Stories of Strange Queens


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'Good things like today,' Briana said from behind the group, grinning into her mother's bosom. Audrey snuggled a little further down with her and her grin only widened. 'I've never had as much fun as I had today.' A chorus of agreeance went about the girls, and Chelsea and Jordan smiled, raising their palms and murmuring their thanks.

The girls talked for a while longer, moving onto other topics and chatting about each other's lives outside of sex and captivity. Soon, the sun had gone down, and as the stars began to mimic the lights of the city below, the girls collectively stretched and yawned, scratched and sniffed, and announced their retirement for the evening. Having already stayed in their rooms downstairs for the first night, they made their collective ways downstairs to Roberts' slave cells before splitting off into their rooms, each of the pairs bedded together and the singles given a whole room to themselves. The building policy was on light alert while their guests were staying, and so each room was not locked to the approved personnel registered in the system, meaning that any of the guests could come and go as they pleased between rooms, a fact that, if they weren't completely knocked out from their long day of sex and sensory overload, would allow for some slightly-less-private time should they want it. Even the lift was on call for them.

Several hours later, after their friends had retired and they had both showered - separately, for once both completely sexed out - Jordan and Chelsea stood in the heated kitchen, a bottle of wine open on the marble benchtop between them, a glass before each. Jordan stood, her hip sitting nestled in the corner of the benchtop, one leg tucked over the other, while Chelsea stood bent over the counter, resting on her elbows, gently swirling her glass. The completely silent equipment in the kitchen made, naturally, no sound, and not a whisper from the world outside entered the top floor of the mega-mansion, leaving the girls in utter peace.

'Do you think I should have told them?' Chelsea asked after a few minutes of staring into the blood red depths of her drink. Jordan sighed and took a sip, leaving the question hanging for several seconds before answering.

'About your capture? The facility, Paulo and that?'

'Yeah, that. When I told them about Tiffany, I almost went on to say that she was related to the people that captured me. But I didn't. I didn't think it was worth it. Was that right?'

'I think so. Don't you?' Jordan asked.

'I'm not sure. I know it would have been upsetting... I know that, if one of them had said it to me, the first thing I'd have wanted to do was track them down and make them pay.'

'Same here.' Jordan put her glass down and looked at her lover. 'So, then, why do you doubt it was right?'

'I guess I just feel like these girls deserve to know everything. All of them - Bri, Kat, Rachel, you... They were all involved with that thing. I know all of their stories, all about the escape and the gunfight, the motel and the drop offs... Hell, I even know a lot of them personally. They're my friends now. I feel like they've given me so much of themselves, and yet I can't trust them with this?'

A soft whispering, not unlike the sound of the wind through a distant tree became audible. A few moments later, the lift let out a soft, futuristic tone, and the hyper-retractable door on their side of the four-doored lift slid open. Wearing a soft black nightgown, her starkly contrasting red hair and blue eyes glimmering in the warm lights of the kitchen, Rachel entered. She saw the pair standing at the counter and approached, parking herself at the end of the benchtop, using her body on the counter to hold her bathrobe closed. Her red hair was frazzled and messy and her eyes, while clear and focussed, were a little glassy. The girls rightly assumed that Kat had gone to sleep, and Rachel had been trying herself.

'Hey.' Chelsea said softly. Reaching across the counter, boobs hanging free, she took the extra glass that Jordan hooked off the hanger behind her and poured a little wine for her friend, unbidden. She nodded, but didn't reach for it right away. For a few moments, no one spoke, and in that rare way that only truly trustful friends can, they simply enjoyed the company without any awkwardness. Eventually, Rachel reached for her glass and took a long pull.

'That's really good.' She said, a touch huskily, putting the glass down. Jordan nodded warmly. 'A gift from a client of the previous owner,' she said mysteriously. 'He's got very good connections.' Chelsea laughed softly, and Jordan grinned. 'And I don't mean us.'

Some more time passed in contemplative silence before Rachel spoke up once more, picking up her glass again, the open front of the robe showing a long, thin sliver of her bare skin to the warm air. 'Talking about anything special up here?' she asked. Jordan opted to sip her glass and let Chelsea decide how she wanted to answer.

