Standing Room Only (2023 Redux)


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She and Michelle shared the moment and both laughed heartily at that. Chris felt at ease with the girl, who was confident without being cocky, knowledgeable with no arrogance. It was nice to share a little of her new secret with someone and she finished her sandwich with a smile then got back to work.

The afternoon seemed to pass quickly and before she knew it, 5pm had rolled around. Packing away unfinished papers for the morning, she quickly tidied her desk and picked up her bag from the back of the chair. Michelle turned before leaving the office and called across.

"Good luck tonight, darling." She winked again and gracefully twirled out of the door, laughing as she did.

Chris felt a warm glow overtake her as she wondered on the likely-hood of meeting the mystery woman on the train again this evening, or in the morning if she didn't get the evening train. She found herself hoping fervently that she would indeed be on the train home, a tingle then an ache in her loins a gentle reminder of her body's own desires.


Standing on the platform, Chris tried not to fidget, tried to keep from looking constantly for that face in the throng. She didn't like impatience in others and it irritated her in herself but she couldn't deny that gnawing feeling of wondering, waiting. It seemed an age before the train arrived and was ready for boarding. Trying to glance around casually as she stepped on board, Chris sighed to herself, admitting that at the very least she would have to wait until the morning train if another encounter was to happen.

She'd entered the rearmost door as she had this morning and took up a standing position where her companion had stood but facing the rear as before. Sighing again and looking down at her toes, she was aware of someone in close proximity and hoped it wasn't someone annoying. The somebody slid into the gap between herself and the partition; she saw beige high heeled pumps and slender ankles, leading to silky smooth well toned legs....

Raising her head, her eyes met eyes of sparkling grey, mischievous, slightly lustful. The owner of the eyes made to speak before Chris quickly placed her finger against the luscious smiling lips.

"Shhh!" she whispered, moving slightly closer, so her breasts lightly bumped the other woman's. She felt the almost imperceptible return pressure of the nipples opposite push through the layers of thin cloth, pushing against her own. Bare knee rested against bare knee, green eyes gazed longingly into grey as the two women relaxed together for the journey home.

They made a game of their nearness and the 30 minute journey passed all too quickly. Allowing the motion of the train to dance their hard nipples over and around each other was one aspect of the game. They allowed themselves to sway close, increasing and releasing the push between their breasts.

With the same apparently random movement, they allowed their lips to brush each other, to almost kiss, then move apart again. With poor timing at one stop, they actually did briefly kiss, one delicate, gossamer thread a momentary tell-tale of moist contact. Chris found herself not caring if anyone saw, her attention entirely on the object of her desire, a desire that was growing with every second spent in proximity to this woman.

Too soon they arrived at Chris' stop and on impulse and some sense of need, she took hold of the woman's hand, entwining their fingers, holding it firmly. Her eyes searched those of her companion, looking for confirmation. The grey eyes smiled back and an imperceptible nod gave acknowledgment. As the doors opened, she led the mysterious beauty by the hand and, as if walking on air, the two made their way to Chris' house.

As she slid the key into the lock, Chris remembered Eleanor would not yet be home; it was a gymnastics practice session on Monday evenings so they would have the house to themselves for a couple of hours. They uncoupled their sweating hands and stepped into the cool hallway, Chris softly closing the door behind them. They turned to face each other, advancing until they were nose to nose, their breasts resuming their press of nipples.

"Would you like a coffee or anything?" As the host, it seemed polite to ask.

"Anything," breathed the grey eyed seductress. Chris could taste the sweetness of her breath.

She blushed, could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks as well as the heat that passed between the breasts that still pushed gently against each other.

"I'm Christina," she said almost dreamily, wanting to throw herself against this woman, to crush them together, devour her, to release this tension and anticipation.

"Catherine, charmed." The name was breathed into her, she felt it on her lips, in her mouth and she took it in, absorbing it in her mind as she tasted the woman's breath.

There was no more waiting and they melted into each other, arms clutching, hands pressing, forcing their aching bodies together. Their still parted lips pressed as breath came and went between them, tongues gently tasting at first, then dancing further and more fervently as the kiss deepened. Shutting off the outside air for some moments, they breathed nothing but each other for several deep breaths before gently breaking the kiss to regard each other wantonly.

Beautiful eyes stared longingly, each reflecting the desire of the other, sharing each moment with wonder and lust. Their arms still clung to each other, locking them together but the cloth between them was now a distraction from their purpose. Hot wetness grew in their loins, and with impatience in her passion, Christina grew bold.

