Sparrow & Tulip


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"Sure and true I say, I can think of a question he has," Mirjam said imitating the accent and then took a sip of coffee. Something about her deadpan delivery made Theo laugh and Mirjam flashed a very quick smile at him.

"We were just discussing all the things you might need help adjusting to," Amanda said. "Family was Item Three if you're curious."

"Thank you. Do I want to know what are the first two are?"

Beside Amanda, Mirjam widened her eyes and shook her head quickly. Theo laughed again. Kawehi watched the pair, fascinated. She'd been curious about Lady Amanda's Warden and had asked around. There had been a few stories and all of them mentioned her lack of emotion and ruthless determination to keep her Ward safe. So much so that Kawehi had been concerned about Theo being in the same house with her since he was technically a threat, no matter how unlikely. She had been a little surprised to see Mirjam openly affectionate with him, however brief it might have been. But now they were sitting there, trying to make each other laugh! Meanwhile, Amanda gave her Warden a look that was half exasperation and half fondness.

"I do not sound like that," Amanda said to her. "Theo, item one is this place," she said, gesturing to the white stone ceiling above them. "Item two is your new family, as in the three of us. And item three is something called the Great House Tulani. But it's as complicated as everything else, I'm afraid. Don't worry about people bowing, she is something of a tease."

Mirjam nudged her with a shoulder without saying anything. Amanda sighed.

"Now I can't use 'tease' in my vocabulary either?"

"The word used that way implies more of a sexual connotation than you were expressing."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Are there any words in this English that don't have sexual ties? Theo, I didn't mean the cook was interested in titillating you."

He glanced at Kawehi, but she was controlling her facial muscles which didn't give him much of a clue. Theo hadn't ever heard the word 'titillating' before, but it sounded pretty dirty. His face was so hot he figured it was glowing. "Uhm, okay."

"Excuse me," Jaxson's voice said. "Administrator, your shuttle will be boarding in twenty minutes."

"Can I watch that?" Theo asked as they stood up. "I've never seen a real spaceship before."

"You're more than welcome to watch," Amanda said. "But it's not very impressive, I'm afraid. These ships take off like airplanes. In the dark, all you'd be able to see are the lights. That's why we leave at such horrible times."

"Don't let Emma torture you too much," Mirjam said, touching her head to Theo's.

She stepped back and let Amanda touch her forehead to Theo's. She watched closely but Kawehi didn't see the tension that had been there yesterday.

"I apologize again for the timing," Amanda said. "When we're back together we'll spend some time together."

"Have a safe trip," Theo said as they left. He looked down at his half-finished plate and sat back down.

"Finish your breakfast, there's more than enough time to get to a window," Kawehi said, refilling her coffee. "Your brain isn't leaking out of your ears at least."

"None of this feels real."

Kawehi nodded. "That's understandable. You're handling it better than most new arrivals if that helps."

"Are there a lot of those?"

"Not here so much, but the technical sites see some when new specialists are recruited. Military specialists are recruited as well, but they're not assigned to Echo until they've acclimated."

Theo rubbed his eyes. "Okay, now my brain is melting."

Kawehi stood up. "I can help a little bit with that at least, Mr. Theo. We're going somewhere that's slightly less surreal. I'll get transportation lined up and when your sisters are back, we can hit the road."


The van bounced and swayed as it headed down what they called a road around here. Theo would have called it a two-track, and not a very good one at that. Like watching his aunt's shuttle taking off, the van they were in was something of a let-down.

He'd been excited when he'd first seen the faded blue and thoroughly dented Econoline, wondering what kind of super technology was hiding under its skin. Sadly, it was exactly what it appeared to be, a beat-up old van with the faint smell of boiled cabbage inside. At least the air conditioner was working, which was a good thing, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and even with the AC, the inside of the windows was hot to the touch.

Their driver was an average looking man who didn't say very much. Kawehi was in the passenger seat, snoring quietly. Rachel was on the last bench seat, sleeping as well. Theo and Emma were on the first bench, holding hands. Theo looked out the windows but Emma had her eyes closed, half dozing. On one side, a barbed wire fence appeared and they drove beside it fence for miles. Finally, in the distance, Theo caught sight of a cluster of buildings.

This is all for the place we're going? he tapped into her hand.

She opened her eyes and looked out the window. I guess so. It takes a lot of room to grow cows, I guess.

He grinned at her. Raise cattle?

