Stranger to a New World Ch. 01


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Mira and Kitra had made a sister pact and saved to acquire their own wagon and various goods as they waited for Kitra to reach her eighteenth year to strike out on their own starting a new family with Mira as the head she being the eldest. They planned on getting another wagon eventually but had just started the new family less than half a year ago and had only visited a few small villages and the rare inn now and again. They had yet to find anyone they considered lover material and had earned their way with some small trading, knife sharpening and small jobs repairing this and that.

We finished the meal and I suggested a cup of coffee in the lounge. I said "Let's leave the cleaning for later and relax for now' taking my coffee to the lounge, I started the fireplace and sat down facing it. The ladies soon joined me.

"If you look at the map, you will see how little I have traveled since I woke up today, that path is all I know of this world so far, that and what I have learned from you both."

Kitra remarked, "you traveled that distance on foot in one day? That is quite the journey into the unknown for a person without knowledge of the land around himself."

Mira added, "and not knowing which way to go."

"I didn't have a clue which way to travel so each time I had a choice I spun my knife and went in the direction the tip pointed two, so I let chance decide my path and chance brought me to this well, to meet two charming women." I smiled. The ladies blush and the blush slowly moved down their chest over their breast and their nipples become erect. "That color becomes the two of you and your nipples look deviously delicious" I grin and lick my lips. "I think I will go lay down. If you care to bring me my dessert, you are welcome to join me one at a time, together or not at all. It's your choice. If not at all, I will meet you for the morning meal." Out of the corner of my eye I watch the kitchen as the house cleaning process slowly begins. I wonder how the bedrooms will look by the time the girls decide to go to bed, if they decide to go to bed. I smile leaving my coffee cup on the low table in the lounge. I stand and walk to my room, using the bathroom wash up a little. drop my robe on the floor pull the top covers back on the bed crawl in and get comfortable.

* * the lounge * *

Mira remarked, "this place is amazing, like something out of the old tales we heard as children."

Kitra replied, "yes it is and now some of those old tales make some sense or at least seem more real."

"Yes they do" says Mira "Alexius seems nice, though perhaps a bit strange."

"When he looks at us and says we look good enough to eat, what do you think he means/"

"I am not exactly sure but when he says it I get a case of the quivers from below."

"I haven't been with a man as yet, and so far there has been little to choose from as far as men."

"I am older than you and still haven't seen one worth choosing, at least any our mother and her sisters didn't latch onto first."

Kitra nodded, "I think Alexius might be worth a chance. But you, being the eldest, get first choice."

Mira smiles and agrees, "Yes he might even be a keeper, but he didn't give us a change to decide. He decided and gave us choices. I have never heard of a man offer choices to a woman of the traveling people before without the woman first telling him she had chosen him and offering the male the choice."

Kitra continues, "and a woman of the families doesn't offer a choice to two men at the same time, not that I have ever heard of."

Mira replies, "I have heard of it but it is absolutely a very rare thing to occur."

Kitra says with a smile lighting up her face, "Yet this man, a stranger we just met this evening has made us welcome, offered the use of his tent, fed us talked to us and lightly flirted with us both and offered us both choice before going off to bed alone, very unnerving. Yet exciting!"

"Yes it is, and he claims to have no memory from before this morning when he woke to find himself and his equipment under that oak tree on the map. I didn't see any signs of any type of road or trail along that stretch of the road, yet it is one of the few things this map shows. There shouldn't be a road there all that should be in that area is a forest so vast no one bothers it according to our map and notes. We will have to get our map and notes in the morning and show them to him." Mira continues with a grin, "For now what do we do about the choices he presented us with? I am getting a bit wet just thinking about it and if my nose is any judge I think you are also."

Kitra blushes, "Your nose isn't lying. If I stand up there is probably going to be a wet spot almost the size of my ass. Something about the way he just looks at us makes me wet." she laughs

Mira moans, "The looks, his smile and his voice when he speaks - the vibrations go right through me and flow along my bones to my pussy."

Kitra shivers all over, "Oh my yes like his voice is grabbing me all over. Just hearing his voice makes my nipples hard, I have never heard any voice like it."

