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"Yesssss," she seethed. There was no doubt - she was into this - and so was I. I rode her like a bronco pulling her head back as I slammed into her over and over again. I let go of her hair and reached around to grab her neck; using my grip as leverage to plunder her wet young pussy. I finally reared up, grabbed her slender hips and began to ram into her with deep impunity. The sight of her flared hips and jiggling cheeks sent me further into my fury. We started to fuck like animals in heat.

"Fuck, yeah! Oh, fuck, yeah! Pound me! Harder, Jake...fuck harder!" she practically screamed.

Her face was ground into the mattress, her hands were gripping the comforter and she begged me to fuck her. I listened to the sounds of our bodies slapping together, our desperate moans and incoherent moans, and knew that I was not going to last much longer. She was letting me fuck her with all the energy I could muster and I felt her own body yielding to climax.

"Oh, Jake...oh fuck...uummppff...I'm gonna..."

Even thrusting as hard as I was, I could feel Stella's body convulse with an intense orgasm. The sounds she was making, an animal-like growl from some deep-seated place, on top of her body jerking below, spurred me to fuck her right through her climax. And as I watched and felt and heard her orgasm, I felt my own welling up deep inside my loins. I knew it was coming, literally, but it hit me harder and faster than I expected.

As I felt multiple jets of cum shoot deep into Stella's slender body, I growled with an incomprehensible roar that seemed synonymous with my ejaculation. Both of us were breathing heavy and sweating profusely. As the wave passed and we slowed down, the enormity of what we'd just done began to sink in.

I looked around the room again and was reminded of where I my best friends' bedroom fucking their beautiful daughter. On the one hand I felt a wave of shame and regret. But, at the same time, I felt an incredible euphoria. Stella and I had just had amazing consensual sex and the place, while kind of dicey, was also irrelevant in a strange way.

We collapsed in a heap together and snuggled on the bed.

"Wow, Jake," Stella said.

"Yeah. Wow, indeed," I replied.

We rested for a bit and then finally dragged our spent naked bodies out of bed. Stella grabbed the cover, straightened up the bed and we headed back downstairs.

"They'll never know," she giggle.

"I sure as hell hope not," I added. "That was really naughty."\

"Mmhmm. It was. You're a very naughty man...and I love it."

We headed back down to my quarters, grabbing the half-finished bottle of wine off the kitchen table on the way through. We crawled into my bed and relaxed for a bit.

I was beginning to wonder if this interlude was just that - a once in a lifetime dalliance with this young beauty. But Stella made noises about my coming to see her in Ann Arbor and we discussed perhaps meeting again in the future. I was going to be in Chicago in the late fall and we settled in on possible dates for a rendezvous.

"Your boyfriend isn't going to care?" I inquired.

She scrunched up her face and shook her head. "He's not my boyfriend, he's...just a special friend. And he has his life and I have mine. So, yes, Jake. I hope we can do this again."

"Mmmm, me too, Stella. Me too."

Stella spent the night with me that night. We had sex twice more, once before turning in and again in the early morning hours. Nothing was going to compare, however, to our conjugal connection in Jen and Barry's bedroom. That was going to be one for the ages - and not likely to happen again.

I was up by 7 and in the kitchen by 7:30 - showered, shaved and dressed. Stella was dressed in a top and jeans - much like she would have been had this been a typical platonic visit. But, it hadn't been. We'd had hot raw sex and it felt like the start of something... I couldn't define it, actually. But I did know we'd see one another again - and we'd figure things out from there. Stella would head back to Michigan and law school the next day and I was headed back to my world.

She came toward me and put her arms around me as I got ready to depart. Our embrace was warm and long - neither of us wanted to let go.

"My parents told me to take good care of you," she said with a sly grin.

"They did, Stella. They did." I hesitated. "But I don't think topless martinis and fucking in their bedroom was what they had in mind."

She laughed and we parted ways. I paused at the door before closing it.

"Remember question number 17 in the restaurant the other night?" I asked with a smile.

She looked at me quizzically and scrunched her brow, trying to remember.

"What was the best sex I had ever had?" She smiled as she recalled her question. "Well, I think when asked that question in the future, last night will be at the top of the list," I stated.

