Story of April


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She popped her bra open behind her back. She caught the bra up front with her crossed arms. With one arm holding both perky boobs, one in the crook of her elbow and one in her palm, she used the free hand to pull the bra out. Her fingers dangled the bra in front of Jess' face, before she placed it over his shoulder. He smelled the inside of the bra cups with a heavenly smile on his face: "Yes, that's what young boobs smell like. Delicious!"

"Get on your knees!" April didn't know why to get on her knees. So, she had no reason to not get on her knees. On her knees with a bare top in front of Jess, Jess looked tall from down there. He whipped the zipper of his pants down and let his flaccid penis fly out. He smacked her face with his flaccid penis. Loud pop-pop-pop's sounded in the room. Jess' face was intense with focus. April was dazed and shocked at the surprise.

When April opened her mouth to protest, his penis was swiftly inside of her mouth. He told her that this would all make sense after watching the movie. Then he told her that tickets plus refreshments would be $40, exactly the price of a blow job. April felt the penis on her soft tongue. She felt the soft penis skin on her lips. The mouth feel of the penis was excellent. Her tongue instinctively searched for the rim of the penis head. The penis tasted a bit stale, yet had a sweetness about it.

All these tactile sensations were flooding April, when she tried to figure out what situation she was in and what she should do. She saw herself running out of the broom closet topless. She imagined her friends thinking of her as a slut. She thought about how simple the task would be to get this ready and primed male satisfied. All the while, her mouth was moving around Jess' penis without her conscious thought, as if she were mindlessly chewing a gum while trying to figure out a problem.

Jess' face was intensely happy. He was guiding her head back and force. He gently guided her hand to wrap around the shaft of his penis to fist him, while she sucked him. His penis was now hard as a nail. He had this submissive and hot girl in a broom closet. Her warm and moist mouth cave made him feel so delicious. And, her gentle skinny fingers with the delicate touch kept pumping him towards orgasm.

He pulled his penis out and slapped her on the face again. His hard penis whacked her hard left and right on the face. She took it helplessly with a gasping expression on her face. That was the mind trip that made him so horny. He put his penis back in her mouth and tried to see how deep he could push inside of her mouth, before she pushed him back. It was not very far. She was untrained and innocent. However, every quarter inch inside of her mouth made him feel like all the ice cream scoops mixed together: strawberry, vanilla, peach, chocolate etc.

He did not want to come, but he wanted to feel the good feeling more intensely. He guided her hand to squeeze his penis harder and push harder back and force. She got a little harder on the grip. However, she was cautious about his penis. He urged her to hold harder and harder.

And, then he couldn't hold himself in anymore. His lungs froze in place, middle in a gasp. His face glided cheeks, lips, jaw, all in different directions. Time stood still. He involuntarily pushed his pelvis forward. He felt the pumping inside of himself and then the spurts of white goo splattering against the back of April's mouth. The goo was thick and sticky. He felt warm colors of red coming down on him, as his eyes closed. He loved April. He loved everyone. He loved the whole world.

His breathing continued. His mind started thinking thoughts. He looked at the cute girl on her knees with the big eyes looking up at him. Her mouth was stuffed with his large penis. She looked funny and cute at the same time. Her boobs looked a little helpless, as if they did not want to be exposed.

"Come on up. I got your tickets and a voucher for refreshments for you."

April got up on her feet. She bent over to gather her blouse and bra. As she was progressively getting un-naked, she tried to explain that she was not a slut, but that she really liked him. As she was saying it, she realized how dumb and untrue that was. But, April did not want to feel like she had just given someone a blow job for some dumb movie tickets.

After Jess handed her the slips, she turned around. Jess lifted her skirt to see her panties that exposed almost her whole ass. He smiled. She looked at him angrily. He explained that he simply had to give it a shot for a chance to see her beautiful ass. April left the broom closet. Steven was waiting for her.

"How is my Jane Bond doing? Oh, she succeeded with the mission hands down!"

They walked hand in hand down the carpet with the star lighting at the wall. Large movie posters of legendary films gave the hallway an air of fame. The youth group was already seated in the dark theatre room. The commercials were playing. April was the silent star of the movie, because she had a huge mountain of refreshments to share with everyone: chocolate, candies, rubber vines, crackers etc.

