Spreading Seeds Saga 01


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That got a big laugh.

Sarge continued in a more serious vein, "Remember, our objective tonight is to impregnate at least seventy percent of these women. They are counting on us to do our duty. This day means a lot to these women, and I hope you will greet them as the patriots that they are."

The brothers all circulated and introduced themselves. A few made good the chance to take a leak, and a few shaved. I hadn't noticed last night, but there was a convenient urinal, shaped to fit either a man or a woman, that jutted out of the wall near the duckboards. Tonight, in the better light, I could see the way that it was made with a gooseneck, you had to flush it with a bucket, but it was better than going outside on a cold winter night.

"Sarge," I said, he waved at me to come over to him. Sarge, Luis, and a couple of the guys were talking, but quieted when I arrived, saying, "I hope to ask a favor of the Kiva Brothers." I waited for Sarge to put on his Kiva face, the one where he looks down his nose at you. Sarge said, "Perkins, the Brothers were just explaining to me the favor you're asking, and why you're asking it. It appears that you have damaged a young girl's reputation by your actions last night."

"I've what?" I asked, incredulous that I hurt Astral in anyway.

Luis put out his arm to me, "We put no fault at your feet. We believe that you did not know that Astral was just supposed to play guitar last night.

Andre said, "It was she who transgressed our custom, so we will ask recompense for her actions, and offer her full acceptance once she has atoned."

The women arrived; Andre picked up a guitar and began to play, while we waited behind the curtains anxiously. With 23 of them, and the mothers, aunts, and cousins, there was little room, and soon a few shy women in robes came through the drapes. Sarge, and Luis, went over and welcomed them, starting them around the room, introducing each of them to each of us.

As they came back around to the door, Sarge and Luis picked a man to escort each woman back around the Kiva, and soon each man was escorting more than one, or only one. Some of the women gathered around Andre, his dark good looks, and flying fingers, attracting them.

Steve had attracted a number of ladies as he explained how he had fathered seven boys in the last year; nobody corrected him, or called his bluff, for he could have indeed sired seven boys and forty five females in the last year. You can do that when you work the Kiva's House of Giving in a town of 4,500, with the pilgrimage trade of several thousands annually adding to the total.

Astral came in, and Sarge had put Able in charge of showing her around. I didn't see her come in, and by the time I realized she was there, Andre had stopped playing. Luis called for our attention, and stood in the middle of the pedestal amidst the scattered cushions. "Let me have your attention! Please form a circle around the house, with the men evenly distributed, and put your arms around one another."

There was some scurrying, I managed to snag Astral around the waist, and put her under my right arm. She looked up at me, smiling and laughing. Her robe was embroidered with sun flowers and, delicate floral tracery. Most of the women had elaborate robes, while the men had made do with the wool robes provided by the house.

We joined the others, the girl on my left was tall, and solidly built. She was a blond, her eyes blue, and her features regular with a solid jaw. Her robe was of very fine cloth, and seemed block printed in reds and yellow. I felt her firm flesh when my arm went around her, and she laughed at me playfully. We turned our attention to Luis, who was laughing, and pointing out where he was going to enter the circle. He looked around and said, "Andre has a matter that has to be addressed before we begin the ritual of..." Luis pointed to Sarge.

Sarge suggested, "The Worship of the Goddess?"

Luis nodded, "Precisely so, the Worship of the Goddess. I'll let Sarge explain that, and direct that phase of tonight's festivities; but Andre, come up and announce the decision of the Brotherhood this night."

The women were very agitated but as Andre took the floor carrying his guitar they quieted down.

"My fellow citizens of Burney and honored Guests," he bowed low to the room. "There is a matter that must be dealt with this night, lest we allow the transgressions of girlhood to tarnish the perpetrator's future" He certainly had the attention of the room but no one knew what the hell he was talking about.

"I have been delegated to pass the verdict on, so, Astral Desoto will you come up here please."

Astral had no idea what was coming, she came up on the pedestal and Andre looked at her severely, "You transgressed our custom last night and you must answer for that transgression. Will you freely admit your transgression?"

Astral turned to look around the room everyone was waiting for her answer. She hung her head and started to cry. Andre took her in his arms and put her head on his shoulder, "Now, now this is not the time for tears." Astral wiped her eyes on his robe and looked up.

