Split in Time Ch. 09


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He went to groan but stopped, he took a deep breath and together he and Amy started a deadly dance. He relaxed and just let his body act purely on instinct. The 'new' memories helped him a lot but Amy always seemed to be several steps ahead of him. She truly was as her sword's name described, a monster. He knew she could have had him whenever she wanted but she didn't, it was as if she was testing him, letting him grow and learn as they fought. Although she was quick, besides the first slice to the face no more blood was shed. She wasn't out to humiliate him only to test his skill.

After twenty minutes of matching wits Tarval's sword was suddenly wrenched from his hand in a quick movement. He panted and held still as Monster touched his chest where his heart was. "Yield." He said and Amy stepped away and sheathed her sword. There was applause and many stood, that had not been an easy duel on Tarval but he had shown just why he was considered the Da'Vaila sword master.

"I watched you and Alanna duel once; it was the most magnificent display I had ever seen." Amy said, "You are evenly matched. We however are not but I still enjoyed that." She said as she offered his sword back to him.

He smiled and took his sword. "As did I. Let me practise all those new techniques you put in my mind and we'll try again. I've never met someone who could beat me before... which means I have work to do and something to work towards."

Amy smiled and nodded. "I think I'll enjoy that." She paused, "just curious, that movement you did with your wrist which caused the reverse butterfly to turn into vertical upward crescent. Was that planned, something you have done before or an accident?"

Tarval shrugged, "I don't know it just kind of happened but it felt right."

Amy nodded and hummed, "what will you call it?"

"Give me a moment," he said thinking carefully, "I think I'll call it the Cross Over, anyone other than you would have met their maker with that move."

Amy nodded, "yes, definitely would have nicked the jugular and if you had turned that crescent into an angled slash after you passed the neck ... off with their head."

Tarval pondered it for a moment then nodded, that would work, one complete dangerous set, if you managed to get around the butterfly the next two moves would have ensured death.

Alanna, Sage and Electra bounced forward and smiled, "That was A-MAZE-ZING." The three women said together. Alanna offered Tarval a water skin which he gulped at gratefully before he handed it to Amy. Amy drank for several moments before handing it back to Tarval who took another couple of mouthfuls.

Amy grinned, "Yes. Come and we'll see about that thing I suggested to Alanna."

"Yes better clear off, a few people want to get into the ring." Tarval said nodding to two men who were glaring at each other.

Vivian stared at the two men as Amy, Tarval and the sisters left the ring. "Unlike immortal battle if I tell you to disengage you will disengage. No choking, eye gouging or groin hits, I want a clean, honourable battle." She warned both men.

Both men nodded agreeing to the terms Vivian had imposed.

"If you decide to go beast the same rules apply." Vivian added, "And do not test my rules, you will regret it."

Amy took her group to a corner and got them to sit. "Now I want to do what I did to Tarval."

Alanna turned to her sisters who looked confused to explain, "See I had this random memory of something I've never done before. So I told ma about it."

"What did you remember?" Sage asked curious.

Alanna blushed, "if you must know, I remembered that a flight feather against Tarval's skin will drive him nuts."

Tarval tensed and felt aroused at the thought of a feather running against his skin, he even knew the memory she was talking about and felt himself harden a little more. Alanna turned and grinned at him before turning back to her sisters. Electra and Sage were grinning as they instantly took that sentence further than what Alanna had implied.

"I know what you guys are doing tonight," Sage said in a teasing tone.

"Sounds interesting, care to donate to the experiment?" Electra asked Sage.

"No way..." Sage said shaking her head. "Having a flight feather plucked is painful, I had to get one removed because it had been damaged and was affecting my ability to fly."

"Don't some just fall out?" Electra asked.

"Nope... magical remember, they stay put until pulled, normal feathers fall out but not flight feathers." Sage explained.

"That sucks; I really wanted to test that on Mayhem." Electra replied.

Amy chuckled, "come to me before you go to bed and I'll make a flight feather for you."

Electra grinned.

"Okay so... you told ma about your 'memory'." Sage asked wanting to get off this subject.

