Storm Damage Pt. 01


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I start off by getting behind Vicki and using the flat of my hand to spank her ass hard enough to leave a handprint on an ass cheek.

Vicki screams out in pain, "Ouch you mother fucker. That hurt!"

Showing her my dominance, I say, "That was the dumbest story I've ever heard. You think you can control and manipulate me? How do you know I won't hurt you? Do you think you could stop me? Look at me, I dwarf you. I can do anything I want to and with you and there is NOTHING – NOTHING you can do to stop me."

Both Vicki and Carla are scared now, and Carla's has tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip is trembling in fear for her sister. I slap the other ass cheek just as hard and get my scream of pain.

I continue my lesson, "You're lucky, THIS TIME, I'm a good guy, and I won't hurt you. You want to date bad boys then know that not all of them understand the word, 'no.' you need to be careful who you fuck." I slide into her pussy. "Men will use pressure, force, and drugs, to get what they want, a beautiful piece of ass like you they can post on the internet.

"How would you like your dad finding a video of you on the internet? How about your co-workers at your first job? You better know who's sticking their cock in you and what they are capable of."

I speed up to almost my fastest fucking speed. My cock is slamming in and out of Vicki. She is struggling to get enough breath, I hear quick deep breaths as she fights through the intense pleasure. She loves the joy, and her hand is lightly massaging her clit. She isn't going to last long.

I can see her breasts circling her chest as she bounces forward and backward with my cock matching her rhythm. She is saying "Oh, oh, oh." It won't be long now. Vicki opens her knees wide, giving me a clear view of her pink pussy and the hairless lips. She is so beautiful right now. She is playing with her clit in time with our fucking. Her other hand is on her nipples, pinching them hard in time with my thrusts as she lusts after my cock.

Vicki screams out her orgasm and then falls limp in front of me. As her vagina clamps down on my cock with its tight grip, my cock shoots several ropes of cum into this pretty but unusual woman. I feel so much pleasure.

Vicki can't move, but she does taunt her sister, "Now that was getting fucked. He fucked me senseless, I can't move. This is awesome."

Carla laughs at her, "You really believe you got more out of him that I did, don't you?" Vicki snorts. "Hunter fucked me for twenty minutes, you got five. I got seven orgasms, you got one. I don't know what math you learned, but no way am I trading with you dear sister."

I am hot, sweaty, and worn out. I still have vagina juice on my cock and am too tired to do anything about it. I set each sister on the edge of the bed, and then I turn off the lights. I crawl up the bed from the foot and then lay on my back. Within seconds, both sisters move closer to me and have half of their bodies on me.

None of us slept well, in the distance we can hear screams. What the hell is Jake doing to Mandy?

Vicki whispers, "Wow, mom is into some freaky shit."

Carla whispers, "Maybe dad wasn't as forgiving about mom sleeping with Hunter."

I whisper, "If I hear you tell your parents anything, you'll never set foot in this home again."


As luck would have it, Jake, Lisa, and Mandy all walk in at the crack of dawn and see a naked Carla on her back with dried cum on her pussy and thighs. My hand is around her neck and grabbing a breast. Bouncing on me is Vicki. When I say bouncing, I mean she is going cowgirl on me with a giant smile on her face. Well, that ended quickly as Jake rages and Vicki runs to the washroom and locks the door.

Both parents run to the door yelling at their daughter while Lisa has both hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. Her eyes are riveted on my glistening cock that has pussy juice running down the sides. She is not amused by me.

I cowardly suggest, "I think I will sleep in the shed from now on."

I pull up the sheets, and her face softens. I ignore the screaming and crying by the washroom. Finally, I have had enough, they are annoying me.

I yell at the parents, "Why are you yelling at your daughter. She didn't do anything her mother didn't do, so why the hell are you two yelling at her? We heard the screams of agony all the way down here. Vicki fucked me and had a good time. She's eighteen, and I hope she learned something from it. She's a terrific kid, leave her alone."

They both stop yelling and look sheepish now.

I am calm and soft in my voice now, "She is eighteen and still learning. This is your daughter, and I won't tell you how to raise your child ... but ...rather than screaming at her, a nice adult to adult conversation might be more productive. She has much to learn, and you two are great people. She's not going to learn anything from people she refuses to talk to."

Now with a louder voice, "I'm leaving. I'll be back when I feel like working again."

I walk to the front door and open it wide. I then close the door, step back, and pick up my clothes.

With the same loud, confident voice, I say, "First I'll shower, then I'll put my clothes on, and THEN I will leave."

I kick Vicki out of the washroom and slam the door shut. Next thing I hear is a group of people laughing hysterically. I smile rather proud of myself for helping to break up the fight with a bit of levity. I knew there was nobody outside. It is too early for Jack, Danni, Fred, and Wendy to be up. Certainly, nobody else in the area would be around at this time. I knew I was safe, and it made one hell of a show.

