Stealth Camping

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Siblings try Youtube phenomenon with their own erotic twist.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 08/25/2022
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Stealth Camping

A brother and sister try out a You Tube phenomena with an erotic twist of their own.

I was looking over YouTube videos and discovered a bunch of channels about stealth camping.

"What the fuck is stealth camping," I thought to myself.

After examining a bunch of them I found that, as near as I could figure out, it's camping in a spot you aren't supposed to, a place you might get caught. Like camping in the wooded area next to an overpass or the wooded area on a golf course or the wooded area next to a police station. Yeah, each of those were examples of videos I saw.

Well, I thought that was the stupidest thing I could think of. Why the fuck would anyone want to do that? That seemed to me to be about the most useless and dumbest thing anyone could think of to do.

So, that's why, in my junior college mindset, I had to give it a try. My full ride scholarship in wrestling eliminated my need to get a summer job and I was getting a little bored.

I knew just the right place to do it. There is a roundabout that I pass through to get to and from college, just a few miles from here. Since I had to drive around it to the third exit, as my Waze would tell me, I got a good view of the whole thing. There was a chest high hedge all around that was pretty dense, dense enough you couldn't see through it anyway. There were also some kind of low growing bushes or trees that arched over the top. Most important there is a small opening in the hedge, like one of the hedge plants died or was severely pruned. Whatever it was, it looked large enough for me to squeeze through. The roundabout was out of the way, no houses around it, sandwiched between two commercial areas. I usually drove through it at rush hour and the traffic always seemed pretty sparse even at that time of day.

"Shit a piece of cake," I said, out loud.

It was the morning of the Fourth of July and my parents had a big bash planned. Dad loved to grill, and Mom, I think, liked the reprieve from cooking. The biggest problem was it was hot. Now, I don't mean it was uncomfortably hot. I mean it was bakeoven hot. When I opened the sliding door to the deck, the air felt like the time I accidently opened the oven when Mom was baking. Plus, the humidity was so high it felt like you were trying to breathe underwater. The weather man said it would be one of the hottest weeks on record. Yay, global warming.

I was instantly bathed in sweat. All I had on were gym shorts and a t-shirt and the t-shirt came off immediately.

"Wish I could do that you lucky bastard," growled my older sister Peggy, rivulets of sweat running down her cheeks.

"The patriarchy wins again," I shouted back, teasing her. "So Peg, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Mom wanted me to set out some chairs and get the back yard ready. I've only been doing it for a few minutes and I am soaked through," she complained.

She was too. Peg's white cotton tank top was soaked through her bra showing prominently through it. Beads of sweat ran down her face, a steady drip, drip, drip, off her chin. Even her signature ponytail, which I had dedicated my entire middle school life to pulling, at every opportunity, was soaked.

"Ah, let me give you a hand," I offered and set about helping.

We had the backyard ready in no time although the heat made it feel like we had walked across Death Valley. The heat, sun and humidity were relentless. As we worked we chatted about the job she had gotten last year, right out of college, her new apartment and new roommate Laura but strangely enough not much about her asshole fiancé Charles. If I didn't know better she seemed more than just reluctant to talk about him, strange.

Charles was some guy she met in college. He had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was the type that never let you forget it. The only time I even remotely liked him was when he let me take his Corvette for a spin, sweet. I figured someday, when I could afford one, I would get one too, like when I'm fifty or sixty.

Just as we were finishing up our task, Peg asked, "So, what are you up to?"

"It's hot and I gotta show you something on my tablet. Let's go inside," I said.

Peg didn't argue with that and the A/C was like getting hit with the North Wind, nice. I got out my tablet and was soon showing her the stealth camping videos.

"That is the dumbest shit I have ever seen," she said, shaking her head. "What the fuck is the purpose? Why would anyone want to do it? You're not thinking of doing this are you?" she asked, her fists on each hip, a perfect replica of Mom.

"Yeah," I said. "I know just the right place too," I said, eagerly.

She scratched her forehead and shook her head. This was just like what Mom would do when she was about to ask me why I was doing something so dumb.

Peg then said, "Why would you do something that dumb?"

I stared at her thinking, "Fuck, I can never win."

"Where the fuck is this great place?" she spit out.

