Starting from Scratch Ep. 020: FOUNTAIN DEW


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Putting the shirt on over her dress she slithered it down past her hips, keeping her arms within her cocoon. Reaching up to drag her dress straps from her shoulder she slipped her dress off like an escape artist in a straight jacket, doing her best not to get it wet when ready to remove it from her feet. Off she held it up as one arm made its way through the t-shirts short sleeve. That being helpful she reached under her carefully to grab her dress then set about installing her other arm into its sleeve.

Jaws were dropping like they weighed a ton. Pictures being taken from all angles. Even Josie sat her meal down and took a pic. It was just priceless. Mimi got the giggles even though she felt awkward about it all. Whistles from all directions mounted. Free of her dress Piper handed it to Mimi. Looking to Josie, Piper Cherry said, "SUIT UP AND GET IN HERE!"

"Piiiiiiiiiiippppppppeeeeeeerrrrr!" She whined at her expectance. Seeing the fountains spray dampening Piper's shirt it was clearly becoming transparent. That made Josie grit her teeth until she saw Reese take a bold move and kneel to pick up another t-shirt. Stepping to Josie he said, "You're already wet as hell." She shook at his revelation dare.

"Josie?" Mimi winced fretfully at the possibility that Josie McKellen might join Piper.

"Dammit!" Josie huffed then snatched the t-shirt putting it on over her head as Piper had done. Wiggling out of her own dress she found herself performance ready. Handing her dress to Mimi the girl just pouted, fearing they had lost their minds. Possibly their jobs. "I can't believe I'm doing this. Unemployment line here I come." With assistance from Reese and another jock Josie climbed over into the fountain and danced with Piper. In seconds their long white shirts were revealing way too much flesh tone. Nipples easily expressing themselves to far too many eyes. A wall of adults obscured the vision of those unworthy.

"GUYS PLEASE GET OUT!" Mimi found her voice almost crying. She loved her friends but this was going too far.

"Come on in Mimi the water's fine and so are you." Piper called out splashing her with her foot. All around her Senior class jocks were chanting, "MIMI MIMI MIMI!" Her heart was pounding at the thoughts they might truly want to see her in the drink. She froze with eyes that couldn't even find the energy to blink.

"Your adoring fans." Josie pointed out with both fingers and dramatically edgy nipple hard on.

"Come on Mimi. I'll join you." Out of nowhere raced LeAnne Logarth from the food truck now wearing a Titan's t-shirt except in powder blue obviously nothing else beneath, her own nipples already spiking. Reaching Mimi she took the dresses away and handed them to a girl watching with interest, a certain cheerleader named Robin Banks, her bestie Tina clapping giddily at the bravado of their teachers.

Mimi resisted a tug of war with LeAnne but yielded to pulling the shirt on over her regular attire. Terrified to take her dress off under it Mimi just stepped into the water wearing the shirt. LeAnne following her in less afraid of being seen as the water brought her blue t-shirt into molding her as if a second skin.

"YOU GUYS ARE INSANE." LeAnne praised Piper and Josie hopping about in the water.


Piper grabbed Josie from behind and drug her under the fountain's spray squealing, totally drenching her full frontal until her entire body could be visible. Piper's shirt equally as thin showed off her every asset. Cell photos and video were abused a bit too openly. Frolicking about becoming a giggle fest for all involved had to have consequences right? So why were none of the students complaining? Seeing her friends essentially nude Mimi Alexander called it.

"ENOUGH!! This is wrong." Swatting even LeAnne away she climbed out and ran off crying. Even with students applauding they tried their best to let Mimi know they would not destroy their Teacher's jobs. Seeing Mimi's reaction even Josie found sympathy.

"She's right Piper. We're wrong. I can't lose my career." Pulling away Josie stepped out amidst a serious amount of testosterone checking out her perfect contours. Hunger in their eyes were met with amazement. She knew if she ripped her shirt off and lay in the grass half of these young men would fuck her silly. Finding Reese rubbing his chin smugly she caved, "Fuck it! Get in here." She called a band of adult young men around her waiting until she was fully surrounded before taking her wet t-shirt off. Standing there chilling she wrung it out and playfully acted as if she were going to snap it at them to fend them off. Laughter praised her with a very verbal loyalty. Intervening Robin brought her, her dress and shared a, "I wanna grow up to be just like you." Truth was Robin Banks already had a reputation. Not as a career criminal as her namesake promoted, but one hell of a slut.

Getting dressed while concealed well Josie watched Piper usher herself into the circle smirk and just stood there wet from head to toe. "Hi Robin." She smiled.

