Strength of the Soul Pt. 02

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Conclusion. No one's gonna bend or break him.
11.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/03/2022
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Warning! Warning! Warning! This story contains an element of science-fiction. It also contains some anachronisms and is set in an alternate historical timeline. If any of that disturbs you to distraction, move on. You have been warned!

I would like to thank QuantumMechanic1957 and Legio_Patria_Nostra for their assistance and suggestions, which I feel have made this a much better story. Also, many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories.

And now, the disclaimers:

For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper... In addition:

  1. Characters in this story may participate in one or more of the following: Smoking, consumption of adult (meaning, alcoholic) beverages, utterance of profanities.
  2. All sexual activity is between consenting adults 18 years of age or older.
  3. Statements or views uttered by the fictional characters in this story do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the author.

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (Yes, I DO moderate comments) And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...

The title and the story were inspired by the song, "Faith of the Heart," written by Diane Warren and sung by Russell Watson for "Star Trek: Enterprise."

Note: I sometimes like to speculate what might have happened if a particular event in history never happened, or if it happened just a bit different. For example, what might have happened if the man who shot JFK missed by just a couple of inches? The possibilities are endless, so I have taken artistic license with the historic record. With that as background, I present, "Strength of the Soul."


End of "Strength of the Soul, Pt. 01"

"Maybe you won't have to worry about a divorce," Jim said. Rhonda sat up and looked at Jim, shocked.

"What are you saying? Are you going to kill him?"

"No, at least not right away and not directly. But this mission he's preparing for is fraught with danger. Maybe I can increase the odds that he doesn't come back." Jim's words threw her for a loop. Would he really put Mike's life in danger to protect his career? What kind of man would do such a thing? And what else was he willing to do?

"He's faced danger before, you know."

"Yes, I do. He faces danger every time he straps himself into the latest test craft. Plus I flew with him in Korea, remember?" Jim asked.

"Yes, I know. But I don't want him dead. That would destroy Lisa," Rhonda exclaimed, shocked.

"She's young. She'll get over it in time," Jim said nonchalantly. "And you'll get his insurance. I think he's still covered under the old Servicemen's Indemnity program from the Korean War. Ten grand is nothing to sneeze at. Plus he'll be seen as a hero. You could probably make a small fortune just by being the widow of the man who saved the planet."

"I don't know," Rhonda said, a bit nonplussed about Jim's off-hand remark about 'the man who saved the planet.' "I'd hate to think of what his death would do to Lisa."

"Listen, don't worry about it. Let me take care of Mike, okay? I'll have a little talk with him tomorrow, let him know that divorce wouldn't be in his best interest. At least financially. If I can't talk him down, then we'll consider Plan B. In the meantime, you just look after Lisa."

"Of course, Jim," Rhonda said. Her mind reeled with the thought that Mike could end up dead or that he was off trying to save the planet while she rolled in bed with a man her husband called his friend. For the first time since she took up with Jim, she truly began to regret her decisions.

Neither saw the tiny bug in the wall vent that sent their conversation to the house across the street.


And now, "Strength of the Soul, Pt. 02"

"I've known the wind so cold, I've seen the darkest days

But now the winds I feel, are only winds of change

I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain

But I'll be fine..."

The following morning, Mike got up, showered, shaved, dressed, and went to the dining hall, where he scarfed an omelet and a cup of coffee. Carrying the heavy binder Deke gave him the previous day, he went to the simulator, where Deke waited for him.

"Good morning, Mike. Glad to see you made it okay. How are you feeling? You don't look well rested," Deke said.

"I am a bit tired. Didn't get much sleep last night," Mike said. Deke looked at him, concerned.

"Is there something going on? Anything that might distract you from the mission?" Only a slut wife cheating on me with a man I thought was my friend, Mike thought.

"Just some personal problems," Mike replied.

"Well, you need to forget about all that and get your head in the game, Mike," Deke said. "Can you do that?"

"Yes, Deke, I've got this," Mike said.

"Good. I'm sure the doctor can give you something to help you sleep if you need it. Did you review everything I gave you last night? Any questions?"

"Yes, I did. I was up half the night."

