All Comments on 'Splashdown Ch. 06'

by Choppedliver

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Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonabout 1 year ago

You tell us a lot, and repeat it ultra-redundantly ad nauseam, but actually show us very little. It's just a bunch of talking heads, over and over again.

patilliepatillieabout 1 year ago

Ending each chapter on a minor cliffhanger is annoying. And we only got 3 pages of text. Come on man, publish this so we can see where you are going. I am getting a bad feeling the end wont justify the investment of time.

lujon2019lujon2019about 1 year ago

I just figured out what this story is

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

We have the HOE and the Masochist. The odd thing is the author mistakes love for Masochism. Can anyone believe that our hero as smart as he is can actually be a Masochist? Would any man with an ounce of self respect really put up with her shit? Last but not least the dialogue overwhelms the story with repetitive information. How many ways can you say the same thing? Its just a matter of time till her pregnancy turns up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can the author write Gary as an even bigger pussi-boi in the next chapter? Stay tuned and find out!

Leaving aside the overwhelming asininity of the cuck and DEI themes, is this author 90? Is he mentally stuck in 1961 still obsessing about the "damned Ruskis" like general played by George C. Scott in Dr. Strangelove? Except for most of the NATO countries, Japan, and a few others, the rest of the world is starting to align with the Russian Federation because they want no part of the faggot/gender theory agenda the US is pushing, our monetary piracy, or the insane warmongering of the neocon infested Biden administration. Everything written about the Russians in this story isn't merely stupid, it's fucking stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You exaggerate too much the importance of American funding for Russia's space program. Do you know that they announced their withdrawal from the ISS program after 2024?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Veterans used to deploy for 13-24 months. The whole basis of the story, ten months without sex, is invalid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You’re trying to make Gary a hero. In this chapter you really have made him a wimp. And an unbelievable one. He’s got a beautiful sweet woman who loves and wants him and he says no? After his wife has cheated and treated him terribly? Literally unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

C'mon pal...GET. ON. WITH. IT. The endless simpering analysis is absolutely killing what *could* be an interesting tale. You say you're taking feedback to heart? I call bullshit.

szewcowszewcowabout 1 year ago

Two idiots throughout the whole chapter can't decide: to fuck or not to fuck. 0 sense, lots of words.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

chopped liver must be a woman, too Melodramic and too repetitive

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not 100% certain Kath is to be trusted, she’s also not above lying to him or hiding the truth. Maybe it turns out she’s also in on this bizarre plot. With her motivation being get Gary, it will send him well off the rails if that’s the case.

Her comment that she believed Gary was being.’hard assed’ about the whole thing but then realising he was spot in but ages been holding his have for weeks being supportive.

Usual thing for LW though - cheating husband, take him to the cleaners and ruin him. Cheating wife - should be forgiven as she’s made a mistake. Total double standard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

jeezus. come on man. get moving on the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To many words saying the same thing over and over it gets boring.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I know a lot of people have spoken about the excessive verbage - they're not joking! Somewhere amongst all those thousands of well constructed words is a story but the unrealistic dialogue ruins it for me. Not even a verbose politician fillibustering to waste time could talk so long, about so little. Personally I've found that I can read the first and last paragraphs and still follow the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So much of this story is just a repeat of what happened I think the last three chapters could have been edited from 12 pages down to 5 pages making it flow better.

As for the characters themselves Gary is still so focused on saving Peggy he doesn't seem to realize it has been almost a year since his marriage died. With the information out that Peggy had sex at least once possibly multiple time with a russian, Gary's military career is over.

CaptainbklCaptainbklabout 1 year ago

This is the most drawn out verbiage drivel I have ever read on this site. In addition, if Gary is a special spook our country is in real trouble.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Real friendship? Really? As one of the classics said: "Friendship between a man and a woman stops as soon as the light goes out in the bedroom."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A good story wasted by a dribling fool this chapter could be less than a page instead it is 4 pages. You repeat yourself over and over by writing each paragraph a different way. Wow imagine living with you a baby would be born before you finished asking for a fuck. Get on with the bloody story mate !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

No way in hell would Peg and Kathy be in love with such a weak man, thats just a simp dream.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 1 year ago

Wonder if a stay at home wife is looking like a better plan now.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

Peggy is unsalvageable, knocked up by the Bear, with or without NASA's help doesn't matter. Way overdone cuck story.

