Steps to Licking Pussy Ch. 05


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My thoughts were cold and vicious as I waited for Jennifer at the restaurant's bar, the place where we'd all first met. On the night that I'd realized Rebecca didn't really care about me, I'd checked her phone after she fell asleep. I'd found texts between her and a guy - apparently her boyfriend, who I hadn't even known existed - about everything that she had been getting Jennifer and I to do. She'd been messing with our heads for entertainment... I felt brutalized, but also relieved. I couldn't imagine where I would be if I'd believed her - I'd be walking around thinking I had a girlfriend, wondering how to tell people, how to tell my family...

That thought filled me with bitter resentment. Rebecca didn't care at all what the consequences of her actions might have been. She could have ruined my life, and Jennifer's life. Simply avoiding her wasn't enough.

I saw Jennifer enter, and she sheepishly waved.

"Hey," she said, as she came over. "Been awhile since we were here..."

"That's for sure," I said with a smile, thinking back on our awkward email exchanges and awkward first time together. "Here, I got you a beer. Let's get a booth."

"Definitely..." she replied, looking around at the crowded bar. We grabbed a booth in the back corner, one as secluded as possible. It'd been a little more than two weeks since I'd last seen her... as she sat down across from me, my eyes followed the fall of her straight blonde locks and the soft curves of her neck. She seemed different than I'd last seen her... less meek, more confident somehow. She was smiling nervously, but I could tell something was on her mind.

"Sorry I was late," she said, settling in to her seat. "My physics exam ran over."

"Oh, that's right, you're a physics major," I recalled from our first conversations that were blurred in my memory by nervousness. "Wait, so you're really smart, aren't you?"

She laughed in admission.

"Closet nerd, yeah," she said, and then grew red.

"Hah, we're all a little secretly nerdy," I told her. "I never knew that about you. You know, for all that we've done together, I hardly know anything about you!"

"I guess I never thought about it either..." she mused. "We've just been so focused on fooling around and getting off, we never really hung out, did we?

I marveled at how open and direct she was being, compared to the shy and timid girl I'd first met here. I peered at her inquisitively and smiled.

"What happened to you the last two weeks?"

She became slightly flustered, but didn't look away.

"Well, that's kind of what I was hoping we could talk about. I was finally able to... you know... get myself off."


"Yeah," she breathed. "Right there in the car, after the thing with you two in the chairs. It was so amazing!"

I couldn't help but smile broadly. I was weirdly proud, and happy for her. Then, I had a thought.

"So the last two weeks," I asked slyly. "The whole time, you've just been...?"

She quickly shook her head.

"No no," she refuted my insinuation. "Well, yes... for the first few days..."


"It wore off..."

"Oh no, that sucks!"

"More than you know! I kind of went crazy."

"Oh yeah? What did you do?" I asked, my imagination sparking. Jennifer gulped, then finished her entire beer. She grabbed two more at the bar and returned, handing me one. The entire time, I stared at her, expectant and excited.

"Um..." she stammered. "I was on fire. I was so horny and I couldn't... well, I went to this club near my place. I'd never been there, but I knew it was a... girls-only club."

My grin widened.

"So I... well I drank alot... and there was this girl who reminded me of you..."


She leaned in to whisper.

"We danced, and she kissed me..."


"Then I ran away, to the bathroom."

"Oh," I replied, my heightened excitement dropping. Jennifer sensed my disappointment. She leaned in to whisper even more quietly, and slapped both her hands down on the table to keep my attention.

"She followed me in, and I got her off like crazy with my hands," she said suddenly. "It was so intense... I can't understand really... and then I got home, and had the best orgasm... and in the morning, too..."

I just stared at her, mouth agape. She stared back at me.

"What do you think it means?" she asked after a few moments.

"What do I think?" I said, sheepish. "That's really hot... I didn't know you had it in you!"

"No," she said, exasperated. "I mean what do you think it means about me? Does that mean I'm bi? Or... a lesbian?"

I shook my head, astounded and not sure what to say.