'Rach... You know a lot about me, right? You know about this place, and about the previous owner - the woman who built it and designed most of those sex toys and devices downstairs, Roberts. You know she's up here still,' - Chelsea tapped her temple as she spoke - 'and you know I have access to her memories and thoughts.' Rachel nodded silently.

'And I know about you - the studies, the principle, the kidnapping, and of course what happened after that. I know about you and Kat.'

Rachel nodded. 'We're friends. That's how that works.' She said simply. Even in her robe, tired as she was, the fit and athletic red-head's chest looked youthful and muscular.

'I know, it's just... What if there was something I didn't tell you about myself, something you might want to know?'

'Does it relate to me?' Rachel asked evenly.

'Well, not directly, no.' Chelsea admitted.

'Then it's up to you whether you talk about it. Just because I'm your friend, doesn't mean I have to know everything about you. But I will always be here to listen, and to help you through anything you need my help with, regardless of whether it affects me or not.' Rachel said.

Sighing, Chelsea put down her glass and rubbed her face. 'I know, and that's just what makes me unsure.'

Repositioning herself and planting her feet firmly on the ground, Rachel straightened up on the counter and folded her arms before her, collecting her buoyant bosom up in its lose robe atop them. 'Alright, so you're not sure. Why don't you fill me in now, and I'll tell you if I think you were wrong for keeping it from me?'

And so she did. Over the course of the next five minutes, Chelsea told Rachel about what had happened immediately after she had split from Jordan and been caught by Paulo and his son Albert. She recapped being enslaved by a godly curse and being taken back to their country home, then the black spots that she had since learned were indications of Roberts sliding back into control over her mind and body. She recalled waking up chained and helpless in the Kapplin facility, darting in and out of consciousness as Roberts fought all the technology and science in the world. She recounted returning to consciousness on the other side of her 'treatment' cold, confused, and with a horrific headache. And she recapped returning home with the pair once more, destined for a life of servitude at Paulo's side. Only after being brought back to her own home to endow it forever to him and rid her of any remaining belongings did she manage to recover, subdue him, and remove him from her life once more.

'And that's what I was unsure about,' Chelsea finished. 'Tiffany is Albert's girlfriend. She was there, in the Kapplin place. They even put her through some machine as well, turned her into a living sex doll that could be switched on at any time. Not only have I met her, I've met her boyfriend and his father, and after we discovered where they'd been and that her phone had been to where you were all locked up, I knew it was the same people. I thought he might have been involved with the business, and that it was something you guys deserved to know. But I also knew that if I told you...'

'That we'd want to seek revenge.' Rachel finished. She puffed air through her lips and drew her fiery locks back from her face, her nightrobe falling open at last as she did so. She ignored it, and so did the others. Rachel's crystal-blue eyes glinted in the soft downlight, as intense as always.

'Well I can't say I don't feel a little like we have a solid lead on who to fuck up for locking us in chains and keeping our minds nice and mushy,' Rachel said. Chelsea began to interject, but she held up a hand. 'And yes, I'm sure if you told the others, they'd feel the same way. But.

'At the end of the day, what we were given, regardless of whether it was a good time in our lives or a bad one, was freedom. A new start. For a lot of us - myself included - we were plucked from dead end lives that featured very little pleasure in them... Debts, lower-class living, abuse - for some of us, a short-lived career in getting fucked six ways from Sunday, and even then not earning enough money to retire on once our pussies became all lose and bloody. For others, it was simply a reset, an escape from bad families or relationships. Regardless of why they kidnapped us, they took us from bad places, put us in a worse one, and then we escaped. Now here we are, free from all of those shackles, both literally and metaphorically. When it comes down to it, it's a net win, and that's what matters most - that we're free. That, and the friendships we've made because of it. I mean, look at Kat and I - we'd never have met and fallen in love without being caught and subsequently freed again. Bri, Audrey, Phoebe... I'm sure, in fact, I know that they'd agree when I say that, even if revenge was something we wanted, we, just like you, are just happy to be free, safe, and friends with so many great people.'

'So should I tell them?' Chelsea asked. Rachel shrugged, the robe momentarily lifting to reveal two dark brown peaks atop two firm mountains. 'I dunno. That's up to you. I don't think they'd do anything, but it is very personal. It's up to you to decide whether you want them to know what happened to you then. But I think they'd say the same thing I did, because that's what really matters. Us.'

