Stories of Strange Queens


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'Melanie, dear. How are we feeling? Better? Any pain?' he asked, grinning at her. She didn't return the sentiment.

'No pain.'

'Good, good.' His gravelly voice was loud in her ear and not at all quiet enough for the small ward, even though no one else was in it. He gestured towards Melanie's crotch, where the solid edges of the trapdoor formed an unusual shape where her mound ought to be. 'Any issues with your upgrades?'

'It's not an upgrade.' Melanie retorted.

'Oh, but it is to me, my girl.' He said, his grin widening. Extracting a small touchscreen device from his pocket, he casually showed her the screen, waggling it sideways at her like he was showing a dog a toy. 'This makes it very much an upgrade to your body in my eyes.'

Looking at it, the white light of the screen's glow glinting in her eyes and lighting her face, she made out a small digital slider and a few buttons laid out on the display. Turning the tool back towards himself, he tapped one of the virtual buttons and looked at Melanie.

'Let's get underway with a few of your tests, shall we, girl?' He said, softly now. Frowning, Melanie looked at him -- the change in attitude hadn't gone unnoticed by her, but so far nothing had happened. She wasn't sure what she'd expected -- maybe the trapdoor to open? Perhaps her mind to fog over so that he could use her however he wanted? She didn't know -- but nothing had changed that she was aware of. Just a dull, muted tingle sitting deep at the back of her vagina, the same tingle that had always been there. Or -- wait. Had it always been there?

The doctor grinned again, and Melanie suddenly had the distinct impression she had just noticed exactly what he'd wanted her to. 'Good girl. Focus on that for me; it'll get better shortly.' He breathed. She felt the warmth of his breath on her cheek as he gazed at her. Turning on the mattress to face her fully, he held the phone-like controller in his hand, and Melanie watched him dip his thumb onto the slider, which was currently at the lowest point it could be, and begin to raise it. As if her body was under remote control, Melanie felt the tiny tingle grow suddenly, at first expanding to a vibration that filled her pussy, before widening out until it filled her completely, making every nerve inside her quiver. She felt hot, and her breathing was deepening of its own accord -- and the slider had barely gone a quarter of the way up.

'That's right, you can feel that, can't you my girl? Arousal on tap, like a remote controlled toy. It's good, isn't it? It ought to be -- it's just your own libido, boosted by ten thousand. It feels exactly how you want it to feel.' That infuriating grin was still plastered on the man's face, but all of a sudden Melanie wasn't so focussed on him anymore. Her breathing was starting to quicken, and she felt her blood rushing to her genitals. She was heavily aroused, and out of nowhere she was beginning to desire sex more than anything. Despite herself, Melanie's eyes flicked to the crotch of the doctor sitting before her, and even though she still despised him, as long as he held that remote part of her knew that the key to getting off, to opening the flap over her pussy, to unleashing her arousal and achieving release was down there. Something deep within her, something animal and instinctual told her as much, and her freshly enhanced sex drive agreed fully.

'You want it, huh? Already? I'm barely half way up this control and you're already practically begging for it?' The man taunted, clearly enjoying Melanie's body's helpless lust as he slowly cranked it higher and higher inside her. 'What a little slut you must be!'

Melanie's chest was rolling now and she was sweating profusely. Her hips were beginning to jerk and she could feel the thickness of lubrication running down her canal as the spontaneous arousal built steadily up inside her with every uptick of the switch in his hand. She was tempted to just push him down on the bed and rip his cock from his pants, but part of her knew the flap over her body wouldn't let her just fuck him. He had to have his fun first. He had to control her.

'What's the matter? Can't touch yourself?' he taunted her, leaning over and tapping the metal restrictor locking her pussy away. Unable to feel anything but the intense animalistic heat of lust, Melanie just leaned back as his hand neared her cunt, pushing her hips up at him as he tapped her metal upgrades. She was acting like a bitch in heat, and she felt like one too. Melanie couldn't remember ever being this aroused before, and yet she could feel no stimulation. The control over her lust was so precise that her arousal filled everything but the one thing she needed it to, leaving her hot and yearning, but empty and unfulfilled.

