Striking while the Iron is Hot


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Whatever Rex was thinking, Judith felt relieved that she'd got it out. She wasn't sure how much she believed what she said herself, self-denial was a powerful thing, but the issue was dealt with. For now, anyway. She pushed her tongue into her cheek again. Could she actually do that? No doubt she had some horrible, embarrassing thoughts about his -- she swallowed -- 'equipment', but when push came to shove, she wasn't quite sure she would be comfortable with that. Reality wasn't as pleasant as a carefree daydream. Rex pulled away from the hug, causing Judith to slip from her erotic thoughts and stupid blowjob impressions.

Not sure what to do now, Judith quickly returned to her babbling. "Right, so. Yes." She nodded. "That's how I feel. I hope ah-- hope you aren't mad." Rex shook his head gently. "Good. Great. Great." A small smile started on her face. "That's good." She took a deep, comforting breath. "Uh. Do you want anything else to eat before we go?" Another shake of the head. "Alright then." She paused to look at the others, who had grouped together a short distance away. A pang of panic hit her briefly as she wondered what they were doing, but it fizzled away as she returned her attention to Rex. "I guess it's time we leave." Rex groaned and pointed to her bandages. "I'm feeling better now. Plus, I can just let Carolyn steer if needed!"


"So, how did it go?" Carolyn asked.

"We've been in the car for an hour and only now do you ask me that?" Judith would have laughed if the subject weren't still touchy.

"Well, you seemed very uncomfortable when we left. Not in a pained way."

Judith looked over at Carolyn for a second. "I wasn't uncomfortable." She paused, realizing how dumb it was to deny that to Carolyn of all people. "Alright, I was a little uncomfortable." Her hand slid to the bottom of the wheel. "I just can't imagine how this will turn out."

"Only for the best, I imagine." The Lucario oddly added an audible 'mhmm'. "He seemed to like it."

"You were watching, then?" It was to be expected, but Judith couldn't say she was comfortable with it.

"Naturally, I wanted to see how it would go. You're both important to me." Judith leaned over and scratched Carolyn's soft cheek. "Oh, stop that," she fretted, not resisting it at all.

"Thanks." Judith eased into her seat. "Thanks for giving me the push too. Even if you were a bit harsh about it." She spun the steering wheel, turning into their neighborhood. "I hope you don't do that ever again," she added with a chuckle.

"I had to. I doubt you would have ever stopped with your endless schemes. And look how the last one turned out."

"I know, I know. You don't have to keep going on about it, sheesh." A smile was stuck to her face.


"What is it?" They were quickly approaching home. Almost time for a well earned rest.

"Is that a package by the door?"

"A what?" Judith struggled to hide the surprise in her voice. Did the computer say that research implement would arrive today? She leaned forward, trying to spy any sign of a brown box. Would it even be in a box?

"A package. Did you order something?" Carolyn pointed.

"No. No, I don't even know how to do that. That's crazy." She gave a dismissive breath of air. "Must have been delivered here by accident."

"That's alright. I can put it back in the post box later." Her inflection suggested she didn't entirely believe it. Judith cursed her luck and quietly pulled into her driveway. The group filed out of the vehicle, causing it to visibly ease off the ground. Judith briefly thought about getting her shocks checked before slamming the car door shut and turning her attention to the package. Carolyn was nearly at the front door.

"I can get that, no problem," Judith blurted. She rushed past Carolyn and snatched up the parcel. It made an audible thud as she yanked it up.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

Judith nodded nervously.

"So be it. The door, please," Carolyn said. The woman tucked the package under her arm. "How about I hold that for you?"

"No, no, I got it." She fished around her pockets for the keys, then shakily unlocked the door. "Go on in." Stepping aside, she watched her smaller pokemon file in. Rex stood by the garage door, patiently waiting to enter his room. Judith briefly considered setting the box down, but didn't dare go through with it. She shuffled over to the garage door and unlocked it, letting Rex pull it fully open. He gave his special smile and moved into his room. The two paused, exchanging glances. Judith opened her mouth, then closed it. She wanted to say something, anything, though the words wouldn't come to her. It didn't help that she had his package -- Her. Her package underneath her arm. "I'll see you soon." Rex nodded, waving her off.

