Stranger Things have Happened...


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"All through the night, I kept getting smiles and 'thumbs-up' from almost every policeman I saw or spoke with. I was getting concerned until a lesbian in the forensics lab put her move on me. Her opening line was 'how a young woman could focus and get things done! Defending her Mother and herself like the Amazons used to take care of their own. She kept rubbing and touching my arm or hand."

So I asked her about all the attention, and she smiled and said, "Nobody's told you yet? She squatted down in front of me and put her hand on my knee, "Baby, the gun you used only holds seven rounds. You put two in the head and two in the chest of the male, and you put the other three in the female as she tried to flee out the side door. She's in surgery now, and they don't think she'll survive. Seven for seven, that's what it's all about. We can talk later." She squeezed my knee and left.

The courts couldn't condone what I did, but they understood. So I got five years of 'helping those in need more than I,' she looked at me. "It's not bad at all. My Mom is on the board here at the hospital, and everybody loves her, so I get away with murder here as well," she winked at me. "Besides, I only have 13 months to go, and I could have done that standing on my head until you came rolling into my life, wearing the same look as Breck on your face."

"The same determined woman came out and refused to let history repeat itself, but as it went on, I believe, for her, it changed into a 'Second Chance.'" She looked at her watch, "Shit, I have to get to work," she rose and walked to the door.

"Hold on now," I replied, "A 'Second Chance' to do what?"

She looked down at her hand on the door latch, "To help save someone she has come to care for." With that, she walked out the door and down the hall.

All I could do was stand there and watch her go. I was nowhere near being able to run.

Two weeks later, I was told that the process was completed and that I would need to find new dwellings. I had been expecting this but still had no luck. Even though I had start-up money from my deal with the doctor, it seemed it didn't matter. The word 'No' seemed to have family everywhere I called. I was standing outside the hospital entrance, looking at a rather large Hotel across the highway, thinking, 'How does a recently paroled 'hipster' like myself get there?' When a taxi came zooming up the drive and chirped to a halt.

A mature couple hopped out. The man was in his world, calmly paying the driver and making sure they didn't leave anything behind. The woman was a runaway train. "I told you to tell him to take 7th Street, but you had to take the downtown... We'll be lucky if she hasn't had him yet!" The man looked at me sadly. "Don't ever have kids!"

The cabbie got back in and adjusted his mirror. Seeing me in the back seat, he about screamed! "Get out, buddy. I have a pick-up to make."

I fired back, "You're saying no to $40 to take me to the lobby doors right over there? 'Big bro need never know,' and held out the money.

He took $20, "That's where my pick-up is," So off we went. On the way over, I asked the driver where the best delivery place close by was, and without hesitation, He told me, "'Mustang Sally's' for whatever my taste in food was, no question. They even had a contest for first-time callers."

We pulled up, hearing, "I don't care what her stupid doctor told you. A mother knows these things. I can't believe you planned a second honeymoon without telling me, saying it was just overnight. What were you thinking?" I chuckled at the cabbie while I stuffed the second twenty in his shirt pocket, "The first one was for your sandwich, and the second is for the beers you'll order with it!" I shook his hand and proceeded into the Hotel lobby.

After I had checked in, I asked the Lady at the counter where Mustang Sally's was. "I'm just now going on break, so I can show you if you'd like." she smiled sweetly, and I saw the tip of her tongue glide along the tips of her teeth. I felt she would love to help me, and I would love to let her. We got into her car, pulled out of the Hotel's parking lot, passed a big tree, and pulled into the next lot, where she parked right in front of... 'Mustang Sally's'

"I saw you favoring your hip when you came in, so I thought I'd save you a few steps," she smiled. I recovered myself, smiled, and thanked her. I wasn't even out from between the cars when she started to pull out, but I was sure I could jump to safety if need be. I watched the car now that I was out of it. It drifted sideways out of the lot's far exit and into traffic. I only heard one car honk.

I shook my head and said a silent prayer... for everyone she might come in contact with while she was driving. I turned around to take in 'Mustang Sally's,'

It had three sections.

