Stock Ch. 01-18


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"Oh, I love the spryness of youth," Sean heard Elizabeth call out from between his legs. Soon after he felt himself sheathed in hot wetness and Elizabeth's legs straddling his waist.

"By the gods what have I gotten myself into?" Sean exclaimed.

"What did you expect?" Elizabeth commented. "I'm an undersexed woman who hasn't gotten any in two years and can feel her biological clock ticking like a time bomb. I've got some catching up to do." She said all that while punctuating every other syllable by slamming down on Sean's cock.

"Well, if that's the way you want to play it," Sean began to say then thrust his hips up hard in stride with her and flipped her over, effectively pinning her down beneath him. "I'm certainly up," he pounded into her, " to the challenge." At a furious pace he pounded into her. The bed creaked and shook with the activity but the sound was drowned out by Elizabeth's screaming.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES!" Elizabeth's head snapped back and she came hard. But Sean wasn't done yet. The blowjob had taken the edge off of him so he continued to plow into her. He grabbed the headboard for balance and slammed into her over and over again until the sound of their slapping bodies wrung through the room. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was starting to see stars with the pleasure flooding her brain. She managed to open her eyes as she felt her second orgasm hit, just in time to see Sean let go of the headboard with his right hand and slid it into her mouth. Somehow Elizabeth managed to gather her thoughts enough to suck on it a bit. Sean removed his thumb and Elizabeth's mind exploded a third time before the second was even over when her clit came into contact with a furiously rubbing wet thumb.

Sean wasn't done yet then either. He continued pounding away at her. Something about her made him lose control and, in all impossibility, he sped up. He could feel that familiar sensation of his balls tightening again and he let loose a primal roar as he pumped several thick gobs of cumm in Elizabeth. That set her off and she came again. Sean stayed inside of her and made sure to land beside Elizabeth. She was panting heavily, sweat streaming down her face. Sean turned on his side and cupped her face. She had passed out. He panicked for a bit but realized it was from the sexual overload. Well, that certainly stroked his ego. He had heard about it happening on rare occasions but he never thought to actually accomplish it.

It wasn't long before Elizabeth's eyes slowly flickered open to the greeting sight of Sean smiling down on her. She smiled back, albeit tiredly. "What…what time is it? How long have I been out?"

"It's about 8:30 am. You've been out for only about a minute," concern etched his face. "You had me worried there for a moment. I thought I'd broken you."

"8:30? My God you made me cumm four times in ten minutes. And that's not counting the smaller ones you probably triggered. What have I gotten myself into?"

Sean chuckled and kissed her passionately. "I was wondering the same thing if you recall. Women may hit their peaks around thirty but guys hit theirs around twenty-three. Seems like we blew the lid off a crate of dynamite."

"Don't tell me you could do that again."

"Well, if you wanted to…"

"NO!" her eyes widened in shock. "God, at least give me a few minutes to recuperate."

"Hey, that's supposed to be my line," he jested. "Nah, I couldn't do that again for at least a couple of hours. So I guess you'll have to wait a bit. But that doesn't mean I can't shift myself down a bit and…"

Immediately, Elizabeth's hands shot down between her legs. "Don't you dare. I'll pass out for an hour sure if you do that like you did last night."

By then Sean was bawling with laughter. He pounced her and kissed her hotly until Elizabeth felt like she was melting into the cushions. "I love you, Elizabeth; now and always. Know this though. Now that I've said it I won't go back on my word and will give you everything I possibly can if you think it's good enough. I think this is an appropriate time to tell you what happened to my previous relationship. She didn't think everything I had then was good enough for her. Not my love, not my unflagging devotion, nothing. That was why I broke up with her; she wouldn't accept the things that counted. I dumped her because she wouldn't accept my reasons for not giving her what I couldn't. She wouldn't accept me for my limitations. I will try to be everything that you want to be but I will not change who I am in the ways that make me me. I will love you for an eternity freely, love you through anything that could try to come between us, love you for just being you, and I expect the same treatment. I'm sure I'll change some so that I can better please you but I will remain adamant about certain things that define who I am. If you're ever confused then feel free to ask me and I will give you as reasonable an answer as I can, not just an ‘I don't know' or a ‘just because' because you deserve a straight answer as much as I believe you deserve my love."