"Hey Miss Cherry. You guys are freaking awesome." Every person around them concurred. "We have your backs. As long as nobody blabs we won't. Right people?" She called around. A rash of, "NO WAY'S!" committed to placing the Faculty members under their sworn protection.

"See how easy we are?" Piper brushed against Josie getting her dress wet. "I mean, see how easy that was?" The entourage laughed with her.

"We are not making a habit of this Piper." Josie broke rank to put her shoes on. "I have a class in...", Bell ringing as if on cue she sighed, "Now!" Turning away Josie took her shoes right back off to enable her to run through the grass. She couldn't stop smiling regardless.

Piper claimed her own dress as LeAnne entered the ring to chuckle, "Damn! I haven't had this much fun since college. I think my Gramps is pissed at me though."

"Frankly Anne...I don't give a damn. Neither should you." She laughed with her.

"You're crazy Piper. I love it. I'm just sorry Mimi just can't break out of her shell."

"Give her time. She's just getting started."

"Fuck your tits are amazing."

"Awww!" Piper lifts her soggy coated breasts and winks at the stunning petite blond. "Yours aren't so shabby either." They compared notes squeezing each others titties in front of a few lingering boys and gals. Shivering off their bit of chemistry Piper got dressed using what remained of their circle to hide behind. Once in her dress she made a sweep of her fans by saying, "Shush! Shush! Shush! Shush! Shush!" , then wiggling back toward the school. The Pied Piper had them walking in single file behind her sweet ass.

Robin running ahead to walk with Piper caught up, "See you at Cheerleading practice after school?"

"Is that today?" She slumped her shoulders, "Nobody told me it started today. Not even Coach Ruth."

"We can begin tomorrow. I'll spread the word."

"As long as that word doesn't include what Josie and I just did."

"You have to trust us Piper. You're the best thing to happen to this school in forever. None of us would want you fired." Robin actually stopped Piper in her tracks and forced a hug upon her. Stepping up just as quickly her best friend Tina did too. Then a few boys. She felt really worshipped in their huddle.

"Then let's get this party started."

Piper found their dedication remarkable. Time would tell if it was for naught.


Reaching her classroom which was already full and waiting on her, Josie McKellen found them quiet and well mannered. Respectfully they grouped up to say, "Hello Mrs. McKellen."

"Good afternoon. Have a good lunch?" Silent clapping offered her a clue that they knew more than words were saying, yet not one of them said a thing. Settling in her seat she felt her hair still wet and giggled. In her thoughts she said, "Not as wet as other places but I'll live." She taught her class without letting fear ruin it. Horny as hell at some glances of lust she just smiled.

"Oh Roman...I hope you have the strength to destroy my holes after school. I'm soooooo needy." Touching herself on occasion from hiding Josie knew she was already over any worries. Of course, it hadn't occurred to her all the cell pics and video that was taken. That could still bite her in the ass. Enjoyable nibbles at best.


Piper Cherry found herself in the ladies room drying herself off under a hand dryer. "Did I take things too far? God I'm feeling numb suddenly. I bet Mimi hates me." After stewing for ten minutes she felt normal again and headed upstairs with a sense of dread. Peering into Josie's door to see her teaching as if nothing had happened she paused there watching her bestie's tutoring talent. Peripherally noticing Piper, Josie looks to her right from her desk and smiles. Turning in her seat Piper saw Josie's fingers rubbing her clit. A sheepish grin Piper lifted her skirt and rubbed her own just to let her know how much she loved her friend. Dropping her skirt Piper pouted and pointed down the hall toward Mimi's classroom then departed. Josie crossed her fingers...the same fingers still rubbing her clit though.

Cautiously Piper ducks her head around the doorway into Mimi's art class and finds Mimi sitting at her own desk. "Whoa! That's my girl." Piper mumbled. Noticing Piper in her doorway Mimi, like Josie had done minutes earlier turned in her seat and shared a remarkable sight. She was wearing her Tennessee Titan's shirt which was barely damp having not spent much time in the shower. What really caught her off guard was the fact Mimi was wearing only the shirt. Easing a desk drawer open next to her Mimi revealed her dress had been stashed inside. Jaw lowered from awe Piper winced and pointed at her mouthing, "You bad girl you." Mimi blushed and tilted her hand side to side as if saying, "Ehhhh!" Looking first at her class drawing at their desks she turned in her seat to show Piper her inner thighs. Underwear still on Mimi mouthed, "Half way there."

"What changed your mind?" Piper continued her silent conversation.

A direct point at Piper she replied with, "You."

A heart symbol between her hands Piper mouthed, "I love you."

Mimi just patted her chest and turned away.

"Okay, maybe not so numb anymore."

Piper went on about her business.

Business was good.

