Spellman Ch. 06


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We made it to the parking lot and she turned around. "Well?"

"Very nice, I'm glad I had you go first."

She giggled. "You're bad, Ryan."

"Hey, you're the one who brought it up. I'm just giving my honest assessment."

"I guess that's true. Well, goodbye for now, Ryan. It was nice to meet you. I'm guessing I'll probably see you around here more?"

"You probably will. Nice to meet you as well, Gina."

When I was back in my apartment, I texted my mother to see if she had any expectations for how I should dress tonight. She wanted me to meet someone, and I always wanted to make a good first impression, no matter the occasion, but it didn't hurt to have a better idea of what she had in mind.

Nothing fancy, but please don't show up in sweaty gym clothes.

Got it. Clean gym clothes it is.

She responded with an angry face emoji.

Love you too, mother, See you in a bit.

I decided to go with a simple outfit of dark jeans with a blue and white striped polo. My phone buzzed with another text, and I unlocked it expecting a message from my mother. Instead, I was treated to a selfie of Melissa in a bikini, sitting out on a pool chair.

It's a good thing I'm young and fit, otherwise you might give me a heart attack looking like that.

She replied with a kissy face emoji. Have a nice dinner with your mom.

I can reschedule. I'd rather head back over there and eat you for dinner.

Don't you dare. I'll see you on Thursday and Friday.

And I can eat you then?

We'll see ;-)

Melissa sure was having fun slowly building up the anticipation, and I actually really enjoyed it myself. When we actually got together, hopefully on Friday night, it was probably going to be explosive. She was a very cute girl and her appearance gave off a very innocent vibe, but if the blowjob she had given me earlier today was any indication, she was going to be an absolute wildcat in bed. I couldn't wait to find out.


As I drove to my mother's house, I couldn't help but continue to speculate about who it was she wanted me to meet. I was leaning towards it being a boyfriend. Initially I had thought it would be a girl, but as far as I knew she was still part of Team Beth and probably wouldn't introduce another potential romance into my life until she had fully given up on that (if she ever did).

My phone vibrated. Probably my mother asking me to grab something on the way over.

hey, I know u said you were busy this wk, but any chance ur up for some fun tonight?

Nope, definitely not my mother.

Sorry, can't tonight. I'll let you know.

np, just thought I'd give it a shot. I'm horny af rn

I had enjoyed my hookup with Tessa, and had planned to keep things open with her just in case I needed some no-strings-attached fun, but now that I had reconnected with Tori and met Melissa I wasn't sure I would actually need it. I'd much rather spend my time getting closer with them than just hitting up a booty-call. I wasn't sure how to tell Tessa that, though. She seemed pretty chill about the whole thing and could probably handle me just being straight with her about it, but I decided to give it a few more days. Maybe she'd just lose interest on her own.

I arrived at my mother's house and knocked on the door. When she answered she was holding a rather large glass of red wine. She gave me a hug. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Of course, mother. You know I like spending time with you, and I admit I'm a bit curious as to who you want me to meet."

"Well come on in, dinner's just about ready." I followed her into the house and towards the kitchen. When we entered the room I was surprised to see a woman putting a big platter of fajitas on the table. She was Latina, probably Mexican given that we were in San Diego, but I didn't want to assume, and looked to be about my age, maybe a little bit older. Well, so much for the boyfriend theory. I guess she's moved on from Team Beth.

"Maria, this is my son Ryan. Ryan, this is my girlfriend Maria."

I reached out to shake her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Maria."

"And you as well. Courtney has told me so much about you."

"Hopefully only the good things."

She laughed. "Mostly the good things."

My mother clapped her hands. "Very good, introductions complete. Now let's eat! Maria, the food smells wonderful."

"It does," I agreed. We sat at the kitchen table, me on one side and Maria and my mother on the other. At least she was trying to be a little bit subtle and hadn't placed us right next to each other. We fixed our plates and got to eating. "Tastes just as good as it smells, thank you for this, Maria."

"It's my pleasure. When Courtney told me you were coming for dinner I wanted to make sure I made a good first impression."

