Stacy's Womb Pt. 01 - Who's is It?

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A Wife Submits.
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It felt surreal to contemplate. After a decade of relentless dedication, we were on the verge of owning our own home. "Are you excited, Brian?" I turned to my wife, Stacy. "Yes, absolutely." Stacy replied with a slight shrug. We were in the midst of packing our belongings in our apartment, preparing for the impending move. As Stacy carefully placed dishes into a box, I couldn't help but admire her.

Her lustrous blonde hair cascaded effortlessly over her shoulders. Standing at around 5 feet tall, she possessed a remarkable figure, with curves that spoke of femininity and grace. However, what truly captivated me was her inner strength and the unwavering support she provided. I considered myself immensely fortunate to have her by my side.

We packed up the last of the boxes and put them into the moving truck we had rented. I got into the driver's seat, and we began the short drive to our new home.

As we drove, my wife appeared lost in contemplation. Nearly a decade of marriage had fine-tuned our ability to sense each other's inner musings. "Is something on your mind?" I inquired, breaking the silence.

"Just thinking about our conversation the other day," she replied softly.

"About starting a family, right?" I asked. "I understand, especially now that we have a home, but I need a few more years to feel secure about our finances before taking that step."

Stacy let out a sigh. "Yeah, I know."

The remainder of the drive passed in silence. Her quietness left me with a pang of guilt, but the reality remained--despite our stable, well-paying jobs, the new house had significantly impacted our financial landscape. I couldn't afford to jeopardize our stability, and that was something I couldn't compromise on.

As we pulled up to our new home and began the long process of unpacking I knew that our lives would never be the same.

Five months later.

As the house became more of a home over the months, Stacy and I thought it would be a good idea to install security cameras all around the house and I was in the process of installing the last one in the basement living room. It took me awhile but when I was done I went upstairs to let Stacy know the good news.

"Everything's done!" I exclaimed with excitement. "Our basement is finally complete, and the security system is up and running."

"Fantastic news, dear!" It had taken us several months of hard work, but now that our basement was finished, we could set our other plan in motion: renting it out for some additional income.

"Well..." Stacy began thoughtfully. "Now, the only thing left is to find a tenant."

"Shouldn't be too challenging. I'll start looking next week," I assured her, eager to fill the space and start reaping the benefits.

Looking back, some days I regret finishing that basement. My and my wife's lives would be dramatically different. Over the years, she would spend more time down there than with me. She and I, as well as the men who would rent it, would love every minute of it.

3 Months Later

As I walked down the stair's I could hear Stacy and the potential tenant talking to one another. and as I opened the door and turned the corner I saw both of them standing it the basement living room.

Standing before Stacy and me stood a remarkably fit 20-year-old man, sporting black hair, brown eyes, and what Stacy would later describe as a "Pretty boy face."

"Here we are," I said to the young man, Steve. The three of us were giving him a tour of the basement. "What do you think of the place?"

"I think it's great!" Steve glanced around once more before eagerly asking, "When can I move in?"

"As soon as you're ready, just keep in mind the deposit," my wife interjected. "You'll receive it back upon moving out, provided there's no need for repairs."

Steve grinned. "Not to worry. I'll be attending college full-time, so I won't be here all that often. But about those camera," he pointed to the security camera we had installed in the basement living room, "what's the deal?"

"Oh, that." I fumbled for my phone, launching the security app to show him. "They're part of the security setup, this particular one is deactivated. It's the only camera down here. We set it up before considering renting the space out."

Steve nodded. "No problem at all. I was just curious. I won't be around much anyway." Handing back my phone, he said, "I'll go start packing my stuff!" with palpable excitement.

Steve had been renting our basement for five months, and like he said he was hardly here. We never had any issues or complaints and he always paid his rent on time. As far as we could tell he only came here to sleep.

One evening, I returned home to find my wife unusually quiet, her demeanor suggesting a hint of anger. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Nothing," she snapped sharply, signaling that something was indeed amiss.

"Alright," I responded calmly. "But if you want to talk about it later, just let me know."

She paused for a moment before blurting out, "The power went out."

