Spreading Seeds Saga 01


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Astral was still naked on the stool and playing a fast flamenco while Able, and one of the girls, demonstrated other positions including the doggy hump, "Attend now, the Doggy Hump is one of the ways a woman can have intercourse while she is pregnant, Notice no strain is placed on her belly and the man has full freedom to move around." He demonstrated by moving his hips side to side while plunging his penis deep into the Bahia, who grunted and bucked. Able pulled his penis out of her slowly and she gathered her breath panting on her hands and knees. Able pulled her robe down and stood her up on her knees. "I want to thank Muriel for agreeing to help me demonstrate." He kissed her, she kissed him back, and the music played.

I left Audrey to get a beer and Sarge pulled me aside, "Perkins a word in your shell like ear?" I looked at him and he was smiling, not a good sign. "Perkins, remember I told you about the older one the Administration sent?"

"Yeah, Sarge what about her?" I knew it was coming, the Black Brothers had forgiven me, but Sarge was yet to be satisfied.

"Well that's her over there. Her name is Marylyn and she's some blood relative to Astral. She asked for you to come and meet her."

I looked over to where Sarge had pointed and saw a grandmotherly type with no teeth and white hair. Her posture was upright and she was laughing with Luis and Roger and patting the odd girl on the cheek and kissing some. I figured she wanted to meet the man who had caused Astral to be banished. "Sure Sarge let's go."

He lead me over and introduced me to Marylyn, who looked me up and down then came closer and opened my robe feeling my chest and then her hand slipped down to grasp my penis. Luis and Roger broke out laughing and slapped each other on the back. I just stood there and smiled at her. Her hands were soft and never stopped moving. She looked me in the eye and said, "I see what attracted Astral to you young man." She dropped my penis and closed my robe. "He'll do," she said to Sarge and Luis.

"Do, Do what?" I asked.

"You get to help prepare her." Sarge said. "You said anyone that the Black Brothers rejected you would cover. So I am assigning you and Raule to look after her. Raule has washed three already but she picked him out of the crowd and Luis tells me she is a nice old thing. She had been sucking dick at the Barracks for the last twenty years and she was about to retire. She asked if she could come and join the festivities tonight. No one thought she meant having her furrow ploughed, but she told me that after sucking cock for twenty years she wants to feel one as it was supposed to be."

I watched as she circulated congratulating a girl here and there, kissing all the men. I went around and found Raule and told him what had happened. He had Morgan on one knee and a brunette on the other. He kissed them and said "Duty calls ladies. Don't get your selves lost. I'll return and demonstrate the positions we discussed, as soon as I finish with Marylyn." Morgan stood looking over the crowd and asked "Why is Marylyn here, she is an old bag."

"Morgan, see her?" I said, "That will be you in just forty years. She's served this community and has asked just this once to feel what she has not been able to feel her whole life. Don't begrudge her a little joy in her declining years." I said. "She has as much right as you to enjoy herself." I smiled at her and said, "Raule will be back and will satisfy both of you. If you want a real experience, you'll wait for him."

Morgan sighed and said, "Forgive me Josh. I forgot to be generous."
I kissed her and the other girl just for good measure and said, "All forgiven."

I hurried over to where I had left Audrey and told her that I had to help with Marylyn and to wait for me. She smiled, caressed my cheek and kissed me, "There," she said, "a reason to return soon." I took her up in my arms holding, kissed her mouth and trailed kisses down her throat and over her breasts then laid her back on the cushions. "There a promise of the joy of reunion." I got a round of applause from a couple of women and I smiled an acknowledgment to them before making my way around the room to find Marylyn.

She and Raule were near the baths observing as two more Bahia were being worshiped by Roy and Andre. Andre had found it entertaining to watch the water slide down the back bone and disappear in the butt cheeks. He poured several dippers full, then applied the soap delicately on a small framed girl with very little bush, and a tightly wrapped vagina. He stood her up and started to wash her back thoroughly.

Marylyn and Raule were discussing the action, and Raule was describing how Roy was actually examining her, as his fingers also stimulated her to open the mouth of the vagina.