"Me too, Jake. But I might ask you that question again in a few months," she grinned.

"See you in Chicago, Stella."

"You will. Bye, Jake."

I closed the front door behind me and smiled inwardly as I climbed into my trusty rental car. I eased the rental car down the driveway and paused to let the iron gate swing open for me. Little had I known a few days earlier that my visit to Mount Kisco would lead to one of the more intense sexual experiences of my life.

I swung the car into the street and headed for airport...knowing that my next visit here would not be anything like what I'd just experienced.


My friend's young daughter makes me feel at home.

An unexpected tryst with my best friends' lovely young daughter.

I looked at my phone and typed in the code Barry had given to me.

# 5 3 0 9

The double iron gate began to swing open and I wheeled my rental Kia up the winding blacktop driveway. Barry and Jen's lovely Tudor home stood up a hill and behind a large stand of pines and was invisible from the road. I'd visited many times before, but this time stood to be a little different.

I usually stayed with Barry and Jen when I had business in the city. I'd fly into LaGuardia, rent a car and drive up their place in Mount Kisco, usually trying to get there by cocktail hour. From there I had easy access to the commuter train into Manhattan for my meetings.

While it was a bit of trek to make my way up to Westchester County and their lovely home, it gave me a chance to hang out with two of my best friends from college. Barry and Jen had been college sweethearts three decades ago and were still going strong. He was a high-powered patent attorney and she was in demand as an interior designer. They'd been incredibly supportive during my divorce two years prior, and had always had my back. Yes, it would have been easier to stay in a hotel in Manhattan. But I would never find accommodations as nice as their palatial home and the comradery and warm welcome could not be beat.

That had all changed, however, on Monday. The first shoe dropped when Barry called to tell me he was, unfortunately, going to be out of town for my visit. He had been called to Philadelphia for a few days for a series of depositions on an important case he was working on. He'd be home Saturday, but that was the day I was to depart. Jen was going to be in town, however, and was looking forward to seeing me. That was okay with me - she was a gem.

The second shoe had dropped yesterday when I got a text from Barry.

Jake - Sorry to tell you this, but Jen also has to go out of town for a few days. She'll be there when you arrive on Wednesday, but got called down to North Carolina unexpectedly for some last minute furniture shopping for a good client and has to leave early Thursday morning, Sorry, man. You know the house is yours. And the good news is Stella is home for a week and we've made her promise to make sure you're comfortable. Really sorry - Barry

So it was not going to be one of my typical visits with late nights of wine and good cheer, but sometimes real life did get in the way. I'd still be able to enjoy the accommodations and a routine I had become accustomed to. Their lower level had been devoted to a very luxurious guest suite that exited out at the pool level one floor down from the main house. It was cushy and comfortable and it felt like it had a private pool with a sauna and a lovely view of the surrounding hills.

And Stella was in town. I hadn't quite gotten my head around that piece of news yet. Thinking back I realized I hadn't seen Stella in five or six years. She was following in her old man's footsteps and attending law school in Michigan. I was pretty sure she was in her last year. I'd seen her briefly one Christmas season when she was still an undergraduate. She'd gotten her mother's good looks and her father's sharp wit.

Our families had vacationed together in the early days when both of our kids were younger and fairly close in age. But as the years wore on it became too unwieldy to make vacation weeks work and we'd fallen out of that wonderful tradition. My divorce had further complicated things and it was unlikely we'd ever be sharing a lakeside cottage or an ocean condo again.

In any case, it would be fun to visit a bit with Stella and see what she was up to. As I pulled my car up into the parking court, I saw Jen walking down the stone steps to greet me. I squinted in the late afternoon sun as I got out of my car and walked toward Jen with my arms open.

"Jakey boy," she greeted me warmly. Damn if she wasn't still fine in her fifties. Some women defy gravity and age well and Jenny was one of them. She was dressed in shorts and a colorful top and had her blond hair up loosely. She looked casual and delicious, as usual.

"Hey, Jenny." I gave her a tight squeeze and a brief lip kiss as she held me by my arms and looked up at me.