So, I told her. Peg knew the location well and my reasoning seemed to hit a chord with her.

"Yeah, I know the hedges are thick there. A cat once ran out from it and I almost hit it with my car," she said. "How long would you camp?" she asked.

Hey, things might be looking up. Maybe she wouldn't rat me out to Mom after all.

"Just overnight," I replied.

"Ok, so I'm going with you," she announced.

"The fuck you are," I challenged.

"I go or Mom knows," she said, with the same attitude and with the same inflections she always used to get her way, when she knew I was doing or going to do something questionable.

"Bitch," I growled, defeated.

Now did I mention that I have a kindergartener's skill level in planning?

"So, what are you going to sleep on?" Peg asked.

I hadn't even thought about that.

"On the ground," I snapped back.

"What? The ground is all covered with mulch and broken branches and leaves and all sorts of shit, which may include some kind of actual wild animal shit. You are going to need some kind of ground cloth to sleep on so you don't get splinters, stupid," she retorted.

She was right and I figured we wouldn't need any sleeping bags as hot as it was. Racking my brain I said, "Dad has that small canvas painter's drop cloth that he bought and was too small. I think it's like five feet by seven feet. That would be plenty big enough to sleep on and it's new, still in the bag."

"Yeah, that would work," she said, almost agreeably.

"What were you planning to eat?" she continued, grilling me.

Again, I hadn't thought about it, "I guess I was going to pick up a burger and fries at one of the fast food joints."

"How the hell do you guys put that poison in your bodies," she scolded. "For fucks sake, you are a star athlete. How can you eat like that?" she again scolded. "Oh fuck it, I'll get the food," she finished.

We spent several minutes discussing all the things we would need and who should get what.

"I'll get a couple of our old backpacks to carry everything," I said, finally and we both went in quest of what we needed to obtain.

The party was a disaster. It was so hot people didn't want to be out in it but the house was too small for everyone to fit. Peg had changed into some cut off gym shorts. You know with the simple elastic waist band. They hugged her hips and were cut off so high that the creases of her bum showed. When Mom saw them she told Peg to change into something more proper and they had a minor row. Later Peg, still in the shorts, came out holding up a very skimpy white halter top.

"So, what about this," Peg demanded in about as good an imitation of Mom as I had ever seen. Made me chuckle.

"What about it?" Mom growled back.

"I found this in your bedroom closet. Not very conservative and proper in my opinion," she shot back.

Grandma spoke up blushing, "It's mine dear."

The room went dead quiet and everyone in the room turned our attention to our seventy plus year old Grandma.

Obviously mortified, she began, "It was back in the day. Woodstock was very hot and well I couldn't stand the heat. So I borrowed one of Grandpa's t-shirts and made it," she said, her face going through the seventh shade of red since the halter top had shown up.

It was a simple piece of cotton t-shirt material about four inches at the top and flared out to nine or ten at the bottom but only about five inches long. The top and bottom had been folded over and sewn creating long loops. Strings were then threaded through the loops for ties.

"Well I'm gonna wear it," Peg challenged.

"Peggy June," Mom shouted, only using her full name when she was pissed. "Stop this nonsense."

Peg then turned on her heels and went into the bathroom, only to reappear about a minute later. She got the thing on but she looked like her tits were in a pitched battle to escape. Not only was there side boob and it was low cut with scenic cleavage but there was some under boob as well. Her hard nipples were prominently displayed and the dark areolas surrounding them were more than just hinted at under the very thin material. Neither Grandma nor Mom, for that matter, were as well-endowed as Peg.

"God damn it Peggy," Mom shouted again.

"No," Peggy shouted back defiantly.

Then to everyone's amazement Grandma shouted, "Shut up Mildred. You used to wear it in the summer. That's why it's in your wardrobe. Leave the girl alone."

That took the steam out of Mom's engine and Peg strutted out into the furnace of a backyard. I remember Grandpa with a look on his face that kinda looked like someone remembering something really nice.

The heat of the day only got worse and finally, in the early afternoon, after the food was put out everyone just ate quickly and split up into smaller groups and took off.

Now did I say I had a problem with planning?

As they were leaving for my Aunt's house Mom said, kissing my forehead, "Have a good time at your sister's."