"Let's see how much you remember," Deke said with a smile. "Go ahead, hop on into the simulator. When you're strapped in, I'll run you through the crash course in orbital navigation." Mike dressed as he would for the actual flight and strapped himself into the simulator. Deke smiled as he inspected Mike's suit.

"Good job, Mike. Remember, once you're out of the Earth's atmosphere, your control surfaces will be useless. That means no rudder, no flaps, nothing. Every move and every course change you make will be done through control jets. Like the reaction control system that we have on the X-15. Are you with me so far?"

"So far, yes. I know that much, but I haven't had to use them very much."

"But you have used them, right?" Deke asked.

"Yes, I have," Mike said.

"So you know it doesn't take much to affect a change?"

"That much I do know," Mike said.

"Good. And you also know that any motion will continue until you counteract or change it, correct?" Deke watched Mike nod impatiently. "Most of your flight will be pre-programmed, so you shouldn't have to do very much. But things can happen up there. So, I want you to follow the flight programs I've already established. Along the way, I may... introduce... glitches. Follow me?"

"I think so."

"All right. Let's get on with it," Deke said. "And good luck." Mike spent the next three hours going over the flight program. As promised, Deke "introduced" glitches to see how Mike would react. Mike got through most of the problems with ease but ended up getting "killed" a couple of times when the "ship" spun out of control and "broke up."

"Damn," Mike said when Deke's smiling face appeared in the hatch.

"Don't feel bad, Mike. If I had a nickel for every time I got killed in one of these things, I could retire a rich man," Deke said, laughing. "Listen, why don't we take a break? Be back in, say, 30 minutes?"

"Sounds good," Mike said. "I could stand to take a piss. And I need to make a call."

"Go ahead. I'll see you back in a half hour." Mike climbed out of the simulator and shucked off the bulky flight suit. After relieving himself, he called Harold.

"Hey, neighbor," Harold said when he answered the phone.

"What's the word?" Mike asked anxiously, hoping Jim didn't spend the night with Rhonda.

"Your wife's house guest spent the night, Major. I don't think he was playing dolls with your daughter all night. He left about 0700 this morning," Harold said. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Me too, Harold," Mike said, his world crumbling further.

"How well do you know Col. Tyson?" Harold asked.

"He was my flight instructor. I served with him in Korea for about a year. He came home before I did. He was the best man at my wedding, and I was the best man at his. He was like a brother to me," Mike said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Harold said.

"You say he left at 0700?"

"Yes," Harold said.

"Any idea where he went? He's not here with me," Mike said.

"Rita followed him out. I haven't heard from her," Harold said. Mike was confused... WHY would Rita follow Jim? Something about this didn't make sense to him. "Listen, Major. I think you should watch your back." Now Mike was perplexed.

"Harold, what's going on here? Really?" Mike asked.

"Not over the phone, Major. I know you're confined to the base for now. Just... be careful. I'll contact you when I can."

"What about my daughter?" Mike asked.

"We're right across the street, Major. Don't worry. We won't let anything happen to her," Harold said.

"I get the feeling you're really not a public affairs officer," Mike responded.

"We'll talk later, Major. Just focus on your job. We'll be in touch. Feel free to call later for an update. Oh, and one more thing..."

"What's that?"

"Expect Col. Tyson to have a little... chat... with you. Take what he says with a grain of salt. Don't over-react or give him an excuse to retaliate. You understand what I'm telling you?"

"I... think so," Mike said. "How do you know this?"

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to shoot you, Major," Harold said drily. Mike chuckled at that.

"I get it. You're a comedian, right?"

"Now you're learning, neighbor," Harold replied in the tone Mike was used to hearing. "You'd better get back to it. We'll be in touch."

"Thanks," Mike said, ending the call. He shook his head, wondering what would come next, then went back to the simulator, where he saw Jim speaking with Deke.

"Ah, there he is," Jim announced with a broad grin. "Major Slayton tells me you've made real progress with the mission profile. Good job, Mike."

"Thank you... sir," Mike said, doing his best to remain calm.

"Listen, Deke, if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow the Major for just a couple of minutes," Jim said.

"Of course, Colonel," Deke said. Jim smiled, then motioned for Mike to join him in an unoccupied office. The smile disappeared when the door closed.

"Rhonda is under the impression that you're considering a divorce," Jim said.