"The only time that cows are interesting is when they're seared on the outside and a warm pink in the middle," Emma said out loud.

"You're terrifying people again," Rachel said sleepily from the back seat.

That got a chuckle out of the driver. Kawehi had woken up as well and smiled back at them. A few minutes later, the van stopped in front of a large ranch house. They grabbed their bags and walked up the stairs. Even being in the sun a couple of minutes was brutally hot and the shade of the porch was a relief. An older couple got up from their chairs and met them at the steps.

"Welcome to Camp Lazyass," the man said. He had long gray hair in a braid and huge walrus moustache.

"Officially, Big Sky Ranch," the woman said, poking her husband in the arm. She had glasses and her own long gray hair. "Our rotating guests named it that and I can't make anyone stop. I'm Nora and this is Henry. Welcome!"

Kawehi traded a hug with Henry before doing the cheek kissing thing with Nora. Theo saw that Emma was oddly tense as Theo introduced himself. When she said hello, there was a strained smile and half-nod, making him even more curious. Henry and Nora looked slightly uncomfortable but determined to be friendly. Theo looked at Emma for a clue to what was going on, but she wouldn't look at him.

"Jim Sheppard showed up a couple of hours ago," Henry said, as he led them into the house. "Or maybe I should say, a truck arrived with a whole bunch of offworld tech with Jim Sheppard stuck in the middle. Marisol and her crew just finished moving furniture around."

"I'd like to say hi when there's a chance," Theo said.

"We've got a pretty informal schedule here," Henry said as they followed him down a flight of stairs. Theo assumed they were going down to the basement, instead it was another construction like Echo, the living areas insulated from the temperature extremes outside.

"He's at the end of this hallway," Henry said, pointing.

"Drop your bags and we'll go say hi," Kawehi said.

As they walked down the hall, he glanced in the rooms they passed. Most of them looked just like his, a double bed, a few pieces of art along with a dresser and wardrobe. Most of the beds had been slept in and half-made again.

Another open doorway revealed a much larger room with a bar and game tables.

"Is that a foosball table?" Rachel asked Emma as they passed.

She half-shrugged. "Yeah, I think so. I didn't really see this part when I was here."

Theo was getting tired of not knowing what was going on and took his sister's hand.

What's wrong? What happened here?

It's okay, I'll tell you later.

Before he could argue, Deidre stuck her head out of a doorway at the end of the hall.

"Get in here!" she called.

Inside the room was another large room, seen, minus the game tables and bar. In the middle of the room, Shep was propped up in a hospital bed with some kind of machines clustered around him. Deidre and Marisol were checking Shep while the rest of the team was sprawled on couches nearby.

"Look who it is," Jonesy said, trying to get up. "Where are we headed now?"

"Sit down before you fall on your ass," Marisol ordered. "Hi y'all. Someone had way too much to drink last night."

"Wrong!" Jonesy said gleefully as he laid back down. "I had too much to drink this morning thank you very much."

Now that Theo noticed, they all looked like they were recovering from the same thing that had happened to Jonesy.

"C'mere," Deidre said, taking Theo's hand and leading him to the bed.

Shep's eyes were half open and glassy but he noticed Theo and half smiled at him.

"Hey cousin," Theo said quietly. "How are you feeling?"

Shep giggled. "Stoned as a goat."

Deidre sat down beside the bed and rested her hand on top of Shep's. "They had to load him up on pain meds for the trip here. I'm guessing this has something to do with you? We don't usually get advanced medtech."

"Aunt Amanda didn't like that your team was getting taken apart," Theo said. "I'm not how it works exactly but I think she adopted everyone."

Marisol looked at Kawehi, her eyebrows raised.

"She was shortcutting all the budget and operational issues," Kawehi said. "Lady Tulani wasn't happy about your team losing someone, so she cut the Gordian knot by adding all of you to her personal household."

Deidre raised an eyebrow. "And Ops let her?"

Kawehi smiled. "She gave orders as Lady Tulani, instead of an administrator. Operations isn't going to risk pissing off an offworld VIP, I'd guess there was a polite nod as they made it happen."

"And what's that mean for the future?" Marisol asked.

"Relax," Kawehi said. "I don't think she's interested in having you guard her house or anything like that. It's her way of saying thank you."

"Do we get special hats?" Shep mumbled.

Emma laughed. "I'll make you one myself."

