any of the carts driving around.

"It's shift change," Emma told him.

"How many people are here?"

She shrugged. "It changes all the time, a lot of people get trained here and then move on. Jaxson, what's the current population?"

"Hello, Emma. Total inhabitants currently number just over twelve thousand. Permanent training cadre and research staff make up fifty-two hundred and six entities."

"Who's that?"

Emma held up her wrist and showed him the miniature tablet she wore on her wrist. "He's the Synthetic Intelligence that does all the administrative work for Echo."

Ahead of them, Theo noticed a man glancing back at them. He had a gun over his shoulder, the same as Lily. Theo didn't see anyone else carrying weapons and wondered what was going on. Emma took his hand as they walked.

It's okay, that's Charlie. He's part of her security. His post is across the tunnel from the office.

Someone might attack her here?

She half-shrugged. No idea, but Mirjam regards paranoia as her default existence. You get used to it.

She was right, he'd adjust but Theo wasn't sure he wanted to adjust to this kind of life. But Tulip was here and she managed, so he would too.

The tunnel systems were quickly emptying as they walked. There was a flash of bright light ahead and Theo looked down the smaller passage that crossed the main tunnel. People were disappearing through a large double door into very bright sunshine.

"It comes out in the back of an old car dealership," Emma explained. "There's a limit on how many people can be outside at once, so everyone hurries out as soon as they're cleared."

Theo grimaced. "Cleared? You're not allowed to just go outside when you want?"

Emma pointed up. "Spy satellites. We're camouflaged under a small town and thousands of extra people suddenly appearing disappearing would make it pretty obvious that something unusual was going on."

Theo nodded, swallowing. Having to ask permission just to go outside sounded a lot more like the life he'd just escaped.

I know, but it's okay, Emma tapped into his palm. You can go out whenever you want, I'll show you how later.

He nodded, feeling a little better. Ahead of them, the tunnel narrowed and there were a lot fewer people moving around. Instead of the utilitarian metal doors in the walls he'd seen almost everywhere else, there were alcoves carved into the walls creating small seating areas with deeply inset doors. The alcoves were all miniature gardens with furniture set up almost like a living room. A few of the more ornate ones even had small fountains. He couldn't figure out how they kept the greenery alive underground until they followed the tunnel around a curve and he noticed a man adjusting a system of mirrors that spread the light around a small ornamental garden.

"This is where most of the Garragh refugees live," Amanda explained. "On Garradya, traditional homes had welcoming areas in front of them. We're very careful about anything unusual on the surface, so people began to reverse the arrangement, putting the greeting places out of sight underground."

"There's regular houses on the other side?" Theo asked.

Emma nodded. "They're set into the side of the canyon. It gets stupid hot and then ridiculously cold in the desert. The surrounding rock provides the best insulation against both. You'll see more people back here than in the front part of the house, it's way more comfortable."

The alcoves were getting larger and more ornate as they walked, until the tunnel ended at the largest of the gardens. In addition to areas to sit, there were several fountains tinkling and a ornate archway of carved stone in the shape of a pair of intertwined tree trunks that rose to meet the top of the tunnel. Large branches were carved in high relief across the roof, continuing the illusion of massive sheltering trees. As they got closer, Theo saw that the trunks had been made to look as though they were draped with ribbons and ivy. Actual ivy grew in pots at the base of the trunks as well, the green leaves contrasting with the multicolored stone.

As they passed between the carved trees, Theo realized that they were at Amanda's house. More than anything else, the space illustrated Amanda's position here.

"This is magnificent," Kawehi said, looking around.

Mirjam chuckled. "She was very embarrassed when she saw it for the first time."

Amanda did look a little uncomfortable to Theo as she shrugged. "I didn't ask for any of this. It was created while I was offworld. The carvings represent the trees that guarded the entrance to most gardens. The house I grew up in was famous for the size of our garden gate and that's what these represent. There were plans to recreate the trees for the other houses, but no one ever moved ahead with the idea."

Mirjam smiled as they walked through. "Because none of them would even think about having anything as beautiful as the Lady Tulani."

Amanda frowned at her but didn't say anything. "I made this a public space, a garden for all of us. Of course, no one uses it."

