Starting from Scratch Ep. 112: TOUGH CALL


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"Past his bedtime." He growled corking his bottle and hurling it into the swimming pool where Tawny huddled holding Rotten afloat, moving into the shallows. "Past yours too ain't it?"

"We were about to go home."

"Then get!"

"I can't leave Travis like this."

"I got him." He reached down between Sable and Travis to curl his arms under the boy. In his lurched over state, his dick rose even higher right before her spying eyes. "So close!" She began sweating, it was a mere foot and a half from her face. Dead lift Dominic stood erect in a very awkward stance. Being naked, Trav's body sagged in the middle and his ass was lightly touching Dom's penis. Growling at the sensation, the giant leered at Sable. "Where's his clothes?"

"Living room floor." Sable made a snap decision that she prayed would get his attention in a positive manner. Fortunate for her, Tawny didn't witness this in saving Rotten. Reaching up under Travis, Sable tugged Dom's speedo up until his dick was covered, but her index fingers did touch his beast ever so briefly. "Better?" He simply stared down at her without expression. What troubled Dom most was how he was going to get Travis back over the fence. Carrying him into the living room, Dom motioned Sable to follow. Resting the boy on the sofa he grunted. "Dress the boy best ya can. Pants and underwear only I don't have time for this shit."

Sable hurried to pull up Trav's underwear then put one leg after another in his pants. Dom lifted the boy enough for her to tug them up over his hips and zip them up. Shirt left aside, Dom picked Travis up and threw him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. Hand free now, he pinched his speedo to hide himself again, it having already escaped a tad in launching the boy upward. Staring at Sable on her knees between the sofa and coffee table, he noticed her trembling.

"Kel's got that pancake thing at 8:00. You got maybe three hours to sleep. She's expectin' ya."

"I'll be there." For Dom!

Nodding, he chose the front door to take his leave. At this hour not many folks were up and out to see a speedo wearing giant carrying a half naked boy around the block. Sable watching them walk away down the sidewalk touched herself rubbing her clit hard ferociously. It couldn't last though as Dakota came out of hiding, startling her sister into a yelp. Behind her, Tawny Martin stood wet and worried about Sable.

"Who the fuck was that?" Tawny squealed hugging Sable from behind, Dakota at their side preventing Sable's masturbation.

"That was...Dom."

Yes he was!

"I'm staying at your house where it's safe." Tawny said then raced for her clothing. Time to go next door. Mace could clean up the place and dry Rotten off. He might end up needing one more shower.


5:10 AM...Jail Bail in waiting...

With the shift change looming for the Precinct, Lonnie Coltrane called off his dogs. The cop shop orgy had gone on for three hours and everyone had partaken in the prisoners. Against their will in the beginning it sadly became quite willing once it started. The inmates had fun for the most part. Now it was simply a waiting game.

"How are we getting home without our clothes?" Roman Crandell sat with Roger Dundee. Dewey Knowles curled up in a corner snuggling with a weary Myrtle Turtle Crump. Her man Brutus nudging her thigh brought her from a blissful slumber. With Dewey drooling on her boulder sized breasts, she carefully guided him off until he slid into Roman's knee. Helping his lady up, Brutus guided her to the door until she was on her own.

Looking back at the men, Brutus answered Roman's question. "Impound boys just brought all your possessions over before they clocked out until Monday. I'll have our boys bring you your clothes."

"There is a God!" Roman huffed his cheeks, Roger nodding his belief in a deity as well.

"What about Piper and Damon's rides?" Rog asked.

"Can't get those out until Monday now. Bail's comin' I hear. Once it's paid, you folks can go. Nobody has any priors to speak of that keeps y'all here."

"How in the hell can you people demand bail after raping all of us?" Roman growled.

"Seemed awful willin' once it got started. Word of advice Fellas?" They listened. "Not a word of this all goin' down or we make your lives hell. We can all get along and matter of've earned our respect...thus far. We'll turn our heads as long as you do out there. Might even back you good people up when it's needed. Ask nicely!" Brutus left it at that. Leaving the cell door open behind him, Roger jumped up to look out to see if he could find Piper. What he got was a screaming orgasm.

"Still going at it!" He mused. "Energizer Playboy Bunny!" That she was! Whoop! There went Josie Wails! Outlaw without her chaps! Roman joining Roger at the door heard his girlfriend's ecstatic cries of passion and shook his head.

Dewey howled even in his sleep.

Last call!


Kelly Herbert's home...