"I want you. Right now." She said softly but firmly, looking deep into Catherine's eyes.

"Good," came the quiet response. "Lead the way..."

Taking her hand, Chris led Catherine to her room. Her mind fluttered; she felt delirious, giddy even, lustful and while some part of her mind marvelled at that, there was no doubt that she wanted this. Releasing the soft hand, she turned to face Catherine, making eye contact again as she unbuttoned her dress and wiggled it seductively down and off, revealing, as may already have been obvious to her opponent, that she wore no bra. Kicking off her shoes, she now stood gloriously naked save for the ivory coloured g-string she had exchanged with Catherine earlier that day. Chris beckoned to her would-be lover.

Catherine devoured Chris' body with her eyes as she slipped out of her pumps and disrobed herself, dropping her blouse and skirt on top of the discarded cotton dress. She too was bra-less and adorned only in Christina's emerald g-string, which she rubbed gently against her swollen sex as she eyed her quarry hungrily. Chris copied the action, allowing her juices to penetrate the delicate cotton, enjoying the friction and the knowledge that the first juices to soak them were those of the grey eyed goddess before her.

In unison they stepped together, hands reaching for each other's hips. Now naked breasts collided like satin pillows, the nipples, unbound by cloth meeting tip to tip, pushing each other back into the cushioning flesh as they squashed together. Twin gasps escaped two pairs of moist and waiting lips at the meeting of soft flesh, as those lips also collided, exploring each other before pressing hungrily together. As they kissed, each pair of hands repeated the ritual of the morning encounter but once pushed down beyond the curve of hip and thigh, their pants were dropped to fall freely to the floor. They stepped together out of them, not breaking their kiss nor releasing their hold on each other's hips.

Catherine gently broke the kiss and whispered "wait." Stepping back slightly, she released her grip on Chris and stooped to pick up their discarded pants. She turned both inside out and pressed the gussets together, straightening the cloth to flatten them against each other. Pushing the together with the heels of her hands, she then laid them carefully down on Chris dressing table, making sure they remained symmetrically joined. It was an odd ritual to observe but it aroused Christina further that their combined wetness was so arranged.

Satisfied that the g-strings were sufficiently bonded, Catherine approached again. Without hesitation, they threw themselves into their first full naked embrace. Their arms around each other's chest and waists, they drove their bodies together with all the force they could muster. Mouths locked once more, Chris pushing her thigh between the other woman's, sliding against her, feeling the return pressure. The bed came up sooner than expected and stumbling as they sought to lock their thighs, they tumbled to the bed, Chris on the bottom. They fell as one so tightly did they cling to each other, desperate now to stay pressed, to drive their flesh together. Thighs locked, released, caressed then locked again as their legs explored each other's satin length.

They sighed again and again into each other's mouths, each breathing in the passion of the other, soft, then firm, then soft, then firm, their lustful tongues wrestling then reaching past as if they could swallow each other whole. They were both soaked now, their loins smearing juices along the tops of their locked thighs as they wrestled and slid together.

Both women wanted more and this shared thought seemed to hit them at once as in perfect timing, they released their crushing embrace and all-consuming kiss and, with tummies still pressed together, they pivoted in opposite directions until each was facing the forbidden lips of the other.

Chris moved her hands around Catherine's butt cheeks, feeling and admiring their firmness. She could smell the warm musky scent of her lover and feeling Catherine's hands similarly holding her own butt, she began to softly stroke the swollen sex before her with her tongue. With each stroke, so she felt the same against her own clitoris, drawing shivers from both women simultaneously. In exquisite symmetry so they continued until the strokes became circling, tickling, pressing, devouring....

With ecstatic abandon they kissed each other's female lips, teasing clitoris instead of tongue. Mirroring each other's movement, they became lost in who was copying who, instead sensing the freefall of hurtling into orgasm, feeling it build momentum, not ceasing the kissing of their lover's sex.... one moment before expected, the wave of their passionate embrace crashed in upon them. Their mutual orgasm shook them, causing each to thrash against the mouth of the other, one moment seeking to escape, the next to drive into it again more firmly.

Neither released their hold nor stopped the conjoined rhythm of their embrace as wave after wave of pleasure continued to break upon them, until, after both had lost all sense of time, they shuddered and released their hands and mouths, Catherine rolling off Chris and onto her back.