Smiling, her eyes sliding away, Chelsea chuckled humourlessly. 'Thanks Rach.' She said softly.

'Hey. Up here.' Rachel said, quiet but firm. Chelsea looked up, and Rachel put out her arms. The pair embraced, and it was a tight, warm hug, full bodied and intimate but not romantic. Rachel squeezed Chelsea, and she hugged back with equal vigour, embracing a deep, close friend. When the two parted, they turned to see Jordan's raised eyebrow and steeped shoulders.

'And where's mine?' she asked, mock offended. Rachel snorted and Chelsea ran around the countertop with a rapid-paced girlish run, throwing her arms around her lover and kissing her. Then, gesturing, Rachel found herself being sucked in too, and the three held each other tightly.

Parting at last, Chelsea turned to Rachel and smiled widely. 'Thank you.' She said meaningfully. Rachel put her palms up and inclined her head. 'No, thank you.' She returned. 'I just listened.'

Turning to look over her shoulder, Rachel stretched, once again revealing more of her front side for her friends to view before scooping up her glass and draining the remainder of the rich fluid inside. Glancing out through the thick windows, she took in the deep darkness of night and yawned. 'I think I'm going to head back down to my lovely wife,' she said. 'This might just have done the trick to help with my sleeplessness.' She said, inclining the glass before placing it back on the counter and moving off towards the lift. 'Thanks for the talk,' Chelsea said after her, to which she replied "you're welcome!" without turning around. The pair smiled, and a few moments later, the lift was whisking her back downstairs.

'What say we hit the sack ourselves?' Jordan asked. Chelsea nodded, throwing back the rest of her wine. Waving the kitchen lights off with the flick of a wrist, she walked towards the wide open windows, stopping before one floor tile with a split running across the centre. As if it knew what she wanted from it, with a soft hissing, a square section of the roof began to descend, and the floor tile rose out of the floor, splitting in half and forming a two-step staircase leading up to the closed door of the fully-glass sleeping chamber that was sliding into place before her.

'I might take this one solo,' Jordan said, gesturing to the space where the second of four lined-up glass chambers would be if it were lowered into place. 'Reset after today. I might also need to put a little cream on Little Jordy, and something tells me your fingers might not be what a ravaged little lady needs right now.' She said the last line coyly, and Chelsea knew exactly what it meant. When it came to Jordan and Chelsea and their body's naturally-produced arousal-increasing fluids, one touch could lead to an irresistible night of intimate sex. After a day full of it, even bodies specially built from scratch for sex and sexuality need time to repair.

'I was thinking the same thing babe. Have a good sleep,' Chelsea said.

'You too, honey.' Jordan replied, her own glass chamber sliding into place between them. She watched through the pristine glass walls as the two magical globes of Chelsea's backside climbed the stairs and bent over the bed before following suit in her own chamber. A few minutes later, Chelsea waved the last of the lights out in the room, and their staircases lowered back into the floor. Turning over and settling, it didn't take long for their collective tiredness to overtake the girls, and within minutes both were asleep.

* * * * *

Rising onto tip-toes, Brianna planted a firm kiss on the lips of Chelsea, then Jordan, and couldn't help but shiver a little, grabbing at her crotch as she did so, twisting inwards so that her butt protruded out behind her. 'How do you do that?' she asked indignantly. The pair chuckled, and Jordan replied, 'That's for me to know and you to find out, young lady.' Smiling at the good-natured mysteriousness, Brianna turned to the other girls standing in the parking lot underneath the mega-building and kissed them as well. Kat, Rachel and Phoebe all received smooches from the youngster, before also being hugged warmly by Audrey, Brianna's mother-like lover.

It was afternoon on the final day of the girls' three-day catch-up, and time for the guests to leave. A few minutes ago, after the group had come down in the lift to see everyone off, Claudia's privately paid-for taxi from a privately-owned business Roberts - and, coincidentally, April Kure - had major shares in had arrived at the end of the long hidden driveway leading down into the carpark of the building. She'd set off up the long tunnel, and a minute later had been picked up by her lift, complete with a healthy lunch left over from the abundant meals the girls had prepared for their guests and some spare clothes to see her home. Phoebe's taxi wasn't far behind, and Brianna and Audrey had just heard that theirs was waiting for them. And so here they were, saying their goodbyes.