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SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 4 years agoAuthor
On a roll G Male

You can bet it gets even crazier. Wait until Piper oversees Detention in Chapter 30 : PRISON BITCH. Only the beginning...chapter 22 : YOOHOO OVERHEAR released by Monday. Followed by 23 : BED BUGS a week after. Chapter 24 : nepWHEW! a week after that. OH BOY! Boy meaning Piper's nephew Mace! LOL! That guy is relentless. LOL!

GenericmaleGenericmalealmost 4 years ago

This was fantastic. This series is definitely my favorite. Love the exhibitionism. It is just getting so wild.

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 4 years agoAuthor
They get fiercer LOL!

Josie alone becomes such a nympho there's nothing stopping her from enjoying her lust. Piper? Dear God the things that woman gets away with in the coming chapters. Even the Twins become a force to reckon with in small doses at first. Once they lose their pesky virginity...HOLY FUCK!!!! LOL!

I've written a number of chapters of late that will sadly be quite a ways from being read because I'm so far ahead on this series. Those chapters are FUCKING HOT! if I do say so myself. Josie is going to go insane sexually. Her boytoy Reese Teller is going to whore that sexy ass of hers out. LOL! She's more than happy to let him too. LOL!

Henry's struggle with the Twins will heat up waaaay down the line too. It's gonna get...messy. Complicated too. OH BOY!

Piper? You just have to see it to believe it.

There are just so many layers to this series that I'm addicted to writing it.

I just hope folks can stick with it and me. I'm proud of this series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
loved it!!

these women are becoming hard to handle day by day... cant wait for the next chapter...

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 4 years agoAuthor
No worries

Monica will have 4 chapters in 2020 which include ( wHOLE SheBang, HIDDEN AGENDA, TICKLED PINK, and FACE OFF ). Concerning Britney 2 chapters between January and March if all goes as planned those being (CROWN ROYAL and VIRGIN MOBILE ) which concludes the Prom storyline. After those 2 chapters my current calendar of scheduled stories will get to 2 more Britney's by the end of 2021 called ( PORCH SWING and FrIENDly reminder ).

STACY PUMA will return in early 2021 with (BRONCO FILLY, DIAMOND BACK, and KISSING ASPEN ) at least.

WILLA as well I hope for 4 chapters minimum in 2021 with ( ENEMY FIRE which concludes the beach party, SORE LOSER, FLIGHT RISK, and DINETTE SET ).

In order for me to achieve those goals Cougar House and Be My Guest might go bi-monthly in 2021. As you must be aware with the volume of series I have some have sadly taken priority over others. In my case I like variety so my brain constantly creates new things to keep me entertained, hopefully my readers as well.

I'm sorry you couldn't keep up with FAR PANGAEA, yes I'm aware it's a beast. I only have 4 more chapters to write which are fully plotted but getting to them is tricky. I realize I should finish it before starting new series but I find myself attached to others more at the moment. Worst case scenario I'll get at least 2 new PANGAEA chapters done in 2021 then the last 2 in 2022.

Gnarly might not be your cup of tea but I absolutely love the series I plan on at least 5 new chapters in 2021, 1 in 2020 which is ( GOT YOUR SIX ) to tie up Blue's struggle with her Cop Stalker.

BABY SISTER I'm surprised you don't like, she's adorably naïve. LOL!

What about PAIGE? Have you read her? SADIE OUTLAW? Both of those get new chapters here in 2020. Paige graduates in ( DIPLOMA SEE? then takes out the garbage in PETER CAUGHTINTAIL ) LOL!

SADIE OUTLAW returns in CRAZY HORSE where yes she gets her own horse. Trouble is there's waaaay more to that evil bastard than even she imagined. LOL!

Anyways, thanks for being a huge fan I won't let you down, it just takes time.

I'll live...TRUST ME!

God is on my side even if I do break the rules far too often. I have faith.

So should you.

Thanks again...Zen

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

i like your plot man keep up the good work. Just don't forget britney and monica.

The plot of far pangaea is too complex in my opinion I can't get a grip in that. So I dropped it about chap 64 or something. although I haven't read all of your stories from what I have read I like



Starting from scratch

Be my guest

Stacy puma



Don't know why gnarley though I just felt like I don't like it. Corrupting baby sister is something I don't like although her mother is good. For corruption I personally like "corrupting amber". I don't know why but whenever I read some new fetish stories if it is dirty I will like that "scat puke garbage play etc etc." not asking you to do it though your stories are great in plot keep up the good work. Hope you have left a legacy behind so that even if something happens to you, your stories will be updated regularly . I just hope you can live eternally to update . But that isn't possibe. Anyway keep up the good work. Hope you will work on the stories I pointed out.<3

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