Judith casually walked back up to the front door, just until she thought she was out of sight. Then she slammed the door behind her and rushed through the house. Her racing thoughts briefly considered heading to her room before recalling it never had a lock, as she'd never needed one. With that in mind, Judith headed straight to the bathroom. Coming to a halt, she knocked on the door. Energy bubbled up inside of her, threatening to spill over. No response. Empty. She rushed in, locked the door behind her and plopped the package onto the ground. With a second to relax, she leaned back against the door and sighed. She looked down to the ground at her package, then noticed the messy track of boot prints lead up right to her. Too late to go back now.

Not wanting to make any more of a mess, Judith set aside her boots and sat on the edge of the tub. There was a slight pause as she realized what exactly what she had gotten herself into. "You're such an idiot," she muttered, hefting the box up onto her lap. Being prepared for any cutting, even those of wild boxes, Judith produced her knife and opened up the box. She quietly set aside the blade before glancing down, in the off chance she dropped the sharp implement in surprise. A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked down at the... thing.

Inside was the usual set of cushioning bags, a leaflet, a mysterious little bottle, and that increasingly ridiculous research implement. It seemed to get longer every time she looked at it. The arrangement of the bags and the silicone erection made it seem like it was deep inside of an appropriately sized receptacle, pushing out and stretching it. Judith shook her head at her dirty thoughts and pulled the leaflet free. Inadvertently she began reading it aloud in a hushed tone. "Thank you for purchasing our completely life-like and accurate Aggron dil-- Ugh." With a roll of the eyes she crumpled the paper, pocketing it.

It took Judith quite some time to actually touch it. She mostly admired and fretted, wondering where she had gone wrong in life to find herself with it on her lap. While it lacked the glistening shimmer and had a differing coloration, it did indeed appear accurate. Her hands tentatively reached into the box and pulled the length free. Despite being quite rubbery, it remained completely erect from any angle Judith inspected it from. That was supposed to go into her? She briefly shut her eyes and corrected herself. Not supposed to. Not at all. This was just research. She slouched at the mess of her thoughts. Why even continue to deny it? She knew exactly what was happening before she left this room. Now all she could do was wonder if she could do it with the real deal.

Discarding the box, Judith held her impulsive purchase up. She quickly looked to the dildo and back down at her groin. Might as well see the damage. Fortunately there was a convenient suction cup on the bottom of the rubbery member, allowing her to plop it on the wall. Its goofy wobble added some much needed levity to the sheer nervousness running through her mind. She hooked her thumbs into her shorts and pulled them down, bringing along her underwear. Judith wondered if she should remove her socks too. Would Rex mind? Complete nudity set the mood, right? It would be fine to leave them on for the test run, she figured. The floor was fairly cold in any case.

After carefully folding her clothes and setting them on the bathroom counter, Judith moved back to examine her challenge. It certainly differed from the standard human penis she was familiar with. The erection was nearly the size of her forearm, covered in various bumps and ridges, and the entire length ended with a tapered head. She slowly ran a hand over it, enjoying the texture. Maybe the real thing wouldn't be so bad, but the rubbery, dryness of this would be somewhat of a problem. She glanced back at the box and retrieved the bottle. Lube, of course, that would certainly help.

Judith held up the bottle, pondering how much she should actually pour onto the thing. Not that she would admit it to others, but this was her first illicit toy she had ever owned. Her hand and naive imagination had done most of the work up until that point. A giant rubbery Pokemon penis was probably not the best starting point. No point in complaining now. She briefly read the directions on the bottle, albeit she was a little too excited to take in all of the instructions. 'Lather' and 'evenly' was all she gathered, and really, that was more than enough direction for her.

Squirting out a hefty amount of the clear liquid, Judith knelt down and started to polish the erection. First, one-handedly, then she added both hands as she found it more easy to cover ground that way. It didn't really occur to her up until that moment how erotic the situation was. A tingle of warmth hit her, and she sheepishly continued on. Eventually the rubber penis was slick with lube. Now all she needed to do was actually use it. She blinked, trying to imagine the best way to slip it in. Her heart started to beat faster as she imagined the compromising situations she would have to get into. Simply shoving it in by hand wouldn't work now, being far too slippery, not to mention its absurd length meaning she would have to grab it near the tip.

