Star Wars: The Legion Saga


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Anakin wiped the slime from her pale lips.

"Nice to know I can still surprise you." He laughed.

Chapter 6

Aayla's orgasm was close. Leia's head was buried between her legs, licking her furiously. Leia was learning to eat pussy as quickly as she had learned to use a lightsaber. But Aayla had not warned the young girl yet...

"Leia.....Leia I.....when I cum it will be...." Aayla couldn't finish the sentence. The orgasm hit suddenly, sending a splash of cum into Leia's mouth.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" Aayla screamed as she began frantically rubbing her clit. Another large blast of girl-cum erupted from her pussy, covering Leia's face and splashing obscenely onto her breasts.

Leia pulled back in shock. She was covered in it. Covered in Aayla.

"Leia....I'm sorry...I should have told you." Aayla stammered, still coming down from her explosive cum.

"I've never seen anything like that before." Leia whispered, looking down at her soaked breasts and the small pool of wetness on the floor. "You came all over me."

"I'm a squirter." Aayla giggled as she leaned forward to embrace her young lover.

"I'll say you are." Leia laughed as she wiped the girl-cum from her face.

Aayla hugged her apprentice tightly and began kissing her, tasting the cum she had just unleashed on the young girl.

Leia embraced her mentor, feeling for the first time, the love she had so desired in another. Was this what she needed in life? To be intimate with another woman like this?

Aayla pulled back and looked Leia deeply in her eyes. Something was missing in the blue woman's life as well. As they silently gazed at each other, Leia spoke first.

"I love you Aayla."

"I know." She whispered.

The overhead speaker interrupted the two lovers. "All staff. Report to the briefing room. All staff report to the briefing room."

Aayla and Leia stood up together, still holding each other tightly. They both knew something big was coming. Holding tightly for one final moment they silently vowed to keep each other safe.

Chapter 7

Bail Organa pressed the detonator and ducked his head behind the speeder. The Imperial garrison exploded violently, sending a fiery blast into the sky of Coruscant that shook the foundations of the skyscrapers.

"Let's see how Veers likes that!" Bail exclaimed, his soldiers rising from their hiding places with a cheer.

The rebel soldiers moved in quickly, blasting the stunned imperial troops who had survived the blast.

Bail turned to see the bulk of his forces filling the street behind him. He moved from his hiding spot to lead the men into the next block. With the garrison destroyed, they had a direct line to the Senate building. It was only seven blocks further on.

Just as Bail led he men into the open, bringing his force within sight of the Senate, a hail of blaster fire erupted from the upper levels of the adjoining building. Bail ducked back and silently cursed. Veers had picked the perfect position to hide his snipers. Several rebel troopers fell as the blasts rained down from above.

This wasn't going to be easy. They'd have to level the entire building to get passed this position.

"Bring up the charges!" He called to the men pinned down behind him.

Veers was good. There was no denying it. But Bail had the men he needed to pull this off. He could end this war today. He just needed to make it to the old Senate building. Even if he had to blow himself up like Obi-Wan had years back, he vowed that today he would see that Sith Palace brought down.

The hated perversions of the Empire's twisted rulers had given him the popular support he needed to organize this ground force. Now he just needed to get there. To get there and strike a death knell to the Empire.

Five men converged on his position carrying explosives. He would blast Veers out of that building. Then nothing could stop his attack on the Emperor.

"Plant your charges on the skyscraper's foundation supports. Let's get it done."

Chapter 8

Padmé finished explaining the blockade to the rebel pilots. It was a bold plan—to blockade Coruscant using every ship in the rebel fleet. No reinforcements could support the Emperor as Bail pressed his ground assault. Leia listened with a sense of anticipation, anxious to climb into her X-Wing and join the fight.

The pilots and starship commanders all disbursed, heading for their various ships. Padmé walked to her daughter, her beautiful face looked hard from years of war.

"Leia, listen to me." She spoke to her only child. "Under no circumstances are you to land on Coruscant."

"Mother, I'll be in space the entire-"

"Hear me Leia." Padmé said. "You must hear me now. No matter what happens, do not land on that planet."

Leia returned her mother's stare and nodded. "Mother, what is it?"

"I've kept you hidden for so long. Now I fear you will be too close to him."

