Standing Strong Forever


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"Shall we?" Misty asked.

We watched until one game ended, then were invited into the next game. More and more people arrived to watch or play, and eventually there were enough players to create six teams. Misty and I were unfortunately on different teams, but when my team lost to hers and had to sit out the next match, that allowed me to watch her.

My sister was not that great in terms of serving the ball. Several times, the ball only barely cleared the net. Other times, the ball either went long or was inadvertently sent astray of the opposite court. I could tell that such bad serves were frustrating her, but she kept at it, kept trying, refusing to give up.

In the other aspects of the game, however, Misty could certainly hold her own. She was not afraid to dive to keep the ball from touching the ground. While she was not quite tall enough to truly spike the ball when she was directly in front of the net, she was definitely able to block effectively. Her setting was sometimes off the mark, but she was still able to put the ball where someone else could possibly spike it or at least tip it back over the net.

She certainly impressed me.

"Your sister's good, man." Chad and I had been talking ever since he had come to the volleyball courts.

"Yeah. I hadn't realized how good. I haven't seen her play volleyball in three or four years."

"Hmm... Well, she definitely needs some help with serving, but other than that, she's not bad. With a slightly lower net, I think she'd be able to spike pretty good too."

Misty's team won again, which meant that they would stay on the court while Chad and I and the rest of our team would oppose them once more. It was definitely getting darker, and without any lights illuminating the volleyball courts, it was certain to be the final game of the night.

It just happened that my sister was at the front center position of her team's court, directly across the net from me. "You're going down, mister!" she taunted, poking my chest with a stiffened finger.

"We'll see about that." I was not about to give her much of a comeback because I suddenly realized that this was what Chad and several others had been waiting to see: brother versus sister on opposite sides of the net.

"If he spikes on your head," one of Misty's teammates called to her from the server's position, "kick 'im in the nuts!" That got a good laugh from everyone, and inspired me to step up my game.

I did not spike on my sister's head, but the game ended when once again, directly across the net from each other, she slipped backward as I jumped up as high as I possibly could and put as much force as possible into the spike, driving the ball downward at a sharp angle, aiming for Misty's feet.

My aim was off, however, and the volleyball slammed into my sister's right breast, bouncing off the ground directly beneath the net and rolling toward Chad's position beside me.

That had created a rather awkward scene. On one hand, I was concerned for my little sister, thinking that with the force of the spike, I may have injured her somehow. On the other hand, I was thrilled with beating her and her team, and especially excited that such a showy play had won the game.

It took Misty a moment to catch her breath. Her breast had absorbed the worst of the ball's impact, but I could tell from her eyes that she was hurting. That made sense, because my palm was definitely still tingling from the spike.

"If you're both still here, you two've gotta come back and play tomorrow night!" someone from Misty's team said enthusiastically. "Put on another show like that and I'll sell the tickets and split the profit with ya!"

Fortunately, once over the shock and especially the embarrassment of the game's final play, once we were finally heading back toward our cabinette, Misty and I shared several laughs about the situation, and once we had returned to the tiny building, she turned to me.

"Would you take a picture, Thom?" she asked, starting to remove her t-shirt even before I had closed the front door.

I smiled and retrieved my digital camera, watching with one eye as my sister took off her bra and cast it aside before stretching out on the bed closest to the walk-in closet – the same bed on which I had given her several orgasms the previous evening. She posed for more than a few pictures, the majority of them focusing on her still-reddened breast.

I have my pictures of Misty at last! I thought as I took picture after picture of my topless sister.


Misty was properly dressed again as we sat on the steps of the cabinette. The stars above winked their approval as she leaned against me, and while I longed to wrap an arm around her waist, I resisted that urge, contenting myself with pressing my thigh against hers.

"This has been a good vacation so far," Misty said quietly. "Thanks, Thom."

At that, I could no longer resist, hugging her with a single arm. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, sis," I replied, "even if I did spike a volleyball off your chest."