Mira jokingly replies, "neither have I. I think if there were more voices like that women everywhere would be bending over exposing their pussy and waiting for a hard cock to plow them." she laughs

Kitra continues, "Then it is probably a good thing there aren't many voices like his around, it might end the traveling families with all the women waiting to get fucked as often as they could." she giggles

Mira "Well our mother and her sisters are almost that bad without a man with a voice like his, put him around mom and her sisters we might need to issue flood warnings." she laughs

Kitra says, "OK joking aside we need to decide what to do tonight, one or the other of us, then possibly the other, both of us at the same time and see how that works out or not at all and we go to our own beds. I don't like the sound of that last one at all." she frowns

"Neither do I, so let me get the dice from the wagon and see what they say." continues Mira

Kitra exclaims, "Hurry! I am so wet I think I am melting."

Mira runs out and is back very quickly.

Mira "OK we have ones favor me going in first, twos favor you first, threes favor us both and neither of us favors not at all, we have six dice, ones and fours favor me, twos and fives favor you and threes and sixes favor both of us, at least one of us will be happy hope fully." she laughs, "I will cast three and you cast three".

The dice are cast with a result of a two , a three two fours and two sixes.

The girls grin at each other . Mira says "let's do a quick freshen and get in his bed." They rush to their bath rooms with lots of giggling.

* * Alexius * *

I must have dozed off, because suddenly I am awakened by two women sliding not too gently into bed with me. A delightfully nude body is pressing against me on both sides.

Mira chuckled, "We brought your dessert. Now, what are you going to do with it?"

I grin, then kiss Mira probing her mouth with my tongue, while tweaking her nipples. I then turn to Kitra and do the same to her. I swap back and forth between the sisters a few times then start the same again on Mira but slowly, teasingly, run my hand to her hip and rub the ball of my thumb over the front of her hip bone, slowly applying pressure 'til she squeals in my mouth and her ass jumps slightly off the bed. As I turn to do the same to Kitra, Mira says "what the hell did you do to me?"

"Watch me do the same thing to your sister and if you ever decide to have a woman lover you can use it on her as well."

II kiss Kitra, tweak her nipple and she moans into my mouth, my hand slides down her side and I rub the ball of my thumb against the front of her hip bone. As I slowly apply pressure, she screams into my mouth and her ass bounces of the bed. I turn back to Mira, look into her eyes and slowly kiss my way down her body licking and nibbling, teasing slowly down. When I get down to her hip bone I apply pressure with my tongue to the other side triggering the same response with my tongue this time. I lick and nibble my way down her legs, with her moans becoming ever louder, until I am kneeling on the edge of the bed between her spread legs. I lift one leg and nibble on her Achilles tendon, lift the other and do the same.

I listen to her moans of "Oh my, what you are doing feels so good." I push her legs together closing the gap, then push her legs up and back towards her head then lick her calves to the back of her knees. While I kiss lick and then nibble on the tendons there, her moans increase in volume and she is tossing her head back and forth as her sister watches.

Keeping her legs together I push them back till she is almost bent double. I lick down the back of one thigh to her ass and lick kiss and nibble on her beautiful bottom from one side to the other. I lick up her thigh to the back of the other knee.

Now, I spread her legs apart and rest them on my shoulders. I slowly slide down her legs till my breath touches her pussy and she jumps. I slide a little further and my tongue parts the swollen lips of her pussy and my face makes full contact. I start licking up one side and down the other - not touching her clit as yet. She screams "Oh my god was are you doing to me?" as her hips begin to bounce and her pussy starts bucking with a mind of its own.

I grab her ass with both hands and hold her still before she breaks my nose unintentionally. I slide my face further down, push my tongue inside her channel and drink her juices. I slide down further and tickle her anus with my tongue then back to her pussy and lick my way to the top. Holding her clit between my teeth, I close my lips around it and suck it into my mouth. I hold it with my teeth once more as I twirl the tip of my tongue around it, she screams in pleasure. I release her clit and cover her pussy with my open mouth. I suck as much of her pussy into my mouth as I can, running my tongue over every part of her that is in my mouth. She grabs my head and pushes me hard against her, her thighs squeeze against my head, her back arches and she screams again. She floods my mouth as she cums. I am trapped, held in place by her rigid body as spasms of pleasure wrack her. Suddenly, she goes limp and releases me. She is looking up, not really looking at anything - just a glassy eyed stare.