If you were looking at the front... Drive-thru and walk-up windows were on the far left, followed by the kitchen. Even with the doors closed you could smell the different flavors. Then came a good-sized seating area with two large screens on opposite walls. You could either watch your meal being made or watch Sunday Football. Then came the part that showed that the person who laid it all out was worth the money they got paid... A soundproof playroom with 'Disney+' on its TV!

The crowd was decent-sized, and I saw they had seven draft selections and a few bottled favorites. I was still looking at their sandwich list when a large brass bell rang one time. The attractive redhead at the counter pointed at me, "It's your first time here. If it is, nod."

I nodded, and she yelled, "The game is on!" I heard three answering squeals from behind the counter. "Mine takes the least time to make, so I get to tell you the game and the rules. "Where do you come from?"

"My Mother," I looked at her rather inquiringly.

"No, silly! Every time a new person comes in when, we are thinking of adding a new item to the menu. We serve them four different types of sandwiches but only one bite, and then you have to write down why you picked the one you did to be the best. Then, in the end, we tally all the votes and give the winning sandwich a chance to see if it sticks around."

"What do I get out of it?" I smiled at the redhead.

"I'll give you a free soda to drink it all down with, and if you're nice, you can win the bonus prize!" She winked at me and then disappeared back into the kitchen.

People were walking by, offering me stomach pills or an Alka-seltzer. It was all in good fun, the redhead assured me. The first bite was half-sized sausage meatballs layered in a four-cheese blend with excellent marinara sauce. The second was tuna mixed with oriental vegetables, a heavenly white sauce, and spinach. The third was a meat lover's dream on a bed of spinach and melted cheese. The fourth was a shrimp sub with Asian vegetables steamed with a lovely, light, sweet onion sauce. (I'm not telling which one I chose, sorry)

I ordered the Pearl Harbor for dinner that night but saw one called BF2, so I asked.

"That would stand for "Breakfast for Two, my friend" came from behind me. The voice was familiar, though. "You can add two of those to the order, as I will be paying, and how about you, little lady?"

A voice I'll never forget said, "I'd like the 'Monterey Round-up,' please."

"So, to ensure you have the order correct, my good Lady. That would be two BF2, one Pearl Harbor, one Monterey Round-up, and one Vipers special."

my 'duelist' winked slightly at the Lady.

The Lady looked at him and said politely, "Sir, we don't have a 'Viper's special,' and I've been here for five years."

"I beg to differ, sweet Lady. Suppose you are so sure of your footing. I suggest we have a wager for the price of the meal." I saw a glint in the duelist's eye.

"If upon Sally's hearing of our order, not only will she confirm that the sandwich does exist, but she will clear the kitchen and make it herself," the corners of his smile sharpened oh so slightly. "But, if she differs in any way. I'll concede to paying twice the price of the meal and still leave you with a nice tip. Do we have an accord?" and extended his hand.

The waitress thought for a moment, "Deal," and shook his hand. She returned to the office and came out thirty seconds later with an attractive older woman who scanned the dining room until she saw us. "Finish the orders that are already ordered, then clear the kitchen. I have a sandwich to make that I haven't made in 10 years." Then she walked over to our table, "Anton," she said. "Sally," replied my duelist.

"So, how do things stand between us?" Anton asked.

"We're good," Sally said, "I didn't see things as clearly as you did back then, but you knew what he was playing up to, and in the end, I got all that I wanted plus a little extra."

"I'm glad you can see that now. By giving him most of everything, I knew he would get trapped in the small print. Then he would lose it all, and you would come out of it all with what he had, plus what you gave him." Anton smiled, "But I am amiss... Sally, let me introduce you to the lovely Ms. Katrina Fisher and my Ward, Mr. Mikel.

Then he turned his gaze to us and said, " Katrina and Mikel, I would like to introduce you both to my sister, Ms. Sally Jennings."

Sally looked at Anton with a surprised look. "Your, WARD?" she drew the word out. You do remember your last one, Yes?

Anton responded, "Gregory, always a side to him that had slipped by me until I caught him at it. Mikel is from an older, much stronger tree altogether. He showed his natural talents to another before he knew who I was. Observe... Mikel, how long have we known each other?

I thought back, "Since you made me realize that a helping hand is not always a hand-out, and the handful of times at the hospital while you spoke to the doctors, or do you want me to include when you snuck in line behind me to order, just now? But I forgive you because you remembered bringing the striking Ms. Fisher with you."