When I finish my shower, I get dressed and go straight to Jake and Mandy's place. I want to finish the drywall in the bedrooms. They had beautiful hardwood floors, and they're ruined. They will take up the flooring and the subfloor so I can put in a new subfloor and then more hardwood floors. It's a lot of work, but with the right tools and them feeding me the wood, it will go quick.

Lisa went to sleep after she had breakfast, so it is Carla that brings me something to eat. Jake and Mandy are buying materials and Vicki is doing the dishes and then doing laundry for Lisa. I sit down for a few minutes to eat the breakfast sandwich. Two waffles, two fried eggs, and two strips of bacon. Not exactly your typical breakfast sandwich. I smile at her.

Carla is shy, "You didn't eat this morning. I set that aside for you. Thanks' for saving Vicki. She can be a handful at times, but you saved her ass and stopped a huge fight. Also, thank you for last night. I know I mean nothing to you, but I'll remember that forever. Many of my friends first time didn't go so well. You'll be hard to top."

Being bashful now, I timidly reply, "You're a beautiful young and caring woman. It was my privilege to enjoy our time together. When you find a man you love, that will be better. It is nice to know that right now, I'm #1."

I finished my breakfast and then got back to work on the walls. I won't be forgetting Carla any time soon. Nor will I forget how I woke up, with my hand around her breast, her sister mounted on my cock, and their parents walking through the door with a shocked look on their faces. That was not fun.

I finish the two small bedrooms when it is time to switch. Jack has the drywall on the walls, he needs help with the ceiling. Ceilings are backbreaking awkward work and hard on the body due to all the abnormal movements needed to put up the drywall. We do finish all the drywall in the bedrooms. They can start painting the bedrooms now and then we'll finish the flooring last. We had time to start on the kitchen but didn't finish.

Now Lisa joins us, and we work on Fred and Wendy's house. Usually, Lisa takes the kids, but Wendy is sore, so Lisa helps instead. I am still putting studs in the last of the upstairs rooms. The main floor is done. I suggested taking out walls so it would have more of an open floor plan. They will have a lot more room. One wall stayed because it was load bearing. It's a tremendous and expensive job to remove a load bearing wall.

Fred has a bunch of wood already cut, so he and Lisa had a steady stream of wood and it went fast. Again, I spend more time at this house helping them catch up. Fred then follows me home so he can assist with Lisa's ceiling. This is when Lisa must go to work. She is beat, this is going to be a hard shift for her. I will never understand her schedule.

I do know that doing two ceilings the same day is a horrible idea. I can barely move by the time I send Fred home. I am beaten. I head straight to the shower. I know I fell asleep standing up because I am awakened by a naked Wendy behind me.

Before I can say anything, she quiets me with a, "Shhhhhh." Then whispers, "Fred sent me back to feed you and take care of you. He said you were in poor shape. I come in here and find you asleep. I think you need to slow down and cut down on your hours. At least for the weekend. You can skip our house if that helps. We'll be alright."

She turns off the water, and then drags me out of the shower. I am dried off slowly and gently. She makes a spectacle of drying herself off. The towel is rubbed slowly along her long thin legs. Twice she goes to her slot. The towel wraps around her body and then the hands come from the sides and push her ample breasts up for my inspection. They are quite large.

The towel is then wrapped around me, and she uses it to pull me to the bed. She falls on to her back and pulls me on to her. The towel is still around me. She rolls us over so that I am now on my back and she is impaled on my cock. She had no issues taking me into her.

She can see the concern in my face, she relieves me by saying, "My husband and I are swingers. I'm bi but prefer men. I have taken guys longer and broader than you. However, neither were awesome. I prefer your size, more significant than average but not huge. My husband has no issues with other guys fucking me, I just give him the details afterward, and then he fucks me hard. I'm his slut. He ordered me to come over.

"Hehe, I can see the concern and shock in your face. Don't worry, I wanted you. You are amazingly handsome. I could get you into some interesting parties if you like. Fred knew I wanted you. Hell, all women want you. That's why he 'forced' me to come over. It was so I wouldn't feel bad when I fuck you."

She lifts her body up and her Kleagle's latch on to my cock, not wanting to let go. My mouth makes a big "O." I swear that as she lowered herself, it felt like her pussy was pulling me in and when she sprang up, it held on for dear life. It is a fantastic experience. This woman has mad pussy skills. I feel inadequate in my abilities compared to what she is doing to me. This is a one-sided arrangement.