"Who?" Leia asked.

Padmé said nothing, her eyes suddenly cast down to the ground.

"Just be careful my daughter."

Padmé turned and left the room. Leia watched her mother leave and then turned to head for the hanger.

Chapter 9

Anakin stood alone on the senate balcony looking out to the city, seeing the smoking fires rage. Coruscant was in a state of revolt. Rebel ground forces were attacking Imperial positions all over the planet. He pounded his fist in anger on the guard rail. How had it come to this? How would he be feared as the ruler of the galaxy if he couldn't even maintain control of his capital?

Asajj was being tended to by medical droids. The day's sexual trysts had proven too intense for even the voracious Sith woman to handle.

An urgent message sounded on his com station from within. Anakin turned and ran to the console.

"Yes!" he yelled, "What now?"

Admiral Tarkin's face filled the holo display.

"The rebel fleet has entered the system sir." The hawkish faced man announced calmly. "They move to encircle the planet."

"Encircle-" Anakin replied, "Ground reinforcements?"

"We can land no troops while their fighters attack." Tarkin replied grimly. "I'm moving the Executor to engage their capital ships."

Anakin switched off the com in disgust. So this was it. The Rebels were making their final attack.

He felt the entire room shake from a massive explosion.

Turning back to the balcony Anakin saw the skyscraper plummeting down. A massive plume of smoke covered the entire western skyline from the violent collapse. The explosion had toppled what was undoubtedly an Imperial strong point.

Anakin reached into the drawer and pulled forth his lightsaber, hooking it to his belt.

Soon now. They would be coming.

Chapter 10

Grand Admiral Luke Skywalker stood in the main display room. His cold eyes gleamed with anger at the incoming reports. Rebels attacking his father's building. Rebel ships blockading the central planet of the Empire.

When he controlled the Empire, it would be far more ordered than this. When he crushed the rebellion, he would take his rightful place as Emperor. His father was weak. Too much time with that fucked-up Sith whore had taken the anger out of the man. Luke knew the true nature of the dark side. He had known it from birth.

Pain....suffering....fear....despair. These were the tools needed to tame the galaxy. The sexual playground his father had created on Coruscant had only served to weaken the Emperor. To weaken the Empire.

Luke turned to Admiral Motti as the black uniformed man entered the room.

"The final check-out is complete. All systems are operational. What course shall we set?"

Luke turned to the main viewscreen again.

"Set your course for Coruscant."

Chapter 11

Leia maneuvered her X-Wing expertly as she targeting an imperial fighter. The ship she flew against absorbed her blasts with its rear shields. Silently Leia cursed as she struggled to retarget the maneuverable Tie-Advanced.

These imperial ships were just too good. The Emperor had insisted on equipping each Imperial fighter with its own shield system and hyperdrive. If that bastard had just been a little cheaper he could have quadrupled fighter production for the Empire. Leia cursed angrily as she fired another shot, wearing down the shields of the advanced ship.

As it was, the Imperial fleet was smaller than it could have been, but its quality was far higher. Leia finally scored the killing blast on the small ship and she broke hard left to engage yet another. So far so good. All civilian ship traffic had ceased in the midst of the chaotic space battle. No one dared attempt a landing with all these rebel fighters attacking at once.

Suddenly Leia felt her ship pulled violently from below. It was like a massive gravity well was bringing her down. Leia struggled to maintain control as her ship spun haphazardly.

Finally she managed to pull up her control stick. She rotated her Z-Axis to get a look at whatever had caused the sudden loss of control. Leia's entire cockpit view was suddenly filled with a dull grey that blocked out the stars.

"I have a very bad feeling about this..."

Chapter 12

Bail led his troops up the central stair into the former senate building. The imperial troops retreated into the main entrance, firing down at the large rebel force. A dark shadow suddenly loomed over the entire building.

Bail looked into the sky to see a strange grey moon in orbit over Coruscant. It was metal, with a large circular depression on the upper hemisphere.

Whatever it was, Bail felt a sense of dread wash over him. A cold shiver ran through the tall man as Wedge Antilles came to his side.

"It's no moon." Wedge said with certainty. "It's a space station."

Bail turned to his men. He saw their courage wavering. They all seemed to sense it, just as he did. They would not live out this day.

