Star Wars: The Legion Saga


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"Because I erased Kamino from the Jedi Archives." Obi-Wan stated dismally. "At Qui-Gon's request, I hid the entire star system from the Jedi so that he could train the boy in secret."

Aayla looked at Obi-Wan with shock. No one said anything for a few minutes. Finally Bail broke the silence.

"Why would Qui-Gon do this?"

"He didn't." Obi-Wan stated firmly. "I know my former master. He intended Anakin to be the savior of the galaxy. I tried to warn him."

"Savior!" Bail exclaimed standing from his seat. "He's destroyed the Jedi! He'll probably destroy the Senate next!"

"He's fallen to the dark side of the force." Obi-Wan answered. "His clones have fallen with him. There are probably millions more being grown on Kamino as we speak."

"Then there is no one who can stop him." Bail stated. "The Republic is lost."

"No." Aayla said quietly. "It will take time. We will have to work in secrecy. But there will be another who will rise to defeat him."

Chapter 10

Asajj looked out the window in complete awe. There was smoke rising from the Jedi temple in the distance. The streets around the Senate were complete surrounded by a dark army. What little resistance the republic guards had offered was quickly crushed by the dark power of these strange warriors.

Pressing her communications switch, she signaled the Chancellor's office.

"He has come, my lord." Her shrill voice carried the news like impending doom.

"Gooood." Palpatine replied, cutting the transmission.

Asajj stood from her desk and removed her robes. She wore a tight fitting leather body suit which accentuated her perfect physique. Walking across her office she unhooked from her belt the two lightsabers Lord Sidious had given her. The small, one-handed sabers closely mirrored her master's design. Asajj had modified their hilts slightly to have veiny textures and mushroom shaped heads. It gave the one handed blades a distinctly phallic appearance. Asajj squeezed the dual blades like two cocks. It comforted her to have them in her hands. The truth was, she was afraid. She had no idea how she would survive this attack. No idea how Lord Sidious could stand against such a force.

She would have to be clever. She would not underestimate her master. Asajj left her office and headed for the Chancellor's main office.

Her master had best not underestimate her, Asajj thought with a cruel smile.

Chapter 11

Anakin entered the inner sanctum of Chancellor Palpatine's main office. The unassuming man sat behind his desk patiently.

"Your Republic is at an end." Anakin said confidently. "You will name me your successor before the Senate."

"And if I don't?" Palpatine said playfully. The man was far too calm for Anakin's liking.

"Then you will die just like your Jedi protectors." Anakin smiled viciously.

Asajj glided into the room silently to watch the confrontation unfolding. She stood in the shadows, saying nothing.

Palpatine stood from his desk and raised his hands innocently.

"Your clone army serves you well Anakin." Palpatine said, his voice beginning to shift to that of Lord Sidious. "They will serve me after your death."

A surge of blue lightening erupted from Lord Sidious's hands, striking across the room towards Anakin. Caught completely unprepared, Anakin was hit in the chest with the blast, throwing him to the ground. The lightening tore into his body, pain exploding through his nerve endings. At once the electricity ceased.

"Young fool." Sidious scoffed. "Only now, do you understand."

Another blast of lightening hit Anakin. He fell to he knees as he tried to ignite his lightsaber. The lightening intensified and he dropped the weapon to the ground. The lightening stopped again.

"It was I who guided Qui-Gon Jinn to Kamino." Palpatine explained, "Your clones have destroyed the Jedi and now they will serve me."

"They'll never join you!" Anakin screamed as another blast of lightening struck his body.

"Your clones serve the dark side Anakin." Sidious explained as if addressing a petulant child. "And through the dark side, they will serve me."

"I control them! They ARE me!" Anakin screamed amidst the smoke rising from his own body.

"Ah yes, perhaps you refer to the mental link you share with your clone army." Sidious laughed evilly. "I assure you, I can control their actions far better than you."

Anakin screamed in rage and managed to use the force to pull his saber into his hand. As the lightening struck forth, he ignited the blade deflecting some of the painful energy away from him.

Sidious poured forth more of the lightening, holding nothing back from his dark torrent of hate. Anakin felt his strength failing. He had underestimated this man completely. He had expended so much energy against the Jedi, so much he had needed to defeat the swordmaster in the com room. He had come into this office alone, without his clone army, believing himself to be invincible. He had the galaxy in his grasp and now, he would fail at the cusp of his ascendance. It's not FAIR! Anakin's mind screamed out as his saber began to waiver in his grip.