"You take as good a care of a woman as I did with my men. Each of them needed a little something special to get a good climax. Some of them held back, but I was always able to get them off with one technique or another," she said proudly.

I stepped up and nodded to Raule, "Looks like we still have a while to wait."

Marylyn turned and smiled, her toothless mouth turned up and she took my arm. "Now I have two fine young men." She said looking up at us. "Come I want to show you off to Astral before the baths open up."

She dragged us off to the pedestal. We lifted her up on the pedestal and stepping around bodies making our way to Astral. Astral saw her coming and smiled as she approached with the two of us holding her arms.

Marylyn reached in and kissed Astral who never missed a beat on the guitar. "Well here you are dear and here am I, with two strong and handsome men. I was going to wait but I'm too excited. You know how that is don't you?"

Astral nodded at her then looked at me and said, "I'm sorry Josh."

"No regrets Astral. Tonight I will make you a goddess with a swelling belly," I said.

Marylyn said, "I can only hope you do the same for me."

I looked at her and said, "I can only offer the gift, grandmother. It is you who reject or accept it."

She slapped at my arm playfully. "I may not be able to bear children anymore but I had three and if I had had men like you and Raule here, I would have had many more. Now give an old lady a kiss and coax my goddess boys."

I leaned down and kissed her lips feeling them loose and slightly wet on mine. She kept at it a while. Her eyes closed with her hand on my neck. She turned to Raule, "Now you please, kiss me." Raule smiled and kissed her running his tongue over her lips and sucking them into his mouth while he cupped one of her breasts with his hand. When she broke the kiss and laughed. "I felt that one down to my toes. Astral, let him kiss you."

Astral stopped playing put down her guitar and stood taking Raule around his neck he dipped his head and kissed her. My heart fell as she melted against him and his hands slipped down to her ass. It was too long for my taste, but Raule finally broke the kiss, his hands slipping up to stroke her breast while she caught her breath with her head on his chest. Finally she stepped back and said, "I see what you mean Auntie."

"Now try Josh, he's pretty good too." Marylyn said giving me some hope that I might redeem myself in Astral's eyes.

She smiled at me, put herself in my arms and shook back her hair before looking up at me. I slowly bent down and kissed her lips softly. My tongue sneaked out and teased her upper lip and I sucked it a little. I leaned her back and kissed her harder while grasping her breast with one hand, and trailed kisses along her throat and over her breasts. Bringing her upright to once more kiss her mouth, and her cheeks, then nibbling at her lips again. She pulled my head to her and savaged my mouth. Her hand reached down and slipped into my robe. She fondled me and I let her. We got a round of applause from the pedestal, I think Roger shouted encouragement to her, as she held me by the hair with one hand and squeezed my dick with the other. I got hard in a flash and Astral grasped the tip and stroked it. I was never going to live this down.

She kept it up a little longer and then relented. She fell back breathing hard and a little flushed. "Oh that hurts so good," she said. That got a laugh from the crowd. I held her a little and she stroked my chest and I stroked her belly. Marylyn separated us, to boos from the peanut gallery. "Astral, you should play now. Give us what is in your heart now." Astral smiled bravely and sat back down. She began to play. Her thumb plucking a base rhythm of a heart beat, while her fingers picked out a lush melody on the strings.

Marylyn, Raule and I went back to the baths only to find someone else had taken our places on the duck boards. Marylyn turned to Raule, "You had two young women with you before, where are they?"

Raule turned and waved to Morgan. "There, Morgan is waving back. They are waiting for me. No problem. I've bathed them already."

"Oh my boy you can't let them cool off too much. Josh and I will keep our place. You go off and warm those two up a bit. I know their mothers, wet nursed Morgan, and I wouldn't spoil this night for them. I'll call you when we get started. OK."

"If you don't mind?" Raule said.

"No go ahead," said Marylyn. Raule grinned at her and kissed her on the cheek He wasted no time running back to Morgan and the brunette, who had taken up a conversation with Floyd.