Wendy is a tall jet-black haired woman. She has a very long and luxurious mane of thick full hair. She is a bit on the thin side, small ass, and missing the hips that I would expect to find on a woman that has had children. She has flaring shoulders but thin arms making her sort of bird-like. Most people don't notice the issues because of the surgically altered perky breasts. That stand straight out no matter what. It's still damn good looking.

Her face is round with big, bright, brown eyes. Her nose is long and slender, which is adding to the bird look she has going. Her mouth is full and grinning at me. I bet she can take three cocks at once. I frown, knowing that I won't last long.

Wendy smiles at me, "You feel bad because this feels so good and I am not getting a fair deal, right?" I nod my head. "Your cock feels amazing in me. I 've had four orgasms already because you are hitting my G-spot. Typically, I would edge you for an hour and drain that cock. However, your body needs sleep. I am going to give you the relief you need and then we'll sleep.

"Don't worry about me. I'm having a fabulous time. Oh my. You hit me just perfect in this position. Fuck you are perfect! Go ahead, cum in my wanting, waiting, and willing vagina. Make me your personal cum dumpster. Paint my womb with your white paint. I'll milk you dry, and then you will sleep well. I'll protect you."

True to her word, she did exactly as she said. Her pussy has a rolling pull on my cock, and she drained my balls dry. She has a look of bliss on her face as I slowly fade to black. I have no idea how she does it, but wow, she is something special.


I wake up the next morning, and I feel odd. Wendy is in my arms, laying next to me, and I think she is asleep. Jake, Mandy, the sisters, and Lisa all come in together. They seem shocked that I am not having sex. Wendy rolls over but is still covered. She opens her mouth, and it is full of my cum. She swallows loud enough for all to hear.

With a delighted voice, "I milked him all night long. The poor baby is so exhausted, he never woke up. It's Saturday. We'll have breakfast, and then we're going shopping. He's not working at our house this weekend. Hunter needs to rest, so we volunteer to give up our time with him for the weekend."

She got out of bed naked and put on her clothes quickly before saying, "I'll be back with the family in a few minutes. Watch him, I found him asleep in the shower last night."

She walks out of the house. Mandy takes over.

Mandy barks out orders, "Lisa, you look like hell. Get in bed with your brother. We'll come for you when breakfast is ready."

Lisa didn't object, she did look dreadful. She took off her shoes and socks, then got into bed next to me. I rolled over and pulled her to me. There was no fight in her. I put my arm around her, and we both fell asleep.


Forty-five minutes later, we are woken up for breakfast. Waffles and eggs again for breakfast. The waffle maker has been an excellent addition to breakfast. I think after the bedrooms are done; I will do the kitchen. We need one for the group. Too much grilling and slow cooker meals lately. Breakfast conversation was a bit uncomfortable this morning.

Wendy ask Lisa, "So, how was it?"

Lisa is confused, "Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Wendy laughs, "Oh come on. You don't sleep with a man very often. Did you sleep well? You slept with a huge smile on your face and your hand on his cock."

Lisa turns five shades of red, "Uh. Oh. No way."

Carla adds, "It's a nice cock, none of us blame you. Besides, you never get to sleep with a man. It's awesome, isn't it?"

Wendy adds, "Not always. Many men don't snuggle up well, they smell, or are too small to make me feel safe. Hunter was awesome."

Jake, Mandy, Jack, and Danni all have a look of surprise on their face at Wendy's comments.

Danni asks, "How are you an expert and how would you know? You make it sound like you have first-hand knowledge."

Wendy makes sure the children are playing elsewhere, then says almost laughingly, "My husband and I are swingers, I have a great deal of experience. I spent the night here last night, Hunter and Fred are both in the top five."

Mandy seems flabbergasted, "You slept with him?"

Vicki smirks as she says, "Oh, look who's on their high horse, the first of us to fuck him. Full disclosure, Carla and I did as well, and I would do it anytime he wants me. He was awesome."

All eyes are on Jake. He looks defeated and shy.

Jake adds, "My wife is a full slut. She will literally do anything I ask of her, no reservation. Nothing is too humiliating to her. Hunter has been great to us at the detriment to his own body. I sent my wife over as a 'thank you,' and embarrassingly, she had a fantastic time. Don't get me wrong though, I didn't mind. He did something to her and the next day, as you all remember, no bra and swinging tits all day. We had a remarkable evening. I got zero sleep that night.

"However, I thought my daughters would be safe with Hunter. They BOTH had a good time screwing him. You missed that ordeal. We walk into the house and find my daughter mounted on his pole. That was quite the shock. I was furious that he took Carla only to find out that she took him. That was humbling. After a long, difficult talk, he treated both with maturity and respect. He put Vicki in her place and maybe saved her from a life-altering situation for which I will be eternally grateful."

Danni giggles, "Looks like I'm the only one left. Can you fit me in some time?"