"Did it come back on?" I inquired.

"No," she said after a few seconds. "I went downstairs to check the breakers, but when I turned the corner, I saw..." She hesitated. "Steve. He had just gotten out of the shower... he was naked."

I was taken aback, but before I could react, she continued, tears welling in her eyes. "We were both startled, and I ran upstairs. I'm sorry."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding, "It's okay. It was an accident. Everything will be fine." My words felt inadequate, grappling with the complexity of the situation that seemed beyond my immediate understanding.

The following day, I ventured down to the basement, intending to have a conversation with Steve to clear the air for all of us, but he wasn't there. Deciding to send him a text, I composed a message: "Hello, Stacy mentioned she walked in on you unexpectedly yesterday. To avoid any further incidents, we'll send you a text before coming downstairs."

As soon as I sent the text, a notification from the security app on my phone caught my attention. Opening the app, I was surprised to see the basement camera was activated, displaying a live feed of myself standing in the basement living room. "The power outage must have reset it," I thought to myself, intending to turn it off in the settings. Before I could, a reply from Steve popped up.

"Sounds great! Sorry about the whole thing. Stacy and I startled each other accidentally, but I grabbed a towel and apologized. We had a brief chat, and then she went upstairs. Sorry again!"

"Talked for a bit?" I pondered. Stacy hadn't mentioned conversing with him. Feeling a bit flustered, I chose not to text her about it since she was at work. I carried on with the rest of my day, and by the time Stacy arrived home, it had slipped my mind entirely.

A few days later, while seated at my desk at work, a notification buzzed on my phone--the basement security camera detected movement again. "Forgot to turn it off," I muttered, reaching for my phone. As I opened the app, what I witnessed puzzled me. Stacy occupied the armchair while Steve sat comfortably on the adjacent couch. They appeared engrossed in conversation, sharing smiles and laughter.

Curiosity piqued, I grabbed a pair of headphones and discreetly tuned in to their conversation while continuing my work. "Ever seen the movie 'Jaws'?" Stacy inquired.

"No, but it's about a shark or something, right?" Steve replied.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites. You should watch it sometime," Stacy suggested. Odd, Stacy had never mentioned 'Jaws' as a favorite movie to me.

In the midst of my thoughts, Steve responded, "We could watch it now if it's available on any streaming services?"

Stacy beamed, shifting closer to Steve on the couch. Steve navigated the TV options, and after a few minutes of messing with it, located the movie. "Found it." he announced.

Observing them begin the movie, I exited the app. "It's good they're getting along. That could've been awkward if they were upset," I mused, refocusing on my work.

As my work day came to a close, curiosity overwhelmed me, leading me to open the app once again while walking to my car. Both Steve and Stacy were still sitting on the couch, engrossed in the movie, but there was a significant change. Stacy had moved and was now comfortably seated on Steve's lap. Despite this, they still seemed captivated by the film.

When I reached my car and settled in, Stacy suddenly broke the silence, her voice dripping with seduction. "So, what are your thoughts on the movie?" she asked.

Steve responded with a pause, his gaze undeniably fixed on my wife's chest, before admitting, "Well, I've been focused on you the entire time."

Stacy couldn't help but smile at his response, teasingly remarking, "Looking at me, huh? Any particular parts you like?" Steve, his eyes still lingering on her breasts, confidently replied, "Yes."

There was a momentary pause before he added, "I have a feeling you also saw something you liked the other day." Steve playfully replied, "Hmm, maybe," but before she could say more, Steve interjected, "I can show you again, but you'll have to do something for me." Stacy pouted and asked, "Aww, and what might that be?"

Steve then uttered two words, words that I believed were exclusively between us.

"Suck it."

Without a moment's hesitation Stacy slid off of his lap and into the spot next to him and as I watched in horror she began to undo his pants. Waves of sadness and anger came over me as I watched the love of my life begin to unzip his zipper; however these feelings quickly turned to shock, as what emerged from Steve's pants was huge. Stacy had her hand placed around its thick girth before saying "Oh my. It's even bigger now." Steve placed one of his hands on Stacy's right breast and squeezed it slightly, before saying "I'm hearing a whole lotta of talking and not a lot of sucking."