ManoBlueManoBlueabout 1 year ago

I can hear a hurricane with how much wind you're blowing. This is so awful; this guy deserves this. What a gutless loser.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

There once was a show called Lost. Bases was a great idea. 1st 2 seasons fantastic. Then the network execs said.. this is fantastic. Give us more. However the idea wasn't good enough for 6 or 7 seasons. Pathetic and stupid plot lines came in, the writing suffered and everyone hated it in the end.

The end.

TC Ireland.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 1 year ago

ad nauseam. That is the term used to describe the story and every single chapter so far.

In this chapter all we see is Peggy rehashing everything that she has done …everything that we already know and she says it several different ways …several different times ….and several different methods.

It doesn't make a difference how remorseful Peggy is. she did some of the worst things that you can do in a marriage and no amount of remorse or regret ever going to change that . EVEN WORSE…. Gary correctly told her what the implications of what she was doing would she readily and openly acknowledged as something that she wanted to do and that what Gary wanted was secondary.

and yet she still did it

In addition…. as I predicted earlier in the story was it back in Chapter 2 or 3?? - Peggy is now conspired with Kathy to take care of her husband so that we end up with both sides cheating . In this chapter the development with Kathy shows that beyond all doubt that this story is headed for a forced reconciliation at all costs

It's become readily apparent that the author just absolutely refuses to learn anything and does not consider any of the information or feedback from what the readers are saying.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story should have ended four chapters ago.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Too wordy - I'm sure I'm not the only reader that's skimming page because the story is dragging too slowly

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This author said 750 word challenge? What the fuck is that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Glaciers move and tectonic plates shift faster than this story moves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So my American comrades are still butt hurt over the superior Russian cosmonauts get some of Peggy's sweet American pussy. Don't agree with the superior part?? Then just take a look at the little wimp alphabet guy she's married to. That's the best you got??? This little chump couldn't carry the cosmonauts ball sacks. He probably wants to sit in the corner and watch her pull a train with all three so he can clean her cunt and ass out when they're done with her. You know he'd love to see his oh so loving and faithful wife air tight with 3 Russian cocks filling her holes. LMFAO!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It would have been better if it was said from the start that the core content of this story was about the cheating/cuck theme. There is almost nothing serious related to the Space adventure matters, about 90% of the story is dedicated to the same repeated (just a few times) psycho-dialogues, trying to legitimate the cheating/cuckolding events, that were the main purpose from the start. But to soften the unacceptable cucking abuse now we can give the strong-willed, the man of honour, the tough kickass guy, alias the cuck husband, a consolation prize making him to cheat in turn. What a great ridicolous immature characters.

towgtowgabout 1 year ago

Yawn. The last 2 chapters have been so boring, I am no longer invested.

phill1cphill1cabout 1 year ago

Cosmonauts or any other people in space physically aren't capable of sex in space. Zero gravity and muscle atrophy don't really make for a hospitable environment. and you'd kinda have to be a sex addict to need sex that badly. They are in space. Virtually every moment is accounted for. They aren't sitting around surfing the web for porn. It's just so disappointing to see a woman portrayed as "cock hungry" when she was first the "ice queen". Seems contrived and heavy handed, like the dialog.

The tension was there in the previous chapters. This one, not so much. And I hate when confrontation is delayed for no interesting reason.

I was 20 once. I went without sex for most of a decade. Didn't have to rape anyone. Didn't do anything more than masturbate. So, the sex need is not resonating as real to me.

phill1cphill1cabout 1 year ago

" In this chapter the development with Kathy shows that beyond all doubt that this story is headed for a forced reconciliation at all costs..."

I predict swashbuckling and "sabotaged pharmaceuticals" to drag this out, but a final, unsatisfying dumping of Peg for ....

ibbunkibbunkabout 1 year ago

Torturous to read.

Moves slower than a dead turtle.