Elizabeth's had turned watery with tears. She curled up in his strong arms and simply wept with joy and shook her head. "I don't know what I've done to deserve you. I still don't think I do. You're too wonderful, too perfect. Well, besides the fact that you fart on occasion and that you snore." They both laughed at that. "But besides that I can't believe how wonderful you are. If I entered you in a fantasy prince charming contest you'd at least get runner-up to Tom Cruise or maybe Brad Pitt. I still have to decide that one."

"I'm not sure how to take that," Sean laughed.

"Oh God, I love you, Sean," she was weepy with joy. "I promise I will always love you too. I may not think that I deserve you but you've certainly done everything possible to earn my love." Then she broke down again and cried while mumbling ‘I love you' over and over again like a mantra. Sean just held on to her and shed a tear of his own as he waited for her to quiet.

Elizabeth did quiet down, eventually, and by then Sean's stomach began to protest in hunger. "Hmm, sounds like it's time for breakfast."

"I guess so," Elizabeth answered. "You go hop in the shower while I make breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and toast sound good?"

"Oh no you don't," Sean said. "Now that I got you naked I plan on capitalizing on the moment. You are taking that shower with me." With that said Sean threw off the covers and dragged her off to the bathroom. He started the shower and placed Elizabeth in front of the sink. He already had a toothbrush there from previous stays and began his morning routine while getting an eyeful of Elizabeth's nude figure in the mirror while she brushed her teeth. They took turns on the toilet, neither looking at the other while they went, then stepped into the shower.

Elizabeth liked her showers hot, which was fine with Sean although it could have been a degree or two cooler. Sean grabbed the bar of soap and began a very thorough job of making her squeaky clean, particularly her breasts and between her legs. Elizabeth leaned back into Sean's body when her knees started to get weak. She nearly jumped when Sean touched her anus but got used to it, she even began to enjoy it. Sean couldn't help himself and slipped his already hard prick inside of her sopping wet cunt. Elizabeth hissed like the showerhead at the sensation. Sean nuzzled her neck as his hands continued to soap up her breasts. He delighted in caressing them and playing with the nipples. The hot water and steam made Elizabeth's body thrum with excitement as Sean slowly dipped into her again and again. Elizabeth shook and moaned as Sean slowly fucked her to orgasm. It was unlike anything she had experienced before, gentle and fulfilling, like Sean. Elizabeth turned around and kissed him.

"Your turn," she whispered. Elizabeth kneeled before him and cupped Sean's balls while she sucked on him. Sean was staggered by his girlfriend's ability to suck cock. Her mouth expertly sucked him while her hands deftly massaged his balls. Sean pumped his hips back and forth, fucking her mouth. It wasn't long before he shot several thick streams down her throat. Elizabeth swallowed, stood up, and winked at him as she lathered up her boyfriend's body. She marveled in the swell of his firm muscles. He wasn't overly bulky like her ex-husband had been but had good muscle tone, more like the marble statues in museums. She kissed Sean tenderly and finished her lather job. They stood in the hot stream to wash off the soap while kissing. Sean had never experienced anything as intimate as this before. He traced his fingers along her back and held her. They broke the kiss and just looked at each other, their eyes feeding each other their souls. And then the water started running cold.

Quickly, they got out of the shower and had an intimate moment drying each other off, neither saying a word. Elizabeth grabbed a pair of bathrobes for them and then they made their way down to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and started taking things out for the stovetop. Sean popped some bread in the toaster and heated up the pan. They had shared mornings before, Sean having stayed over on occasion, and they had their routine down. Within minutes bacon, eggs, and toast were laid out with milk and juice.

"So what do you want to do today," Elizabeth asked as she dug into the plate. It was Sunday morning and neither of them were churchgoers. She herself didn't have anything planned.

"Let's see," Sean said. "We've made love in your bedroom and bathroom. So that means there's still the kitchen, living room, closet, various hallways, office, hall restroom, and guest bedroom. That should keep us busy for a bit. Oh, and let's not forget your patio."

The answer took Elizabeth entirely by surprise as she held her fork still while the egg slipped off the tines. "You're kidding right?"