"Is it really that big of a deal what label you are?" I asked. "It seems to me that you get off from pleasuring other people. It's like... a fetish."

She seemed to actually absorb my idea, and calmed down. I felt like I understood her a bit better. An intelligent girl, probably raised in a bubble, always constrained by social pressures... and never having good sex! I remembered that her first orgasm ever was in our first threesome together with Rebecca... I had no idea all this confusion had been running around in her head.

"I can see that, actually," she said absently. "It was like I was grabbing what I wanted out of that girl. I didn't know her name or even care..."

"See?" I told her. "We are whatever we choose to be."

"Yeah," she agreed, smiling again. "So I... like getting other people off. Huh, how 'bout that. It's so... different from how I thought all this worked..."

"What, sex?"


"It always is," I told her. "Everyone's different. Hey, I'll get the drinks this time."

By the time I came back with a mixed drink I wanted her to try, the doubt had vanished from her soft features. That confidence I sensed before was even more apparent. I kept finding myself smiling and engaged by her intelligent conversation, and it felt good to see her like that. For my part, I had completely forgotten my cold anger at Rebecca, and didn't even think to mention it for the better part of two hours.

It was only when Jennifer stepped outside to take a phone call that I realized that I was buzzing inside with more than just alcohol. Our energy felt really good... it was everything that I'd thought I had with Rebecca. In my drunken imaginings, I could see how tonight was going to go... us leaving the bar together for my apartment, heated, kissing intensely... she was so much more confident with herself now! I could feel it. I knew for certain - the feeling was right - during our passionate sex, I could just ask her to go down on me, and she would probably do it! The thought was even more sexually charged now that she was stronger...

Then, I stopped my thoughts cold. Did I really have feelings for Jennifer? Or was I just imagining them to make the conquest and control that much more erotic? If I did this, would I be acting just like Rebecca? Oh shit, that phone call!

I ran outside, but she was just hanging up as I got there. She seemed... rigid. I knew she'd found out something.

"So what are you now..." Jennifer asked, profoundly hurt. "You and Rebecca... you're girlfriend... and girlfriend? Or what?"

"Wait!" I practically shouted at her. Fortunately, nobody else was outside at the time.

"For what? How am I the last to know? I should have known, since you two - with the chair thing - and..."

"No!" I said again. "You're intelligent, right?"

"Yes - what kind of a question is that?"

"Stop for a second. Use those smarts. Listen to me," I said, my voice soft and firm. She looked at me like a deer in headlights, and I could see her old timidity and confusion trying to return.

"Ok," she said hesitantly, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"She's got a boyfriend," I said quickly, trying to use my window of opportunity. "She does think I want her to be my girlfriend, but it was a mistake."

"Wait, what? What boyfriend? What mistake?"

"She's just been using us!" I insisted. "And then she texts him what she got us to do."

"That's... that's fucked up!" she exclaimed. "You're sure?"

"Dead certain."

Jennifer sat on a nearby bench, and I moved down next to her. Betrayal, shock, anger, and confusion all flashed across her face.

"I thought we were friends," she said, her voice quiet. "I really did."

Then she seemed to think of something.

"What exactly do you mean using us? Does she know about you and me? That time with the chairs and the blindfold - did she know that was me?"

My stomach sank. I suddenly realized that, the entire time that I'd been a game to Rebecca - I'd done the same thing to Jennifer, even texting back my exploits and having sex with Rebecca spurred on by what I'd done. I thought about lying, but I couldn't do it.

"Yes..." I said slowly. "She got me to... no, no, I can't blame her. I was doing the exact same thing with her about you that she was doing with her boyfriend about me."

Jennifer breathed in sharply, and her body tensed. I could literally see her emotions condensing into embarrassment and anger as the pieces fell together in her thoughts. I could literally see her thinking about the last two weeks and the times that she'd hung out with Rebecca, having no idea that Rebecca knew everything.

"Why?" she asked, her voice flat. "Tell me why. Because you're here telling me, being honest with me, you get one chance."

It was hard to think through the alcohol buzz and the shock of adrenaline running through me, so I told her the flat-out truth.