Can we start a "Go fund me" for this author?

Hire an editor who carries a long sword!

decathlondecathlonabout 1 year ago

I still like the story, but damn, is there any way to shut that woman up?!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The wife talks about being confused, and having confusing feelings. But science recently discovered that USUALLY the prefrontal cortex acts more like a lawyer for the more primal 'lizard brain'. Meaning actions speak louder than words. Nothing new there.

It's my very amateur assessment that Peggy realizes she can never get nor have a better man as a husband. Author wrote him to be damn near ideal. He's not perfect, but he's a top tier human being. She really really wants that in her husband. But that's all he is to her. A trophy, a status symbol, a check on her list of achievements and goals. He's not really a partner, nor does she truly believe he'll ever leave her. It's that same selfish persona, dismissal of others, treating her man like a trophy, and not truly understanding what love really is....that allows her to behave this way.

That's what he'll be taking back if he reconciles with her. Her actions are that of a driven woman. She doesn't like to fail, runs away from failures. She's probably very naturally talented, as most adults that are driven don't run from failures. When she failed her husband, she retreats further and further from trying with him. So she relies on her natural talent to carry her. She works hard at her goals, but doesn't work hard at all when enough set-backs present themselves. She clearly loves the idea of being in love more than actually being in love. Actual love is hard work where you fail a lot, and keep trying. She fails and pretends it never happened. Throws that bad memory into a locked room, and boards it up. Her husband predicted almost exactly how she would continually betray him with her course of decisions, and like a damned fortune teller it more or less came true. She could have done a dozen different things differently, any small sacrifice may have changed his predictions. Almost none of those choices would have ruined her dream to fly into space. I can't defend her anymore. She either didn't care enough, or is too immature to be in a relationship that is deeper than casual acquaintance. Both options mean divorce. You cant be with someone that doesn't really love you, nor someone that is incapable of loving someone else. She doesn't have to be the bad guy. But she needs to grow up...just figure out which one of these two people she is. Because what she is someone in love with her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can you land the damn plane and quit circling the field?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The doctor would become acquainted with the tip of Gary's knife. The drug failed right at the end of the mission? Get the truth out of him to start. Whatever it takes. And work up the line.

Find out who screwed up. Why was no American there to meet her? Whoever made/allowed that decision should feel pain.

Let her dad burn down Alexi's village. More pain.

Alexi should spend a bunch of time in the best torture gulag Gary can find. Egypt, Syria - with no timeline, just break him completely. Is he a trained Russian operative - schooled in seduction? Was Peg drugged prior to her fall?

Peg - it is pretty clear she blew him from her comment about him "looking" ok. Does not sound like out of control lust. She needs to be interrogated. Tell her it is necessary to assure she hasn't been comprised and become a Russian asset.

How many times did they screw. Sounds voluntary. Sounds like a honeymoon cottage for the loving couple. Is there video soon to be released???? Will it show something Peg is hiding?

What does his agency know? Her decisions have been hideous. Someone should ask her if she secretly hates Gary or is she just that terrible a person?

Did Kathy not tell Gary that Peg said Alexi was a sleaze? Was that deliberate to facilitate a union with Gary, something she desperately wants?

If he takes her back she should be on a short leash. Tag her electronically, rat her electronics, surveil her. Don't trust, definitely verify. She seems to be at the level of a 10th grader with respect to relationships. Out of control hormonal teenager. Self centered to an extreme. Watch out for Professional athletes, entertainers, politicians, lawyers.... Marc.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story is starting to get ridiculous and becoming very boring didn't need this part at all if you aren't going to get to the meat of the cheating slut then maybe Time to stop the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I am guessing this author has never heard the phrase that less is more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Congratulations CL!! Now we have the fucking Russians commenting on how "superior" they are because of your portrayal of limp dick Gary. WTF??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry Chopped. I am very careful about liking or not liking stories. If the writing it good, but I don't like the plot - I will still give the story and author high marks. But in this case, the story "was" a great idea but the writing is...well...the same thing hashed over again and again. So, I made it to Chapter 6 and now I am done. The story is, as they say - Off the rails. The writing is the same thing - you just say the same thing over and over. So, I gave this a 1 star rating. I know you put a lot of effort into it, but when you lose the reader - the effort does not matter as they are your intended audience. Better luck next time and I hope you learn from this experience. I enjoy your other stories. Best to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To paraphrase what the Emperor Joseph said to Mozart, 'It's quality work. And there are simply too many words, that's all. Just cut a few and it will be perfect.' ... too much repetition and rehashing of what has been said or discussed before. I found myself skipping paragraphs, just to get the story flowing. .... may main point is, 'GET ON WITH IT!' ... I want to know the end but fear I am now going to go straight to the last page to see where the story has got too ... a pity as a good story and idea ... too many words !!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Peggy, by her own admission, was 'bouncing off the walls' many days before her return to Earth. She also admitted that her behavior was noticed by her fellow astronauts, a state of arousal which they obviously reported back to Russian mission control.