He had been a pawn, a tool, used by a dark master. A man he could not hope to overcome in the power of the force had used him. The dark side was still so new to Anakin. Still so many mysteries to uncover. As he felt the electricity ripping at him, tearing him down, he realized the truth: the foe before him was a true master of the dark side. He could not win this fight.

"Now, young Skywalker." Sidious announced. "You will die."

A blast of electricity far stronger than before ripped into him. His lightsaber fell from his grip and the full power of the blast tore through him. Anakin screamed and felt his life beginning to fade.

At once the lightening stopped. Anakin struggled to focus on Palpatine. Two red blades extended through his chest. The Dark Lord of the Sith looked dumbfounded at the deadly crimson spikes piercing his chest from behind. The blades were suddenly shut off and Palpatine fell lifelessly onto his desk. Standing behind him was a pale woman in black leather. Her eyes were cruel. Two phallic shaped lightsabers were gripped tightly in her hands.

Silently she walked from behind the desk and approached Anakin. He struggled to his feet, barely able to stand.

The pale woman ignited one of her blades and brought it to Anakin's neck. She leaned her pitiless face close to his, both their features illuminated by her crimson blade.

"I cannot control your army." Her voice came in a raspy low tone. "If I kill you they would surely overcome me."

"You could have let him kill me." Anakin said questioningly, "You could have ruled at his side."

"Yes." Asajj whispered. "But I'd rather rule at yours."

At once the pale Sith woman deactivated her blade and lowered herself to her knees. Anakin looked down in surprise as her hands deftly pulled his pants down.

Anakin felt his erection spring to life as her warm lips enveloped his cock, sucking him sensually. He looked up at the lifeless body of Palpatine sprawled on his desk, then back to the spectacle of his Sith servant expertly fellating his now full erection.

Asajj smiled up at him with his dick in her mouth. Letting him slowly slide out she spoke.

"I am Asajj Ventress, mistress of the Sith." She tongued his cockhead playfully. "It takes more than a Sith Lord to tame takes a man."

Anakin smiled in understanding. He had won. In the end it had been his sex appeal that had given him victory. Not the clones, not even the force....but his cock.

Anakin ran his hand down the bald woman's head as he guided her mouth upon his rock hard erection. Asajj whimpered in delight at his stiffness, sucking his cock as hard as she could.

Chapter 12

Padmé had heard the news of the coupe on the Holonet. It was unbelievable---the Chancellor dead, the Jedi destroyed.

She starred out the window of her Senatorial apartment looking at the smoke rising from the Jedi temple. The morning sky over Coruscant was a bright red, as if the weather itself had adopted the ominous tone of recent events. The Republic had fallen. Fallen to some unknown force. The Senate was intact, but waited helplessly to be called to order. She had been waiting for days to hear some word of what she should do. She imagined the rest of the Senate was anxiously awaiting any news just as she was. The waiting was driving her mad. She had to do something! She had to act!

A chime at the door signaled a visitor. With a sense of dread, she approached the entrance. Captain Typho intercepted her before she made it.

"No Senator!" he called out. "Let me!"

Padmé nodded, allowing the large man to open the door for her, his blaster drawn and ready.

A black armored figure stood silently at the entrance. He looked like one of the Chancellor's guards, but his armor was jet black. The ominous figure spoke directly to her.

"The Emperor requests your presence at his inauguration." He said flatly.

"Emperor?!" Typho said incredulously. "She's not going anywhere with—"

The dark warrior slashed forth with a green blade, cutting into Captain Typho's face. The skill of the attacker allowed him to cut Typho's remaining eye out without killing the man. Padmé screamed in horror as her loyal protector fell to his knees, blind, clutching his face in agony.

The dark figure entered the room, his green lightsaber no doubt a trophy from some fallen Jedi.

"You will come with me, Senator." The dark figure spoke from behind his helmet.

Padmé felt the dread rising within her as a dark gauntlet took her by the arm and led her away.

Chapter 13

Shmi Skywalker floated about her apartment in the heart of Coruscant. Across the cityscape she saw the Jedi temple in ruins. Anakin was addressing the Galactic Senate at this very moment. Announcing the appointment of his new governors to the far reaches of the galaxy. Indeed he had become powerful. His coupe had toppled the Republic like an unstoppable dark tidal wave.