Stacy Smiled and with that she lowered her head and began kissing the tip of his member and then began to lick from the base of the shaft to the tip and went back and forth between kissing and licking for a few minutes before she stopped, looked Steve in the eyes, placed the head of his dick into her mouth and began to slowly bob her head up and down. Steve let out a groan, as my wife's mouth went up and down his shaft. She then began to switch back and forth between Gentle kissing and passionately sucking for a few minutes, all the while smiling and staring Steve in the eyes.

Eventually she stopped and began slowly stroking him. "You know...I've been told that I give great blowjobs..." She stood up and took off her gym shorts she was wearing exposing her lower half "But I have also been told I have an even better pussy, wanna give it a try?" she said seductively as she got on all fours on the couch, wiggling her bottom back and forth. without saying a word Steve got behind Stacy in preparation to mount her.

Just as he got into a comfortable position, the app gave me an error code and the signal was cut off. I snapped back to reality to process what I had just seen. "The power must have gone out again." I mumbled "I need to get back and stop this". It was then I noticed that my own member was erect but I quickly shoved that thought to the side. I needed to stop what they were about to do. I quickly started the car and drove as fast as I could.

Within minutes I was home I opened and shut the front door quietly as I hadn't quite figured out how I was going to confront them. I made my way downstairs and as I did I could hear Stacy moaning and as I opened the basement door familiar voices greeted me.

I peeked my head around the corner but I wasn't ready for what I was about to see.

Steve and Stacy were both naked laying sideways on the couch with Steve behind her. They were in the midst of heavily kissing each other while Steve made slow passionate thrusts into Stacy. with each thrust Stacy let out a quite sensual moan.

All of the emotions I felt were replaced by shock at the scene before me. As I saw the two bodies in motion, it was like a work of art. One of the first things I noticed was Steve's member. The security camera did not do it justice. His girth was enormous and his testicles were large and heavy. Even while inside of my wife I could tell his length was impressive as well, as with each thrust he would pull back fairly far, before thrusting back in. Stacy had the back of her right hand on her forehead, as she moaned and took the waves of pressure Steve was giving her. Stacy's breast jiggled as the lovemaking continued and Steve taking notice, place one of his hands on her right breast and gently squeezed it.

"These tits are amazing." He said. "mmmmnnnnn yeah baby? You like my tits?" Stacy moaned back. He brought the breast he was holding in his hand up to closer to his head and began sucking on it. this prompted another moan from Stacy, upon hearing this he said "Yea babe. Cant want to stick my dick between them," Stacy laughed. "A titfuck eh. I haven't done that since high school. Get over here big boy."

I was confused by that statement. we have been together since the beginning of high school and we had never done that. Before I could finish that thought Steve began to pull out of Stacy and I saw the entire enormity of his member. It had to have been at least a foot in length, covered in veins as it pulsed.

Steve got on top Stacy's torso before placing his dick between her breasts, she then squeezed them together as he began to go back and forth. "Fuck these tits are great" he grunted. His pace was slow at first, but began to slowly increase over time. The sting of jealousy hit hard, watching Steve do what I had never done. Steve let out a grunt of satisfaction which caused Stacy to smile and chuckle.

"You know you are super lucky, only one other guy has got to do this." Steve while speaking "Yeah, these things are wasted on your Husband." Stacy smiled.

The titfucking continued as Steve pumped his hips, Stacy giggling and smiling as her breasts could not contain the entire length of phallus and the head of his member would occasionally poke her face. While Stacy was having a laugh Steve was clearly focused on the waves of pleasure my wife's body provided, groaning and grunting as he went.

After a few minutes Steve stopped and Stacy released his dick from her massive breasts. She then flipped over and leaned on the arm rest of the couch, again presenting her backside to Steve. "Ready for another go?" she said teasingly as she wiggled her behind, back and forth.

Steve in response did something unexpected and slapped her ass. "Fuck yea." Steve quickly positioned himself behind her and smacked her ass again causing her to yelp. He then leaned over and began whispering into her ear. I tried to lean in to hear what was said but was unsuccessful. Stacy smiled "Oh my you are a naughty boy."