Standing up, Melanie watched Roberto put down his remote and shrug off his coat. He unbuttoned his shirt and folded it over, laying it on the next bed across from Melanie's. Lying back on her elbows, her legs spread, her hips rocking, Melanie panted and stared at him, her hazel eyes begging, her teeth clenched. As she watched his shirt come off, she nearly mewled. Time felt as if it were moving far, far slower for her than it was for him, and she begged internally for him to hurry up and fuck her.

Grinning like a spoiled child on his birthday, the doctor undressed, staring at Melanie's yearning body, knowing she was completely unable to do anything without his permission. He controlled her -- her arousal, her body, and in a way, her mind. He could pick up his specially modified phone with the app linked to her implant and walk away now and leave her a begging, desperate mess, unable to do anything but plead to be allowed to cum, plead to be fucked by him so that she could feel release. Part of him wanted to leave her -- to let her ferment in her own arousal, to see how long she might last before she broke down, became an unresisting, helpless toy. Part of him was curious to see just how long a woman could last on the knife's edge without orgasm. But, he was young and horny and pumped up on the success of his first hardware trial, and he was very, very into Melanie's type. He wasn't going to walk away from her while she was his very own unresisting slut.

Roberto laughed -- actually laughed -- as he dropped his pants, his modest erection swinging free. Melanie baulked, sliding herself quickly towards him, her eyes locked on it as she saw it emerge. She pushed her hips out towards him, her gaze vicious, her legs spread wide, her body upturned to him, begging him to use her. Roberto could practically hear her brain as it screamed DO IT, DO ME, DO ME LIKE YOUR LITTLE SLUTTY BITCH at him. Only her clenched teeth and panting breathing were stopping her -- but that didn't mean he couldn't make her say it.

Naked now and standing before the presenting woman, Roberto picked up his controller once more and thumbed the slider, shifting it up several more notches. Melanie reacted instantly, her head dropping back to the bed, her chest pushing upwards. She moaned -- actually moaned out loud -- an animalistic mix of bliss and frustration, the moan of a woman who wants to cum more than anything. When she lifted her head again and locked her eyes onto his, her hazel orbs had a new desperation in them -- the utter helplessness of a completely frenzied animal. She wasn't thinking anymore, not about anything except him fucking her, and he was about to oblige her happily. Gazing down at her shivering, vibrating body as she writhed and bucked at him, he smiled, his dark eyes gleaming full of satisfying victory.

'You see, my girl?' he said, putting his arms out to his sides, the glowing screen of the controller in one hand, the shaft of his erection sticking out before him. 'This is an upgrade. I control you now. Despite anything you thought before, I control your body, and that means I control your brain.' Tapping another button on the app on his controls, Roberto popped Melanie's flap open. She mewled at him, begging him, and the scent of her sex instantly spilled out, wafting up to Roberto. He breathed it in, watching her red, thickly wet lips as she waggled them at him, her insides contracting rhythmically behind the meaty womanhood. 'This is the deepest, most animal sensation you can feel, the urge to reproduce, and I have it on an unending tap,' he teased as he took his cock between thumb and forefinger. 'You've never wanted anything more than you want me now, all because of my creation. As long as I have this power over you, woman, I am your God.'

Roberto put the tip of his penis on Melanie's lips and they parted, so well lubricated was she that the simple pressure of him pushed her open. She moaned throatily, her back flat on the bed now, her eyes long closed. She felt his tip push into her and she forgot regular words altogether, opting instead for guttural, gasping grunts. Roberto pushed inside her, and Melanie felt her orgasm explode up inside her -- only for it to freeze the micro-second before it erupted, the explosion going off yet leaving her uncomplete, as if it had exploded inside a container. All she felt was the same mind-bending arousal and Roberto's cock sliding slowly deeper inside her. She growled.

'Oh, you didn't think you could simply cum when you wanted to, did you, pet?' Roberto sneered, sliding out of Melanie. 'You think I built a machine that can make you hundreds of times more aroused than you've ever been that doesn't control your orgasms? Come on -- you need to get me off first.' He said, grinning evilly. With that, he slid the slider up one final time, almost to the very top, and put down his customised phone on the table beside Melanie's bed, discarding it, bending over her open flap and planting his hands on either side of her convulsing torso, staring down at her rolling, pulsating body as he fucked her.