'Thank you for everything,' the more demure Audrey said, still holding hands with Phoebe. She let go, smiling at the woman.

'No, thank you.' Chelsea said in return. 'The pleasure was always ours.'

'Now that's where you're wrong!' Brianna corrected, waggling a finger at the couple and rubbing at her navel with her other hand. 'Dead. Wrong.' The implied meaning was obvious, and the small circle of women chuckled collectively. She was right; the girls had provided a very pleasurable experience the day before.

The sound of tyres and an engine echoed down the tunnel, and a few moments after they slowed, a horn let out two short peels. If they hadn't known better, the girls could have sworn it almost sounded tentative, as though the driver wasn't quite sure there was actually anyone down the dead end road. Audrey picked up the small suitcase of brand new clothes and their lunch, and beckoned the energetic-as-ever Brianna to follow her. Hopping and skipping, she jumped off the mark, ran up to her faux-mother and took her hand, her actions ever akin to those of a child, despite the fact that she was nearly 21.

The phone Phoebe was holding - a new unbranded production version of the latest flagship, flashed with custom firmware so that, anytime, anywhere, she could dial through the girls' proprietary server systems to reach them or to contact any place around the world anonymously - buzzed, and checking its snappy, bloatware-free display she saw that her taxi was also waiting up on the side of the road. The company's operations were so exclusive that no number came up next to the text message - not even an "unknown number." It must have been registered on some very high-profile blocking protocols.

Turning to the girls, she waved and blew kisses as she walked towards the tunnel. 'Thank you for everything!' she said as she strode away, looking just as hot dressed as she did impaled on a pair of slicked fingers. 'I'm looking forward to next time!' Turning, she jogged lightly up the tunnel, and although the machinery powering it was next to silent, the slight sound of the gate closing behind her reached the remaining four women.

'Did we mention doing this again?' Chelsea asked, in mock indignation. Kat chuckled and shook her head.

'I don't think you've got a choice in the matter.' She said, grinning, her golden eyes glittering like two orbs of crystalline magic in the centre of a glass face. 'C'mon, let's go back inside and have a drink.'

Turning, the quadruplet of friends and lovers stepped up the few steps separating the asphalt car park from the external ground floor of the building and entered the waiting lift, the gleaming silver doors sliding shut behind them and whisking them back up into the belly of the hyper-technical mansion.

* * * * *

Fresh Installation

* * * * *

'Just breathe in... Good. And out. And again... In... And out.'

Melanie did her best, but it's always hard to breathe slowly and remain calm when six of your co-workers are crowded around your crotch while your legs are held wide open and you're waiting for the latest piece of female body enhancement or mind control device to be plugged into you.

It was the 26th and the middle of winter, and six months ago to the day, Melanie had started working at Kapplin. Of course, she'd known it was going to be weird -- she'd signed a contract with a legally-sound will on it, for fuck's sake, declaration of authenticity and next of kin pre-filled in for her and everything -- but she hadn't ever quite imagined it involving something as intensive as this. Six months ago, even the homeless orphan Melanie had been before she'd signed a lifetime contract with the place wouldn't have imagined quite this level of weird intimacy. But here she was.

There was a sound not unlike the tiny motor of a dentist's electric brush, and Melanie knew that it was the micro-sized drills they used to sink attachment lines deep into the tissue of her soft flesh. She couldn't feel it of course because of the drip in her arm -- they were no doubt keeping her souped up with painkillers and subduing drugs -- but Melanie had seen how people looked once this place started putting chemicals into you. Pure painkillers were nothing. Besides - she'd been a nurse on these very jobs in the past, just never on the receiving end... Until now.

The drill started up again, and despite the complete numbness from between her legs, Melanie thought she felt a tiny stab deep in the thin wall between her front side and her... Back side. She winced, and the electric tone audibly mimicking her heart rate picked up the pace. Slow the fuck down, she told it mentally from her half upside-down position. It didn't pay her any attention.