I looked over at Astral and she was spinning on her stool playing what she saw. This whole thing was taking too long, you can not keep 23 women all hot and bothered forever. Sarge had already filled all the alcoves and was in the process of clearing out the smoking alcove for Holy Worship. I realized that Andre had foreseen this. 34 people in a room built for forty bathers with hormones raging as strong they were; a clusterfuck was sure to breakout. There were a few people already shedding their robes on the pedestal and because of the imbalanced numbers, some men found themselves with one woman on their mouth and one in each hand. I looked at the pedestal and Astral was being kissed by a line of my brothers as she played and laughed, the candle light on her naked body was warm and soft as, well ... as soft as Astral's ass. I could think of nothing softer.

Raule came back with a pipe and candle. "Morgan said to bring this to you. She said to tell you it was Night Blooming Cerise." He put the pipe in her hand and gave her the candle. Then Raule left.

Marylyn took my arm and smiled toothlessly at me. "You think she has been punished enough?"

"No I think she is enjoying herself. I gave her the full treatment yesterday, except for penetration." She has had what her sisters haven't, and having to wait may just make it sweeter in the end."

"Let us hope." Marylyn said, and we watched as Astral spun on the stool and cheered on Floyd who had failed to keep it soft and was now taking his first dip of eager young pussy, hot and wet on his dick.

Marylyn took a hit on the pipe and handed it to me. I took a hit and settled back to watch my first clusterfuck forming.

Floyd lasted a good long while then he slowed down and withdrew using the technique that Able had demonstrated earlier, but instead of propping her up with legs together he spread her legs and licked her pussy. Several girls gathered around and watched. When Floyd remounted, there was much applause. He was gentle with her, but he gave her more, and harder, as she called for it, and it appeared he could keep that up all night. The Bahia, now fully a woman screamed and shouted, "Yes! All the way!" and when Floyd sank his shaft the strain on his face reached a peak, he jerked and strained, and then he collapsed to the cheers of his people who were seeing the first open sex in these parts in a hundred and fifty some years.

Floyd was not in a hurry to withdraw and his brothers lifted the girl and placed a pillow under her and lowered them down. Floyd got his hands and knees and left his still erect penis in her slit as she drew her legs up and wrapped him in them. They kissed and nuzzled then Floyd withdrew carefully.

Astral spun now on the stool, and called out part of the body to touch or kiss. Girls played with girls as well as guys. The candles were getting lower and finally our turn had come for the bath. I called out to Raule and he came up out of the brunette's muff like a gopher and shook his head. He held up one then two fingers and gave me a shrug then his head popped out of sight.

I looked at Marylyn, she smiled back at me, "Well it's just you and me kid," she said, and pursed her lips for a kiss. I smiled and laughed. "Come Grandmother and I will introduce you to the goddess."

I took her robe and hung it for her. She was a little hunched over so I brought up the ready bench and put it on the duck boards for her. I seated her on one end of the bench. I got a bucket of water from the heater next to the fire place and tempered it with some cold. She was smiling at me as I carried the bucket over and leaned down to kiss her on both cheeks. "Grandmother let us travel through time to when you were young and had not been quickened. You were a little afraid and a little excited, yes?"

"Young man I was a lot afraid and a just little excited. Right now I'm a lot excited and not a God damn bit afraid." She said smiling at me and pulling on my penis.

I put down the bucket and had her straddle the bench, I sat behind her and dipped water over her back, the hot water made her straighten her back and she called for more. I dipped and poured the water then took up the soap and soaped her back massaging her back and working my thumbs up along the spine my fingers sliding out over her ribs. Her skin was still tight. She wasn't gaunt like a lot of old women. I rinsed her back and had her turn and face me. Her bush was grey and her breasts sagged far down her chest.

She raised her breasts to my view, "Three of my own and tens of others suckled at these," She said, I bent my head, and kissed each of them to thank them for their service to mankind. The nipples still reacted a little. Marylyn laughed and made me kiss them again.

I poured water over her breasts and took my time on her chest stroking her lightly at first but more firmly as she responded. I cupped her breasts and slipped my hand out to the nipple and fondled them. She was smiling, eyes closed thinking of how it felt when they were full of milk and her children lay on them sleeping. She smiled at me and I took it as a sign to move along. I rinsed her breasts and made sure to not leave any soap under them.