The film had a funny theme that explained Jess' obsession with slapping his dick on April's face. In the film, a young man discovered animal abusers in his neighborhood: A grump man would beat his dog. A greedy woman would sell cats from the pound to a skin product testing lab. An evil woman would not feed her dog. The young man realized early in the movie that the police would do little, judges would hand out minimal sentences, and convicts would never truly repent. So, he went out on his own. He would corner the animal abusers and slap his dick in their face.

His morale was that the face-dick-slapping would not physically injure anybody or cause them damager. However, it would be extremely memorable to the people to stop abusing animals. The movie never showed the actual scene. Only the back of him or the back of the head of an abuser would be shown. And, then an overly loud slap-slap-slap sound indicated the dick slapping.

Each time, April thought about Jess' penis. She thought about how good feeling a penis feels even on the cheek, though how startling each penis slap was. It always knocked her out of her thoughts. It was like re-booting a computer from zero after each slap. She had to figure out, where she was and that the loud sound next to her face had not really hurt her at all.

During the intermission, for the movie theatre to make more money by selling more concessions, the girls went in a single group to the bathroom. The bathroom was one of those scummy neglected bathrooms with poor lighting. Hand paper towels had overfilled the bin. The towels were on the floor. They were dirty from being stepped on. The toilet seats had collected dried and crusted leftovers from accidents. A girl had drawn with red lip stick on the mirror: "Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity."

A red lip stick on the mirror said: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me, So... throw me down, and tie me up and show me that you like me."

The first girl in the rest room said: "Eeeeeew, that guy is so disgusting with his penis." The next girl added: "What a stupid ass, Robin Hood is a fantasy. You can't go serving out self justice in reality." A quiet voice said: "Actually, I had a boy friend do that to me once. We were making out. Out of nowhere, he pulled down his pants and gave me a side swipe of his penis. I was more startled than anything else." Victoria trumped the conversation: "If a guy did that to me, I'd be so turned on. It's like rubbing that delicious man meat all over me like a real man like a cowboy." All the girl's were in aw re-considering their thoughts.

Jennifer spoke for the first time in the group: "So, do you prefer a soft or a stiff cock to spank your face?"


"Well, you were saying that you would really like that. In your fantasy, is it a softie or a stiffie?"

"Well, I guess a stiffie, because a softie is too tiny to really flog at any aim hard."

April listened silently. She was kind of the queen of the group with her advanced experience. But, she could not say anything to claim her status or she'd be called a slut. The bell rang to call everyone back to their seats for the end of intermission.

After the movie, everyone hugged Steven and wished him a warm good bye. By having committed the deepest sins of everyone, Steven had become the hero among the church group. Funny, how the worst people get the most praise. Wouldn't it want to make someone sin on purpose to get more social status?

Steven and April walked home through the darkness to their house in foreclosure to sleep on the barren floor.

The days became kind of routine: Get up before sunrise. Go to school. Eat dog or cat food for dinner. Do the homework. Still every time that April realized that she was living on her own and that she was now a street youth, she was amazed. One day, she bumped into her step dad. It was an unfortunate encounter for her. Her step dad, unlike her ma, had never come for her to try to get her to move back home.

The stood there for a moment. Then, her step dad had organized his mind.

"You are like the lost son in the bible. You party and whore around. But, when the money runs out, you will come home begging, begging to be allowed to come in and have a warm meal. Before you come home, you have to really live in the mud like the pigs and whore yourself out."

"I know the kind of people that you surround yourself with. They make you feel nice and loved. But, they are rotten. They are corrupt. They will only take you down. Just wait until they show you their true nature. And, then you will come crawling home and begging."

"You will tell your mother and me, how good we treated you. You will tell us how much we have given you.... You are throwing your life away. It's all because your mother always spoiled you..."

April's eyes welt with tears. She tried to say something. But, the tirade of her step father was so relenting. She walked away. She walked. She just kept on walking. And, the last words of her step father kept ringing in her ears: "Go sulk. That's all you ever did, sulk. Go and play the sulking game."