This gave the Russians plenty of time to furnish the small love nest house with all of the comforts of home, especially full video and audio coverage in every room, before the two space traveller's landed back. Then, with the flimsiest of excuses regarding 'quarantine', they gave both of these randy astronauts more than a few days to screw each other's brains out whilst recording some incredibly embarrassing footage for the world media to 'accidentally' view. Thus totally pissing off NASA, the US government, and probably a large chunk of the American population. An opportunity for the Russians to sow the seeds of discontent? You betcha. Job done. Maybe planned many months before with doctored chemicals for Peggy? We'll just have to wait and see.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thought the stories were going to get more direct...not 2 pages of yak, yak, yak. I'm done!

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 1 year ago

So, Peggy seems to thinking clearly now, how she Devastated Greg, her husband, before she left to complete her 10 months of celibacy for Greg. How she destroy his sexuality along with hers by rudely and selfishly taking a shot that destroyed her sexuality 4 months before lift off. Why is she realizing this now? Why didn't she realize the ultimate burn on Hubby before she left? If she was "bouncing off the walls" like Greg predicted, how did she manage to not fuck around with all three cosmonauts?

Why is she only realizing now, after 10 months of celibacy for her husband, Greg, what an awful cold hearted Bitch she has been. Gary should have divorced her 100 times before she even went to space. Now to come back she admits to fucking only one of her Cosmonauts? Even then, that is what Gary predicted. She has fucked everything up for her marriage with her SELFISHNESS, LYING, and CHEATING! Gary, kick her ass to the curb and marry Kathy! You won't have to ever worry about her loyalty! Peggy, is just to selfcentered. She might be beautiful, but she is way to selfish. More Please, Hurry!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Is anybody actually reading this an not skipping through it.when i stop an actually read I realize its saying the same thing over an over .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

We don't have much time, let's spend most of it on inane conversation and then repeat it again again and again.

This is so bad

Matt moreau is that you?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have been totally disappointed by this story. You have a wife who gives a shit about her husband. A husband who is such a wimp that he allowed this to happen. He could have stopped this with one press conference. You gave him a job that he could never have ever been qualified for. She was sent on this mission to be a cum dump slut to appease the Russians. This is a total loser as a story. I was giving it a 2 rating, but now it is a less than a one rating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Have never known any two people who talk like these two (3 if you include the wife) in real life. The Russian would have pushed the wife out of the re-entry capsule in an orbit over Florida instead of taking her back to the motherland.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wrap it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’m only bothering to comment because you are a pretty good writer and you do seem sincere about your efforts. - - - A great idea for a story, but how many times do we have to wade through the same old emotions and motives in such detail over and aver again? The depth and intricacies are indeed interesting—ONCE. maybe a BRIEF reference back to them now and again. But this is getting very tiring. And then to dribble it one chapter at a time when you say they’re all done. Go ahead and publish the rest so we can choose to finish the story or not. It’s not worth it to wait long times for dribblings. too much time commitment for what’s being returned.

patilliepatillieabout 1 year ago

This chapter didnt move the narration forward enough for my tastes. It is taxing to grind thru 4 pages of material that really 2 could convey successfully. And it is the next day and Chapt 7 didnt post-damn what is the holdup? So it is a good story, I am super interested to see where it goes.