Shmi looked down at her stomach and felt the life stirring within. She had never told her son of the time the clones had covered her in their seed. Never told him she had been impregnated by an army of his clones all fucking her at once. The power that stirred within her womb frightened and exhilarated Shmi.

She carried him within. The Son of Sons. Someday he would rise up and destroy his father and all his clones. Born in the perversion of a midichlorian fueled lust, this supreme being would bring down Anakin's new empire and remake it in his image.

Shmi smiled, her Sith eyes flashing with evil as she contemplated the future. The dark side was strong with her family. Her son had it. She had it. And soon, the Sith'ari would be born. Soon the Son of Sons would rule the galaxy.

Chapter 14

"I have a surprise for you." Ventress announced as she took Anakin's side at the Chancellor's Throne.

Pressing a button, the ceiling above them spit open and the chair began ascending into the Senate Chambers. Anakin looked at the Sith woman questioningly as they rose into the vast room.

"I have called a special Senate meeting to commemorate your inauguration." The Sith woman's eyes glowed with anticipation. Anakin could not help but like her. Her dedication to the dark side was exceeded only by her perverse desires. In many ways, she complemented him well.

No, Anakin thought. His mother would be his Empress. She would rule at his side. Soon he would call for her to join him here. Together they would rule the galaxy as mother and son. Ventress was....amusing in the mean time.

As the platform reached its zenith, Anakin surveyed the senators Ventress had assembled. There were a number of empty platforms. The senate pods that were occupied had only women upon them.

"I have invited only the attractive senators," Ventress explained, "and...a few of their more stimulating aides of course."

Anakin noticed the Twi'lek pod immediately from the brightly colored woman who occupied it. Onto every occupied platform stepped one of Anakin's clones in almost perfect unison.

"And the male senators?" Anakin asked his new Sith mistress.

"Unnecessary." The cruel voice answered. "This is a celebration for you alone."

She was right. His clones deserved a reward. They had paid for their victory with many lives. Those who had proven strong enough to overcome the Jedi should taste of his triumph.

Anakin gave his assent though the force to his assembled legionnaires. The clones all began taking off their helmets and removing their armor on the many platforms of the Senate Chamber. When they were naked, they moved close to the various senators and aides Ventress had called to this meeting.

All around him Anakin felt the panic as the women struggled to escape the clones. Many of the clones activated their platforms, bringing their captive females to hover in the middle of the vast room. There was no place to escape. The small platforms would serve the clones well.

Anakin watched as his cloned selves began undressing the female senators, some had their clothes violently ripped away with the force, others were undressed by hand. At once the sexual advances began on the various platforms. Many of the woman cried out at the attacks, others gasped in shock at what was happening to them. The dark side flowed through the senate chamber as the cloned Anakin Skywalkers began simultaneously fucking the various alien women from a thousand worlds.

Anakin looked next to him to see Ventress slowly fingering herself as she watched the insane spectacle of thousands of Anakin Skywalkers forcing themselves on the woman of the Galactic Senate. The Sith woman had removed her black leather pants to reveal open crotched leather panties, with a built in harness for attaching a dildo. Anakin laughed out loud, meeting Ventress's gaze.

"You're amazing." He said to the white-skinned dominatrix.

Ventress turned and stepped close to Anakin.

"Now," she announced, "Take your prize. And fuck me to christen the birth your new Empire."

Anakin removed his clothes. He took Ventress by the hips and hoisted the small woman up onto his main chair. With one swift stroke, he impaled his Sith lover, bringing her thin body down upon his waiting erection.

"Aaaahhh yes!" Ventress screamed as he began fucking up into her white-lipped hairless pussy.

Ventress placed her feet on his chair and began raising and lowering herself onto Anakin's cock. Grabbing onto his shoulders, she fucked him frantically like an animal possessed by an overwhelming desire to mate. Anakin returned her thrusts by pounding her pussy as hard as he could. Ventress screamed out as she rode him.

"Hail Emperor Anakin Skywalker! His cock is fucking my pussy! His cock is fucking your pussies! He owns you all! He owns your flesh! Submit to his cock! Submit you fucking bitches! Taste the power of the dark side!"