"Honestly? Because... like how you like getting other people off... my first time with you and her, and after that, I found that I loved seducing and controlling you, getting you to do more sexual things with girls... the more uncomfortable or hesitant you were, the more I enjoyed it..."

She didn't say anything for at least a minute.

"Does that make sense?" I asked, still fearful of her reaction and feeling like the biggest asshole in the entire world. I just watched her blue eyes as they watched me, her thoughts spinning.

"Fuck!" she finally said, and slumped against the bench. "Yes... yes it does. It's dark and new and terrible but so irresistible..."

"Yes!" I seized on her words. "That's how it feels for me, too."

She nodded, and we both sat there in silence for awhile. People passed us periodically. I wondered if they had any idea what the two of us had been talking about on this bench - lesbian sex and fetishes, right there in the open air.

I laughed.

She couldn't help but smile.

"So what now?" she asked.

After a moment of feeling out my buzz, I just grinned, and she laughed knowingly.

"Uh huh... I should have known," she said, considering my suggestion. "You're lucky we weren't friends before all this. It's weird, but I don't feel betrayed at all. In fact, I kinda like this, and how it lets us be honest about all this crazy stuff. I don't think I could handle emotions right now, too."

I nodded in agreement, also still unsure whether I had any genuine romantic feelings for her or whether she was purely a strange kind of friend with benefits. We'd been outside long enough to sober up a little, and we drove separately to my place.

As I led her to my bedroom, I realized that things were different in an ecstatic and deeply satisfying kind of way now that we both knew what we wanted. She avoided my kiss on the lips, instead kissing my neck. I nodded in understanding, and then she pushed me back onto the bed. She kissed around my chest and kneaded my breasts through my shirt.

"How do you like it?" she asked softly, sitting on top of me. Her forwardness and initiative were surprising, and really turning me on.

"I want you to go down on me," I breathed.

"Is that what you were trying to get me to do when we fooled around?" she asked, and I nodded, watching her sky blue eyes. I could see her think for a second. Was she mulling it over? Would she do it? She moved up to my ear.

"I don't want to do that," she whispered. "I don't think I ever could."

She paused for a moment.

"Well, I mean, sometimes when we're getting each other off, when I'm really, really turned on... like that time with you two on the chairs, I almost..."

She paused again.

"But no, I could never..."

Sexual shock resounded through me. Her words were perfect. Did she mean them? Or was it an act? I couldn't possibly tell. I could see her intelligence and sexuality starting to work together... either way, my urge to dominate her flared up at her denial and possible tease.

I grabbed her blonde hair and kissed her deeply on the lips, specifically because she had avoided it a few moments earlier. She seemed to hesitate at first, but then gave in, making out with me. Every sensation was magnified this time - the softness of her lips, her insistent tongue, her body on mine.

She pushed back, and sat up to drag my pants off. I went for her belt, but she batted my hands away. Did she intend to get me off while still wearing her clothes? That would fit her desire to just get me off... I pushed her down and practically dragged her pants and shirt off, leaving her in just her underwear.

I took my own shirt off, too, and sat back against the pillows. She grinned, and moved up on me, kissing my chest and feeling under my bra. I reached back and unhooked it, throwing it on the floor, but she continued using her hands. I realized - I had never actually gotten her to use her mouth on my breasts!

I pushed her head down slightly, and I felt her back arch in response. She seemed about to pull away, but I gently held her down. Her tongue slid across my right nipple, and I felt her bite it gently, then smile against my breast. Confirmation that we were playing with each other's desires made a wave of warmth pass through me. Goddamn, I was turned on! She licked the underside of my breast as her hand found its way under my panties.

She looked up at me abruptly.

"Oh my god..." she breathed at me. "You're so wet..."

