Spreading Seeds Saga 01


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"So Luis you were telling us about Robert Black and the Burney Brotherhood?" Able asked.

Luis began to tell us of his long ago predecessor and how he had staged a revolt over the unconstitutional seizure of a man's most personal property. His revolt had a catch phrase like all good revolts, "You can have my sperm when you suck it, from "MY HOT WET DICK!" All the Brothers had joined in shouting the punch line, and they all laughed.

Luis continued, "This led to a boycott of the men providing any sperm samples at all, unless they were collected from the donor by a representative chosen from the women who would be impregnated with his seed. She had to spend at least two hours with him, and perform the collection using her mouth. The Administration refused to agree to such 'Blackmail' and a stand off existed for some time. After word got around there were riots in the streets and the Administration finally relented.

"So that's when the Brotherhood came into being, after the revolt. When the number of males had been reduced to thirty, then the Administration decided to only allow toothless women to collect samples, due to an unfortunate accident during a thunderstorm." Luis took a sip of his beer, and chose a few pinions to pop into his mouth.

"During that time the Brotherhood had made education their objective." Floyd said, "The Brotherhood directed the schools in the Barracks, where girls had been allowed to learn from men who had only the pursuit of knowledge to challenge themselves with.

"As the number of boys had been small to begin with, few girls got the chance to come to the Barracks, and the mere sight of a man in the general population caused such a disturbance that escorts were provided, and men were alienated.

"Roger'll tell you, he is Sociology that this is why the men are a mystery to many women, but he will also tell you that it makes the predominant Lesbian economic coupling somewhat fragile, and they had compensated by collectivizing the woman power to survive at all."

"So this would be after what we call the Wild Times," Able asked, "When the ammo ran out, the productive survived and the unproductive failed?"

"Yeah, fixed ammunition has been unavailable what?" Luis asked Roger, Andre and Floyd.

Andre answered, "125 years since the loss of ductile forming," he nodded, "Andre Black, Metallurgy and Machine design, Archer, and Poet."

Floyd smiled shyly and said, "Floyd Black, Journalism and English, Spanish, French, and Languages in general." Floyd was about twenty five, and tall, his hair was receding, but it just appeared he had grown faster than his hair could keep up.

"Able Drake, Anthropology, and Medical assistant," Able introduced himself, and pointed at me with his beer.

I picked up the cue "Josh Perkins, Agronomy, and Animal husbandry," I was afraid I was low man on the pole again.

"Anyway explain to us how the sample is collected?" Andre asked.

Luis said, "Another toast first!" We all took up another beer and our bottles rose as one, "Welcome men of the Long Pole Kiva, to the Black Brotherhood of Barney," Luis said solemnly, "May your seed fall on fertile ground, and rid us of this pernicious residual effect." We drank again of the strong brew of the Black Brotherhood of Burney.

To tell the truth, a beer and a half had a telling effect on me, even in my own Kiva at Home, I had never felt the spirit of kinship that the Black Brothers had imparted to Able and I. I was getting very mellow when Luis brought out the pipe and pouch. I looked at Able, Sarge had warned me of their smoke last night, I assumed Able was aware of the danger, but Able asked, "A Peace Pipe?"

"Well we thought it would be apropos, does it offend you?" Luis asked.

Able and I grinned, "No, no, not at all. Your smoke comes highly recommended by our first team." Able said.

Luis bowed his head, "We know some agronomy ourselves but are hoping you brought Sativa seeds with you?" He looked up at Able then at me.

"You would have to talk to Sarge about that," said Able.

"You cultivate Sativa then?" I asked.

Luis opened the pouch and extracted a large pinch of fragrant herbage. He offered it to me. "Of course this is processed, so you won't get the bouquet of the green crop."

I smelled it, it was moist, and dark, with the rich odor of cannabis Sativa, green to the nose, to touch, and eye. I smelled a hint of peaches, and that exhausted my appreciation of fine smoke. "Very nice," I said, "How did you get the peach flavor in there?"

"We have peach orchards down the valley and a couple of trees at the Barracks, We make peach brandy, and mix it in during the drying process, the alcohol evaporates, and that leaves essence of Peach. It's our marker of smoke suitable for occasional use. We still have to perform tonight after all." He grinned.