Henry McKellen got dressed after peeling out and off of Kelly Herbert. Her bed drenched in sweat and cum stains, Kelly drifted off to sleep. Serafina Black already dressed primped in the bathroom across the hall. A kiss to Kelly's cheek, Henry left the bedroom and joined Serafina to splash cool water on his face. The bodybuilding beauty eyed him as he leaned over the sink to prevent splashing water everywhere. Pausing him with a firm hand on his centered shoulders, he peered up at her reflection in the mirror. Fingers removing the collar she had put on Henry, she released him from her control. Henry grumbled as she held it in front of him winking. Now free of that stupid collar, he ripped it from her hand and connected it to her throat. Roles reversed, he gripped her chin.

"Not fond of you controlling me Sera. Let's not make a habit of that." She in turn gripped his chin and kissed him hard. A minute later she bit his lip without drawing blood and returned with her own wisdom.

"Fuck you Slut puppet! Fair trade or get lost." He sighed and patted her cheek, she releasing his chin. Henry nodded without another word about it.

"I need to get home and check on my girls. Where the hell did Dom go?"

"No idea!" She did, but thought better of informing him of his daughters over in the pool earlier. "I should get home too. I have a massage scheduled at 1:00. Need sleep bad!"

"Walk you out? No leashes this time?" He smirked.

"Lead the way Puppy!" Puppet! Same thing! Down the stairs they went. Heading outside, it still being dark they noticed Dom's truck still here. Wherever he was, he was hiding good. In their vehicles Serafina sat, her car idling while Henry drove out the back entrance to Hooters Crossing from the street Sweeping Willow. He opted to keep his story straight in case he would run into Josie, or God forbid his daughters should they still be awake. It was best to take the long way home.

Serafina not so into worry drove to the end of the block and turned right. Jaw dropping, she saw her brother hauling young Travis Herbert home. Laughing, she pulled over on the curb with her window down. "I've seen it all. My big brother the babysitter."

"Bite me Serafina! He's snockered. Couldn't leave him laying on concrete."

"You're going soft. Wanna wear my lacy panties?"

"You wanna eat your lacy panties?" He walked off. Window left down, he could hear his sister busting up. He had to grin at what he was doing. Maybe, just maybe there was a softy hiding in the bear cave. Taking Trav home, he walked in quietly expecting Kelly, although he did order her to stay in bed until he said otherwise. Ninja walking upstairs, he found Kelly sleeping sweetly. Smirking, he took Travis to his bedroom and laid the boy down on his mattress. Shaking his head at this odd feeling of family, he covered Trav up and went to bed. Kel was still warm and soft. "Going soft? Fuck you Sera!"


Pre-dawn...Precinct 6 Nashville Cop a feel...

Clothing provided, the Teachers were all allowed to congregate together in a larger drunk tank. Roger with Piper off in a corner stood whispering. The others sleepy or calmly lost in their dates and mates mumbled at best. They really didn't know what to say about everything that had unfolded. Fear and doubt crossed everyone's mind. That and holding their noses at the urine stench on Kevin and Mimi. They hadn't even washed up, thankful for their clothing. Sadly, LeAnne sat by herself not wanting to be near the stench on her bestie.

"We just ignoring what happened here tonight?" Roger spoke as Piper leaned her shoulder against the wall.

"Do we have a choice? They can make things hard on us if we try fighting back. I think it's in our best interest to protect Horton-Dexter and our jobs don't you?"

"I suppose. Still feels wrong though. I wonder how Brock and Willow made out tonight?"

"Hopefully as erotic as our night."

"Erotic? You didn't have to fuck..." He nearly mentioned Myrtle and Stella, both not all that appealing. "Guess I'll live."

"Let's just look at this as an opportunity. That Lonnie guy and I had a long talk between orgasms." She grinned sheepishly. "We can't stir up trouble with the police force. God knows how many more of them their are. Bad cops obviously run in packs. He did tell me they would erase our being here but all we can really hope is that he's leveling with me. I think he fears the fact my father is a Senator with mad connections so we might be good."

"Who's bailing us out?"

"Josie called Carl. He's making arrangements."

"Ouch! I can hear the Sarge barking now."

"We'll be fine. Hey?"


"I had a wonderful first date." She melded into him arms around his neck.

"Me too. Next time? Just the two of us?"

"You're on." Time to kill, they made out like...barflies in heat. Josie had her chaps and vest back, but Roman insisted she wear his boxers beneath. Damon and Patrice cuddled and found their loyalties strong. Mimi and Kevin...silent but golden. LeAnne? Pushing Dewey off of her shoulder was tired of being drooled on.

It was almost over.

Call waiting!

Call of the wild.

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

Glad you enjoyed it. I needed the praise considering here lately this particular storyline has caught some fire from critics. Nice to know a few of you out there understand me. LOL! The end of this Arrest storyline is just two weeks away then everything might settle down for Piper and the gang. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Who am I kidding? You know better! LOL! Thanks again.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love it... You are awesome