A loud giggle erupted from Sally, "Oh baby, you have that part down! Let my brother fill the rest of your head. It's a scary thought that he's out there, but now there will be two? Good Lord, help us!" She saw the signal from our waitress, "Excuse me, everyone, I have some sandwiches to make." She went off to the kitchen. Anton waved her over to have our drinks refilled.

"I want to Thank you for the meal. We would enjoy it all the more because we wouldn't have to pay. But to brighten up your life, I would like to give you two pieces of advice. One, learn to play poker where the stakes are serious, and Two, in your next year, you'll have to read through Chaney because it's a course requirement, but study Larken, his teachings on law are more in line with survival, and just starting, that's what you need, get fancy later on."

"Who are you? if you don't mind me asking?" Our waitress asked.

"My name, my dear, is Anton Corbin. I am also your fifth-year teacher for those who enjoy learning to use the law as both a weapon and a shield. You should attending," Anton said.

"Thanks for the advice, Professor. It's worth more than the price of the meal!" our waitress walked to the register, rang up the meal, took her money, and paid the tab. Just as she closed the drawer, a customer came in and was rude to her and his date. The waitress politely offered the couple a seat with complimentary drinks. She was even willing to give them 50% off the bill for the inconvenience of waiting for the kitchen to 're-open' in just a short moment.

The man started to build up, and as he began to explode, he leaned across the counter, "I want to speak with the manager!"

"Then I guess it's your lucky day!" Our waitress told him, I'm the manager today!" as she leaned across the counter at him, "Can I see my new contract and the increase in my annual salary?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not hiring you... " He started again.

She cut him off, "Then you'll have to accept my offer or find another establishment because that's the owner in there, and I like to be employed. So accept my offer, or if you get louder, I'll ask the two off-duty officers in the back to talk with you... outside, of course." His date pulled him over to a table.

Anton turned back around, "There's hope for her yet!" with a smile.

Katrina excused herself to the ladies' room, "Now that the distractions are paused," I said. "I would enjoy hearing about this 'Ward' idea. Katrina is sweet, but it will take more than her to distract me from my future."

Anton smiled, "There is so much of a younger me in you! Let me help give you the weapons to carve out your place in this world. To feel a sense of achievement the first time you walk across the stage to get that diploma. I had someone help me; now let me help you, and all I ask in return is that you find someone worthy of your help and pass the gift to him."

"I need a decent place to live," I said.

"Done," was the reply.

"A low maintenance automobile with affordable insurance coverage." I fired back.

"We can start looking tomorrow," Anton fired back.

"How much does a Ward make nowadays, or are you alright with seeing me in jeans and the two J.C. Penny suits I have?" I smiled suddenly, feeling the art of dueling.

"We will have to update your clothing a bit, I agree." He smiled back.

"Regarding my new dwellings, I need a furniture allowance to make them habitable." My smile grew along with his. "picky about that, sorry."

Anton's eyes sparkled, "I'm sure we could find a few things."

"I won't settle for a desk from IKEA if I'm going back to school. I need a desk that can withstand some punishment, whether one person is using it or two." The smile on my face sharpened at the corners.

"I think I know where to find one of those," Anton almost chuckled.

"When I marry the lovely Katrina, I'll need a home to return to after the honeymoon. How quickly do you think we could make that happen? As well as negotiating a fair raise to support my new family?" I let curiosity slip onto my face a touch.

"When that happens, I'm sure we can make accommodations best suited for that." Anton smiled.

"Good, because I'm asking her next weekend." I started to grin again.

"Then why your own dwellings, may I ask?" Anton looked slightly puzzled.

"Because, my friend. She might say no." I smiled as I stood up to help Katrina to her chair.

"Who might say no?" Katrina looked at both Anton and me.

"We found that Anton and I know the same associate is all." I smiled as I sat back down, "On the other hand, Anton has made a good pitch about wanting a Ward, and I feel that with some negotiating, I could be enticed to take the position." I caught Anton's look under his arched eyebrow... 'more'?

"What do you think I should do? Ms. Katrina?" I teasingly asked her

"Confucius said, 'Wiseman never asks the question if he is afraid to hear the answer. '" She smiled at me. I hope our food gets here. I'm getting rather hungry, and I get a smidge irritable when I get hungry."