"It's so good to see you. We are both so bummed about the travel thing. Damn. I was looking forward to hanging with you for a few days even with Barry gone. But, the best laid plans..."

"Yeah, I know. But, no biggie. That's the way it goes. I know the drill here at Villa Benson. I'll make the most of it."

"I know you will. Well, grab your bag and come inside. Cocktails await. You can take a swim if you want to. I've got dinner all set. At least we should take advantage of tonight."

I grabbed my bag and followed her inside. She steered me downstairs and told me to get comfortable and join her outside for a drink once I was unpacked. I changed into shorts and a summery shirt and joined her on the deck overlooking the pool and the gorgeous view.

A dry martini in a frosted glass was sitting on the coffee table awaiting my arrival. We toasted, sipped and sat back to catch up. It was great to see Jen, as always. She had one of those infectious personalities that made time fly when one was with her. I'd had a serious crush on her in college, but she only had eyes for Barry at that time and I let my own desires simmer over the years. Their marriage was solid as a rock from what I knew and I had never harbored any thoughts of doing anything about my attraction. I was going to enjoy this evening and the view - both the view of the hills beyond their pool, as well as the lovely lady seated across from me.

She invited me into the kitchen where she served up a simple Mexican dinner that we ate at their large granite island. The time flew by as we brought each other up to date on our current lives and reminisced about college days and beyond. It was such a lovely evening that we decided to return to the deck and finish our bottle of wine.

"So how is Stella doing? I hear she's in town. I can't wait to see her."

Jen looked at the clock on her phone quickly before responding. "Actually, she should be along soon. She went out to an early dinner with friends." Just as she said that her phone pinged and she smiled. "Actually, that's her coming through the gate now."

We continued to talk as I heard a car come up the driveway and pull into the garage. A short time later there was movement in the kitchen and the door to the deck opened. To say I was blown away by the lovely young woman who crossed the threshold would be an understatement.

As I mentioned I had seen Stella briefly about five earlier. It was a brief interaction at a holiday party and she was a lovely young coed even then. But she was now 25 and a fully blossomed woman. She reminded me of Jen in her youth, but she also had a bit of her father's Mediterranean blood in her DNA. She had most definitely inherited the best of each and the combination was a young woman that would turn heads anywhere.

She was wearing a soft summery dress that flowed as she walked out to greet me. Her long wavy hair was a delicious tangle of light brown with blond streaks of sin. Her open-toed sandals made her taller than her 5'-6" in stocking feet and her slender body was curvy in all the right places. She had sunglasses on her head and looked like she'd just been driving a convertible, which she probably had. I did my best not to ogle her in front of her mother, but this was going to be a test of my fortitude and self-control.

"Hi, Jake. It's so good to see you!" she said, with a gorgeous open smile. I know I was grinning from ear to ear myself.

She strode toward me with her arms open and I stood for a platonic embrace appropriate for an older gentleman and the daughter of his best friends. But even just placing my hands lightly on her back as we briefly embraced was enough to tell me that this young lady was blessed with an incredible body to go with her gorgeous face.

She had high cheekbones and her mother's pretty blue eyes. Her lips had that sinful curve that made it impossible for a man's thoughts not to contemplate what they would look like in an oral moment. Her body was model slender, but her small breasts still found a way to stretch the slinky bodice of her dress. Her long legs were on display below the short hem and highlighted by open toed heels that accentuated her regal stature.

"It's great to see you too, Stella. Geez, it has to have been five years or more. You were just a pup in college; now you're almost done law school. Incredible."

"Yeah, well, it's been a grind. It's nice to be home for a few days," she added, happily. "And nice to see you too, Jake."

Jen told her to grab a glass of wine and join us, so Stella turned to the kitchen and I scanned her backside briefly as she made her exit. Jen looked at the time again and shook her head.

"Well, now that reinforcements are here, I should go upstairs and pack for my trip, which I haven't done yet. My flight is early so I have to leave the house at 5am tomorrow. But I'll come back down and say goodnight and goodbye before I hit the sack."

"Sounds good, Jen. Thanks for everything."

