Stolen Beauty

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Ugly stalker takes over a streamers body to seduce her crush.
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**Not my usual type of story. This one has FtF, Domination, and "unaware" possession. Things I don't usually write. Might seem out of place compared to my other work. For anyone wondering where I've been, I've been writing things I don't think have general public appeal. Thought this one might.

Stolen Beauty

My name is Antonio Garcia, I'm just your average 22 year old Filipino-American trying to survive in San Francisco. Currently I'm working at Target in the video game section. It doesn't pay enough and I don't have many prospects but it's a living. If I'm being honest though most of my money goes to rent and video games and there's usually nothing left at the end of the month. Currently I was restocking a shelf when my tall coworker Jim walked up to me.

"Hey Antonio! What's up?" Jim said with a smile.

"Not much man, another day another dollar." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah I was just looking for you, some Asian chick just asked me where you were."

"Fuck." I said face palming. "Was she about the same height as me with glasses? Unattractive with an annoying voice?"

"Yeah actually, you know her then?"

"Yeah I think I know who she is," I said pinching my nose in frustration. "She's this girl named Nina. We used to be friends as kids but she started obsessing over me when I kept refusing her advances. She's kind of like my stalker now. I knew it was only a matter of time before she found me at my new job. Now she'll probably stop by every day after work to ask me to a movie or to dinner or some other date type activity."

"That doesn't sound so bad. Maybe if you just humored her a bit she might stop?" Jim asked with concern.

"No it doesn't work like that, I've already tried. She can't be reasoned with. She also makes me very uncomfortable, I swear I've caught her looking through my trash and leaving gifts on my front door. She even conAntoniod my mom to give her the keys to my apartment once. I had to ask the landlord to change the locks." I said gloomily.

"Woah. She's an actual stalker. I thought you were kidding there for a second. You want me to tell the manager to call the cops or security or something?"

"No there's no point. They'll just call me a wimp for calling 911 on a tiny Vietnamese girl. Or they'll even take her side and tell me to just man up and go on the damn date. Look just tell her I left early if you see her."

"Antonio!" I heard Nina wail from very close by. Possibly 1 aisle over.

"Quick get behind me." Jim said shoving me behind his 6'1 frame. I was about 5'3 so I was pretty well hidden behind him.

"Oh, you're that tall guy from before." Nina said when she saw Jim. She was a 5'5 Vietnamese girl wearing a masculine red bomber jacket with white pants. Her face sporting some nerdy glasses with no makeup on. "Have you seen Antonio anywhere yet? Me and him have a date planned tonight."

"A date? Antonio didn't tell me he had a date, or a girlfriend for that matter." Jim said feigning ignorance.

"Oh he's such a scatterbrain. Of course I'm his girlfriend!" Nina said nervously playing with her hair and readjusting her glasses. A bad habit of hers. "He must've just never had the opportunity to mention me."

"I don't know, he's been here for 2 weeks now. I think he would've mentioned if you were his-"

"OKAY! Not important!" Nina exclaimed impatiently. She was a very easily frustrated girl, especially when it comes to Antonio. "Just tell me where Antonio is. I have to speak to him."

"Well that's the thing, you just missed him. He asked me to finish stocking this shelf for him. Had to leave early, a dentist appointment I think." Jim said trying his best to cover for me. He sounded very convincing.

"Dentist appointment? Today?" Nina said while checking the schedule app on her phone. "That can't be right... I thought his dentist appointment wasn't for another 2 months. He must've moved it up I guess. Oh well thanks for letting me know." She said with an innocent smile, as if she wasn't a crazy stalker. "I think I'll catch him here tomorrow. His boss already gave me his work schedule since I asked nicely." She said heading towards the exit.

"Phew that was close. Thanks for the save Jim, I owe you one." I said raising my fist up for a fist bump as soon as I thought Nina was out of hearing distance.

"Anytime little dude." He said fist bumping me back. "But you should really try to do something about her. Maybe a restraining order-"

"Nope." I said cutting him off. "There would be no point. No judge will give me a restraining order against a small 5'5 Vietnamese girl, especially because she's never done anything violent or dangerous. She's just obsessive and weird. And even if I did somehow get a restraining order and she violated it the cops wouldn't do a single thing about her for the same reasons."