Anton said, "Well, that's a relief! I thought it was because you didn't want to have any input into the discussion."

"And so much for trying to be nice and wait!" Katrina exploded! She looked at Anton, "You better be here when we get back!" Then she turned to me, grabbed the front of my shirt... "Follow me." and dragged me into the kitchen, where Sally finished our order. "Freezer!" shouted Katrina, and Sally pointed at the door with a surprised look. Katrina pushed me in and closed the door.

Sally brought out five bags of specials, sauce, and a flat box containing our sandwiches, looking over her shoulder at the kitchen. "What's that all about?" She asked Anton.

"I'm sure I have no idea," Anton said, his face bewildered. He stared after the young couple.

Seeing Sally out of the kitchen, the staff returned to catch up on the waiting orders. About 10 minutes later, someone had to open the freezer door to refill low stock... "SMACK! The sound of flesh meeting flesh made everyone cringe a little. "If you're looking for just a slot to stick it in, Reynolds St. is where you should be. But I didn't put the time and effort into us to see you waddle away after the first cunt that walks by..."

The employee closed the door quickly and leaned close to Sally. "I got everything but the olives, and I don't like olives enough to open that door again tonight." He finished stocking the line closest to us and then went to the far one.

Sally looked at Anton, "What kind of friends do you run with now, Anton? I can't have this going on in my place of business!" She got up and squared her shoulders on the way to the freezer. She put her hand on the handle and yanked the door open, "You both can take it outside!... What?" By this time, everyone in the place wanted a peek.

Katrina was standing with her right hand covering most of her face, which was starting to turn darker colors under it. Mikel was on one knee, and the left side of his face was swollen and discolored. He was holding her left hand and was sliding a ring on her third finger. Sally had reached up, took the security camera off its bracket, and started putting it all on the security footage for the day. "Hold it right there, Boss, back left... There!" came from out front.

The sound of applauding and yelling erupted from the patrons in the front of the shop. Mikel and Katrina came walking out, each holding a frozen pack of meat slices to their faces. Someone yelled out, asking if I hit her, and Katrina was right on top of that one! "No, he never did! I hit him first and connected, I swung a second time, and he leaned back out of the way, resulting in me spinning like a top, losing my balance, and falling face-first into the corner of a rack of frozen meat."

"Is this a story that you'll tell your children...?" Another asked.

Katrina smiled as sweetly as she could, "Only at gunpoint!" Everyone started laughing again, and congratulations were thrown in as well. I believe it was then I resented everyone having a camera phone. You would have thought Katrina and I were royalty the way the flashes began going off while we slowly made our way out of 'Mustang Sally's'. Katrina and Anton walked to a large car while I told them I felt safer walking across the lot to my Hotel.

I laughed and started walking. They had to drive around a few short streets to return to the hotel lot. As I approached the hotel's back door, my phone went off. I saw it was Katrina, so I answered, but it was Anton speaking, "Mikel, stay at the back door and wait for me before you go in, the police are there looking for you, I couldn't find out why, so stay put!"

Their large car pulled into the back lot two minutes later, and the rear door flew open. As I jumped in, I heard Anton say, "A slow trip back around to the front door if you would, Brian." I saw the car, it was a small limousine with two seats facing each other right behind the driver's seat. "The word is both the feds and the local Leo's will be out front...any ideas as to why?"

"Not really. I haven't been away from the hospital long enough to get into trouble. So I have no idea," I replied.

"Well, we're about to find out because here they are!" Anton looked around. There were no news crews, so this was more than just a social call. This could get interesting! Remember, we've done nothing, so there's nothing to worry about. Just get out like everything is normal."

I got out of the car, and when I turned to help Katrina get out, that's when the feds rushed in, pinning me up against the vehicle so Katrina couldn't get out. "Are you Mikel Robinson, and is your address 14267 Harshbarger Road?" Then came, "We've been looking for you. Why have you been hiding?"

I patted Katrina's hand and then said, "Officers, I suggest you remove your hands from my person right now, or I will have everyone here charged with assault. You see, all I have to do is charge the federal agents, and when I win against them, all the Leo's here will be, more or less, guilty by association.