My face is covered with her juice - it is dripping steadily off my chin. I say to Kitra, "That was half of my dessert. I will eat the second half when I catch my breath. As you can see your sister almost drowned me." I laugh.

Kitra was clearly shocked. "Oh my god, what did you do to her? I have never heard of a man doing what you did. I don't think I have ever heard of anyone doing that."

"Your turn next and you will feel what I did to your sister." I smile and pull her to me for a long kiss. As we break the kiss I ask, "how do you like the taste of your sister's pussy? sis has a lovely taste."

Kitra seems stunned for a few seconds as I turn to check on Mira, she is looking at me with a big smile so I give her a long kiss, then ask her "You look like you enjoyed being the first half of my dessert. Do you like how your part of the dessert taste?" I grin. "Looks like you got caught in a flood. It's all over your legs and the wet spot looks to be the size of a small lake" I laugh.

Mira looks down, blushes and then grins "Damn you. You are the first man either of us has had. You do that to me and you haven't even fucked me yet."

Kitra gasped, "damn Mira. Where did all that come from?'

Mira laughs "It must have come from me but I don't know how. Alex, OK. Do what you did to me to my sister so I can watch her make a lake, while I recover a bit."

I look at Kitra and grin "I am ready for the rest of my dessert now."

I do almost the same to Kitra as I did to Mira. Kitra seems to have quicker orgasms, but that might be because of watching me with her sister - getting charged up from watching and waiting.

When it is time to lick her pussy, I stop "OK a little change here" I remove my shorts tossing them to the floor and lay on my back between them. "Mira straddle my hips and Kitra guide my cock into your sister. Mira, you are in control of how much of my cock goes inside you. Since it is your first time, I suggest you take it slow until you get used to it. If you still have your hymen, there may be some blood and pain for a short time." I reach down and gently rub her pussy a little. "You are still very wet so that should help. Kitra, after you guide my cock into your sister, I want you to straddle my head facing your sister." I smile at both of them. "Whenever you are ready, I am just going to lay here and let you run the show for a while.

As Mira slowly lowers herself, Kitra holding my cock rubs it through Mira's slit and positions the head at her sister's entrance watching it slowly start to enter Mira. When enough of my cock is inside Mira, Kitra lets go and watches as Mira slowly slides down my cock - stopping, waiting, sliding, stopping, waiting. Mira exclaimed "Oh my god, it feels so big. It's pushing against my hymen now; it's stretching but won't break. I feel so full. She begins to slowly slide up and down, each time stretching her cherry a little further 'til finally she gives a little yelp of pain and stops. I glance down between us to see a tickle of blood running down my cock. After a short time Mira starts moving up and down my cock slowly again until finally she has it all inside her and the head of my cock is kissing her cervix.

"Mira stop right there for a couple seconds and let your muscles relax a little before you continue to ride my cock, Kitra now straddle my face."

Kitra moves up to my face. As she settles over my mouth, I reach up and squeeze the ladies breasts and tweak their nipples. I move my hands back to pull a pillow under my head and grab Kitra's hips and start licking, I feel Mira start to slowly move on my cock, just rocking back and forth. Kitra starts to rub her pussy on my tongue. I gently lick Kitra faster and faster. I wrap my lips around her clit, suck on it, nibble it, twirl it with my tongue then hold it between my teeth and spear it with my tongue. I push my nose into her channel as deep as I can. Her body starts to quake. She falls forward, hugging her sister and releases a flood on my face as she cums. Mira is now riding my cock like a bucking bronco.

I can't see or hear anything with Kitra's pussy pushed against my face and her legs locked against my ears. I start lifting my ass to meet Mira's thrusts, until I am lifting her off the bed. I'm rapidly pounding into her and she has to hold on to Kitra to stay on me. Mira starts shuddering and I reach my limit and explode inside her. I let go of Kitra's hips so I can reach down and grab Mira's, holding her against me as I spurt against her cervix filling her with my sperm until it begins to run down my cock and cover my balls. I rub the ball of my thumbs over her hip bone setting off a shock wave in her pussy and she starts another orgasm. I slowly lower my ass back onto the bed, reach up and pull the pillow out from under my head so I can breathe again.