"Oh my..." began Christina.

"...god!" finished Catherine.

They laughed together, reaching for each other's hands.

Tired as she was, Chris was far from spent. This level of mutual passion was previously unknown to her and, woman or not, she intended to milk it for all it was worth. She had never in her life known pleasure like that, indeed could not have imagined such an orgasm. But there is was and here she was and this grey eyed seductress was real and vital and wanted her too.

She pushed herself further up the bed so her butt was next to Catherine's. Sliding her hand under the delicious thigh next to her, she pushed insistently while raising her own leg to vertical. Her lover responded, raising her leg to meet Chris's, then sliding past it and round, pushing the backs of their thighs together. Every touch of skin on skin was a moment of joy and both women were savouring each of those moments to their fullest. They wriggled more towards each other, their legs sliding on and past each other, scissoring now as the silk skin of their inner thighs met almost without friction.

They were in line again, their sexes in close proximity. Reaching for each other's hands they locked and pulled each other up to sitting, face to face again. They leaned in, grasping to hold each other, their lips meeting, opening, tasting... both still smeared with each other's juices, they tasted both themselves and each other, the sweet, musky smell of female sex filling their senses and driving them into the throws of passion once more. They pulled together hard, mouths locking together into a rhythm of circular breathing, soft and engorged labia met in similar passion, mimicking the kiss of mouths, as their still swollen and expectant sexes met head on.

With firm but gentle rhythm, Chris rubbed her hungry clitoris around and over Catherine's, the secretions of their first orgasm exquisitely lubricating the dance. So swollen were their buttons now, the feel of them pressing and rubbing slowly together was rapidly building to a new crescendo. Feeling the wave of pleasure build once more, she held them still and pressed her clitoris directly onto Catherine's.

Chris thought she heard a distant scream, realised in her delirium it was her own , crying out into her lover's mouth as she inhaled, then heard a perfect echo as the cry was returned into her own mouth as their breaths were exchanged again. She felt as though she were ceasing to be a singular entity, instead a symbiosis was forming, that in their passion and lust, a Christina-Catherine hybrid was born, each knowing the other's mind, a joining of flesh and spirit that spoke only through shared pleasure.

The wave was building again, she could feel it, the inescapable rhythm of their kisses, above and below, driving inexorably towards another explosive collision. She pulled Catherine's face more firmly to her, seeking almost to push them into each other. She felt the response, felt too her lover's pull on her hips, as the clitoral waltz reached its crescendo.

It smashed into them suddenly, hitting both like a physical blow and they thrashed and ground into each other in utter abandonment of reason, screaming each into the other in turn as they sought to drive their limited flesh together. As one they were ethereal, perfect and as the runaway orgasm continued to unfold, they held fast to each other, utterly lost in this perfection of ecstasy.

Time passed and wave after wave of joyful orgasm pushed them both to the limits of their endurance. Gasping in and out of each other with shuddering breaths, still they held fast, barely able to hold themselves together as the secretions of their passion had lubricated their sexes so completely, wide open labia melded in the perfect parody of a kiss. Although neither wanted these sensations to end, eventually the waves subsided and they collapsed to the side, still entwined in their embrace but exhausted to their core.

Reluctantly and slowly they allowed their mouths to separate and looked deliriously into each other's eyes. With no prior knowledge of whom and what they were, the power of their physical attraction had transcended reason.

"That was incredible. I never imagined such an orgasm and certainly not with someone I met on a train. I've never even been with a woman before. " Christina spoke the words barely above a whisper, astounded by the force of her orgasm and the unbridled passion she had just experienced.

"Neither have I in all honesty," came the whispered, almost sobbed response. "Had an orgasm like that or been with a woman before I mean. I'm not even sure what happened this morning but the feel of your bottom teasing mine was just so naughty..." She sighed deeply.

"I've never even kissed a girl before today," confessed Chris, wriggling into a more comfortable position to maintain their embrace. "I spent all day thinking about you and didn't even know your name."

Catherine looked angelic in her sweat drenched, love soaked perfection. She wriggled herself to mirror Chris' and held tight to her, their wet bodies sliding effortlessly into each other. She smiled, exhausted but deliciously satisfied.

"Neither have I," she said softly. "That makes whatever this is pretty special."

"What if we don't get on?" There was a slight edge of concern in Chris' voice.