"Now Astral, will you freely admit that instead of just playing Guitar last night to entertain our guests, you also sexually participated?"

That brought a gasp from the room, another came when she nodded, adding, "I only took a bath, I didn't fornicate."

That brought a lot of laughter, and even Andre showed his obvious amusement. "Never the less, a transgression occurred, and you must bear the consequences of your actions. It is the judgment of the Council that you can not be impregnated tonight!"

A gasp came from the room; Astral's eyes opened wide and she looked at me beseechingly.

'That is," he added, "until you play guitar for us while all the others are bathed. Then you may join the Bahia in motherhood. First you must ask pardon from all assembled here."

Astral turned slowly and looked around the room, all of the girls she had known most of her life, she had played with them, and worked with them, and she had betrayed them last night. She spoke finally, "Please excuse the folly of a girl who had been seduced by her fancy. I never meant to hurt anyone or to break my vows, but when I saw Josh naked, I convinced myself that it was right." She smiled at me, the girl on my left squeezed me and said in my ear, "I think she was right to want you." I smiled at her and turned back to Astral.

"I humbly beg your pardons and I will try to adhere to all our customary ways and laws."

Andre said, "Let us all welcome Astral back into the family of the lawful. Each of us shall give her a kiss as pardon for her transgression, while I play." Astral moved around the room receiving a pardoning kiss from each, Andre played as Astral made her way, Sarge followed, selected the first woman to be washed, and the team of men who would perform that rite. They made their way to the bath area whilst the rest of us gravitated to the pedestal, and waited our turn.

Astral came around the room finally, her robe was loose and she was smiling and many kissed her, and caressed the breasts that she had just dedicated to the service of the community. She came up to me, and the two women I was talking to, and asked each of them for pardon as she kissed them. The blond kissed her for a long time as she stroked her shoulders, and Astral reciprocated. She was hot by the time she made her way to me to ask my pardon, "Josh I'm not really sorry for wanting you, but I am so very sorry for deceiving you last night." She pressed her face close to mine. She radiated heat from her aroused body; I stroked her breast, and then ran my hand down to her bush. I could feel that her clit was extended, and she smiled as she pushed her clit to my fingers.

I smiled at her, "I forgive you Astral, I have only four sons so far, but I hope to change that tonight with you."

She laughed and kissed me.

Andre came over and said, "Astral, now you must play like you mean it. I want all your emotions to come though the guitar."

She turned from me, mounted the pedestal, and started to close her robe, but Andre stopped her, "No! Tonight it will be only Astral and her music," he took her robe, and handed her the guitar. He led her by the hand to a stool that had been placed in the center of the pedestal, and kissed her on the forehead. "Now!" he said, "Play a tune that brings you joy!" Astral started playing.

Chapter 3 - Audrey and the Clusterfuck

I was distracted by the blond, Audrey she said her name was. Audrey and I left the pedestal and joined the group that was watching Floyd assist Able in washing one of the Bahia. They were enjoying themselves and Matt and Roger were also washing a brunette that had a magnificent set of breasts, not so much large as perfectly formed with lovely tiny nipples. She basked in the glow of the candles and the attention of eight or ten waiting their turn at the baths as she sighed and let their hands cover every inch of her. Matt brought out his scissors and began to trim her bush, taking care not to nick her and not to take off too much. But he trimmed off a lot and she looked much better afterward, Matt demonstrated for Roger the proper method to coax the clit out of the hood and Roger attempted and failed a few times before he got it to come out and play.

Audrey asked me if I would trim her too. I turned to her and asked, "Do you think you need it?"

She smiled and drew up her robe to show me. I stroked her thigh and kissed her softly on the lips. "Sure I'll trim your bush," as my hand stroked her smooth thigh.

The music changed and became a ballad of lost love and bitter disappointment only to change again when I stopped playing with Audrey. I took Audrey to one of the open alcoves and we joined several others in sampling a pipe that had survived over two hundred years they told me. It was built of glass and fit the hand while having a bulbous bottom where Peach brandy smoothed out the smoke and lent a taste of fresh peaches to the experience. Audrey took a long hit and pulled her finger off the hole to clear the bong. She then handed it to me and I took a smaller hit. It was a good thing that I did. This shit was very loopy. Audrey and I started laughing as we left the alcove for the others to pass the pipe.