"Well she didn't seem that bad. Why not give her a chance?"

"Ugh I'm just repulsed by her. She's so obsessive, weird, rude, and unattractive. It would honestly be better for me if she just disappeared off the face of the Earth."

"Oh come on don't say things like that Antonio. What if she got a makeover? Got rid of the glasses and the guy clothes. Maybe started using some makeup. Would that make her pretty enough for your superficial ass?" He said half jokingly, half serious.

"It's not like that man." I said getting back to restocking the shelves. "You don't know half of the weird shit she's done to me. She used to be my best friend until one day she just snapped. Even if she was actually attractive, it's her obsessiveness and personality that really make her unappealing to me. Even if she got a boob job or something, with that personality? No way."

"Yeah right Antonio, I bet if she was a 10 you'd be all over her by now." Jim teased while beginning to walk away. "I guess I'll see you and possibly Nina tomorrow."

"Fuck he's right. She's probably gonna be back here tomorrow. Maybe if I move to Canada she won't follow me there...." I said thinking out-loud to myself while getting back to stocking the shelf.


Nina's POV

That damn Antonio... how did he manage to avoid me this time? He gets a new job and keeps it a secret for two weeks, then when I finally figure out where he's working he leaves early! I've tried everything to make him my boyfriend and NOTHING seems to work. I'm at my wit's end with him. Why doesn't he like me? I've got a nice tech job that makes me tons of money. I'm very neat and organized, I'm incredibly smart and responsible. I'm a strong and independent woman. What more could a guy possibly want?

I was so frustrated I decided to just walk home. I'm not in any rush though so I took the long way home. There really are some seedy establishments this way though. Tattoo parlors and dive bars. I guess that's why I don't usually walk this way. But a dingy and suspicious shop catches my eye. An old antiques store. Out of place here. I don't have anything to do like go on a date with my boyfriend so I may as well kill half an hour here.

I push through the old wooden door and the chimes announce that a customer has finally entered the establishment. First time in a while probably.

"Oh hi how ya doing there hon?" Said a Blonde smiley lady behind the dusty old counter. Her smile was radiant. Her voice didn't sound local, she's southern or something. Blonde and pretty. Big breasts, big flowing hair, and a bright red floral dress. Dolly-Parton-like. She looked out of place in such a dusty little shop. The exact type of preppy woman I dislike because they can probably get men so easily. I bet she's an airhead with no complex thoughts, unlike myself.

"I'm alright, just uhm, browsing and looking through."

"Looking for anything in particular hon?"

"Well I am but I don't suppose you've got something that could help me get a boyfriend do you?" I said half-jokingly, just making conversation. "I've just got no luck with men. Not even this guy who's been my childhood friend. I just don't know why they want nothing to do with me." I have a nasty habit of just venting to random strangers. I don't have many friends.

"Well hon don't take this the wrong way but I think it's 'cause you're so unladylike. Sometimes a man just wants a pretty little thing y'know? Actually when you walked in I almost thought you were a long haired guy for a second with those beige pants and red men's jacket. You've got a really masculine silhouette..."

"Well lady how about you don't take this the wrong way but I have no interest in trying to look pretty or act dumb for attention from guys. I'm a smart and successful modern woman. I make quite a lot of money too. They should be attracted to that."

"Oh they should be hon? Then why are you having so much trouble darling? And besides I didn't say being ladylike is acting dumb. It's just letting them open doors for ya sometimes, or letting them open a jar of pickles for you sometimes. Stuff like that. They like to feel useful. Guys also don't necessarily like a woman who makes more money than them either. They want to feel like you need them."

"But I don't need them."

"Honey," She began, squinting at me, "You clearly do if you're looking for love advice in an old antiques shop."

"Okay fine. But I don't need all men's attention. Just one guy. I've known him practically my whole life but he just... he wants nothing to do with me. Growing up he was the only guy in my entire life who actually cared about me. Who showed any interest in me. But as soon as I confess my love to him, he freaks out." I left out the part where I confessed my love to him another 27 times after that. "Gosh, look at me, complaining to a random stranger."