"I know, right?" I said with a smile. She bit her lip and grinned in response, sliding two fingers in me. I contracted my tummy to fight back the sharpness of the pleasure, and her fingers found my clit. I inched my panties down slightly to give her hand more room, and she went back to licking and sucking on my chest as she worked the warmth in me to a rolling center of ecstasy. It wasn't long before I was bucking against her, holding it as long as I could and then - a fantastic orgasm rocked through me. I screamed at the height of it, losing all muscular control, and she kept on working me. Finally, I pushed her off when I couldn't take anymore.

She beamed at me, proud and sweaty.

"Was it good?"

"Utter fucking fantastic!" I told her, collapsing. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"You!" she replied, and all the times we fingered each other flashed through my thoughts. She must have been seriously paying attention...

"So what about you?" I asked, putting a hand on her tummy. She turned slightly red at the question. She looked around.

"Well, I'd like to... do myself..."

I moved, and indicated the pillows.

"Right here?" she asked. "Yeah, alright."

"Mind if I watch?" I asked her tentatively. I knew this part was probably new for her. She bit her lip again, thinking, and then smiled. I moved opposite her on the bed, and she spread her legs out and pulled her panties down slightly. She was soaked, and her hands quickly went to work. The sight of her feminine body heated, sweaty, and turned on was incredibly erotic - I felt the urge returning myself. I had a wicked idea.

I pulled off my own panties, finally completely naked, and spread my legs opposite her. Her eyes went from staring off into space to being locked on my sex. I fingered myself while she watched, and I saw her pace quicken and her pleasure rise. That turned me on in a powerful way, knowing that she was masturbating while staring at my sex... just one more step on the way to getting her to lick pussy. I imagined her doing it with fresh force fueled by the sight of her nearly bare body...

Without stopping, she leaned forward, gave me a small grin, and then bent down to kiss me once right above my sex. She knew just how to work me! - that sent me over the edge.

She leaned back again, and we came together, our legs tangling as we thrashed and bucked to wild orgasms. By the time her eyes fluttered and she collapsed on the pillows, my bed was soaked with sweat and juices. I sat for a moment, heart pounding, collecting my senses. She lifted her head and looked at me happily.

"Utter fucking fantastic is right!" she exclaimed, and tried to fix her matted hair. My long brown hair was equally in disarray, but it only made me feel that much more sexual. She got up and put her jeans and shirt back on, and I led her to the front door. I didn't ask her to stay because I knew what she liked, just like she knew what I liked. Our energy felt even more amazing than earlier, at the bar. I could tell she felt the same from the unflagging smile on her face.

"Tomorrow night?" I asked, excited.

She nodded, happy.

"Tomorrow night."

I watched her get to her car and closed the door.

The sex had been amazing, but I wondered how long it would last. Rebecca was manipulative like no other, so I knew this wasn't over...

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germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uabout 9 years ago

Amazing, simply amazing! The characters, the sexual tension, the pull of emotions, and how you orchestrate this story is sheer perfection. Steps to Licking Pussy is now on my Most Wanted list. I will be waiting and watching for chapter 6.

gjames17gjames17about 9 years ago
Welcome Back!

It's been far too long since you've treated us to your fabulous talent. I hope all is well with you and you are happy. Thank you for continuing this fascinating story and I can't wait to read what happens next. I'll be on the lookout.

Jedd11Jedd11about 9 years ago
Can't wait

This is freaking awesome. I cannot think of a story told more to my liking. There are not many, but there have been a few, and this one fits the mold. You give a detailed story, slowly building up, drawing us in and dragging us along, all with a theme of lesbian seduction. The only thing missing, at least for my tastes, is a bi/lesbain sister/mom. It's obvious that Jennifer finally learns to enjoy eating pussy, but the journey of how she got there is just as important as the fact that she did. Plus there's the Rebecca issue needs to be resolved. She needs to get what's coming to her. Perhaps that sister thought I through out. She could be manipulated into going down on her sister. Whatever, she needs her comeuppance. You've done a great job and have so many avenues to take this. I really look forward to more.

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleabout 9 years ago
Glad you're back!

It's been too long. Good story, as usual.

DesiremakesmeweakDesiremakesmeweakabout 9 years ago

Yeah I like this a lot - really good writing here. I'll have to follow this...!

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