Rocky62Rocky62about 1 year ago

At this tedious point, he is an idiot, bang Kathy already

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

After Peggy's 'bitch in heat' behaviour at the space station had been reported back to Russian mission control the rest of their plot was easy. They probably didn't need to feed her any date rape or libido enhancing drugs once she and Alexei arrived at the convenient love nest, as she was already primed and raring to go.

The convenience of Alexei being absent at the main base while she found his lap top and was able to easily use it to call Kathy reeks of a set up to allow her to escape. Why would the Russians keep her any longer, as they obviously had recorded many hours of her in sordid action with Alexei. They even left her alone at the house with a fuelled up jeep to drive off in. Alexei must have been picked up by another vehicle for his convenient base visit. And from what we gather she was able to make easy contact with the friendly US assets. Luck, or Russians allowing it to happen? The Russians didn't need her any more as their little embarrassment mission was now complete. The only loose end for them to perform (apart from the world media disclosure) was to get Alexei to the Kremlin and award him the 'Soviet Order of Faithfully Servicing the Unfaithful Enemy', complete with a free dasha and a lifetime supply of viagra and condoms.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The dialogue is really bad, overly wordy and goes round in circles, it reads more like a written report or a journal entry. People don’t talk like that with every though being vocalised and they don’t use each others names almost every paragraph, doesn’t come across as natural

DirtySingleMomDirtySingleMomabout 1 year ago

Let's throw a wrench in the works! If Peg has been set up some one from NASA had to be involved. Kathy knows them both well is it Kathy? Is she in league with the Russians?

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 1 year ago

Such a good story drowning in gibberish!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Betabux Deluxe

Of course she cheated, he straight up told her he would stay even idmf she cheated AND he provided cover for her during the spacewalk fiasco.

The slut knows he's too weak to walk.

Joeyiluv69Joeyiluv69about 1 year ago

Except for about 4 paragraphs this whole chapter was unnecessary. Glaciers have moved ar a faster rate then this story. While well written but it is word vomit deluxe. And amazing how the wife comes to her senses after she fucks the guy. Lol.

Pinto931Pinto931about 1 year ago

Dear god was that another snail I saw overtaking this story!

nestorb30nestorb30about 1 year ago

Look I get it you usually write short and snappy professionally, but this word salad is completely constipating the story.

Mind you well written but 60% of the dialogue/monologue is irrelevant

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

It’s upsetting to see everyone, wife, friend, government, betray him. This goes beyond Femdom agitprop.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice9 months ago

This chapter is worse. If I didn't know better I would wonder if Chopped thinks he can get paid by the word? This whole chapter was devoid of any content moving the story forward. Two paragraphs could have covered it. "Belabored" is the best adjective I can come up with. Another commenter advised reading the first and last paragraph and you will have the story covered and that is not far wrong.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

“What if someone played with her pharmaceuticals?"

Well that was obvious from the beginning. The whole story progression is - no surprise. Anyway could we please have more words packed into this… And by all means keep the redundancy. Repeat everything at last five times. Some of us readers are too slow to really get it with just one mention.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Side effects on the libido-suppressing meds that wear off just in time as she gets back then she fucks the first guy she sees? It just feels very contrived. This just feels like a huge waste. It was all for nothing. In the end she couldn't stop herself and cheated. Like really she can't fucking control herself and spreads for the first guy she sees? I'd say that's rather insulting to women but whatever.

Gotta say knowing that she now fucked some other guy (even though she was "compromised") kind of kills my enthusiasm for reading the rest of this rather verbose story. Would have been nice if she had managed to keep it together. Anyway, now that she's already fucked him over, can he please find his balls again and just fuck the shit out of Kathy already? I mean she wants him bad and Peg even gave them permission. Do it already and stop talking and talking and talking. Please!

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I started reading on Literotica in 2013 after a small case of what was supposed to be terminal cancer. I had a lot of chemo, radiation, and surgery. Yet (obviously) here we are. My body had been though the ringer and simply didn't function in all sorts of ways. I married my hi...