Melanie was being driven crazy with every motion, her pussy burning like the sun, her entire body tingling with an electrical frazzle so strong she felt like she was lying on an electric fence. She wasn't thinking, wasn't focussing, wasn't mentally present in the moment, not present in her own body but for the arousal, the total, complete, utter arousal that overtook everything else inside her. Every push of Roberto cock inside her made her entire being jolt. Her toes had curled and she could feel a cramp in her calves. Her fingers were taut around clumps of her bedsheets and she could barely feel herself breathing anymore, so intense was the lightning bolt of unreleased pleasure inside her. Her nipples ached. Her lips were dry. Her stomach burned. She was on fire and in it. It lasted for an eternity, so long that Melanie forgot time, forgot herself, forgot the bed she was on and the building she was buried deep within.

After countless eons floating in inexplicable bliss, exploding over and over endlessly in the split-second before orgasm, lying on the edge between consciousness and unconsciousness but unable to even feel that thanks to the tiny control chip inside her brain, Melanie distantly felt the sudden sensation of warmth at the back of her pussy and after an inordinately long amount of time trying to process what that could be, just as she realised it, she came. There was no climax, or any sudden explosion -- but Melanie had been exploding non-stop for ever, her entire being frozen in time replaying the moment she came over and over again anyway. She simply began to cum, and just like that there was finally, blissfully a hole put in her over-filled balloon, allowing her to burst at last. She came and came and came and felt every single bit of arousal that had built up inside her like a mountain slowly seep out of her body through her pussy, every single layer her arousal had built inside her being ejected again as she finally felt release.

Several minutes later, Melanie felt her muscles begin to relax, and with a painful realisation realised that most of her body had been so tensely contracted that she had several cramps. Her feet ached and her fingers were wrapped so tightly around two fistfuls of bedsheets that she struggled to release them for several moments. She tried to sit up, but failed, her back refusing to support the request. Eventually, she opened her eyes and looked down herself, seeing the head of Roberto somewhere above her bosom, her solid nipple pointing roughly at him in her line of sight as if it were a crosshair showing her target to her. He held up the controller and waved it at her again, the slider now all the way to the bottom once more.

'Sorry about that, pet,' he said to her. 'It took me a few moments to recover and to make sure none of my clothes were in the line of fire before I could let you cum. Probably quite good for you though, I should think,' he mused. She watched him turn and look down at the floor at his feet. 'Someone's going to have some fun cleaning that up.' Fuck him, how is he so flippant about this? Melanie thought to herself exhaustedly. She sucked in air like she'd nearly drowned, and even her lungs protested at the action.

'Well, that was lovely. Thank you for your generous cooperation, Melanie dear. I'll see you again soon for your next round of tests. In the meantime, I suggest you get some rest -- you'll probably be quite tired after all that exercise.'

And with that, the once-more dressed Roberto strode past Melanie's bed and left the room, leaving her spent and alone on her bed, her entire body screaming at her, her mind buzzing, and her pussy full of his semen.

* * * * *

Some half an hour later, Melanie had regained enough strength to slide her legs up onto the bed and turn herself around so that she was lying down properly. She didn't bother with her sheets. Ten minutes earlier, the once more closed flap of her vaginal guardian had begun to clean her, and this time it was performing a much longer cycle. Lying flat on her back, ready to pass out, the last thing she felt other than the constant complaining of her muscles were several strange, sticky-feeling rods churning about inside her body, twisting this way and that across her sensitive skin while several smooth paddles held her open. They were thorough and went quite far up inside her, and it seemed like every time Melanie had nearly drifted off to sleep, another spoon-like device would appear deep inside her body and run along every wall, scooping her out, no doubt sweeping anything inside her -- both semen and her own cum alike -- away. Despite the strangeness of the sensations at her sacred cave, their soft ministrations eventually slipped into pattern with the rest of her body, and along with her utter exhaustion, they eventually helped lull her to sleep.