Shep opened his eyes again, staring at her in wonder. "Theo, I didn't know you were a girl! Sorry cousin."

"I'm over here," Theo said. "That's Emma."

Shep's half-open eyes considered Theo before he looked back at Deidre. "Why does Theo keep turning into a girl?"

"Young woman," Emma corrected, grinning.

Shep looked at Deidre, confused outrage in his eyes. She chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed. "Close your eyes, goofball. You need to sleep."

"Okay, but he needs to make a decision," Shep grumbled, closing his eyes.


A day after Lady Tulani had returned from offworld, Kawehi Moana made her way to the VIP visitor quarters. She found an empty table in the café and ordered a cup of coffee, and an espresso Americano with extra shots. The server actually warned her about the caffeine content when he brought the drinks to the table. Kawehi just smiled and nodded.

A few minutes later, a tall, gaunt figure dressed entirely in black emerged from the lobby. Kawehi lifted a hand in greeting and he took the chair across the table.

"Ms. Adornment of the Deeps," Aeolus said, nodding gravely.

"Mr. Doctor You-Can't-Pronounce-My-Name-Aeolus," she replied, just as gravely. "Have you readied yourself to communicate with all our lesser minds?"

Aeolus' mouth twisted into the odd Yffliad smile. "I made the mistake of considering Lady Tulani a 'lesser mind' once. It was...unpleasant."

"I'd very much like to hear more about that."

He snorted. "I am sure that you would, but you would require something of actual value to trade."

She laughed. "Something considerable?"

"Without a doubt," Aeolus said.

He picked up his cup and sniffed it. He nodded his thanks at Kawehi as he drained the steaming cup. His ears flushed red as he took a deep breath.

"My mind awakens slowly," he sighed.

"How many of those have you had already?"

He waved a hand irritably. "Six! This place does not make it nearly strong enough. I have a proposition; I will exchange the account of my humiliation for the particulars of your accidental love affair. The salacious details of course."

"There are no salacious details," Kawehi said. "Now, if you're fully caffeinated, let's go."

"Bah. You used to be much more entertaining."

Kawehi laughed as they got up. "When did you get so judgmental?"

After the short walk to the administration offices, Aeolus opened the door for her.

Kawehi raised her eyebrows. "Why, thank you, Doctor. Are you studying Terran courtesies?"

"Again, bah."

Lily was in her usual spot and a very pale man was perched on a stool next to her. He stood up as they approached, his height and complexion marked him as one of the allied prefcorian races. Lily glanced at them and smiled.

"Doctor Aeolus, and Lieutenant Moana, you're right on time," she said.

"Of course we are," Aeolus said. "I am a Yffliadi."

Lily grinned. "One of the many things I appreciate about your people, sir. They're running slightly behind inside."

"Ulan, this is an unexpected pleasure," Kawehi said to the bluish skinned man beside Lily.

"Lieutenant," he said bowing slightly.

"You are a Agreh?" Aeolus asked, looking him over.

"That is correct," the man said gravely. "And you are a Yffliadi mind-master."

"We are in accord," Aeolus said, still looking at him curiously.

Amusement ghosted across Lily's face.

"Are you enjoying Earth?" Kawehi asked.

Ulan nodded his head gravely. "This is a very strange world, but I am told that I am adapting well. Lillian al-Salem is an excellent instructor. She has shown me the method for the shaking of the hand."

Ulan carefully stuck out his hand. Kawehi clasped hands and Ulan carefully shook her hand three times and let go.

"You're practically a Terran," Kawehi said.

Ulan's bluish skin paled. "But I do not wish this to become the truth. I would sooner return home. This is not an offense to Terrans, we are very different people.

"No offense was taken," Kawehi said. "And I know there are a lot of people working very hard to get you back home."

He inclined his head. "My skills are not useful, but I am ready when needed."

"We are grateful for that," Kawehi said, her nod almost a small bow.

Lily looked at her screen as it chimed. "Doctor, Lieutenant, you're cleared to enter."

Kawehi thanked her and the pair walked past the foot-thick steel door that guarded the portal. Ahead of them, Mirjam opened the inner office door. Kawehi stopped and turned in place, lifting her arms. Grumbling, Aeolus did the same.

"Thank you both. Please come in," the blonde woman said in her low voice.