The times moved on after that event. There was studying for tests at school, taking tests, getting devastated or ecstatic about the test results. Steven became a regular of the bible study group. Steven spent quite some time talking with Jonathan one on one. Jennifer perked up due to her liberation. She shared more of her emptiness and depression about her life with April.

Steven introduced April to the street kids. There were the one time runaways that would leave their parents for a day or two. They'd sleep over at a friend's house. There were repeat runaways that kept doing it a few times. There were chronic runaways that did it dozens of times a year. Then, there was the true street population, the kids that you really got to know. The kids that figured out the smarts on where to get food and temporary shelter. The key to street survival was information.

If you knew the schedule of all the free food offerings, you could take care of food. If you knew the local businesses that would take workers for temporary jobs, you could get a little pocket money. There was a little street mart run by an old Iranian man. He would pay $20 bucks for odd tasks like crushing a mountain of cartons or carrying the monthly bottle deliveries into the basement storage. There were also the social workers. They did not help. They only got you into trouble, kind of like the police. The police claims to be there to protect and serve, but in practice they only fine and imprison you. Knowing their schedule and places to avoid them was important as well.

One mellow Saturday afternoon, Steven popped an odd question: "Have you ever thought about tutoring?"

"No, what makes you ask?"

"Well, I was not thinking about tutoring science. I was thinking about tutoring life. You have a lot to offer. You have your life wisdom of managing this world. And, also you have your unique experience as a woman. As a woman, you know many things that a young man knows not the faintest about."


"Okay, do you remember Jonathan's behavior? He kept chasing after Jennifer in such an awkward way that she would get uncomfortable. Really, Jonathan is a cool guy. There is a good chance that Jennifer might like him. But, he has to learn how to be around a girl."

"Hm, I never thought of it like that. I just thought he was a creep."

"He is a kind guy and pretty actively engaged in his life. He is just completely clueless about girls. And, who can blame him, he never had anyone mentor him. All the girls would only run away."

"Hm, maybe you are right. He does have intriguing hobbies. He is on the school's swim team and he won some chess tournament. So, he must be smart. Maybe, he just needs a makeover."

"What he needs is for a girl to sit down with him, let him do this thing and provide feedback. Tell him what you like and what you don't like. It's an easy job. Actually, it is a job. We are on the last days of our rent. And, there is no cash to pay for another month. Sleeping in the street rain or shine with hobos trying to steal your shoes is no fun. You have to sleep with one eye open. Jonathan's parents are loaded. The deal is $200, if you mentor Jonathan for a couple of hours."

"That's a lot of money! Won't he feel ripped off? Did you strong arm him into it?"

"No, I did not. The money is fair, because the deal is a full girl friend experience."

"What? You mean like holding hands, saying I love you's, and painting hearts everywhere?"

"It's the whole thing from first to fourth base. Think of it like a surrogate. When people, both man and woman, have intimacy problems, they go to a therapist. Sometimes, the therapist finds it beneficial for the client to see a surrogate. The therapist is barred from physical contact with the therapist. However, a surrogate provides the full physical contact to help people learn what a hug and more intimate touch feels like. It is very professional."

"Hm, I was kind of focused on becoming a lawyer. So, I never thought much about that."

"We are in a tough spot without money for rent. The weather forecast says rain for all of next week. It's only two hours and you do a good thing. You help turn around someone's life."

April silently filled in the numbers in her notebook for the math homework. After a quarter hour, she looked straight at Steven. "I will do it."

Sunday, early afternoon, on a cloudy day, Steven, April, and Jonathan stood in a suburban driveway. It was a nice half circular drive way with an entrance and exit. The neighborhood had houses generously spaced to allow for privacy and beautiful gardens up kept by gardeners. Jonathan was a bit pale in his face and tentative in his feet. Steven talked earnestly to Jonathan like a coach: "This is what we have been talking about. This is your chance to seal the deal. And, then get your girl Jennifer."