"Says the lady cheating on her husband, You know what I want to hear, so say it slut." Hearing him call her a slut made me flair up in anger, but I couldn't disagree with him. "mmmmm, yea you fuck so much better than him with your big dick Ohhhh." As she finishes her sentence Steve begins to place himself slowly, inch by inch back into her willing body. Stacy began moaning and squealing as he did so, her body freezing up. Steve began to speak as he reached all the way into her. "Fuck, your pussy is good."

They were both still for a few moments before Stacy turned her head to face Steve. "Fuck me." Steve smiled "What was that slut, I didn't hear you." He said, a tone of annoyance in his voice. Stacy inhaled and then screamed out "Fuck me with your big dick! Fuck my slutty pussy with your Ohhhhhhmmmmmmnnnnn" She moaned has Steve pulled back and thrust back in, and with a swift motion placed his hand on her head and roughly grabbed and pulled her hair. "That's a good little slut." And with that he began his thrusting.

He was slow at first but after a few moments the pace dramatically increased and the sound of their bodies colliding was almost as loud as the moans and grunts they made. Fwap Fwap Fwap Fwap. "OH Fuck," My wife screamed "Fuck me!" I was frozen in place, as the two lover's bodies collided with one another. Her breasts swaying back and forth and Steve's massive testicles doing the same.

"Fuck babe I'm gonna cum!" Steve grunted as his breathing became shallow and quick. "Do it baby!" was the moaned reply from Stacy. With that I watched in what seemed like slow motion as Steve let out a loud groaning noise as he made one final thrust as fast and as far as he could. I watched as his testacies moved up and down, pumping a torrent of his seed deep into Stacy, flooding her womb.

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned away and began to go back up the stairs as the pair gasped for air and kissed one another. Tears welling up in my eyes as I ascended, I noticed the wet spot on my leg. I had came in my pants.

I sat on the edge of my bed with a whirlwind of emotions going through me. Anger. Sadness. Shame. However the biggest one to my horror, was arousal. I looked down only to see the bulge in my pants.

I could hear footsteps coming up from the basement before I could get up, the bedroom door opened. It was Stacy. Her hair was an absolute mess but she was smiling and rosy red cheeks. she very much looked like someone who had just had sex.

"Hey babe! Did you just get home?'' She walked past me and into the bathroom. "How long had it been?" I thought I pulled out my phone to look at the time. It was 8pm, I got home at 5 more or less. "Jesus." I thought. "They were at it for over three hours."

Stacy opened up the medicine cabinet in our bathroom and pulled out her birth control tablets and took one. She looked at me and smiled and said " Almost forgot to take one today." Those words sent a shiver down my spine and adrenaline filled my body, as thoughts of Stacy's belly swelling with a child that wasn't mine filled my mind. Thoughts of Steve not only having sex with my wife, but also breeding her. I couldn't tell if these thoughts made me angry or excited. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I knew I had to confront her.

So without thinking I just spurted it out. "I know you just had sex with Steve." Her face went from a smile to a solemn frown. She stood there for several long seconds. Neither of us said anything. I Finally broke the silence. " Why?" I looked up to see her with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Brian." she collapsed in front of me on her knees and began crying. My anger dampened and sadness came over me. I hated seeing her cry and this only added to the strange combination of emotions going through me.

I spoke up again. "Hey it's OK let's just talk it out OK no need to cry." She continued to cry for a few more moments before taking a deep breath "I'm such a horrible wife" she sobbed. I was silent. I couldn't disagree with her at the moment. "I'm so sorry, please don't leave me." It was then that a thought came through my mind for the first time through this whole ordeal. Getting a divorce. " I won't." She gave me a weak smile and I spoke again. " We need to talk this out." She nodded.