Able, who had taken the pouch from me, smelled it, and tasted the smallest bit, nodding his head. "Yes, I taste the trace of peach." He handed to pouch back to Luis who packed the pipe; Luis shook the pouch and folded it, while the pipe nestled in the crook of his arm.

The pipe was long, and had a small bowl at the end made of dark wood, it was beaded in green and white seed beads along the shaft, and the mouth piece was of horn. A beaded fringe adorned the joining of the shaft and mouth piece. Luis brought it to his lips and looked at Andre, "I need a light Poet."

"Sorry," Andre said, and produced a metallic object from his pocket. He flipped it open and ran his thumb on the striker. A flame appeared shielded by a metallic wind guard. Luis took it and reached down to stoke the pipe. He was tentative and coughed a little until he drew a good breath in to his lungs and exhaled through his nose in a great cloud of pungent smoke. "Ah," he said, and laughed gently, "good friends, good smoke, and all those women to fuck. What could be better?"

No one in the circle could think of anything, and we passed the pipe each taking hit. By the time it got to me it was burning pretty well, I took a good hit, and held it for a moment before exhaling through my nose. It was mild, soft smoke, not harsh at all.

Roger took the pipe from me, and took an even greater hit, but he ended up coughing most of it out.

Able started laughing, and I suddenly realized that I had made another mistake. Trying to impress these formidable gentlemen I had sucked a portion of THC that came on strong. I started laughing along with everyone. We finished our beer and Able asked again, "Tell us about how the samples are taken?"

Luis said "I'm about talked out, Andre you are the self-professed poet, you tell them."

Andre cleared his throat and took a good amount of beer, cleared his throat again and began.

"The sipper of sweet nectar, comes anon, her slippers creep ever closer, then a knock,

You arrange the light so it is low. 'Enter Grandmother' you call and arrange your cock.

She strips her caduceus and in the dim light of a guarded candle she is Myrtle the magnificent born anew.

She approaches and washes your parts in warm water, handling you gentle as the mother she is.

She brings the scent of outdoors, and ever present spring.

The smell of pines or the scent of blossoms in the warm bottom land come off her in waves, sometimes assaulting your senses, and other times is just a delicate thing, wafting on the air.

She dries your parts and shares a jest then with limber lips suggests you part with the nectar of life."

Luis leaned toward Able, "I didn't say he was a good poet."

Andre stopped and drank his beer and took a few nuts. "Myrtle was a legend in her own time. She had fallen victim to a gum disease at an early age and was just 21 when she became a collector. I never knew her, but Luis," He indicated with his beer, "swears she was magnificent."

"She was, even after ten kids she was still pretty solid, and sucked a mean peter," Luis said, in the nostalgic bliss the smoke had induced, "And could fuck like a God damn bunny,"

"Luis says that if you gave her a quick sample to take to the lab, sometimes she would come back and give you another blowjob, or let you fuck her ..."

"... Like a god damn Bunny," Luis repeated to himself, smiling.

"... But most of the grannies you don't want to fuck, a lot are over sixty now, Myrtle was the last of the young ones." Andre said, and pulled on his beer. "That is why we stalled Ginny last winter. After we learned you had this Kiva angle, we played hard to get with her. She pissed the Grandfathers off so bad with her condescending manner, and well, we thought it better to make face to face contact." He took a sip of beer, and continued.

"We all talked to Sarge this morning and the Grandfathers selected us volunteers to join you in the clusterfuck." He said it as if he had visions of being surrounded by pulsating pink pussies, each soliciting for a savage stroke. He looked at Abel's shocked expression and added, "Oh sorry! The whole brotherhood volunteered but we were the lucky ones."

"How often are you collected," Able asked.

"Two, three times a week, more or less, it is hard to fit into the schedule, and there are only a few collectors at any one time."

Able opened his last beer and looked around the circle "Well I can't promise you a Clusterfuck, but you'll have some prime women if last night was any sample. Sarge said to teach you the way of the weasel, so do you guys ever resist giving up a sample?" He made a gesture with his hand, "You know just to feel her lips?"

The men laughed, Floyd took up the narrative, "Part of being a Black Brother is being able to withhold your seed. They start taking samples when you are about fifteen. At first you do it because it is your duty, we learn young to control ourselves, but not exhaust a woman's patience."

"I understand," Able said.