"It's what usually happens when someone cheats on her spouse," Mike said. "What business is it of yours... sir?"

"First off, I'm your commanding officer. Second, I've gotten quite close to Rhonda over the years," Jim said. "And I'm concerned about her welfare. And yours."

"But not concerned enough about our marriage to keep from screwing her?" Mike asked. Jim chuckled at that.

"Mike, you know I've always fancied the ladies," Jim said.

"Yes, I know. I've covered for you a time or two as you may recall. I just never thought you'd actually go after MY wife."

"Let's see if I can help you understand what you'd be facing, Mike. Man-to-man. First, you'd have to pay alimony since Rhonda doesn't have a job. Second, you'd have to pay through the nose for child support. You'd end up losing close to half your pay just for that. As a Major, you make, what, just over $600 a month?

"On top of that, you probably wouldn't get to see Lisa very often. Maybe once every couple of weeks, assuming Rhonda doesn't keep her from you. That little girl adores you. It would kill her if she couldn't be with you. And to add insult to injury, I'd still be fucking Rhonda."

"What about Janice? And your children?" Mike asked.

"What about them? I've managed to keep Janice in line all these years. I've taken good care of them over the years. If she tries to divorce me, it won't go as well for her as it will for Rhonda. I'll see to that. You know I have... connections. That's none of your concern, though. Rhonda is your concern. And Lisa."

"So, what you're telling me is that I should just turn a blind eye to what's going on? Let you continue to fuck my wife and say nothing? Is that it?" Mike asked.

"Is that really such a bad thing, Mike? Hell, I've been fucking your wife since before you married her. You DO remember that it was me who introduced her to you. Has Rhonda turned you down for sex? Ever? I don't think so. And from what I can tell, she's been a good wife to you and a good mother to Lisa. And that's exactly what I'll tell the court. So, what if I... borrow... her from time to time? You didn't know before, so what's changed?"

"You sorry son of a bitch," Mike hissed. "The two of you denied me children of my own. I can't think of a more hateful thing."

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard Rhonda say Lisa is your daughter. Is that true?" Mike asked. Jim sighed heavily before responding.

"Rhonda seems to think so. I'm not completely certain. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't. What difference does it make? Either way, your name is the one on the birth certificate, and you're the one who'll be paying child support. So, what'll it be, Mike?" Jim asked with a smirk. Mike remembered what Harold told him, then mentally counted to ten before responding.

"Man to man?" Mike asked.

"Man to man. No rank, no command structure."

"First, I'm going to nuke some space aliens," Mike said. "And then you and I will settle this like men." Jim's smirk disappeared when he saw the look of determination on Mike's face, and Jim nodded his head slowly.

"And what about Rhonda?"

"Who?" Mike asked sarcastically.

"Your wife, Mike. Rhonda."

"From what you've told me, I've never really had a wife. Just someone who took my last name so she could get some government benefits. I loved her with everything I had and she crapped all over me. So as far as I'm concerned, she's dead to me," Mike said.

"All right, Mike. If that's the way you want it."

"In the meantime, stay the fuck outta my house. And away from my daughter. You wanna fuck the slut who lives there, you can take her to your house. Or get a motel room. Got it?"

"Yeah," Jim said, wondering how Mike knew he spent the night in his house. "I got it. Just one thing."

"What?" Mike asked angrily.

"Not a word of this to command. Or there will be consequences," Jim said.

"That sounds like a threat... sir," Mike said.

"Consider it a... promise," Jim said. Mike sized up his enemy and nodded his head. He couldn't believe this was the same man he had served with in Korea. Perhaps his life wouldn't be such a mess if Jim had gotten shot down all those years ago.

"Are we done here, sir?" Mike asked tersely.

"Yes, Major. We're finished," Jim said. In more ways than one, Mike thought as Jim stormed out of the office. Walking to the closest phone in the office, Mike picked up the handset and dialed Harold's number.

"Hey, neighbor," Harold said when he answered. "I take it you just spoke with the Colonel."

"I did," Mike said. "He just left."

"All right. Rita's on it. I'll swing by your quarters later this evening. We need to talk."

"Yes, we do. He just threatened me."

"Don't let it get to you, Major," Harold said. "And don't worry about a thing. We've got your six."