Looking to her left, Judith examined the tub. The interior would be a good fit for it, even if it might be too constricting for her. The bath edge, however, was the perfect width to stick it onto. Though, she had never really bounced on an erection aside from the one time. There's always a time to try new things, she figured, and pried the floppy rubber piece off the wall with a pop and plopped it on the tub. Light coming from a small window above caused it to glisten, making it seem all the more real. Her heart skipped a beat and she nervously smiled at her overactive imagination.

With a deep breath, Judith turned around and eased down onto the toy. She flinched when it graced her loins as the lube was quite cool. Its head teased her lips, it was going to happen. Judith braced herself on the tub with one hand and aimed the dildo with another. It slipped in easily and she started to feel its girth quite quickly. She grunted as it pushed through her, stretching her walls. It had been far too long since she had something inside of her. She looked down and realized she had barely taken any of it. Judith gulped and pushed forward. All the little bumps pushed up against her, growing in intensity as she slowly continued. She shivered and let out a small gasp. Hopefully the real deal was even better.

Judith sat there, enjoying the sensation working its way through her. A gentle heat had settled on her, and wriggled across her body. With her other hand now free, she slid her fingers down her stomach and into her groin, easing a digit onto her clitoris. She started to gently rub her button while beginning a slow bounce up and down, making sure she didn't go too far down. Some groans and whimpers escaped her lips, and while she might have been worried about the noise, most of her thoughts were occupied with the zaps of excitement running across her spine. She eased down a little more. Whatever small amounts of pain she felt was quickly knocked out by pleasure. The sensations urged her on, more and more, but even in her hazy state she knew her body had its limits.

A little further wouldn't hurt though, right? Judith bit her lip, taking more of the impossible length. Her rubbing increased, causing more muffled moans to force their way through. She had to stop to take a few panting breaths, then went straight back to her rubbing. A curious sense of fullness hit her, causing an imposing heat to trickle into her depths. She began her bouncing again, with just a little less care this time. It was too good. Her movements became more erratic, her body twitching and jerking in bubbly excitement. "God," she murmured.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone was at the door. Judith inhaled sharply in surprise, then fell further down. No, no, no. Not that far. She grimaced as a new sensation hit her mind. It wasn't quite pain, but it felt wrong, and yet, somehow so right. "Judith? Are you alright?" Carolyn asked. She might have been outside the door, but her projected voice made Judith feel like she was in the room with her, adding to her embarrassment. "I haven't seen you since we arrived."

Please go away, Judith yelled silently. "I'm... fine," she groaned, completely failing to hide the pleasure in her voice. Her mind told her to get up, screamed for her to pull herself up. Her body, however, refused to budge, drunkenly taking in the new curious feeling. "I'll be out in a-- a-- a-- biiiiit." She moaned, far too quickly for her hand to react and cover her mouth.

"Are you sure you're alright?" A pause came. "I can't quite see your aura through the door, but it appears odd." The door knob jiggled. "Are your wounds flaring up? Please let me inspect them." Judith panicked at the thought of Carolyn being able to see her, no matter how poorly. She worked up the mental power to stand up quickly. Far too quickly. Her socks slid across the smooth tile floor, causing her to slip and fall straight onto the ground. Judith's quick reflexes made her brace with her shoulder before she could realize how bad of an idea that was.

"Ow!" Judith groaned as a familiar pain shot through her arm. It was quickly overshadowed by the sensation of her depths shifting back into place. A confusing mix of pain and pleasure caused her to squirm uncomfortably. "Augh." She rubbed her bandages, doing little to help the situation.

"Judith?!" More clicking and shaking came from the knob.

"No. I'm fine, really!" She couldn't even finish those words before the door swung open. Judith burned with embarrassment. She could barely bring herself to look up at Carolyn. Her signature stony look hardened even further.

"Uhm. I..." Judith looked to the ground. The lines in the tiles burned into her retinas. The emotions rushing through her mind caused her to begin shivering. "I..." There wasn't a single excuse in the world for this one. Never had she felt such an overwhelming desire to simply disappear from existence.