We went into the next alcove where beer was stored in ice, we shared a bottle and I noticed a girl setting in the corner alone. I went over and introduced myself to her, "Hello I'm Josh Perkins, Why are you all alone on a night like this?"

Audrey said, "Josh this is Morgan Slightly, Morgan doesn't mix well."

I leaned in and asked her quietly, "A little afraid are you? A woman as beautiful as you has no reason to be alone. Don't be afraid of us tonight we are here to serve the Goddess in each of you. Tonight is your first opportunity to feel like a Goddess and I am not going to let you miss that."

"You're not? "She asked dubiously.

"No," I said looking around and saw Raule come in for a beer, he was wet and naked just coming from the baths to get a couple of beers for the washing crew. "Raule come over here," I said above the noise. "Raule this is Audrey and Morgan. Morgan tells me she is a little scared."

Raule took Morgan's hand and kissed it. "Don't be afraid Morgan we are very experienced and each of us will help you."

Morgan and Audrey were looking at his tool that hung halfway to his knee. I had called Raule in just for comparison. He didn't mind for he was proud of his penis. He said, "There is a place opening up Josh, why don't you bring the women and a couple of beers apiece and I'll help make Morgan more comfortable?"

Raul reached out, took Morgan's hand and we all took two beers apiece to the baths.

Raule took Morgan's robe and hung it up. He spoke to her softly while he arranged her hair over her shoulder and down her breast. Then he bent her over and had her hold her hair out of the way while he poured water over her back. She was facing the right and when she looked around Matt was licking the clit of one of her friends. Her eyes got very wide and she watched as Matt licked and sucked the girl who moaned and moved in a frantic effort to get Matt to end the exquisite agony.

Raule stood Morgan up and turned her to wash her back. She held her hair and listened to the girl next to her climax loudly. The she became aware of Raule's hands on her she gasped. She didn't move but soon she was enjoying his massaging.

Audrey and I sat on the ready bench waiting for Matt and Roger to dry the girl they were working on. Matt put her robe on her, kissed her and handed her off to Roger who escorted her to the pedestal.

Audrey and I stood and she faced me, "Now what?" she asked.

I smiled, pulled her robe off her shoulders and kissed her. I took her robe and mine and hung them up then took a bucket of warm water and offered my hand to her. She took it shyly and I handed her up on to the duck boards. I could still feel the effects of the hit I took and knew that Audrey would be especially sensitive to touch. I kissed her and whispered in to her ear, "Mother Goddess giver of life and suckler of our young. Tonight I offer you a gift of life in hopes that it will grow to be as beautiful as her mother or as handsome as his father." I had her bend and hold her hair up while I poured the dipper and spread the warm water on her smooth skin.

I like initiation nights, a lot of men don't. The delicate flower of womanhood is fascinating to me. I suppose I will change my tastes as I age but for now give me a tight pussy and smooth skin.

Audrey's skin was like warm satin, I felt the effects of the smoke in my fingers and Audrey reacted, her reactions were slight but in our drugged state we moved in tandem it seemed. I soaped her shoulders and down her back then out and up under her arms. I reached around and soaped her breasts while I was at it and my hips fit closely to her wet butt. I wasn't erect so the touch of my penis edging into her butt crack was soft and gentle. I stroked her breasts and then realized I was way ahead of things. I drew back and soaped her butt sliding my hands between cheeks so smooth and warm and my fingers searched and found her rosebud ass, she retreated then came back for more. I stroked her curves and circled her anus with my fingers pressing every so slightly when the tip found the center. She giggled as I washed her ass and rinsed it. I stood her up and kissed her, whispering in her ear, "In every woman there is a Goddess that needs only to be called upon to appear. She is sometimes hesitant and must be coaxed. Shall I coax your Goddess?"

She took my hair in her hands and kissed me full and wet on the mouth. Pushing her tongue deep into my mouth and then sucking my tongue deep into hers. I took that as a yes.