I looked at her kind of confused and she said scrunching up her nose, "Peg said you were going to stay at her place tonight."

Fuck, like I said, I am not a good planner. Peg must have realized that if our parents came home and I wasn't there then they would be worried.

"Yeah, right Mom, yeah I'm staying at Peg's tonight," I said, stammering and cursing myself out because I almost blew the whole deal.

Shrugging her shoulders but scowling Mom left, hopefully, without any real suspicions.

Peg insisted on doing an inventory of what we were bringing, she had planning skills.

When I pulled the last thing out of my backpack, an unplanned item I grabbed at the last moment, a quart of some fine vodka from Dad's bar she said, "You do have some brains after all, shithead."

Sun down wasn't until around eight thirty. I looked it up. Maybe my planning skills were improving. So we decided to go out at about six. We would have some time with light and could eat, relax and maybe get tipsy with the vodka.

Did I say I improved my planning skills?

When we got there I realized there wasn't any place close by to safely park my car. The closest place was a big all night supermarket, some half mile or so away and it was not one Iota cooler or less humid. We had come too far and were too stupid to give up now though. I tossed my t-shirt into the back seat of the car more to piss off Peg than for comfort and together we trudged along the nearly deserted road. The heat was staggering and by the time we got there we were drenched in sweat. Peg's halter top was nearly transparent.

Another thing I had managed to overlook were the two, two-hundred watt street lights. They were not in the roundabout but situated on the shoulder of the road.

"Shit, I didn't remember them being here. It will light up the roundabout," I whined.

"Good we will have light to see. Keep going," Peg said, much to my astonishment.

It seemed like she was more into it than I was.

Luckily the gap in the hedge was right there on our side so we didn't have to screw around and walk around to the other side of the roundabout.

"I'll go first," I whispered, like a spy on a mission.

"What are you whispering for idiot," Peg chided.

I took her back pack and mine and quickly walked across. There were no cars. Ha, maybe I do have some planning skills after all.

At the gap I looked in and it looked perfect. The hedges, which I couldn't see through from the outside, did allow some visibility outward because it was brighter outside the hedge than inside. So even when the street lights would come on we would be hidden in the shadows but we could see what was going on outside. The ground was covered with mulch as Peg had thought but there weren't a lot of sticks. The trees were more on the periphery making kind of a half canopy around the edges but would give a magnificent view of the stars in the middle.

I tossed the back packs in, bending low and started forcing my way in at the widest part of the gap. It was tighter than I thought and the hedge was much thicker than I thought. I got one giant step in but my foot got caught on a root or something. In taking my next giant step I stumbled but I managed to half fall into the center. Again, I looked around and it seemed perfect. I then moved the backpacks out of the way and signaled to Peg, all was clear.

Peg too raced across and started to go through the gap but not in the exact path I had taken and then everything went to shit. She just started through and stopped a terrified look on her face.

"Timmy, fuck, I'm stuck," she wailed in terror.

Startled, I reached up and took her hands and pulled. This forced her to take a half step. The skimpy halter top tie around her neck had snagged, untied and got pulled out. Yep, the halter top fell down putting her handful and a half tits, with spicy hot erect nipples, clearly on the menu. There was still a problem though.

"Fuck, Timmy I'm still stuck," she shouted way too loud.

Did I say I planned things out well?

So, rather than think things through, I did the same thing and yanked her again. In not taking the same path I took, she had encountered a tree branch that had snagged her cut offs. In pulling her this time I managed to pull her cutoffs down around her knees.

"Going commando, I see sis," I laughed.

"Fuck you, pull," she commanded.

I did. The result was that the damn shorts held tight, slid the rest of the way down her legs to her ankles and tripped her. She fell full face, naked tits and all right on top of me, right between my legs, pinning me to the ground. Plus, the shorts were still snagged on the fucking branch.

"Unsnag me, unsnag me," she kept yelling as she wriggled and squirmed on top of me, and I struggled to get out from under her.

The sight of her tits and her squirming on top of me caused the inevitable physiological reaction and gave me a respectable hard on.

"I'm trying, I'm trying," I yelled back as I struggled to get my legs out from under her.