There was a collection of chairs and low couches near one of the fountains and the five of them sat down. Theo realized that Charlie had disappeared, and he didn't see Lily behind them anymore. Others were appearing in the other gardens but with the vegetation and fountains, Theo could barely see them, let alone hear them.

A set of double doors swung open and Theo smiled as he saw Rachel come out into the garden. With her was a man with dark hair and blue eyes that lit up when he saw Theo.

"Theo, I'd like you to meet Nikolai Szercherin," Amanda said. "He is the Steward to our household and helped take care of you when you were younger."

The tall man was smiling widely and tears ran down his cheeks as he clasped hands with Theo. He made a small speech in something in the same language Amanda had used earlier.

"Theo never learned Shareef, Dad," Rachel said gently.

"My error," Nikolai said, wiping his eyes. "Then I'll have to be content to say welcome home, Theo. We've all missed you a great deal."

"I'm happy to be back, sir," Theo said, embarrassed.

"Let's go get the trays, Dad," Rachel said. "I think Birdie is a little overwhelmed at the moment."

Theo was about to offer his help but Emma was already taking his hand again. Nate had appeared again and Kawehi stood up to make introductions.

Just sit down for now, Emma tapped. He'll have a cow if you try to help.

I don't want servants!

She shook her head as they all found places to sit and she'd taken his hand again.

Just take a deep breath. It's a special occasion and Nikolai likes ceremony. He was one of the people that helped raise us. He's a Steward, not a servant. Niko is more like a mayor and CEO rolled into one.

Theo frowned. What's a CEO?

A smile tugged at the corner of Emma's mouth. "He oversees two of the Tulani corporations for Amanda. They're big, on multiple worlds. In his spare time, Niko is a spokesman for the refugee Garragh here.

This is going to be exhausting.

Emma nodded and put her arm around him again. Just tell me if you need a break.

Kawehi and Nate were sitting on a couch next to Amanda and Mirjam. Nate nodded at him and Theo nodded back. Nate didn't look as angry as he usually was around Theo, which was a relief. Nikolai and Rachel returned with several other people, all of them carrying trays loaded with food and drinks. The trays were set on the table and Theo felt better when the newcomers sat down with them and took drinks from the trays.

Everyone was picking up glasses and talking at the same time as Theo was introduced to everyone and immediately forgot their names. Rachel handed him a glass, smiling at him.

"Are you freaking out yet?" she asked in a low voice.

"Getting there," Theo replied.

She sat down on the other side of him and surprised him by putting her arm around him. Nate glanced at him again and a wry smile appeared on his face as he shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Kawehi asked.

Nate nodded over at Theo. "I don't know how he does it, but the kid seems to always end up with the best seat in the house."

Amanda glanced at Theo and chuckled. "Except that they're his sisters and both of them are skilled in unarmed combat. You're probably witnessing the last peaceful moment between the three of them."

"I hadn't thought of that," Nate said. "A pair of older sisters that grew up here? Good luck, kid."

Why does he call you kid? Emma asked as everyone chuckled.

Because he's a jerk.

After a while, the trays of food were taken away and fresh drinks appeared. Nikolai took one and stood up, raising his glass.

"All praise and honor to these brave warriors."

There were murmurs of agreement from everyone. Then it was Kawehi and Nate's turn to be embarrassed as each person repeated Nikolai's words and thanked the pair.

"And our lost one," Nikolai said, looking to Theo. "Welcome, Tulani Chevarista et Elouan, Ynnyth Jaanthelme Thonya. May brave heroes always guard your steps back to us."

Theo was as embarrassed as Kawehi and Nate had been as everyone repeated his name, holding up their glasses. Rachel hugged him tighter for a moment.

"I have the feeling that Theo is about to crawl into the nearest shrub," Amanda said. "Thank you all, you do our household honor."

After that, it seemed more like a regular gathering to Theo; people standing around in small groups chatting with each other. Thankfully, no one toasted Theo again although people came and sat down and chatted with him, welcoming him home and introducing themselves again. Theo did a little better remembering this time but he still had no idea what they were talking about half the time. After an hour or so, Theo was holding back yawns and people began to disappear as suddenly as they'd appeared.