I dipped water over her breasts and began to apply the soap, taking care to touch her lightly. I teased her nipples feeling them react to the stimulation. I fondled, teased and pinched, and then my hands slid lower on her stomach. I alternated bringing each hand up to cup her breast, then down to her bush. I did not probe her but let my hand cup her lips and massaged her whole pubis. She whispered in my ear, "Deeper Please deeper." I kissed her and slid my finger between her lips, finding her wet and smooth and the opening ready to be pierced.

I poured water over her breasts and rinsed them thoroughly then knelt and poured water over her legs and trickled some down her bush. I applied the soap and felt every part of her; she opened herself to my hand and grasped me around the shoulders. I stroked and stroked her bush letting my fingers finally slip inside. She was not a virgin strictly speaking. She must have "practiced" many times before with a dildo, joy wand, or maybe just her fingers late at night, as she dreamed of this day when she would become a woman.

I heard Morgan succumbing to Raule's clit sucking. I had watched him out of the corner of my eye and she had lost her reserve and had both hands in his hair pulling his face into her, her breath came in stuttering gasps.

I eased up on Audrey and told her to watch Morgan. Audrey's eyes opened and she looked over to Morgan who by now was leaned against the wall and Raule had his face buried in her muff, she had Raule by the hair and alternately pushed him away only to pull him back again. She climaxed with a squeal that got everyone's attention then she froze and had trouble breathing. Raule couldn't catch her so I released Audrey and reached out to catch Morgan as she collapsed. Raule got off his knees, kissed her and held her to his chest for a while. As she became more animated he stood her on her feet and began to dry her.

I turned back and said, "I apologize but she was going to fall and maybe hurt herself."

Audrey just kissed me and said, "You promised to trim my bush. Would you like to do that first?"

I smiled and borrowed Raule's scissors then rinsed her bush and dried it quickly but thoroughly. I knelt between her legs while she leaned against the wall and trimmed her bush so that it was about a finger width long all over. Really the downy curls I snipped weren't all that profuse but it was a pleasure to do it and the view was great. I trimmed her along the leg joint then had her lift her other leg and trimmed in along next to her lips taking great care to shield them with my fingers. I kissed her softly on the hood of the clitoris and then put away the scissors and dipped water on her now evenly trimmed bush. Now you could see the hood and the lips pink and soft.

I licked her from bottom to top, my tongue lifting into her hood, probing for her clit with the tip of my tongue. Then I went down and dug deeper ore before coming back to her clit. "Oh suck it," she said. I pulled back and replied, "Lean against the wall and I will." She did as I asked and leaned against the wall her hips were now in a position where I could really reach all of her zones. I dipped my head and found the hood and pulled it up with my thumb, exposing her clit.

My tongue lapped at it for a moment while I adjusted my position and my lips surrounded her clit and my tongue massaged, while I sucked gently in time with the music that had gotten very rhythmic, as Able was demonstrating the Missionaries Wish, and the guitar had provided a point and counter point to the festivities.

Audrey was enjoying herself but holding back and I had to cover at least one more tonight besides Astral, so I cheated a little and slipped a finger into her, stroking in and out as my lips sucked in and out. She cried out and got a round of applause from the pedestal where Able was now demonstrating how to pull out without spilling a drop, the egg position of the woman after coitus to keep the sperm in her longer, and help the little swimmers find completion.

I licked Audrey up and down and flicked my tongue back and forth across her clit, and then deeper in to her vagina as my finger was extracted to make room. I took her labia into my mouth, sucked gently, and then harder, judging from her reactions what was best. She liked to be sucked. I didn't blame her.

My neck began to ache a little so I slipped two fingers into her, and curled my fingertips to rub along the front of her vagina. She liked that and her hips moved in time with my fingers. With my left hand I pulled her hood up and found her clit again with my tongue. It was stiffening so I licked and sucked, licked and stroked and licked some more. She started to lose it, moaning deeply and started to shake. Roy who was next to me reached out and held her as I finished, and she collapsed in his arms. She kissed him and he kissed her back, stroking her breasts until I got on my feet and he handed her back to me. I got her up and held her until she had stabilized and could stand alone. We kissed and snuggled her hand drifted down, grasped my penis and squeezed it. I broke the kiss and started drying her. When she was dry, she helped dry me and we got into our robes and joined the rest of the group.