* * * * *

Melanie woke. The first thing she went to do was turn over, and before she had even managed to move an inch, her body was screaming in pain. She gasped and flopped back onto her back, her sleep-addled mind rushing to try to figure out what was wrong. After about twenty seconds, she remembered why everything caned, and groaned. Unfortunately for her, even that action caused her discomfort, as the attempt at making noise brought how dry her mouth and throat was to her realisation. Cursing silently, Melanie took several long breaths, willing herself to wake up more and prepare herself for what she had to do next. When at last she felt ready, she gritted her teeth, held her breath, and turned over. The action felt like she had rolled into a campfire, but she needed the water that was by her bed, and miraculously she managed to grab the plastic bottle and put it to her lips, her arm shaking from the simple effort of holding the item up, her muscles overused and damaged from the constant tension of the night before.

Melanie dumped the self-sealing bottle down on the bed beside her and abandoned it, letting her arm relax immediately. The shake stopped but the pain stayed, and she groaned again as she felt the agony of her over-worked muscles screaming at her.

It took nearly an hour, but eventually, Melanie felt sufficiently strong enough to sit up. She guessed -- correctly -- that her drink had been prepared for her overnight with a generous dosing of painkillers, and despite the fact that the copious amounts of drugs they plied test subjects with at Kapplin always made her uncomfortable, this time she was grateful for it. Although she was still weak and shaking, at least her body didn't burn anymore.

There was a clock on both sides of the wall over the bathroom door, and as Melanie sat inside, she tried to process how long she'd been asleep. She didn't know when Roberto had come to see her, but she did know the general time frame for the things that had happened to her. She'd gone to her mandatory surgery on Thursday at seven in the morning, and from the few times she'd been a nurse on jobs similar to hers, she guessed her operation had probably taken about an hour, provided her body had been a natural fit for the procedure and that they had had to do no extra work. She remembered everything that had happened up until the point where the brain implant had gone in, which was most of the operation, so she assumed that the whole thing hadn't taken much more than two hours. From there, she would have been taken here to recover -- she put that at roughly eight hours. Then, she'd woken, dozed some more, and several hours later she had had her interaction with the doctor, Roberto. Knowing how bad she felt now, she assumed she had probably slept for nearly twelve hours after that.

So, Melanie thought to herself, wearily looking around the empty ward. It's probably about Friday afternoon by now. I wonder what else has happened since I went in? I wonder if Courtney knows what's happened to me...

Courtney, Melanie's ward-mate and only true friend at Kapplin, would naturally not have been told about anything happening to Melanie. That just wasn't the way Kapplin worked. Instead, she would have woken up to find Melanie not in her bunk, her clothes, mug, breakfast and few company-issued belongings still in place where she kept them. Even though Melanie had been a semi-willing participant in the operation, she would have still been escorted by Op Hands to the theatre. Op Hands, or Operation Staff on Hand, were any staff not required to be performing other roles throughout the facility. They were tasked with anything involving a surgical procedure, including retrieving patients, protecting the entrance to the theatre, or subduing anyone who had a problem with the work being done. Melanie knew that, if Courtney had woken up, the Op Hands would have sprayed her in the face with a heavy sedative that would have put her back out immediately, regardless of whether she would have put up any resistance to their task. Sometimes, the hands sprayed any ward-mates regardless of whether they were awake or not.

Tall and blonde and incredibly intelligent, Courtney had been new to Kapplin a mere two weeks before Melanie had joined, and was in a dorm on her own. Melanie had been put in her room immediately and issued with her very own set of identical belongings courtesy of the company, and when the shy and very beautiful woman had meekly mentioned that she had accidentally broken her only mug several days ago, Melanie had immediately given her hers.

'Really? No, it's your only cup!' Courtney had protested, her blue eyes wide.

'It's alright, I don't drink coffee anyway.' Melanie lied. 'Besides, I can drink water from the tap!'

And that had been the start of a rock-solid friendship. Melanie's generosity had broken the ice perfectly with Courtney, and the blonde had immediately come out of her shell to the red-head, while Courtney's attitude and personality had rapidly won Melanie over, the pair quickly getting to know each other over the course of that night. By the next morning, they were not only friends, but best friends, with both girls now knowing how the other had arrived at the dead-end company's doorstep, and what their lives had been like beforehand.