"We have attributed our need for stimulation to the incessant demands of women for babies, several of the researchers have reported that men appear to need much more stimulation to even produce an erection, and the time is getting longer."

"Really," I said "They have data?"

"They say they do, a 100 to 300 percent rise in stimulation time since the Brotherhood was founded is what they published." Floyd was obviously proud of the achievement. Neither Able nor I told him that at the Kiva in Davis you could fuck until you couldn't stand up and still be fucked some more if the Drovers were in town. We didn't want to rub it in.

Able smiled and put out his hand to Luis. "Welcome brother and I'll just skim over it. We start by establishing a trade, some token or even some major policy decision between a man the woman, as I understand it tonight it will be a Bahia Token. I don't know what that is, but we're making this up as we go along, I guess it'll do. Then we have to wash the woman with soap. Soap is the key; we brought some we'll use tonight. It is mild and does a good job of providing lubrication for the fondling and teasing we provide the woman. We pace ourselves and try to keep her comfortable. The fire places in your bath house and the water heaters are excellent to keep her warm. I liked the guitar music; we don't get that at home."

Andre piped in, "I thought of that. It seemed to fit the idea as we understood it. And there were a few volunteers I had to audition."

"Well Reba played wonderfully, didn't she Josh?"

"Great from what I heard, she was a little young but sweet." I grinned, "She kissed me and fled giggling."

"Yes that's Reba but what about Astral?" Andre asked.

I looked blank, "Well I came in late, she wasn't playing."

Able saved me, "She played for a while then left to do something then came back, the two of them played very well together.

I had to ask a favor of these men. "Brothers, I was going to ask Sarge first, but I have to ask you favor." They all looked at me and waited. "Well I sort of came to an agreement with Astral last night, since she wasn't Bahia that I'd service her tonight. Andre do you mind?"

Everybody looked at Andre who smiled and, "You are a guest of the Brotherhood, it would be a dishonor to refuse, I'll catch her after you are gone."

"Thanks," I said.

"Besides, it means you have to take any others we reject, doesn't it?" he asked slyly.

I looked at Able, "What about that? Sounds fair to me," he smiled, "There's going to be twelve of them, and ten of us, so somebody has to go twice, you may end up covering three if they are really ugly." Everybody laughed and we heard the dinner bell ringing.

About that time Sarge came in smiling, "All fixed, and I got them to throw in four more girls. All below 20!"

Everyone cheered the news, and Sarge sniffed the air, "You boys have been working up an appetite haven't you?"

"We initiated these two gentlemen into the Black Brotherhood and that requires a little ceremonial smoke," Luis said.

"They have beer here Sarge," Able said

"No shit," Sarge said, looking at the ring of empty bottles around the brazier, "You two going to be alright? If you fuck this up Ginny is going to have my ass!"

"No problemo Sarge," Able said, "We were just splitting up the women. The Brothers are all adepts it appears, and aside from a powerful hunger, I think we can handle a few more."

"Quality, not quantity, Able, remember the rules." Sarge cautioned.

"Anyway I talked to the powers that be, and they want to make a big deal of you participating tonight. They asked us to wait a while before we eat, to sort of fill the room."

Luis offered Sarge the pipe, "Care to join the Black Brotherhood of Burney?"

"Perhaps later after we get this ceremony over with. But I'd take a beer if it were offered."

Roger picked up a full one, and handed it to Sarge, who took a sip then a long drink, "It's got a kick but smooth, do you brew Pilsner?"

We waited in the Kiva for half an hour, Able and Luis filled in Sarge on the things we had learned, while Luis passed the pipe to his mates, I abstained because I didn't want to screw up the ceremony. I was also a little afraid of not fertilizing Astral after having prepared her seed bed last night.

The Black Brothers did show some moderation, and to their credit, when we left the Kiva, and their Keepers surrounded them, they marched perfectly. Luis made the Keepers stay at least three meters out so, that the women in the village could see the men. The four of them put on their caps, and marched with military precision in front of us to the Mess hall. For them it was a parade, Sarge, Able and I followed them not marching but keeping sort of in step.

The Black Brothers entry to the mess hall was met with silence, and then a buzz ran through the crowded room. By the time they had marched to the head table, and taken their seats, cheering had broken out, and they acknowledged it with a flourish of raised caps. Andre shouted something but since I had just entered, I couldn't tell what he said.