"Oh don't you worry hon! I was bored till you came along anyway." she stated while setting down a heavy box. "Now if you really want this guy I would suggest..." she said, studying me carefully, looking me up and down. "Well, I was gonna suggest a makeover but... I really don't know where to start. I already mentioned your wardrobe, but if I'm being honest there's a lot about you that might be putting guys off. Your posture, your glasses, your non-existent feminine features. Honestly it would just be easier if we could start from scratch I reckon."

"This is all a complete waste of time!" I exclaimed angrily. "Look I get it. I might not be as pretty as someone like you and even with a makeover I won't come close, but I have all these other qualities that should make up for that. I just need to get Antonio to see that."

"Oh good heavens you are as stubborn as a mule hon. I bet this fella doesn't like your personality that much either." she commented, rolling her eyes at me. "Look, ya said you were rich right? Modern woman with lots of money? Well if you really have so much I might just have something in the back for ya." She said heading to the backroom

"Here it is!" She exclaimed holding up what appeared to be a tiny ornate knife with a large red gemstone. "I carry some magical artifacts in the back of this place. I know my store looks like just another antiques shop but I've had lots of success dealing old magical artifacts from time to time. You'd be surprised how many antiques end up being magical. This old thing right here is supposedly an ancient pharaoh's looking glass knife. It's said he asked the Egyptian gods to grant him an item that would allow him to see through the eyes of the common folk so he could rule them better. Or something like that." She said while holding the knife up closer for me to see. "Legend says if you picture someone you will see their appearance in the red jewel. Then you plunge this knife into your right hand and become them. I recommend you use this to take over the body of a beautiful and feminine woman that this boy of yours thinks is pretty. The difference in the way he treats you will be night and day. Only then will you realize how much looks matter hon. Then once you've learned that you can go back to your body and get to work making yourself pretty. I think 10 thousand might be a fair price for something like this." She said with a big suspicious smile.

"Lady, you do realize I don't believe any of this magic BS right?" I said in complete disbelief. "You must think I'm a big dope who will fall for this."

"Oh bless your heart sweety, I wouldn't try to scam someone as smart-looking as you! It's real, honest." She gave her best smile, full of southern charm.

"Prove it." I said calling her bluff.

"Fine." She answered quickly. "You see that big handsome construction worker waiting at that bus stop across the street?" She said pointing through the large store window to a tall man in construction gear. Older and rugged, with a thick mustache and a muscular build.

"Yeah I see him? So what?" I responded.

"Well first I'll visualize him and the desire to become him." She said while closing her eyes and concentrating. "Then, bam! See? You can clearly see his appearance in the red gem exactly as I said you'd be able to." She turned the knife's front towards me. On it I could clearly see the face of the man across the street.

"Oh please this doesn't prove anything. I'm a programmer, give me a day and I could jury rig a small device just like this with a small red monitor and a raspberry pi. I think."

"Oh darling you are just gonna make me do it aren't you? Well fine!" she exclaimed, plunging the knife swiftly into her right hand which she had flat on the shop's counter.

I stood there a little shocked. I saw it happen as if in slow motion. Her stabbing herself with no fear. The ornate knife plunging into the top of her hand, the small blade part went smoothly into her skin but there was no blood or wound. Then as soon as the red jewel reached her skin, I swear it glowed. As quickly as I saw it happen- poof! She was suddenly gone. The knife toppled over on the counter along with five red acrylic nails. I just managed to see her empty dress fall to the ground. Like she had just vanished somehow.

"What the hell?" I uttered. It was as if her body teleported but she left everything else behind. Her dress, her matching heels, her earrings, her panties. Even five more acrylic nails from her other hand, it was as if they just fell off her fingers and scattered across the ground. Freaky.

"Okay she definitely did something. But did she actually...?" I spoke out-loud while looking up to check if anything changed with the construction worker.

I managed to see the exact moment when his whole body suddenly tensed up. It looked almost as if he had just had a whole bucket of ice water dumped over his head. He began to look around as if he wasn't quite sure where he was. Then suddenly he looked down at his own body with extreme curiosity as if it was completely foreign to him. After his confusion passed he smiled wide and began to cross the street toward the store. His walk seemed completely off and lady-like, moving his hips more than any man would. It reminded me of the southern lady's walk but much more clumsy. As if the man wasn't used to his body. With his long legs he quickly crossed the street. With his strong build he easily opened the store's stiff door.