Mira lies still on top of me as Kitra falls off my face to the side of the bed. All is heavy breathing, soft moans and slight groans of exhausted pleasure. I smile to myself. It's been a wonderful day so far - at least for me. I hope the ladies feel the same.

Suddenly, I start to laugh hard enough to shake Mira on top of me and Kitra on the bed beside me, "OK Kitra your turn next." I lift Mira's head and give her a long kiss with lots of tongue. When we release the kiss I say to her "Doesn't your sister taste wonderful?"

She looks at me and grins "Yes Kitra is delicious"

"Did you enjoy your first time, I wanted to make it as good for you as possible."

Mira smiles, "I have never heard my mother or her sisters talk of anything to compare with what we did. Not just their first time but anytime. They enjoy sex and talk about it often but they have never mentioned anything like this." She smiled and her face looks so soft, so beautifully at ease.

I tickle Kitra to get her to move against my side. I give her a long kiss and say "Now I have tasted both of you and share the taste of you both with each of you. Don't you agree you both taste superb and make wonderful desserts?"

Kitra looks at me and laughs, "yes, I agree and you can have me for dessert anytime you want."

Mira added. "I agree with my sister on that and I think you have broken me, ruined me for other men. What you did to me is beyond anything I ever dreamed. Kitra I warn you before you take this pony for a ride, he may ruin you as well." She laughed.

Kitra responded, "Mira, what he does with his tongue may have already ruined me - let alone what he can do with that pony."

"Kitra do you want to ride the pony now or wait till morning" I laugh

"Kitra, do you want to ride the pony now or wait till morning?" I asked.

Kitra thought a bit, "mmmm wait 'til morning I think."

"Either way is fine by me but if we are waiting for morning, I think we should clean up a little, then get some sleep. Let's go in my bathroom and clean up. First, close your eyes and open your mouth." I reach down between Mira's legs and scoop some of my semen up on my fingers and bring them to Kitra's mouth. "Here you go, some dessert for you to taste." I stick my fingers in her mouth. I feel her tongue on my fingers and start to pull them out as she sucks them clean, I reach down and scoop up some more to let Mira have a taste. "That dessert was prepared by me and Mira. How do you both like it?" I ask with a grin.

Mira makes a face at me and smiles, "interesting flavor, but good. I might want more later."

Kitra laughed, "maybe Alex and I can make the next batch."

"You both could get some of the desert from the source, like I get mine from you two if you are careful and loving." I laugh "OK let get cleaned up, will it be a quick shower of a relaxing bath, though it looks like if you ladies relax much more you will melt away." I laugh some more

Kitra "I say a shower and then bed that is my vote."

Mire "mine also after I pee and then use the bidet, I tried it earlier and it felt so nice."

Kitra "good idea."

"OK I will get the shower started"

Mira paused, "I wonder if I caught tonight. I haven't given much thought to the tea lately and we do need children for our family."

Kitra added, "same with me and the tea. Maybe I will get lucky enough to catch, but only time will tell."

I look at them, a little awed "So, I am just playing stud for you mares?"

They laugh and Mira says "That is the way the traveling families grow. New blood is always a good thing and I think Kitra and I would like your company on our travels for a long time if it's OK with you."

"I would like to spend a few days here getting to know you better before I make that choice." I jokingly tell them.

Mira and Kitra in duo say, "sounds like a plan."

We finish our clean up and head to bed. Amazingly, the bed is dry and the linens have been changed - no wet spots. As we crawl into bed and cuddle up Kitra says, "I want one of these tents." We kiss and fall asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A very nice start

I liked this and hope to read more...without typos if possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Awesome start!

I can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A story with potential so far, but the typos are too common.

Misspelling Kitra's name in the introduction is not terrible, but it is an indication of carelessness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

that he has no memories but `knows` so much about sex...much fun anyways.

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