Kawehi went into the office and saw that Henry and Nora were already there. Around the table, people Kawehi didn't recognize were putting away tablets as they got up. She nodded at them without introducing herself. They nodded back but no one spoke as they left. After the attack that had destroyed her research facility, compartmentalization had become Lady Amanda's new religion.

Once they were gone, Mirjam closed the heavy door and sat down in one of the chairs along the wall behind Amanda.

Henry cleared his throat. "Amanda, I think your Warden's input might be helpful for our discussion. Unless it interferes with her responsibilities, of course."

Mirjam and Amanda looked at each other briefly and Mirjam pulled her chair up to the table, looking a little uncomfortable.

In the table was a small console with a microphone. Amanda reached over and entered several numbers and there was a small ping.

"Good morning everyone," Jaxson said, the smooth androgynous voice seeming to come from Kawehi's left side. "We are here to discuss the possible ramifications of the novel situation presented by Tulani Chevarista et Elouan, Ynnyth Jaanthelme Thonya, known Terra as Theophile Gautier Cosineau."

Mirjam glared at the console. "He's a person, not a situation, tin-man."

"I understand your feelings," Jaxson said. "This is the format I received, no slight was intended."

"I didn't get any urgent messages while I was away, so I'm assuming he didn't burn down the farm at least."

"Like we'd notice something that trival with an IRT on R&R," Henry said.

There were a few chuckles around the table.

"My last meeting was an attempt by Operations to return their IRT," Amanda said. "They were content to remove James Sheppard from his friends to accomplish this. Treating our warriors in this manner is shameful, I will be taking a much closer look at their protocols."

"You may not adopt all of the IRT groups," Mirjam said, smiling at her partner.

"You may believe whatever you like," Amanda replied, smiling to take the sting from the words. "But for now, I'm anxious to hear about Theo."

"Then let's take care of that first," Nora said, looking at the interface on the table. "Jaxson, I want to record a statement for the record."

"Please proceed," the voice said.

"I am Doctor Nora Stohl, co-director of Evaluation and Counter-Intelligence. After a week-long observation of Theo Cosineau, I have found no indications that this individual offers any abnormal risk to either Lady Tulani, or to the Terran Exodus Project. Despite the conditions of his captivity, the subject is intelligent, alert, and adapts easily and quickly to environmental changes, especially in the presence of family or trusted friends. There are chronic issues related to long term memory recall, but they are not debilitating, and are consistent with a previous neurological examination performed by Dr. I. Aeolus. Statement ends."

"Recorded and accepted."

"Jaxson, attach my statement as well," Henry said. "Doctor Sisakos speaking, co-director of Evaluation and Counter-Intelligence. Extensive study and testing do not show any unusual mental conditioning or post-hypnotic triggers. I am confident that Theophile Cosineau poses no threat to the Terran Exodus Project or to Administrator Amanda Tulani."

"Recorded and accepted. Do you wish to add a statement, Dr. Aeolus?"

"You may use my earlier report as a summation," he said.

"Your summation is in excess of six-hundred standard pages, Doctor," Jaxson warned.

Aeolus glared at the interface. "That is because it is accurate, horrid machine."

"I understand and will comply. Your summation has been attached and accepted."

"You would not have requested a meeting if this was all you found," Amanda said. "What is the bad news here?"

"We've made some interesting observations," Henry said. "I'd like you both to take a look. Jaxson, I flagged a series of video clips. Play the first in the series please."

An large image appeared on the wall and the recording began in the middle of what looked like a water fight. The wide angle switched to a focus on the twins as they threw water-balloons at the IRT team who were responding with buckets and hoses. The clip ran for fifteen seconds and froze as the twins retreated by jumping into the pool. Henry noticed that Mirjam had straightened up and was staring at the screens.

"You already see it?" Henry asked her. Mirjam glanced at him and Henry gestured at Jaxson's interface. "Be my guest."

"Jaxson, isolate Theo and Emma's interaction only, loop from fourteen seconds to twenty-eight seconds," Mirjam said.

"What am I looking for?" Amanda asked her.

Mirjam got up and walked over to where the abbreviated clips slowly looped. "Jaxson, playback from eighteen to twenty seconds, slow it to ten percent.

The image of the twins, standing nearly back to back, began to slowly move.

"Annotations," Mirjam said.

She tapped the screen and an arrow appeared. Mirjam highlighted Emma's left leg and hip. Then she did the same with Theo's. The highlighted areas became a little brighter than the surrounding frame.