Little did I know this conversation would change my relationship with my wife forever.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Horrible. Incredible disrespect. Weaker than a noodle.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This category should be changed from loving wife to cuckold....that's all the stories I see now

dennissaradennissara6 months ago

Great story. Fuck the haters...they will hate. Love wife impregnation...nothing like seeing them withe seed flowing out. Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

IF his response is to talk about it he has a serious fetish or inferiority problem. A real man would be trying to figure out where to dump the bodies.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

BTW. The title should read “whose is it”.

Who’s = who is.

Your title says “who is, is it”.

GcoachGGcoachG6 months ago

Great start. 4⭐️s. Looking forward to more.

mattenwmattenw6 months ago

I can't understand why there are still authors who don't understand what they're writing. Cuckolding is a niche of BDSM and belongs there or in fetish. But definitely not in “LW”! 1*!

Tom5616Tom56166 months ago

Nice story! When are you going to finish it ? Did she go off birth control and get breed by that big cock ?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


The big problem isn't the category, it's the ambiguous, undefined nature of it. THIS PROBLEM is the fault of Literotica. Many people see "Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more. (43269)" as anything OTHER than purposeful cuckolding. After all, there is a specific category for fetishism and if that kind of cuckolding isn't a freaking fetish than the Pope ain't catholic!

The "Married extra-marital fun" in the category description is defined as swinging, sharing & more. No doubt this includes consensual activities of both spouses to swing or to share. The "more" part gets cloudy. I always viewed it as the cheating facet that can happen in a marriage. That is, the sex someone is having with somebody other than their spouse which does not have their spouse's approval. That is to say, they're having an affair, committing adultery, bringing infidelity into their marriage.

The difference in a story is in the cheaters intent to just cheat versus their intent to humiliate, control, subjugate, harm, coerce or objectify their spouse. Also important is in how the cheated upon spouse portrays themselves. Do they come across as weak, effeminate, unable to control their own sexual urges when observing their cheating spouse? Are they the beta male in deference to the alpha bull and his spouse? This is fetishism. This doesn't belong in Loving Wives. But Literotica has their heads so far away from the sunshine that they can't see the problems with the categories or even effect a solution to this ongoing schizophrenic argument.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ruttweller, neither the Bear no anybody else gives a shit about your opinion. Story is a -1 but they don't let you grade it that low.

i122i1226 months ago

The only thing I didn’t like about this story was the “I looked at the time, they had been fucking for 3 hours” Maybe they had been fucking for 3 hours but him watching for 3 hours was not described in the story. Also you never described how full of cum Stacy’s pussy was and whether she showed it to her husband.

I’m sure these items will be explained in the following stories

holeinjolaholeinjola6 months ago

Great start. Keep writing!

moultonknobmoultonknob6 months ago

So he stands there for 3 hours watching 👀 her being fucked and all he does is get a hard on then at the end of the fucking thinks they need to talk about it. I can't believe that I live in a world where such pathetic fuckwits breathe air.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

seems he‘s just the usual idiot whereas she is the usual dumb and whoring wife. Boring!

RuttweilerRuttweiler6 months ago

Hey "Bear"

I was struck by your comment, where you wished they would put this story in a "Cuckold category" so you wouldn't get sucked in by mistake.

Have you actually read the category description for "Loving Wives"? Let me help you, it must be hard to find. Here is is:

"Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more. (43269)"

You see that? You see where it says "Married extra-marital fun"?

How about "swinging, sharing & more."? Can you read that? Do you know what it means?


Do you see any text that might lead you to believe that this is the "HATED WIVES" category? Does it say "Revenge, retribution, pain and murder for pleasure."?

You are apparently lost. Do you go to Victoria's Secret, and complain that you can't find the housewares section? Do you call up the Gas Company and whine about your electric bill?

The entitlement oozes from your comment. Be a bit less self-righteous and pay attention to your surroundings.

By the way, you do know that "bears" are a gay thing, right? Maybe you really are lost.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What an entitled cheating crunt.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

When the character talking changes, start a new paragraph.


Also, you wrote it in 1st person, so we know what he's feeling and thinking. You have him be angry and hurt. Suddenly, he states there will be no divorce, a 180 turn from everything you set up. That's a perfect example of shitty writing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

So why are they still married !

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

I agree with the consensus. This is extremely bad cuck shit that never should have been posted.

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