"Yes, ma said a whole bunch of things but she has a theory. She thought she could tap those memories more directly. She did it for Tarval, it was the reason he could stand his own against her." Alanna explained.

Tarval nodded agreeing, "I wouldn't have done half as well without them. In the other universe Alanna has been teaching me what Amy taught her, changing my fighting style. I will need to practise what I have learnt but I know things I didn't before she accessed those memories for me."

Amy nodded, "In my universe you all rank above Beta rank and are pretty equal with normal alphas."

"Normal alphas?" Sage questioned.

"Yeah, normal, as in not immortal, Wolfgang and I have not been defeated." Amy explained.

"So what about you two, if you were to fight who would win?" Alanna asked curiously.

"Sometimes I win, sometimes he wins, we don't really keep score." Amy answered honestly; more often than not when they fought it quickly lead to sex, more so if they started wrestling on the mats.

"So are we going to do this?" Alanna asked.

Amy nodded, "close your eyes and open your minds," she coaxed.

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rynn26rynn26over 11 years ago
So glad!

I am so glad someone else noticed how she keeps doing this with words. Also, I still have issues with your editor continually missing these errors after all this time. I, so, want to give her/him a dictionary. Never count on spell check, always reread your work. But then I am an English major with an Education degree. Lol. But even though the errors drive me nuts at time I still love your stories. I have reread them many times and I am waiting eagerly for your next installment in this storyline. I can't wait to find out who....... Well I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read "Coming Of Age." Stick with it and please keep sharing your wonderful talent. All the best to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Just have to say this to our editor-helper:

The sides of the face are cheeks. Checks are measures of prevention - as in checks and balances; or, a caret-shaped mark to indicate a choice or selection (check box). Cheques (or checks) are written instructions to a bank to pay out funds from an account. Czechs are nationals of Czech. The two halves of the buttocks are sometimes called cheeks.

Sorry to nitpick an entertaining story, but that one keeps popping up and I had to say it.

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago

You have made Amy to perfect she is way to good to be true. It is also very annoying she knows everything can out fight everyone ect. All she does is irk me with her know it all attitude. LOL I love Wolfgang and Tarvel is also a fav of mine.

arelativearelativealmost 13 years ago

forgot to mention that the order to read em is on the biography page of whitesabretooth

arelativearelativealmost 13 years ago

10/08/11 anonymous have you read all the other in these series?

cause all the past events are written in the other stories by this same writer, btw i recomend reading em if ya havent so far they are all worth the read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Pls Publish

Can you self publish? I know for one I'd be interested in a hard copy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
amys world

u might have addressed this earlier but where is amy really from?

if this story is an alternate reality from her real world, and from the perfect world with wolfgang and her family is an alternate world from her real world, then where is the worls where she is originally from?

is she happy there?

she should be in order to shift to a broken reality.

and if she 'wipes' her own 'mirror' what will she figure out about herself?

i dont want this story to end but i want to know what ur thinking, i want to know what ur inspiration is and how everythkng falls perfectly into place.

on a side note and from one writer to another, i love my characters flawed. i wish amy was a bit more flawed. itll make me love her more.

sherrylee1015sherrylee1015almost 13 years ago
I want more

I waited. Then I went back and read everything you have to offer. I now have to wait for the next chapter. I guess that just shows you how good you are.

Patrolin_AusPatrolin_Ausalmost 13 years ago

As a fellow Sandgroper I want to say I've just spent the last 2 days (i only stopped to sleep and work.) reading all of the stories you have written about Amy, Wolfgang and their family and I just want to say congratulations. This story is amazing and has had me hooked from the start. I would seriously love to see your work published. I would most definately go and buy ANY book you wrote. I can't wait to see what happens next!

saorisaorialmost 13 years ago
I miss the triplets!

I am liking this story and the parallel experiences of most characters but when Amy and Wolfgang are 'together' I am kinda wishing for Wolfgang original and the triplets. I dont really know how you are going to resolve this but I cant wait to read on! Are we going to find out who Amy's other mother is in this reality? We haven't figured that one out yet....!!

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