Amanda and Mirjam got up and headed for their home, Theo and Emma followed them along with Nate and Kawehi.

"It's time for me to be on my way," Nate said when they reached the door. "Welcome home, Theo. I'm glad you're back where you belong."

"Thank you," Theo said. "I'm sorry I disrupted everything."

Nate surprised him by shaking hands. "I was damned impressed by the way you went after Shep, even if I didn't show it. Your family is lucky to have you around again."

"Walk easy, Nathan Durant," Kawehi said and they hugged tightly.

He kissed her on the cheek. "Keep yourself safe, crazy woman."

She kissed his. "You do the same. Tell Aimee that she's a lucky woman for me."

"I keep telling her, but she's still not convinced," Nate said with a grin. He nodded at Rachel and Emma before heading back to the tunnel.

"That's it for you guys?" Rachel asked as they went inside.

Kawehi shook her head. "We've got some work to do dissolving our bonding, but it's kind of an intense process. Better to say goodbye while we're both in a good state of mind."

"You need to get some sleep," Emma told Theo.

"Do not." Theo yawned and the other three laughed. "Why am I so tired? You guys look fine."

Rachel laughed. "Are you kidding me? I'm exhausted."

"Same here," Kawehi said. "I was living on coffee the last couple of days. Which one is the guest room?"

"Right here," Rachel said, opening a door. "There's another one next door for you, Theo."

"He's sleeping in my room tonight," Emma yawned. "You see what happens when I'm not around to keep an eye on him."

Theo shrugged, suddenly too tired to argue about having his own room. He mumbled a goodnight to Rachel and Kawehi and Emma led him to another room. Theo wanted to look at everything and learn more about Emma, but he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


When Theo woke up the next morning, Emma was nowhere to be seen. He found the bathroom and there was a note on the counter saying that she'd gone running with Rachel. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Theo followed the sound of the voices and found Mirjam and Amanda eating breakfast with Kawehi.

"There's eggs and the rest on the counter," Amanda said. "I'm glad you're up, I was hoping to see you before we left."

Theo said good morning to them and went to find the food. Kawehi laughed when she saw the mound of food he'd gotten.

"It's only funny because you've never seen Emma eat," Amanda said.

"I was thinking that we're going to knock a few walls out for a new pantry," Mirjam said, winking at him.

Theo had been embarrassed at first but none of them were laughing at him. And Amanda just said that Emma did the same thing. Anyway, he had every intention of eating everything he'd taken. Theo put a forkful of eggs in his mouth as his stomach made a loud grumbling noise. That led to more laughter.

"Just in time," Mirjam said.

"These are really good," Theo said. "Who should I thank?"

"I wish I could claim to be the chef, but there is a woman that cooks for us. Jaxson, would you see if Theladuine can give a few moments?"

Theo managed to not look around to see who she was talking to this time. A few seconds later, Jaxson said that she'd be with them in just a minute.

"Is he always listening?" he asked.

"That's a complicated question, Theo," Amanda said. "It's sort of yes and no at the same time. Sorry."

"That's okay," he said. "Interesting things are always like that."

Amanda smiled at him. "You are surely your father's son. Oli'vehndra said things like that many times."

"I'd like to hear more about him and Claire when you have time," he said, smiling back.

"I will make the time," Amanda promised. "Jaxson?"

"I'll adjust your schedule," the voice said. "Theladuine is here."

Theo stood up as a friendly looking woman stepped through one of the doors. She was tall, with the same color hair as Amanda but her eyes were a lighter gray. She had a friendly smile as she came into the room.

"Sure as Mercy wills, that is young Lord Jaanthelme Thonya!" the woman said in a heavy accent.

"There he stands in the flesh," Amanda said, the same accent in her voice now. "Sure and he's fresh arrived yesterday. True and no time I have to be meeting everyone and true I say when I am back. But he wanted to thank you for your wonderful food. True and we all give thanks."

"It was really good," Theo added. "And please just call me Theo."

She smiled widely at him. "And I'm thanking you for your name, my lord, sure and I'll take that honor then. It's a million thanks, true I say, for the path back home."

She gave the others a casual wave and then curtsied at Theo before disappearing back through the door. Theo sat down before anyone could bow at him again.