I let her lay on her back with her legs on either side of the bench and I started to wash her feet and legs, moving from side to side until I reached her knees. Then I knelt beside her and washed her thighs and then up in to her bush. She put a hand down and guided my fingers to a point where her clit would hide under the hood and made me stroke and rub her there. I soaped up my hands and reached down from the top my fingers curling down to cup her lips and tease her clit on the back stroke. She relaxed for a bit then her hand went down and held my fingers on her clit and pushed on them hard moving them from side to side. I followed her suggestion and maintained the rubbing but dipped warm water over her legs and rinsed them well then poured water on her vagina while I rubbed her clit.

Raule made an appearance with a bucket of warmer water. I thanked him and kept up the clit action but added my right hand feeling around the mouth of her vagina and stroking it. She moaned and a round of polite applause surprised her, and I. We looked up to find we had drawn an audience, women, the Black Brothers, and Astral, who was now wearing her robe, watched smiling.

Marylyn waved the Black Brothers over, "Come on boys and let Marylyn have a thrill. The brothers all gathered around her head where she looked up and she was able to see them from a familiar angle. She reached out, fondled each of their penises in turn and pulled each lightly. "We had good times boys but the old ways are gone and I wish you all the luck with the new ways."

She lay there while I shifted around and began to lick her vaginal lips, working my way up her slit, licking and spreading lubrication. If she wanted Raule to fuck her she was going to need it. I made as much saliva as I could and slowly rubbed it into her vagina. I pulled back her hood and exposed her clit licking and sucking it. Her clit grew to be enormous as I licked and sucked, drooling down her slit and working my finger slowly into her dry vagina. She worked her hips and moaned, saw Raule standing at her waist she waved him up to stand above her head his mighty tool dangled over her face she smiled, pulled back his foreskin and licked the head of his penis. She kissed, and sucked it, both hands curling around it. She stroked it back and forth across her lips and pulled it lightly. "Can you make it hard Raule I'd like to see it erect. Would you do that?"

Raule said, "If you want to see it hard, just pucker your lips and suck it a while."

She smiled at him and said, "Now if each of my boys would give me an inch or two of themselves in my vagina. I'll never accuse them of holding back again. Roger you go first, if I can take you then Floyd and Luis and then Andre. OK?"

"Sure Marylyn but can you give me some inspiration?" Roger said.

"Come over here," she said and she pulled his penis and kissed it pulling the foreskin back and sucking the tip until it grew to fill her mouth and then she kissed it on the end and stroked it with her hand. Roger grew to a full six inches, he moved down, and I got up to hold one of her legs up and out while Luis held the other. Raule had repositioned himself so Marylyn could suck his penis and as she started sucking, Roger started to enter her vagina. He was slow and took it easy; he smiled and dripped saliva on her.

Sarge came over with some lubricant, slipped the nozzle into her and squirted some lube deep in to her vagina. Then it was more comfortable all around. Roger got at least three inches into her and was able to stroke back and forth slowly at first and then the lube began to spread and he went little deeper and a little faster.

I looked up at Raule who had to move down so his now erect tool, all ten inches, was in Marylyn face. She stroked it and rubbed it on her face smiling as Roger worked her gently. She put out her hand and pushed Roger away. Floyd came up a little light since he had delivered a load a few minutes ago but he eased into her carefully and she took him easily

One of the Bahia came over and took Luis's penis in her hand encouraging him to get ready. He accepted her urging, massaged her boobs and soon was hard as a rock.

Luis bent over Marylyn accepted lubrication on his penis and eased into her. She rocked her hips and moaned a little and hugged Raul's Tool closer to her lips. Licking it and sucking it while Luis fucked her slowly but firmly.

I suddenly realized that I was in the way so I dried myself and found Astral crying and smiling at the same time as she watched her Aunt being made to feel like a goddess after all these years. I put my arm around her; she looked up and kissed me.

We watched as Marylyn climaxed and Andre eased her down and pulled out, she relaxed and her boys poured warm water over her and then dried her with towels and got her on her feet. She reached out and patted Raule on the cheek then accepted a robe and Luis escorted her to the pedestal.

Chapter 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said "Now Astral may be washed and we can start this clusterfuck for real." Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, "Come you can help me wash Astral," I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia.