Sean didn't say anything as he shoveled eggs and toast in his mouth. Elizabeth waited for him to finish chewing and hear his reply. He didn't say anything and kept on eating. Elizabeth snapped out of her shock and managed to take another bite. Her head swam with stunned amazement like being handed a million dollar check.

Chapter 9

"So? Spill it. How good was he?"

Elizabeth was shocked but not surprised by Vanessa's question. She looked at her longtime friend from college, an attractive woman standing at five and a half feet with auburn hair, green eyes, and figure that was every man's wet dream. Vanessa Straits was an eye turner and she knew it but she was as smart as she was beautiful. "Damn, can't get anything past you, can I?"

"Nope," Vanessa chirped. "You're absolutely glowing. I could probably use you to guide airplanes in on a foggy night. So spill."

Elizabeth sighed and then started giggling hysterically at the memory of her and Sean's very busy Sunday. She was still sore from the marathon sex but in a good way. After Elizabeth got her giggling fits under control she took a calming breath and told it all. "Sean says he loves me. He loves me, Vanessa. And yes, he said this before we had sex and without any hint so much as leaning towards it when he said it. He's genuine. As soon as we were alone I pretty much pounced on him. He may have said that he's only had one lover in high school but you sure couldn't tell from Saturday night…and all…day…Sunday! Oh my God Vanessa I can't even begin to tell you how good he is in, and out of, bed. He did things to me I didn't think were even possible."

Vanessa herself was glad to hear that Elizabeth had found a guy that treated her right but she couldn't be sure of this guy Sean until she met him herself. In a way she was a test. She knew she was attractive, model material if she ever wanted to capitalize on her looks, but instead she got her degree in administrative business and was now successfully running the rat race in the corporate world. If she could get this super-stud alone for half an hour and he didn't make a pass at her of any sort then she could believe that his eyes were only for her friend. After the catastrophic marriage with Charles, Vanessa was very protective of Elizabeth. "Wait, he did what?"

"He made me pass out, but only for a minute. And then there was the morning after…"

Vanessa listened in astonishment as Elizabeth spun the tale. There was no way a guy could be that good, twenty-two or not. Hell, they had sex in the coatroom! By the time Elizabeth had finished talking Vanessa was not only curious, but wet. Seemed like Elizabeth landed herself a stud. "Of course, now you're going to have to introduce us."

"Oh no you don't, this ones mine," declared Elizabeth. "I'm not sharing him. But he did say that he wanted to meet you. I met his friends Saturday night and he asked about my friends." She paused. "Well, you're it. Charles pretty much scared away everyone else."

Vanessa reached out across the table and held her friends hand in a comforting gesture. Vanessa didn't like Charles from the start and she told Elizabeth immediately but the girl thought she was in love then, too. And her jumping from a divorce and into the arms of another man so quickly just didn't seem sensible. And then there was the age difference. An obviously spry man, he sounded like he would have a better time with girls his age but according to Elizabeth he was much too mature for them. There were too many mysteries around him. If he were a millionaire why did he still go to college? What about his family? Perhaps she should look into it herself without Elizabeth knowing about it. Best way to save her any hurt feelings. He just sounded too good to be true.

"Friday night," Elizabeth said.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I said that you'd meet him Friday night. He said that he wanted to meet you and that he'll pay for dinner. Says he wants to splurge a bit since he never gets a chance to around his friends. I think he just wants to impress you. He's so sweet. Sean's not miserly but he doesn't like spending his money frivolously although he can afford it. He doesn't want people to know he's rich. Almost like he's ashamed of it or something." Worry began to crease Elizabeth's brow. "God I hope I'm not making a mistake with him. He just seems so…"


"Yeah." Elizabeth quieted. Charles had seemed perfect, too, rich, successful, and good-looking. He had it all. The bastard dazzled his way into Elizabeth's heart and then he slowly crowded out everything in her life. He liked to dominate, that was his thrill. Soon after they married the thrill wore off, he had taken her for everything. Family and friends were soon muscled out, discreetly of course. And then he simply ignored her. Then he started playing out his sick perversions on her. Elizabeth shut that door immediately. There were things there she didn't even tell Vanessa although she was certain her friend had already guessed at some of it.