"Come on!" Bail yelled rallying his men for the final attack into the Emperor's capitol building. "It's too big to be a space station!"

Chapter 13

Grand Admiral Skywalker surveyed the tactical situation from the impenetrable command center of the Death Star. He was here to end this. To put an end to the Alliance and an end to this insignificant rebellion.

His father had entrusted him to oversee the final construction of this ultimate weapon—the fool. It had been built in secret, and Luke hunted down and killed any who tried to leak news of its creation. Now he wielded the most powerful weapon the galaxy had ever known.

"Report." He commanded.

"Rebel ground forces have entered the Emperor's chambers." Motti announced from his tactical station. "The rebel fleet has succeeded in preventing reinforcement troops from landing."

"And what of the rest of Coruscant?"

"The Alliance has struck all over the planet. A general state of revolt is underway."

Luke crossed the room to see the space battle more closely. His white naval uniform stood in stark contrast to the dull metallic interior of the Death Star command center. He sensed something....a presence out there. Somewhere in the midst of this chaos, he felt the thoughts of another. She was very close now....he could almost feel her emotions as she struggled to maneuver her.....X-Wing......a woman......strong in the force as he was.......

"Shall I target the nearest command ship?" Admiral Motti asked, anxious to play with his new toy.

"No." Luke said, surveying the battle closely. "Target Coruscant."

"Admiral?! Have you gone mad?!" Motti exclaimed, standing up from his control station

Luke turned on the arrogant man. No one questioned his orders and lived. Motti knew that. Luke reached out with the force and seized the man's heart. Motti gripped his chest in agony as Luke squeezed the powerful muscle. Motti dropped to his knees, clutching his chest desperately.

Luke turned and headed for fire control. Stopping Motti's heart completely as he exited the room, he thought over his decision. It was beautiful in its simplicity.

In destroying the planet he would end his father's reign. He would likely end the rebellion too, as the concussion and debris from the exploding planet would hit every rebel ship in orbit. He would destroy all opposition and then the Death Star would become the new center of the Empire. A moon sized military base from which he could administrate and control the galaxy. It was so simple....all it took was a man with the will strong enough to kill one trillion people.

Chapter 14

Asajj exited the medical bay and ignited her phallic lightsabers. She ran down the hall towards the main entrance to the building. She would slice them to ragged pieces....those who dared enter her domain. How could that idiot Veers have let it come to this....why hadn't he used heavy vehicles to crush this revolt sooner?

A blaster volley nearly took her head off as she rounded the corner. Retreating, she realized just how far the rebels had penetrated into her inner sanctum. Calling on the dark side that had come to define her life, Asajj jumped onto the opposite wall, then sprang directly into the assembled rebel troops. Her dual red blades sprang to life as she cut into the men left and right. Her moves were a graceful dance of death as she sliced the soldiers down with all of her hatred.

Asajj had broken the advance completely, sending troops retreating down the hallway. In her bloodlust, the Sith woman charged after the fleeing men, cutting down two more as they tried to escape. Bail saw the hated Empress killing his men as they retreated towards him. Taking aim with both hands, he fired on the pale woman. His blast caught her in the shoulder, sending her slamming into the wall. Her lightsabers fell to the ground as she screamed out in pain.

Bail walked up slowly to the wounded creature. He took care not to step too close.

"Coruscant's sons and daughters are yours no more."

Asajj turned to face the man who had shot her. She spat at Bail, her hatred seething. Bail shot the cruel mistress in her bald head, killing her instantly.

Chapter 15

Leia sensed something was wrong---far worse than anyone could imagine. She had felt another mind touch hers....cold, evil....yet so strangely familiar. There was a dark will at work here that was planning to kill them all. The giant battlestation had shaken up the rebel fleet, but so far it just hovered there ominously. It had yet to fire on any rebel ships.

Leia reached out with the force again as she maneuvered to avoid another Tie Advanced firing rapidly on her. She felt it again....that cold was about to kill them all.

She activated her com switch.

"Commander Amidala to all rebel ships. Break off the attack! I repeat-break off the attack now!"

Aayla's voice answered over the com from one of the Alliance Nebulon-B frigates. "Leia, what are you doing? We can't retreat now...we've almost..."