I then crawled back and found the problem. I tried to release her but the shorts were so entangled that the only way to get her free would be to take them completely off.

"I've got to take your shorts off," I said as calmly as I could examining her pert butt.

"What?" she screeched.

"I've got to take them off. They're all tangled up," I said.

"Fuck," she squealed.

That was my signal that she had resigned herself and that to end that humiliation she had to undergo this humiliation. I almost had to pry the shorts over the heels of her sandals so it took a second.

"What the fuck are you doing? Hurry up idiot," she yelled, lying flat on the mulch.

When the shorts did pop off her heels and she was free, she crawled quickly on all fours deeper in and sat up in a fetal position, but not without me getting a beautiful view of her hairless pussy.

"Give me my fucking shorts," she bellowed.

I bellowed back, "I'm trying they're stuck tight. You want me to rip them?"

With that I got them loose, turned and handed them to her. She snatched them out of my hand.

"You asshole, you convince me to go on this wild adventure and here I am sitting practically naked getting splinters in my tits and pussy," she scolded.

"I distinctly remember telling you to fuck off when you said you wanted to come along," I retorted.

With a "humph" she dismissed the conversation because she knew I was right.

She then inserted her feet in the leg holes, abandoned the protecting of her tit's modesty, and stretched her quite luscious legs out to pull her shorts up.

"Turn your head you fucking pervert," she snapped.

So, as a dutiful brother with a raging hard on, I did.

I only turned my head back when I heard her whine, "What am I going to do?"

"About what?" I said.

She was holding the front of the halter top up, unfortunately hiding her wonderful tits.

"This," she wailed, "the tie is gone and you asshole, you fucking asshole, you tossed your t-shirt in the back of the car, thanks."

Shrugging, I then went to look for and found the tie snagged on a branch. Retrieving it I held it up, thinking she would be happy.

"Wonderful," she said, sarcastically, "How are we supposed to thread it through? It's made of a very flimsy material and this thing is soaked. Normally, I would use a safety pin to work it through but, obviously, I don't have one."

She said this all less in anger and more with a hopelessness that disturbed me.

"Wait a minute," I said.

I reached into a pocket of my backpack and pulled out a set of earbuds. They had a very long plastic coated twist tie around them forming them into a neat bundle.

I turned to Peg and said, "Give me the top."

"What the fuck are you some pervert?" she snapped.

Taking a breath I said as patiently as I could, "No, I think I have a way to fix your problem. Now, do you want to sit there all night holding your tits or do you want it fixed?"

"Turn around," she commanded, which I did and soon the still sopping wet piece of cloth, that didn't hide her tits from view anyway, was flung onto my shoulder.

Carefully I took the tie and tied a knot at the end. Peg then shifted around to the side of me to see what I was doing, her hands modestly cupped over her tits. I then straightened the twist tie by drawing it a couple of times between my thumb nail and the first knuckle of my index finger. Satisfied I curled about a quarter inch of the tie back on itself. Then I twist tied the other end around the tie just below the knot for about an inch. The twist tie was some six inches long so after threading the other end through the little cloth loop I gently coaxed the entire tie through. It took all of two minutes.

"Here you go," I said, holding it up.

"How did you do that so easily?" she said, she looked like I had done brain surgery or something.

Apparently, forgetting her modesty a moment, she dropped her hands and reached out and took it, her mouth agape.

Momentarily, she came to herself, attempted to cover her tits and finally just said, "Fuck it. Thanks," and reached out and threw her arms around my neck, her tits pressed tightly to my back, crying."

Now, with only psychology 101 under my belt, I am no great expert in relationships or feeling or emotions but there was something very wrong in this. No, not the fact my topless sister was clutching me, her topless brother, although there isn't anything normal about that, it was the crying. This wasn't a female release of pent up tension. This was full blown heartbroken weeping.

"What's wrong Peg?" I said, actually tenderly.

Her reaction was to hug me tighter squashing her lovely tits on my back sobbing, her erect nipples drawing erotic designs on my back.

Then she said in a hopeless little girl's voice, "Charles and I broke up."

This brought on a crying jag of epic proportions, so I pulled her into my lap, her arms around my neck, chest to chest and I let her cry. She cried and sobbed and wailed and bawled like I had never seen her do.