We made our way to the front of the room in our Kiva coats, with our staffs in our hands, and got polite applause all around. The rest of the Davis men had put on their regalia, and Stewart and Harry were sitting with our men at the table in front of the stage.

On the stage, Mercer and Ginny sat with the village Administrators. They were all smiling but a few of them appeared to be faking it, particularly Ginny.

The Chief Administrator got up to the podium, hammered her gavel and the room quieted down to hear what she had to say. Her voice was high and brittle, but her heart was definitely in it when she welcomed us to the village, and hoped that we could help them overcome the residual effects of that long ago plague.

Dinner was then served and the menu was beef, greens, a salad, and some sort of corn pudding laced with honey. Beer was served to everyone, and the bottles were considerably larger than those we'd had at the Kiva, so I drank moderately, giving half of mine to June.

After the dishes were cleared many of the women left the room for a while, I thought to use the privy, but from their giggling when they returned, I realized they had gone out for a smoke.

The stage had been cleared of the table and the podium moved to the side of the stage. The head administrator rapped her gavel, and spoke up in her shrill voice, "We are here tonight to welcome 23 new Bahia into the ranks of motherhood. Please join me in welcoming these new women, girls no longer."

The girls, soon to be women, trooped up on the stage and formed a line. Each of them was dressed in a robe that had been decorated with embroidery, beads, and turquoise. Astral was in the middle, I waved to her, but aside from a smile to me, she kept her place in line. The girls began singing, while Reba and two other girls played guitar and violin. The song they sang was of motherhood, and the laughing babies that they would bring to the village. The women moved in a pattern that gave each of them a chance to be the focus of attention. Each stepped out from their sisters and bared her chest, offering her breasts to nurse the next generation of Burneyites. She would then rejoin the dance with her breasts still bared. The girls would sing a chorus of the song, and the next girl would bear her breasts and make her offer to the crowd.

Each girl got a round of applause and a few shouts of encouragement, or appreciation for the beauty or size of her breasts. After all 23 had made their offer to put her breasts at the service of the community, they all formed up in a line with their breasts exposed and sang another song, then they filed off the stage, and formed a line at the door.

The villagers filed out shaking the new women's hands and pinching their nipples. A few times I saw a woman kiss a nipple or two, or fondle a nubile breast. The Bahia seemed to take this in their stride, with a minimum of blushing, and a lot of laughing. After the crowd cleared a bit, Chief Mercer got us up and we followed the Black Brothers to congratulate the women. Brother Stewart made a point of kissing the first girl on each cheek and on each nipple, before he went to the next. Harry, and the rest of the men, did the same, and I noticed Andre also fondled each and every breast that was exposed. I was too far away to hear what he told them but they all smiled at him, and a couple of them kissed him full on the lips.

Chief Mercer, Ginny and Sue just shook their hands, kissed them on the cheek and passed down the line quickly. I watched Sarge closely when he got to the first girl. He kissed her cheek and said something, I didn't hear what but the girl laughed and lifted her breasts for Sarge to kiss very lightly. He did the same all down the line and our men followed his lead and kissed each woman and each nipple to welcome them into the adult world.

Not all the Bahia were stunners, but there were no really seriously ugly ones. I made my way down the line, and a couple made me sorry that that I had agreed to take the leftovers if I could service Astral. Astral was laughing and blushing when I got to her. Her eyes were bright, and when I went to kiss her cheek she moved, and kissed me on the mouth, then lifted her pert breasts, so I could welcome them to the service of the community, I kissed each lightly, her nipples were stiff, and smelled of desert blossoms, "I'll see you later," I winked at her, and went down the line.

We formed up outside with the Black Brothers, and got out of the crowd that was waiting to cheer the new Bahia when they came out. Sarge formed us in to a column of twos, and we moved off, following the Black brothers who marched in tight formation.

We got to the Bath house, and went in. Ten of us filled the entryway pretty good, and it was a while until we had all undressed, and gone through into the bath. Sarge called for our attention, "Gents, when I went to see about more women the Chief agreed to four more, but when the Administration heard about it they insisted we service the whole class of twenty-three, plus they added a twenty-fourth. I don't know who she is, but she is older, and a mother, the administrator sent her to watch out for the Bahia, I guess. Anyway, everyone is going to have to cover at least two maybe three, so conserve your soap!"