I heard her soft giggle. "Once I was past the shock and the initial pain of it, it was rather funny in a way, especially since it was you who spiked the ball off my chest."

"Well, I'm just glad I didn't damage your breast," I joked. "It'd be a real shame if you suddenly had a defective breast because of something I'd done to you."

Misty playfully punched my leg, and we both laughed about the odd scenario which had taken place a few hours earlier.


When Misty emerged from the bathroom ready for bed, I was sitting at the table in the kitchenette finishing a bottle of water. She came directly to me and, without asking permission, sat in my lap.

I definitely did not mind.

Setting the nearly-empty bottle on the table, I wrapped both arms around her as she leaned into me. She hugged me close, making a soft sound of contentment.

"You must sit in guys' laps rather often," I joked.

Misty gave a short sound of amusement. "Not just guys, actually."


"Yeah. I remember sitting in Kim's lap once after band rehearsal, and suddenly every guy in the band room was heading in our direction. It was just a playful thing for us, but I was amazed at how quickly it had attracted everyone's attention."

"I'll bet. I know that I definitely enjoy seeing two women together, even if it's just a hug."

"Really? Why?"

I had to think about that for a few seconds, because I had honestly never considered the Why of it before that moment. "I think in part it's because my strange mind thinks that they may both be bi, and if that's the case, then I might be lucky enough to be in a threesome with them."

"Aha. I see," she said, a fingernail making various patterns on the back of my neck. "You just think with your lower head."

I felt myself blush just slightly. "Touché," I admitted. "But I think most guys would probably tell you the same thing, if they're being honest with you."

My little sister hugged me again, gently scratching the back of my neck. "Well, as long as you're always honest with me, that's all that really matters," she said into my ear.

"Always," I promised her sincerely. "Always."


We cuddled in bed in the darkness, communicating only with our touches and our soft kisses. While I was a bit weary still from the volleyball games, I was too aroused to sleep. Having my sister in my arms in the darkness kept too many sexual thoughts roaming through my mind to allow me to actually sleep.

I thought of rolling her to her back, unbuttoning her thin pajama shirt and kissing her flesh as it was revealed to me. I thought of her pushing down the thin sheet and carefully withdrawing my growing erection through my underwear and my sleep pants and then practicing her fellatio skills, demonstrating what she had learned just two nights earlier. I thought of both of us taking turns removing various garments until we were both fully naked and then taking Misty from behind as she held firmly to the headboard.

I thought of filling my little sister and then leaning back on my heels to watch as the white-hot love oozed from her young body.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Misty's voice returned my thoughts to the present reality, to the fact that we were both still properly clothed – although I was topless – and cuddling together in bed.

"I had several thoughts actually," I admitted, maintaining my honesty with her.

"What was the last thought?"

I almost did not tell her, but given how things had generally gone thus far in the camping vacation, I figured that she truly deserved to know. "I was thinking of having sex with you and then watching as my cum slowly emerged from your pussy."

"That sounds wonderful," Misty noted, then she yawned. "But as you can tell, I'm getting tired. I'd rather be fully awake and coherent when you and I finally have sex for the first time."

That statement gave me hope – a lot of hope. "You'd want your own brother to cum inside you?"

She nodded as she made an affirmative sound. "Of all the people I know, you're the only one I want inside me, and I definitely want you to cum inside me as much as you possibly can. I want to feel you shooting over and over again."

We kissed again, and it felt as if we were making a promise to each other and sealing the deal with our kiss.


I awoke during the night. Since I was not wearing my watch, I had no idea what time it was, and neither cell phone was within reach.

The time of night was not a concern. The concern was that I was horny.

I was hornier than I could ever remember.

Misty slumbered peacefully beside me, and she was probably experiencing a very pleasant dream. Unfortunately, Misty was the problem.

I was horny for her.

Most likely, I had been dreaming about my little sister in an explicitly sexual way, because I awoke with a strong, throbbing erection. I wanted to ignore it, to just go back to sleep and awaken fully refreshed when the alarm clock sounded around sunrise so that Misty and I could take the first transport to the canoe livery.