The shrill voice of the Asajj Ventress echoed through the Senate chambers. It was answered by the moans of a thousand women being fucked by Anakin's clones. On the Chandrila platform, red-headed Senator Mon Mothma braced her hands against the side of the pod as a clone fucked her from behind. She gritted her teeth as she held on tightly, enduring the worst humiliation of her aristocratic life. The clone reached up and tore the antique Chandrilan headpiece from her head, savagely throwing it over the side of the pod to take a handful of her fiery hair in his grip. Senator Mothma's gaze followed her family heirloom as it fell, clanging down next to Sheltay Retrac on the Alderaan platform, hovering slightly below her. As Mothma suffered the large dick being forced into her pussy repeatedly, she looked down to Bail's aide and realized it could be worse. Sheltay was being double-fucked by two of the clones at the same time, her small body being pummeled between them. The beautiful brunette was panting with exertion and letting out small gasps as the clone lying on the floor fucked up into her pussy while the one behind her slid in and out of her ass. Sheltay let out what was unmistakably a groan of pleasure as they thoroughly fucked her, when she suddenly looked up, her eyes locking with Mon Mothma's. Humiliation flooded across Sheltay's face as she recognized that the senator she had always so admired had seen her actually enjoying the sensation of the double penetration she was receiving. As the clone fucking Mon reached his hand around and massaged her clit while he continued drilling into her pussy from behind, Mon realized she could hardly blame the young girl as she tried to fight down the pleasurable sensations building within her own body.

As the two women starred at each other while enduring being fucked in their former political arena, Mon felt a tear streaming down her face. She cried both for the young girl across from her and for her beloved Republic as she watched them being completely defiled. Silently she vowed to return to her home planet when this ordeal was over. As the clone's hand continued to stimulate Mon's sensitive clit, she gritted her teeth harder, trying to fight down the orgasm building within her. As Mon's pussy began spasming around the invading cock and her body began to tremble uncontrollably, she quietly vowed never again to venture out into a galaxy that had become so twisted and evil.

In the center of the madness, Anakin continued getting to know the pale woman who had orchestrated this sexual insanity.

"Ride it you bitch!" Anakin yelled as he slammed into Asajj violently. "Ride my dick you crazy Sith bitch!"

"Anakin please don't do this!" A young woman's voice carried to Anakin's ears. "Please Anakin! Don't!"

Anakin had heard his name clearly in the midst of a thousand cries of pleasure and pain as his clones forcefully took the women on the platforms.

Anakin lifted Ventress and stood up to find the source of the cries.

"Anakin please!" the voice came familiar.

Anakin pressed a button on his control console, bringing the pod representing Naboo floating close to his central position. Then he saw her---it couldn't be!

"Padmé!" Anakin called out in shock. A clone was holding her arms behind her. She was completely naked, her perfect body struggling against the clone to break free. It seemed clear she was not giving the legionnaire an easy time of his sexual advances.

"Who is this?" Ventress asked, pressing a button which brought the floating pod directly up to the throne.

"Release her NOW!" Anakin demanded of his clone. The clone obeyed instantly, letting the naked Nabooan woman free. She crossed the floating platform and ran to Anakin. Anakin took her naked shoulders in his hands and starred into her face.

"Oh Ani, please don't do this!" The beautiful senator implored, her naked body shivering as she tried to cover her breasts, "Please let these women go! You're a good person! I still remember the sweet boy from Tatooine!"

Anakin felt guilt wash over him. Was she right? Had he gone too far? This galactic gang rape had been Ventress's idea, but he had made no move to stop her. And now here was Padmé. The beautiful girl who had haunted his dreams for much of his life. About to be raped at his command. About to be defiled by his own cloned self.

"Padmé...I....didn't know you were here.....I...would never have..." Anakin felt the dark side waiver in him-his doubts beginning to surface for the first time. He never meant to hurt her. Never meant to--

Ventress felt the hesitation in her new master. She sensed the crisis that was at hand. Everything could be undone by the ghost from Anakin's past. She considered killing Padmé outright, but something different was called for here.

"Behold" Ventress announced, pressing a button. The Twi'lek delegation platform hovered in closely, in response. Three Twi'lek women, one orange, one red, and one green were frantically fucking and sucking on the clone Anakin. The clone was on his back, an orange pussy ground into his face, the green one riding his cock while the red woman sucked lovingly on his balls.