Catherine pressed her lips to her lover's, spoke softly into the slightly open mouth. "I'll be honest, Christina. After orgasms like that and as gorgeous as you are, if we end up not getting along I'd be happy to just not speak when we have sex."

Christina laughed with delighted abandon and kissed Catherine deeply once more as they cradled each other and then fell into a deep and satisfied sleep.


Chris woke slowly unsure of what had disturbed her slumber. She raised her head and as her eyes attempted to focus, she became aware of the figure standing next to her dressing table across the room. The figure held something up and she struggled to wake fully and focus on the room. She couldn't sit up, merely raise her head, as her arms and legs were still entwined with Catherine's. Feeling slightly vulnerable as they were both naked in their embrace, Chris's eyes finally focused on the figure.

There, open mouthed in wonderment, stood Eleanor. In her raised left hand something dangled. She looked from the astonished face of her daughter to the dangling thing, there to see the joined shape of two pairs of tiny pants, glued together at the gusset. Through her own shock, she still thrilled a little at the sight of the conjoined g-strings but turned again to regard the still open-mouthed Eleanor. She felt a stir next to her as Catherine had now woken and was looking from her face to Eleanor and back.

She looked her daughter in the eye.

"I met someone," she said simply with no real idea how to explain their situation. "An unexpected but pleasant encounter."

Eleanor closed her mouth and looked at the dangling pants as if registering them for the first time. Turning slightly, she carefully placed them back on the dressing table, still glued as they were.

"Catherine, this is my daughter, Eleanor," continued Chris, as matter of fact as she could muster.

"Pleased to meet you, Catherine." Eleanor smiled cheekily at the naked woman, eyes pausing briefly on her nakedness, then moving back to regard her mother. "I'm happy for you, mother mine," she stated with a grin, "but from the aroma in here, I'd venture that you two should maybe shut the door next time..?"

The tension relieved, all three relaxed and laughed looking from each to the other in shared humour.

"I'm starving," Eleanor spoke through the humour, "so why don't you make yourselves decent and then tell me all about it." She looked earnestly at her mother again. "You deserve to be happy, Mum. I don't care who it is that makes you happy, just that you are. And believe me, from the look of the both of you, you're in up to your eyes."

The young woman winked at the naked couple and turned lightly on her heel, leaving them to get up. Turning to each other once more, the two women kissed lightly and laughed, before un-entangling themselves from their embrace. Skin was stuck to each other at most points of contact and they both smelled strongly of their love-making. Uncaring now and in the face of apparent acceptance from Chris's daughter, they got up and dressed quickly before making their way downstairs to share the tale of their meeting.

A cramped morning train ride with standing room only....

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy7 months ago

Expect the unexpected and the world will be brighter ā€¦.. truthfully to the point ā€¦.. and words are not needed as mostly they forming misunderstandings ā€¦.. just kiss and enjoy ā€¦.. perfect


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Stunning! A great story, written mistressfully šŸ˜€

I caught myself gasping at the conjoined g-strings, something I never knew I needed to know about šŸ˜€

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Fantastic storie , more develompment please .

I love the details and your imagination , congratulations.

AltissimusAltissimus9 months ago

Still a fav, nice to have a reason to re-read. 5 stars, 'course.

UncertainTUncertainT9 months ago

A lovely, lovely story.

mrhunkmrhunk9 months ago

I concur, part 2 with Eleanor is a must! Something about her cheeky flirting needs to be explored! Waiting eagerly for that!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Fantastic storie. It was good if a develompment of that storie.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is beautiful

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


charlie4858charlie48589 months ago

Wow, a wonderful journey. Thank you for your imagination and skill.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Lovely indeed. Having heard horror stories from female friends of what can happen on crowded trains (especially one in Indonesia where there were fewer social "rules" about contact), this was a delightful occasion where the initial touching led to intimate acceptance and a future passionate liaison for the two women. I agree with Migbird below that the the presence of daughter Eleanor was a sweet bookend to the adventure. We need more from you. "Nature vs. Nurture" and "Table for Four" are two of my all time favorites.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nice! Chance of a chapter 2 with Eleanor joining?

redlion75redlion759 months ago

Wish it was extended to after the first time

AliceGeeAliceGee9 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyed the story and it was very erotic. I can dimly remember the original but cannot recall how it ended but that is no problem because this ending is perfect. Five stars.

Ravey19Ravey199 months ago

Good story, so much in such a short piece.

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