"Thanks. I'll see you this evening," Mike said before ending the call. Looking around, Mike spotted a yellow legal tablet. Grabbing a pen, he wrote a brief letter, folded it, and stuffed it into an envelope.

"Everything all right?" Deke asked when Mike returned to the simulator. Mike looked and saw Jim had already left the simulator room.

"Yes," Mike said. "Let's go nuke some fuckin' aliens."

"Now you're talking," Deke said, wondering what happened between the two men.

"Deke, would you do me a favor?"

"If I can."

Mike took the sealed envelope out of his jacket pocket. "If I don't make it back, could you please deliver this for me?"

Deke was a veteran of aerial combat in wartime and was no stranger to such requests. "For your wife, I assume?"

Mike shook his head. "No. It's for the Office of Special Investigations."

Shocked, Deke blinked. He was still focused on the mission and wanted this man focused on the task, also. There was no realistic backup. "And you are giving me this because it involves Colonel Tyson?"

"Yes," Mike said. Deke could tell that whatever this was, it affected Mike worse than he let on.

"If I promise to deliver this under those circumstances, will that help you focus on this mission to the exclusion of all else?"

"Yes, it will."

Deke put the letter in his uniform jacket. "Consider it done. Now for the simulator."


After Jim left the house that morning, Rhonda sat on the couch, her mind going in a hundred different directions after the previous night's conversation. Until then, she had never fully considered the implications of what she and Jim had been doing for the last ten years. It was all supposed to be fun and games, and no one was supposed to get hurt.

But now Jim sounded like a crazy man talking about crippling Mike's plane so he couldn't make it back home. She never even thought that the military would imprison Jim for having sex with her. How could they? He was a war hero, after all. And a high-ranking officer. Plus, he was a commanding officer and would become a general soon.

Rhonda went woodenly about her daily housework, her mind on her husband. Yes, Mike could be gruff at times, but never without good reason, and he always treated her and Lisa with warmth and love. Until recently, that is, when he overheard her conversation with Jim. Now she faced the real possibility of being divorced.

What would she do? Where would she go? How would she take care of Lisa? She had no skills, no money, nothing. Her parents were retired, and she had no other family. And deep down, she knew that Jim would eventually tire of her. She couldn't spend the rest of her life as a general's mistress. Then what? Sobbing, she dropped to the couch.

"What have I done?" Rhonda cried. She felt a tiny hand on her shoulder and looked into her beautiful daughter's face.

"It's okay, Mommy. Daddy will take care of it," Lisa said in her sweet voice. Rhonda sobbed even harder as she hugged Lisa closer, knowing in her heart that Mike would indeed take care of things. Just not the way she wanted.


After spending more than eight grueling hours in the flight simulator, Mike was mentally and physically exhausted. He grabbed a quick meal at the dining hall, then went to his assigned quarters, where he planned to catch an hour or two of sleep before calling his daughter.

He was jolted awake by a pounding on his door. Opening it, he saw Harold holding a brown paper bag.

"Howdy, neighbor," Harold cheerfully announced, pulling a bottle of root beer from the cold six-pack inside the bag.

"Hey, Harold," Mike said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Root beer? Seriously?"

"I would have brought something stronger, but I know you have a mission coming up. Besides, I know you like to keep the stuff around, so thought I'd liven your day. Mind if I come in? I've got some news for ya."

"Well, come on in, then," Mike said, wondering how much Harold knew. "I hope you've got something to open this with." Harold smiled as he pulled a bottle opener from his pocket.

"Never go anywhere without my trusty church key," Harold said, smiling. Mike chuckled for the first time in a while and accepted the opener. He opened his bottle and took a long drink of the cold liquid.

"So, what have you got for me?" Mike asked, motioning for Harold to take a seat.

"First, I have a little confession to make," Harold said.

"Don't tell me. Let me guess," Mike said. "You're really NOT Lt. Harold Keyes of the Public Affairs Office, are you?"

"Guilty as charged, Major," Harold said, confirming Mike's growing suspicions.

"So, who are you? Really? And who do you work for? OSI? FBI? CIA?"

"All in good time, Major," Harold said mysteriously.

"Can you at least tell me if I'm supposed to salute you, or do you salute me?" Mike asked.