Unfortunately, I could not ignore it.

My need was strong and growing more intense by the moment. I needed relief, and I needed it soon.

I looked again at my sleeping sister. The primal being in me saw an available female. The big brother in me saw a family member who should not be disturbed.

The man in me was equally torn by the pros and cons in each direction.

Suddenly having a vision of fucking Misty forcefully against a tree did not help the situation.

Suddenly remembering how her orgasm had surged around my fingers and wishing that another part of me had felt that deluge make my situation even more dire.

I'd rather be fully awake and coherent when you and I finally have sex for the first time. My little sister's words haunted me, taunted me.

With my back to my sister, I gently stroked myself through the sleep pants. It helped slightly, but very quickly it became apparent that this would definitely not be enough.

I was thinking of having sex with you and then watching as my cum slowly emerged from your pussy. Remembering having told that to my sister, I groaned softly, my erection throbbing and seeming to grow even longer and thicker at that mental image.

Finally, recognizing that I would not be able to sleep again until my need was realized, I rose from the bed, hopefully without awakening my little sister, and quickly made my way to the bathroom. The sleep pants and the underwear were pushed down together and my fully engorged manhood taken in hand. Leaning against the closed bathroom door, I closed my eyes and stroked myself quickly with various images and sounds rushing through my head: Misty's lips stretched obscenely as she tried to take me into her throat, the sheet beneath her quite soaked as I withdrew from her and prepared to enter her again, her scream of pain as I bit deep into a breast, my seed forming several lines from her shoulder blades down her back, her fingernails digging into my sides as she bucked hard beneath me and cried out as her own need was sated, her eyes suddenly widening as she felt me shooting my love into her...

The last image was the catalyst. My voice seemed distant to me as I felt each powerful surge rocket through me. I shook violently against the bathroom door, banging my head twice yet barely feeling the pain. I was vaguely aware of grinding my teeth in an effort to remain as quiet as possible so I would not awaken Misty from her pleasant dream.

On the inside of my closed eyelids, I saw each volley creating a new stripe on my little sister as she knelt before me, her head tilted upward, her eyes closed and her lips parted in a sultry expression which seemed to help perpetuate my orgasm.

It took quite some time to regain my breath. My body was still abuzz even though I was momentarily sated. And worse, I had not thought about the mess my orgasm would make in the bathroom, which meant that I had some cleaning to do before I could even consider going back into the tiny bedroom and sliding into bed with Misty, who was hopefully still asleep.

Once I was able to return to bed, I slid into place beside my sister, and she immediately rolled toward me, resting her head on my shoulder and draping an arm across me.

"You could've woken me up, you know."

I blushed hotly. She knew. She had heard it all. I had probably groaned and growled rather loudly because of the intensity of my need. I had awoken her despite my best efforts to remain quiet.

"Sorry," I apologized, feeling the heat intensify in my chest and neck and face.

"Don't be sorry, Thom," she said softly. "If you need to use me, then use me. Even if it means I'm not fully awake and coherent for our first time, use me when you need me. I mean it. Okay?"

I held Misty close, not knowing what to say, so I said nothing, and that was how we returned to our much-needed sleep.


Wednesday morning was the first time since our arrival at the campground that we had actually needed to awaken to the alarm clock, because we wanted to get the first transport to the canoe livery at 8AM so that we could have as much time on the river as possible that day.

After breakfast, I turned to Misty. "Did you bring any tanning lotion with you?"

"Actually, yes," she replied. "It's in my bag in the closet. I figured we'd need it on the river today."

"Good thinking. That's exactly why I asked."

"No," she countered, "you asked because you just want to see me topless or maybe even naked again."

"Actually, sis, I asked because I did figure we would need it on the river today. Seeing you topless or naked would simply be a bonus."

"Yeah," she said sarcastically but with a loving smile. "Whatever."