"I see." The door slammed shut as quickly as it opened. "Clean up." Judith gave a mindless nod and continued to jitter on the floor. It took a minute or two for her to come back to reality. She curled up and realized just how badly she had messed up. No doubt Carolyn already knew what Judith wanted, which was worrying on its own, but actually seeing it in action was a whole other matter.

It took Judith another few minutes to accept what had happened. She stood up, dusted herself off, and quietly washed everything, including herself. She dressed herself slowly, her eyes stuck to the rubbery toy. With that, she carefully packaged everything away and set the box aside. She stared at it for a moment. "That wasn't so bad," she mumbled. The emotional damage still lingered, however, and she figured it would stay that way for quite some time. It would also be some time before she could look at Carolyn in the eyes. She shivered and shook her head at the thought.


Judith spent the rest of the day lying in bed, doing much of nothing. The toy she had bought was tucked far under her bed, locked away from sight. Her closet was her other choice, and she might have picked it if she didn't imagine seeing the accursed thing every time she opened it. No, out of sight, out of mind. Though that didn't seem to exactly ring true at the moment. The box's proximity brought her some discomfort and thinking of other things did little to help. She would have wandered about the house, were she not essentially trapped by her own embarrassment. She didn't want to see Carolyn or anyone else, and suffer any potential silent judgment.

Draping her arm over her eyes, Judith tried her damnest to fall asleep. Tomorrow would bring a new, clean slate, and she could put all of this behind her. Knock, knock. The woman flinched at the noise, briefly flashing back to that horrible moment. "Judy?" Damnit all. The trainer peeled her arm away and stared up at the ceiling. "Please look at me, if you would." Her eyes painfully scraped across the room to Carolyn. She froze as she noticed Jenny and Flora by her side. Chirp. Hum. Oh no, she didn't say anything, did she?

"Yes?" Judith said plainly.

"May we come in?" That was the first time any of them asked.

"Well, of course." She wasn't too keen on the idea. That was no reason to deny them, though. She sat upright.

"Flora and Jenny asked me to talk to you. They're worried your injuries are forcing you into bed." There wasn't a chance Carolyn didn't know the real reason. Judith was at least somewhat happy to know she didn't gossip, as unlikely as that seemed. "We decided to check up on you together." The other two stepped forth, one bearing a smile and the other a silent stare. Flora chirped and shoved her head underneath Judith's limp hand, prompting the trainer to pet her.

"Aw, thank you. You didn't need to do that. I'm just...tired." Judith looked to Carolyn, who gave her a nod. "I'll be fine. I've had worse." While Jenny didn't come forward for any attention, the woman petted it all the same. Flora chirruped happily as always. She then produced a carrot, handed it to Judith, and just as she did, petted her head with a vine. Judith chuckled. "Thank you for the kind gift."

"And this is from Jenny and Rex." Carolyn held up a metal statuette of a simple humanoid figure with its arm raised. Judging by the tiny ponytail and hat on the figurine, it was supposed to be Judith herself. Little eyes and a cheery smile added a flair of personality. Splotches of paint and words on the sculpture gave away its tin can construction, adding immensely to its charm.

"Oh! Thank you!" The woman held it up, admiring its simple but detailed design. Jenny spun and gave a prolonged hum.

"Now if you'll excuse me, both of you. I need to check up on Judy's wounds." Chirp. Hum. Flora gave Judith another pat before bounding out of the room. Jenny quietly departed with a wave of its magnets.

"Judy?" she asked with a smile, still admiring the figure.

"I thought you would like the name." Carolyn shrugged.

"I haven't heard you call me that in a long time. Not since you were a little-"

Carolyn quickly cut her off with a raised hand. "Please, don't remind me of that." Judith almost considered finishing her sentence. "Now. I wanted to talk to you about what happened."

"What? What happened?" This was the last thing she wanted to talk about. Her posture slumped, preparing for the incoming judgment. She gave the figurine one last look and set aside on her pillow.

"There's no need to deny it. Although I can still hardly believe it." Judith cast her eyes away. "Sorry, sorry. I'm not here to make you feel worse. I wanted to let you know that I don't think of you any less than I ever have." That was something at the very least.