"Hey," Vanessa's hand squeezed her own. "This Sean sounds like a really nice guy. And since you've met him you've been nothing but happy. That's all I could ever wish for you. And hey, he kicked Charles' ass three times in a row. That'll always win him brownie points in my book." The two laughed at that.

"Thanks, Vanessa. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Oh, that's what friends are for," the two hugged. "One thing though, does he have an older brother?"

* * *

Friday night rolled around and Vanessa slid her sporty red Audi in front of the house. She did do a background check on him and found some interesting things. Sean was an almost overnight rags to riches story. He was raised in a lower-middle class family with his parents, Jane and Arthur Lee, and older sister, Stacey, had rich family ties back in Taiwan but Sean was never steeped in it. The turning point was when he was seven, his mother died of some post-surgical complications from a routine kidney removal. That was when things fell apart. A year later Stacey took to the streets and basically became a washout ever since, mixing it up with a few drugs to boot. Sean's father remarried to a woman who brought her own daughter into the family. Was hospitalized on two occasions, one for an ulcer when he was seventeen and another for stopping an armed burglar at his friend's apartment just last year. Sean's grandmother died overseas and gave Sean and Stacey a small inheritance. His sister squandered it while Sean bided his time and invested all of it into a then unknown upcoming biotech company, GenenCorp. That was when things started getting peculiar. Sean's father died of a heart attack and Sean immediately filed for financial independence by the age of nineteen. He worked at laboratories part-time under professors and made mediocre grades for his biochemistry major. The report said a lot but missed a lot of other things. Such as where he got the tip off on GenenCorp, why he basically cut himself off from his family, and why he was simply sitting on millions of dollars.

Vanessa arrived at the front door and rang the bell. Elizabeth answered the door in a delightfully cut dark blue dress. Her hair was done artfully up and only a light touch of make-up made her look beautiful and Vanessa said as much as she greeted her friend.

"I'd have to agree," came a deep voice from behind the door.

"Oh, sorry," Elizabeth said as she opened the door wider. "Vanessa, this is Sean, my boyfriend. Sean, this is Vanessa, my best friend from my college days.

"Pleased to meet you," Sean said and offered his hand in a shake. She took it and felt how warm and firm his hand was. He was dressed impressively in a tuxedo by Armani, judging from the cut, and sporting a fine looking cane with an ebony carving of a raven on the end. But she was paying attention to his face. No sign of anything else besides warm, greeting eyes in friendship. "Well, this pretty much proves my theory."

"And what would that be?"

Sean wrapped an arm around Elizabeth's waist. "Beautiful women tend to hang around beautiful women." He gave Elizabeth a peck on the cheek. "Both of you look gorgeous tonight. That's a lovely green dress you're wearing."

Vanessa thanked him for the compliments while the back of her mind processed any hidden meaning but found none. Elizabeth and Sean led the way to the living room where they introduced themselves more thoroughly. Again, Sean didn't say anything about who he was. "So, when's the reservation for?"

Sean looked at his watch. "Not until eight but I guess we should get a move on if we're going to catch the opera. Elizabeth told me you like Italian so that's where we're headed after. I heard of a nice place with a great outdoor patio. I've been dying to go there but never really had an occasion. Besides, none of my friends would be comfortable there. Reviews say it's a very quiet place with good music and great wine."

"Sounds great. Let's go."

When they arrived at the opera house Sean admired her car as the valet drove off with it, he was veritably drooling. "Now Sean, you have a perfectly serviceable car right now. No need to buy a new one," Elizabeth teasingly chided him.


"Uh-uh," Elizabeth's eyes shined with mirth, "You said it first. Not going to buy a new one until your current car breaks down."

Sean made a big production of sighing. "Yes, dear." And then he laughed with her.

"What's so funny? What does Sean drive now?" Vanessa had to ask. She noticed they took Elizabeth's car.

"A used '98 Corolla," Sean said with pride. "Why'd I have to buy a car I knew would last?"

"Because you're a sensible man, love."

"Why don't you buy a new car? From what Elizabeth told me you could afford it."

"It's the ethics of the thing. Besides, it has a sort of sentimental value. I bought it with my own money that I earned working as a grunt cashier in a video store. Here's a thought. Maybe next time we come here I can drive up in my car. That'll make an interesting entrance. What with all the fancy cars coming through here."