"I think any man will tell you that it's hard to make a better first impression than a delicious meal. So how did you and my mother meet?"

"At the gym. I teach a Pilates class that Courtney has been attending for a while, what, probably six months or so?" My mother nodded. "We started talking a bit after class and got to know each other. It took me probably six weeks of that to work up enough courage to ask her out."

I choked on my wine. "Excuse me?"

Maria looked shocked. Then she turned to my mother and slapped her on the arm. "Courtney! You seriously didn't tell him?"

My mother just laughed. "I did introduce you as my girlfriend."

I coughed, still trying to avoid choking to death in my surprise. "The term's a bit ambiguous when it comes to women."

"Is it? I hadn't realized," she said with a smirk.

"Courtney that's just awful. Ryan, I'm so sorry. I thought she had told you about me. She certainly talks about you all the time."

"No, she definitely did not tell me about you." Maria looked worried. "I'm not upset, just a little shocked. It's not every day a guy learns that his mother is dating a woman." I laughed. "I actually came over tonight expecting her to introduce me to a boyfriend. Then when I saw you I assumed she was trying to set us up."

Maria laughed at that. "Sorry, but you're not my type."

"I sort of figured that out. I may be a bit slow on the uptake here, but not that slow."

"I'm sorry, Ryan, but I couldn't help myself. I hope you're not too upset about me pulling a little joke like this," my mother said.

"Not at all, it's fine. But I guess if we're going to be dropping big surprises in each other's laps tonight, I have something to tell you too."

"Oh?" My mother wrinkled her brow.

"You'll never guess who I ran into at Spellman yesterday."

"Someone I know, I assume?" I nodded. "Who?"


My mother's eyes went wide. "Tori? Your Tori? Tori Russo?"

"Yeah, Tori Russo."

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe Stephanie never told me she taught there. How is she?"

"She's doing pretty well, but that's not all."

"Go on."

"She has a seven year-old son."

All of the color drained out of my mother's face, and I could see the wheels turning in her head. "Seven?" I nodded. She struggled to speak. "But, she's...but why wouldn't...oh, Ryan."

"What's wrong, mother? Oh! I'm sorry. You thought I meant that he's my son, too. No, he's not mine." I gave her my best smile.

"Why you..." She grabbed a tortilla from the platter and threw it at me. "I guess I deserved that. But you're serious, Tori has a son? And he's not yours?"

"I'm serious. Apparently, she got pregnant pretty quickly after we broke up."

"And she's doing well? Is she married, or seeing anyone? The boy's father?"

"She's not seeing anyone. Things with Anthony's father, that's her son's name, are actually a bit complicated right now, so she's been pretty upset about that. But otherwise I think she's doing alright. I spent some time with her and her roommate yesterday and today. Her roommate Melissa is also a teacher at Spellman."

"I still can't believe that Stephanie never told me that Tori was working there."

"Tori's pretty sure that Mrs. Mitchell doesn't even remember her, or if she does she never made the connection that she's the same Tori."

"I'm sorry, I think I'm following, but Tori is an ex-girlfriend of yours?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, my high school girlfriend. We dated for three years."

"And she's also a teacher at your new school? Wow, that must be strange."

"It was definitely a surprise. I hadn't seen her since the day we broke up. It's been quite the whirlwind catching back up with her."

My mother must have heard something in my voice. "And exactly how much catching up have you done?"

"Like I said, I spent a good amount of time with her and her roommate the past couple days. They're going to come over to my apartment for dinner on Friday."

"Mmmhmm," my mother said.

The three of us spent the next couple hours talking. I had to play catch-up with getting to know Maria, since my mother had apparently told her a lot about me but had told me absolutely nothing about her. She was very nice and the two of them seemed very happy together. I still had a lot of questions for my mother, but I didn't want to start the whole "since when are you a lesbian?" conversation with my mother in front of Maria. When I was ready to leave they both walked me to the door. Maria gave me a big hug.

"It was so nice to finally meet you, Ryan. I'm sorry about your mother pulling that trick."

"Don't worry about it. It was great meeting you as well." Then I hugged my mother. "Goodnight, mother. I'll talk to you sometime this weekend."