Jack is quick to add, "Over my dead body. You are not some other guy's play toy. You're mine."

Yep, that killed that conversation.

After an uncomfortable pause, Carla adds, "I think Wendy is right. Between the long hours and late-night sex, we have taken too much from Hunter. Mom, dad, how about Vicki and I help prepare for the week and maybe do something else this weekend. We could drive north and go out to a real restaurant. We need to order kitchen cabinets, and we could go to a museum, a movie, or just go shopping. I am tired of grilling and sleeping on an air mattress."

Vicki adds shyly, "We could bring Hunter."

Lisa is quick to answer, "No. He needs his rest. He can sleep for a while, help Jack and Danni catch up, and then he can get more sleep. I need to order kitchen cabinets and appliances as well. I'll head out north too."

Jack looks conflicted, I know he still wants me to help with the house, but it will look bad if he doesn't offer the weekend off.

Danni solves the problem, "We've already started on the kitchen, this would be a great weekend to order cabinets. Hunter, I hate to ask this, but I think we all need your help today. We all need exact measurements and a floorplan so we can order cabinets. Using your laser measuring device, paper, and pencil is a whole lot better than lifting heavy drywall. Then you can go take a nap."

I offer, "I'll take measurements, draw plans, and mark significant features like water lines, drains, windows, exhaust vents, and doorways. It won't take long. I want all of you to take pictures just in case there are questions. Look at flooring for the house and tile for washrooms, showers, the kitchen, and the backsplash."

It took over an hour to do the first kitchen. At this rate, we don't have enough time for us.

I ask Lisa, "At the current rate, you won't finish until later tonight. I don't like you driving back, you will be exhausted. Either stay the night, or we can go tomorrow."

Lisa's eyes light up, "I think I'll stay the night in a motel. I can get a real meal, and sleep in a soft bed with air conditioning. Then I'll take a long shower before bed."

I remind everyone, "Lock your houses, I'll be taking a nice long nap today."

I finish up making floorplans of the kitchens and send them all on their way. I make a small lunch and then I am off to bed.

To be continued ...

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Gadf77Gadf775 months ago

It's an OK read but definitely needs more work. I felt like the intro needed more. More background for the MC and his sister. There's practically no history explained as to why his sister hated him besides from that her so-called bf ie hiscex said so. And that bit about his sister finding him in her house and starting to kick him doesn't seem to fit. There are more things. But I'll leave it at that for now.

TheOldStudTheOldStudabout 2 years ago

This story has unfulfilled potential. The author fairly well describes the aftermath of a hurricane, including the rebuilding efforts, but the main protagonist, Hunter, is too much of a super-human sex machine. At least he didn't have the customary 8" dick. There are also too many characters in this story...

RanDog025RanDog025about 2 years ago

Great story worthy of 5 BIG BRIGHT FLAMING STARS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I like slutty women

The story doesn't make sense but the sex is hot. I love swinger stories. More please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good base.

You have a good base for a story but it needs a good bit of work. The are a lot of mistakes that need to be fixed. This really needed to be ran by an editor first. Sexondly the flow is off and it takes you out of the story way to often.

OmniferisOmniferisalmost 5 years ago

you seriously need to go back to school if you think when a man and woman have sex she enters him as you start off when he gets a massage and she stradels him.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 5 years ago
Have read page 1

And little makes any sense. Your use of 1st person POV and then changing it masks any real plot. Then despite being supposedly that person we never find out anything. I wish people would just write in 3rd person POV as they rarely do a decent job of it. 1st person means we are in that persons mind and should be told things that they think and know. Besides I hate changing POV, but really tried to read this as it could have been a good story.

Should have let us know by now why she always hated him, and why she thought he was a crap person.

Then the attitude of nurses at hospital was stupid as they supposedly had no idea who she was, and he apparently was unconscious so could not have said anything.

MushyguyMushyguyabout 5 years ago
Interesting story

I like the story. The dialogue is a bit mechanical but I got through it. I normally don’t like it when there are so many characters. It tends to muddy up the flow, but it works in this case.

Regarding the dialogue, it feels like the author writes what they want the characters to say rather than how they would say it in normal conversation. It makes it feel like all the characters communicate like the robot from lost in space. Part of the issue is the reader often is given little context behind the characters emotions driving what they’re saying. Keep writing, though. I’m not complaining about a good story that cost me nothing. I’m just giving my perspective hoping it helps you become even better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I stopped reading when Mandy said she would cheat on her husband to reward Hunter with sex. This weird tragedy fantasy became too stupid for me to suspend my disbelief. I'm supposed to believe that Hunter is a decent guy even though he commits adultery with Mandy? Nope. Too dumb. Just way too stupid for this to be a good story.

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