Steven stayed on the sidewalk. Jonathan let April silently along the cobble stone path to the house entrance. It was a beautiful suburban living room with drapes, stuffy couch. Jonathan's mother stood in the door way of the kitchen wringing her hands: "Oh, Jonathan, you bring such a lovely lady to the house. Let me bring you some cookies and apple juice." "Ma, really we are okay, don't disturb us."

April waved the mother shyly and smiled. Jonathan marched up the stairs with fervor and familiarity of a kid running up the stairs. April carefully dribbled her way up, while looking at the family photos that lined the stairs. A few were in black and white to look classy. A few were from very old times, when Jonathan's mother was still in her twenties.

Jonathan's room had the ceiling sloped because of the roof. There were a lot of magazines lying around on the floor and desk. A little trash can had a few items. A bookshelf held boring, faded, old books and school books. The bed was sized for a single person with flannel covers that were worn fuzzy and soft. Jonathan sat down on it.

"So, you are my tutor on girls now. That's what Steven said."

"Yes, Jonathan. What do you want to know?"

"I can give good massages. Do you want a massage?"

"Okay, Jonathan, you don't really want to let the cat jump out of the bag that quickly. It is a bit startling. You have to make the girl first comfortable with you."

"Okay, what do I do?"

"For starters, you could offer me a place to sit."

"Sit down!"

"Okay, you don't really want to commando people around. That feels pushy. Make it more like an offering."

"I offer you this beautiful bed to sit on for your lovely behind."

"Better, but you need a lot of work."

"I am here to work."

"Okay, start some pleasant conversation."

"Nothing comes to mind. What should I say?"

"Talk about a hobby of yours."

"Okay. There is this new comic coming out about Captain Jack and his alien space pets..."

"That's not girl approved conversation."

"Oh, I should talk about shoes? Girls like shoes. I saw this really rad yellow shoe the other day. It had this weird sticker on it. And, high heels and the girl looked so sexy."

"Don't start talking to girls like that either. Maybe, we get back to conversation another time. Just do your massage thing."

April stretched out her hand for a hand massage. Jonathan instead grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her onto her belly on his bed.

"Jonathan! Don't push girl's around!"

"Do you want me to try again?"

"Never mind, just get going."

April's nose was pushed into Jonathan's pillow. She could smell the stale sweat of a teenage boy. It felt kind of homey, like she was in a well nurtured growing up world.

"Jonathan, if you ever have a girl over, change the sheets first!"

Jonathan jumped up and ran to the door. April hissed in panic: "Jonathan, get back here. Don't go running around getting new sheets with your ma snooping around outside. Are you crazy?"

April was lying on her stomach, looking forward to shutting out Jonathan's inexperience, while relaxing with a massage for a bit. However, Jonathan's hands were missing. Jonathan just sat there at the edge of the bed. When April turned to face Jonathan, he said, "You have to take your top off, so that I can get your back." He was holding a bottle of Kama Sutra massage oil.

April hesitated. Then, Jonathan reminded April that he paid 200 bucks to Steven to get the full experience. So, she lay on her belly to cover her breast and pulled the top over her head. She unsnapped the bra strap over her back to protect it from the oil. However, she kept lying on the bra to keep covering her breasts.

Big globs of chilly cold massage oil drizzled on her back. April jerked up and barely remembered to keep her front down to keep her breasts covered.

"Jonathan, put the massage oil on your hands, rub the hands to warm it up. Jesus!"

"Oh, okay. That is really good feedback and helping me a lot."

Jonathan's hands started gliding over her back in patterns that he had probably gleaned from a massage book. His fingers were cold, tentative, and more likely to tickle her then feel good.

"Jonathan, stop your hands for a moment. Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Now feel and realize that you are holding a girl in your hand. It makes you nervous. So, don't try to rush to get rid of the feeling. Just for a moment, pause and feel that you have a sexy girl with her top off in your bed room. You have all kinds of horny feelings. Just acknowledge all of that, so that you can really connect with me."

The fingers on her back started relaxing. The jumpy feeling ebbed away.

"That's better Jonathan. Now, I am a girl, but that does not mean that I am made out of sugar. Your hands are barely caressing my skin. You have to put some pressure into it, so that my muscles can feel it. The beauty of getting a massage from a man is that a man has strong hands. Show me your strong hands!"