As Jen went in the door, Stella came back out with an empty glass. I filled her up and we toasted to nothing in particular. She sat down on the love seat across the low glass coffee table from me and crossed her legs; the dress riding high up her long lean thighs. She must have spent the past few days by the pool because her skin glowed with the golden patina of a recent summer tan.

As we talked I took in this beauty. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was something different about Stella. Perhaps it was just that she had matured in the years since we'd last crossed paths. I shouldn't have been surprised, of course. She was a woman now and close to embarking on a serious career.

Perhaps it was the way that we related that evening as we sat in the gathering dusk and talked like old friends. There was a comfort level that I'm sure hadn't been there before. She was an adult now and I felt like I was talking to a fully realized woman and not my friends' kid. She was funny, worldly, and intelligent and our conversation was free ranging and expansive.

Jen returned to say goodnight and goodbye and apologized again for having to leave me. But I assured her I was in good hands and she need not worry. She kissed Stella goodnight also and said she'd see her on Saturday.

"Now, you take of Jake here, Stella. Okay, sweetie?"

Stella looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Mom," she said with a mildly sarcastic smile.

Jen disappeared back into the house and I suddenly realized I was essentially alone with Stella for the next couple days. The recognition of that fact filled me with a warm guilty glow. We settled back into conversation.

"I was sorry to hear about you and Sarah, Jake. It was always so much fun hanging out with your family. How are the kids?"

I brought Stella up to date on the comings and goings of my own family and answered her questions about my divorce. She didn't appear to be probing; she was just curious. Our divorce, in fact, had been pretty tame compared to some. Our kids had adapted and moved on and everyone was probably better for it in the end.

"So how is law school treating you?" I asked. That question took us off into another realm of clerkships and bar exams. Stella was taking her studies seriously and was doing well from all accounts. She had clerked all summer long and had a week before school started to head home and relax. She seemed to have taken full advantage of her time at home.

"It's been a good week - I needed it. I've seen a few friends and done some shopping. But mostly I've been chillin' by the pool and just relaxing. It's been great."

"Well, it is one of the nicest pools I've ever seen. You notice I'm sitting here and not in some hotel in New York," I offered.

"So you are. And I'm supposed to take good care of you," she added.

The way she said it sent a shiver to my core. I shouldn't be misinterpreting something said innocently by my friends' daughter, but she did have a suggestive smile on her face as she had said it. Then again, maybe I was reading way too much into the moment.

"Listen, Stella. That is entirely unnecessary. Your parents are kind to offer and you are polite to go along, but I can fend for myself pretty well. There's no need to put yourself out."

"I'm not putting myself out, Jake. It's not often my parents host a handsome older gentleman. I'm just offering to step in since they'll be out of town. What's your schedule like? Let's do something tomorrow night."

I had to protest, but not too hard. She was offering to hang out the next night and I couldn't pass up an offer like that.

"Well, I have to head into the city early tomorrow. I'm there most of the day. I'm part of a project team and we have a huge interview on Friday morning. Tomorrow is the long day - all the team members coming together to prep for the interview. Friday will be intense, but it will be an early day. I fly out Saturday around noon."

"Great, then you'll be back in Kisco at a decent hour. Let's do something."

"Well, if you insist, at least allow me to buy you dinner somewhere nice. You decide where."

"Oh, that will be fun. I'll make a resie tomorrow - or tonight. I know just the place. This will be fun, Jake."

"I can't wait, Stella. I can't." And truer words had never been said.

As I was finishing my sentence, Jen returned to say goodnight.

"Well, I'm packed and ready to so I'm gonna hit the sack. I just wanted to say goodbye, Jake. I hope you'll come back and see us when we're both here at the same time," she laughed.

"Oh, I'll be back. I haven't finished freeloading on you guys yet." I joked.

Jen turned to Stella and reminded her to take good care of me.

"Oh, I am, Mom. We're going to go to Winston's tomorrow night."

Jen smiled and clapped her hands in agreement. She told me I'd have a great time and a good meal and it did her heart good to know I wouldn't be alone the next night.

I felt a little guilty for my lascivious thoughts, but I acted like I was going along with the game and Jen said her goodnights and departed.