"Goodnight, Ryan. I love you. Sorry about tonight, I just couldn't help myself."

"I love you too. It's fine, you got me good. It was well played."

I walked to my car and pulled out my phone to send two text messages.

To Tori: Thinking about you. Hope your talk with Mrs. Stephens helped. Have something I need to tell you later.

And to Melissa: Hope you've been thinking about me. I've had you dancing around my mind in that bikini all night.

I made it home and got ready for bed. By then I had responses from both the girls.

Tori: It did, thanks. Heard you had dinner with your mom. I'd like to see her again sometime. We'll talk tomorrow xoxo

Melissa: Mmmmaaayybeee ;-). She sent me another picture of herself in bed, wearing a lacy white bra. The hand that wasn't holding her phone was hidden beneath the blanket, seemingly between her legs.

I sent her another picture of me shirtless in bed. You sure you don't want me to join you?

Soon. Sweet dreams, sexy man.

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rbloch66rbloch664 months ago

This is pretty hot. So far, a lot of fun, and light, for the most part. Love the series so far.

PurplefizzPurplefizz6 months ago

Tbh after reading both this story and others over the last few years I’ve found myself agreeing with Commentarista82 and his comments on stories more often that not, he’s pretty much on the ball with this one too, our MC is a bit two dimensional, certainly not showing the maturity you’d imagine a Teacher ought to have, he’s almost a Jock stereotype, apart from his previous faithfulness and liking of poetry. Character development and scene setting/world building is essential in a fictional story, it makes us the reader invest emotionally with the characters involved, this story has really only done that for Tori so far, I’m reading on and hoping that our MC develops further into a proper human being, along with the magical mystery tour of hot young women that populate his life seemingly.

Comentarista82Comentarista8212 months ago


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pk2curiouspk2curious12 months ago

I forgot to mention . He is going to freak out when Paul hits on him .

pk2curiouspk2curious12 months ago

Well he still hasn't reconnected with Beth . She may be the with with it all . Brains , Companioship support , soul mate . I think there is going to be an interesting situation between Beth ands Riley .

Geez CMT82 . You sure are a skeptic . Even though you are wrong . This is realistic . It is still fiction and is very mild compared to most of the stories on LIT . Fiction means it is supposed to be believed . In the world of the author . It is one thing to have corrective critism . And quite another to claim his tale isn't reasonable . In fiction the author would ask that you indulge his offer to share his otherworldly take on each story . He is the professional . Knowing what he is doing . Not just guessing at what sounds right . Offering his works free for our reading pleasure .

If you can't like it or agree with it . Either STFU or don't read it . You have crossed over to the direspectful comments . No one wants to hear it .

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

You set up tons of females, but some of Ryan's attraction rests on how much is between his legs and somehow that's all the females in the story can think about? That's too difficult to believe. To top it off, even Ryan's mom suggests or at least thinks Melissa and Tori coming to Ryan's place for dinner is a default threesome. While they did discuss potential pitfalls at work, it feels like thinly-veiled window dressing: instead of Ryan trying to find a meaningful relationship, he's mindlessly moving from female to female, and now checking out the cute Korean (Gina) who somehow isn't offended and allowed him to check out her ass? Sorry, but a lot of this just feels wrong, and not even a former girlfriend should be "ok" with him giving her friend a facial. Just doesn't fit. 2

WoodencavWoodencavabout 1 year ago

Oh you are a tease, now now Ryan’s mum is in the picture! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Progressing as expected, an increasing number of cast members enabling more twists and turns to the story. Also giving little insights to the story line, between all the sexual activity.

Trust me anon, I expect Riley to reappear somewhere in the future. Possibly involving Melissa and that swimming pool she was photographed near in her bikini. D

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Riley will either be related to the childhood friend or the gym buddy

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What about Riley? It is hard for me to believe she would just disappear.

WittyUserNameWittyUserNameover 1 year ago

I like the pacing. The story is progressing nicely. Looking forward to the next chapter!

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Need to get to the Amanda situation. Story pace is starting to drag a bit, maybe longer chapters?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story so far..

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