"Aayla listen to me. I feel it. If we don't go to hyperspace now we all die. Please believe me!"

The com remained silent for an agonizing few seconds.

"General Secura to all ships. You heard the Commander. Plot your escape vectors. Prepare for hyperspace jump, all ships. This mission is over."

Leia breathed a sigh of relief as she called back to her droid. "R2, get us out of here now!"

Chapter 16

Anakin felt Asajj die through the force. He stepped over the smoking bodies of his Imperial soldiers. They had died to defend had she. Now the rebel commandos were closing in on his upper level office. On the holo monitor, he watched the enemy forces running through the hallways, blasting at guards as the pushed forth. He had lost communications with his fleet over ten minutes ago. He tried to reach out with the force to determine what happening around him.

He may be able to turn this tide yet. Anakin gripped his lightsaber in his hand tightly. He could kill them all. Asajj had nowhere near the powers he had developed over the passed two decades. He could kill them all if he focused himself. The dark side was his ally. And a powerful ally it was.

Anakin stepped out onto the balcony to focus himself. He would slaughter them all. Make them pay from killing Asajj. Looking up into the sky he saw it for the first time. The Death Star was in orbit of Coruscant.

Anakin's jaw fell open in shock. His son had told him completion was still months away. It couldn't be here....the hyperdrive motivator had been out of Anakin realized now the heights of his son's ambitions. Luke had brought the station here for one reason.

Anakin jumped over the balcony, touching down forty feet below on the landing platform. He sprinted for the Shuttle Tyderium.

Rebels had already begun to approach the Imperial ships off to his left. They fired haphazardly as he sprinted past. He could have stopped and killed them all. But he had no time. He knew that now. Focusing himself despite the incoming blaster fire, he activated the ships engines, warming them up as he closed the distance to the entry ramp.

Anakin ducked under another volley of fire and made one last force enhanced leap into the ship's entryway. He fell onto the cockpit controls frantically, initiating his liftoff.

Chapter 17

Luke strangled the gunnery sergeant and two technicians with the force as he simultaneously threw the switches to activate the Death Star's main laser. The entire room hummed with the electronic buzz of the massive laser powering up. Throwing the last of the dials as he finished crushing the life from the three men, the entire room lit up bright green as the focusing lasers shot forth to form a single beam.

The green laser lashed out of the Death Star hitting Coruscant near the equator. The planet instantly exploded, sending a violent shower of debris and a plasma concussion wave deep into space. The Death Star shook violently from the explosion---it had been too close to initiate such an attack. Chunks of the planet tore into the outer hull throwing Luke from his feet.

The debris ripped into Anakin's shuttle, exploding its engines and tearing its three wings off. The cockpit flew towards the Executor, tearing itself apart from the concussion. The roof of the cockpit flew completely off. Anakin realized in horror that the vacuum of space was suddenly all around him. He had only seconds to live.

In front of him loomed the Executor's docking bay. He was so close to the entrance! Anakin exhaled completely, blowing all the air out of his lungs. If he somehow survived this he didn't want his lungs to explosively rupture, leaving him in some iron lung for the rest of his life—what kind of existence would that have been?

Anakin pushed himself off the seat, jumping for the dock entrance. The coldness of space held him in an icy death grip. He knew a person could survive in vacuum for at least half a minute. How much time did he have left?

His eyes filled with blood and he was forced to close them, seeing only through the force. He floated to the glowing force field of the large hanger bay. He felt blackness closing all around him. He was about to die. With one last focused command, he deactivated the magnetic field just as he floated into the empty docking bay.

Anakin past into darkness. As he fell unconscious, he dreamt that he had somehow turned the force-field and environmental controls back on. Dreamt that he fell to the deck of the docking bay. The pain that washed over him made him wonder if it was really a dream at all.

Chapter 18

Leia felt the destruction of the planet even as she traveled through hyperspace. It was as if trillions of voices had cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. An entire planet destroyed. It was monstrous.

Aayla signaled her on the com-link. "Leia? Are you alright?"

"Oh Aayla....can you feel it?" She cried.

"'s so horrible. I've never felt anything like it."

"Did the rest of the fleet make it?" Leia tried to focus herself.