"Well how about this! Do ya believe me now darlin'? Or should I say ma'am?" The mustached worker said with a deep gruff voice and a familiar southern accent.

"Check me out." He said giving his whole body a graceful spin. The type a woman would do to show you her new outfit.

"It can't be- I don't think- This really shouldn't be possible. It just- magic isn't real." I blurted out stupidly.

"Oh it's real darlin' and here's the proof." he said slowly approaching me. Towering over me. Before I realized it, he put his arms under my arms and lifted me up like a child.

"HEY! Put me down you oaf!" I said trying my best to jerk out of his grasp.

"Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to test out these big burly arms and you just looked so small and lift-able from this height, that's all. I didn't mean nothing by it miss." He said in his deep baritone while putting me back down. He then walked behind the counter and crouched down to the southern shopkeeper's belongings. "Well darn it. I reckoned my dress and shoes would get left behind but my nails got left behind too? Well shoot!" He stood back up and put a hand on his hip. "Ya do realize you're gonna have to pay extra for my nails now right sugar? Nail salons aren't cheap y'know." He then extended his hand out like a woman would to check out her nails. He seemed to be imagining what it would look like to get some new ones on those big hairy hands of his. It was such a funny image I couldn't help but giggle.

"Now just what're you laughing at hon?" he said with mild amusement.

"Well it's just- it's just really funny to see such a manly looking man doing such feminine things and talking about getting a new set of nails done. I'm just imagining what his friends and family would say if they saw him acting this way."

"HAHA!" He hollered powerfully, his laugh filling the whole shop. "Darn that would be funny wouldn't it? Imagine if I called his wife right now and told her I was going to be home late tonight cause I'm getting my nails done?" He said trying to hold back another fit of laughter. "Poor darling would probably have a heart attack right then and there."

"She probably would." I said collecting myself. "Okay fine, I believe you. I saw you disappear and now this macho man is suddenly in your shop with your mannerisms putting his hand on his hip and speaking with a southern accent. I've got no choice but to accept it."

"Well I'm just glad you finally believed me honey." he said while grabbing an old vase from the top of the shelf behind the counter. "Now just check that out. Y'know, I could never reach this shelf without a ladder in my old body. This knife really is convenient ain't it? In fact, let me see about this that table over there." He then darted across the room and picked up a large antique table. With absolutely no trouble he picked up the whole thing and moved it to the other end of the small store. "I've been fixing to move that table for a while now. Usually I can ask a strong male customer to move some of the heavier things from time to time but there hasn't been one in a long while. Just check out the muscles on me!" He said while flexing and feeling up his muscles. "That knife sure is something useful."

"Yeah, it sure is. I'll take it!" I said while reaching for the knife on the counter.

"Now hold on there little lady." He said swiftly taking the knife and holding it up higher than I could possibly reach.

"What's the big idea sir? I mean ma'am. You said ten thousand right? I've got my credit card right here." I said while reaching into my wallet.

"A woman with a wallet? You should really have a handbag instead little lady." He boomed while looking down on me. "Besides, the price has changed."

"Changed? For what reason?"

"I've got to charge you a thousand dollar demonstration fee for one. Then I reckon I should also charge you another thousand for the nails I just lost."

"Oh please I don't care how pretty they were there is no way they cost a thousand dollars."

"Oh aren't you just precious." He said while waving his hand down flamboyantly. "Of course they didn't cost that much, I'm charging you for the emotional distress of losing them as well."

"Oh come on! You said ten thousand so that's what I'll pay."

"You know now that you've given me a lot of time to think. Maybe I undervalued this item. Maybe I should just keep this old thing. I've never used it before so I hadn't realized just how convenient it could be." He said while feeling up his muscles again.

"Would be handy around the shop that's for sure."

"You've never used it before?"

"Well of course not!" He said somewhat offended. "Darling have you seen the way I look? I love my body and its features. I have never had the need or want to be anybody else. Well until now I reckon..." He/she said pondering the knife in her hand.