After we had both showered separately, Misty was the first to have the tanning lotion applied. Because we did not have too much time to spare, I could not properly enjoy the experience, but I was becoming noticeably aroused nonetheless. When it was my turn, my sister also semi-rushed through the application process, but soon we were both properly protected from the sunlight and its eventual reflection off the water.


I was on the front porch going through our meager supplies for the day when my sister finally came outside. "I'm ready, Thom."

Looking up, I was very surprised. Along with her shorts and sandals, it looked like she was wearing what appeared to be a basic white swimsuit with its stomach cut out. "Um, what the heck?"

Misty smiled, seemingly thrilled that I had noticed the odd swimwear. She twirled quickly in place, showing off the fact that there was virtually no back to the swimwear as well.

"What the heck is it?" I asked again, quite perplexed.

"It's a monokini," my sister replied. "It's fairly rare in my experience to see anyone wearing a monokini, but it always gets noticed. When Yvette and Juliana and I all went to the beach late last summer, Juliana was wearing one and it seemed that everyone was staring at her all day long. So when I happened to see one on sale at the mall a few weeks ago, I bought it immediately. D'you like it?"

Finally past the initial surprise of seeing Misty wearing the monokini, I took a moment to take a closer look. Obviously, I could not see how it appeared below her waist because of the shorts, but I was impressed with how the thin "sides" seemed to accentuate the curves of her torso. The "bra" of the monokini seemed to be fairly snugly fitted to her feminine form, making her breasts appear rather prominent and causing her nipples, even though they were not erect, to truly attract my eyes.

"If I were to take you back inside and quickly strip you out of that thing so I could fuck you silly, would that qualify as a 'Yes?'"

We shared a wicked grin.


Misty was right: The monokini definitely attracted plenty of attention.

As we walked along the dirt road running alongside the RV area, I noticed several heads turning to look at us... and then turning again and tracking us – rather, tracking my little sister – as we made our way toward the campground's main office. Passing the tent camping field netted the same result, including a wolf whistle which was almost definitely directed toward Misty.

Her giddy smile was slight, but it was clear that the attention was definitely stroking her ego.

Interestingly, as we walked down the mostly-dried dirt road, I wondered what my sister would look like if she were to get wet wearing the monokini. How well would her nipples – hopefully hardened if the river was cool enough – poke against the "bra" of her swimwear? Would her areolas be noticeable? Would the monokini cling to her even more if it was wet?

If she got wet while wearing it, would I be able to fight off the hoards of people vying for my little sister's attention?

We arrived at the main office just as the transport van arrived. There was a small crowd already waiting, and the driver and everyone in the crowd seemed to keep glancing – once, twice, thrice, more – at Misty. It was an odd moment for me: In a way, I felt overly protective of her, just like any good big brother should feel concerning his little sister, but on the other hand, I felt proud that the woman accompanying me was attracting so much attention and secretly hoped that her beauty and her allure would reflect favorably on me just because we were canoeing together.

There was clearly not enough room in the first van, but as the first people were boarding the initial van, a second transport van arrived. Misty and I instantly went to the second van, and it was a good thing that we did. Because most of the people who had been waiting ahead of us were from the same family, the first van seemed rather crowded, whereas the second van was comfortably filled.

As we followed the first van, I noticed that the dust rising from the dirt road was considerably less than when we had arrived on Sunday. The lengthy rainfall had clearly helped remedy that situation. The road itself was still quite wet in places, but overall, the road was not nearly as bad as I had expected, and it also helped that the drivers of the vans drove those roads several times per day and knew where to slow down or swerve slightly off the road.

By the time we arrived at the canoe livery, we were all eager to get out of the van. As we waited for the large family from the first van to receive their canoes and paddles and personal floatation devices, I happened to turn toward Misty to ask her a question.

I was treated to the sight of my little sister stretching. She was arched backward, her hands skyward and stretched even further back behind her. The effect was to cause her breasts to truly strain against the monokini, making her dry, non-erect nipples unmistakable and impossible not to notice as the swimwear further defined the curves of her feminine swells.
