Strippers and Prostitutes Ch. 15


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"Oh," replied a disappointed Ted. "It was a fun fantasy anyway. Thank you."

Emma and Paula left while Ted dressed for the outside world and farewelled Helen. Then the two lovers went to the front door, Helen pulled a wrap around her and escorted him to his car. One final kiss and he was gone.

Helen felt lost and empty as she walked inside, but reassured herself that it was only temporary and she began planning for the following weekend.


The weeks passed quickly leading up to the reunion weekend. Late spring turned to summer and many hours were spent lazing and loving by the outdoor pool, working on their tans and, for the younger staff members, working on their sexual prowess. With the warm weather complete nudity once again became the normal attire, unless, of course, someone wished to be a little more provocative, semi-hiding the object of desire from a partner. Ted and Helen became a recognized 'item' around the place with Ted spending many nights in Helen's bed and lazing beside the pool during weekends. He remained largely faithful to Helen despite several attempts by other women, still nervous in case Helen jeopardized his career by spilling the beans. He was very aware of the old saying 'Hell has no fury like a woman scorned' and did not wish to provoke any jealousy in Helen. For her part Helen noticed Ted was being hit on by some of the women but did not react to this challenge; she was quite happy for Ted to fuck whoever he wanted so long as he reserved some cum for her, but had decided to let him suffer for a while yet before she let him off the hook entirely. Helen was also teaching Ted about the use of Dungeon equipment, which Ted was discovering was quite fun, so long as they did not go to extremes.

The arrangements for the weekend, to be held over three days near mid-summer, progressed well and there were many bookings for all parts of the celebration. Two of the three days were completely booked for private Dungeon sessions and the staff prostitutes had been booked for special celebratory sessions at much lower than normal prices. It had been agreed that it would take place from Friday to Monday, Friday being an open day during which anyone could arrive without an appointment and be shown through the complex, making bookings for other activities if they wished. The main aim of the day was to show that the inhabitants of the accommodation, who also were the ones who put on shows and controlled activities, were not some freakish, sadistic creeps but normal, friendly outgoing human beings who had a common interest in various aspects of sexuality.

Saturday and Sunday were to be more formalized with both sexually oriented activities and BDSM, either as shows or for visitor participation. It was made clear that participation was voluntary and that if people chose to participate they would be expected to be naked and there would be other visitors viewing the activities. One thing that was emphasized was that non-official cameras were banned on all sites for the whole weekend.

Monday was then the staff celebration, placed last so that any whip, cane or other marks would not affect public performances. Several people had already contributed sexy games and had agreed to supervise these, with others being designed for inclusion. There had been some discussion about the role of slaves during the weekend and particularly the staff celebration and it had been decided that staff slaves would have their normal roles of being at the beck and call of the staff member they served, and trainee slaves would have roles serving members of the public from the drinks and nibbles that would be available. On the Monday staff slaves would be invited to participate in the games if they wished and trainee slaves would serve both staff and staff slaves, a rare treat for the latter. Slaves were also informed that they would be expected to be the 'victims' if required for any reasonable and approved BDSM activities that the extended family required.

Sequoia had healed remarkably well after a labiaplasty operation, reducing both outer and inner labia and, while under anaesthetic, having some surgery on her clitoral hood in the hope that it would be more sensitive after its harsh treatment. She was very pleased with both the look and the feel of the changes and only a few isolated patches of bruising were still visible. Dana was concerned about the mental and emotional scars that may still be present so Sequoia was on light duties, receiving counselling and being watched closely.

Scarlett had been officially appointed slave trainer after a trial period and was continuing to grow into the role. During her initial few weeks the whole tone of the center had changed and it was now far less threatening, but no less disciplined, than under Ivan's rule. Scarlett had always enjoyed playing with pain and had no compunction about caning or whipping a slave trainee when it was justified, but certainly stayed within the expected guidelines, ensuring that no permanent or even long term injuries were caused. Her motto seemed to be 'pain without disfigurement', which had reduced the tension in the center as all slave trainees expect to have pain inflicted but the vast majority do not wish their usually very attractive bodies to be permanently marked.

As plans for the weekend progressed, Bill and Ange were very busy setting up prospective activity sites with video and audio recording equipment. Their task was made more difficult due to changes occurring in the activities planned for the sites as ideas were tossed about, and due to the necessity of keeping 'Dana's' operating as a brothel and strip club, both of which continued to be popular, although the strip club shows during the week had reduced in scope, the main events being held on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Jeff had been supervising the production of the latest model of stimulators for men, women and couples and organizing for a large number of these to be packaged in celebratory gift wrap especially for the occasion. It had been debated whether or not the cost of these should be included in the entry fee but the decision had been made that if this cost was included, then they could not be used as prizes and it would also be unfair to the many people who had already purchased them. It was thought that the lower entry cost would also encourage more people to attend.

Generally the feeling in the community was one of anticipation, the 'oldies' remembering the earlier celebrations twenty and 25 years earlier. However, as always, there were a few who would have liked 'Dana's' to just pack up and leave and this vocal minority had been carrying out a social media campaign to try to gain greater support, without any success. It was pleasing to note that there was still huge support from the community generally and most were looking forward to a weekend of sexual freedom.


"Darling, do you think the hierarchy would agree to me coming and living here with you?" Ted asked Helen as they lay in bed after a love making session one Sunday morning.

"You'd have to apply but I can't think of any reason for you not being accepted," Helen replied, her heart racing as she thought of the fun they could have all the time and not just at weekends.

"Ok, I'll have a chat with Dana and see what she says, then formally apply."

"Oh, it would be so great having you in my bed every night. I wouldn't have to drain you each time before you leave then." She giggled at the memory of the stimulator sessions where she made Ted cum until his balls were dry.

"Yes, it would and no you wouldn't," Ted agreed.

"Right, so I'm going to ask Dana if it's Ok."

Helen climbed out of bed, bent down and gave Ted another kiss, used the bathroom then headed off to breakfast, leaving Ted lying contentedly on the bed. What a whirlwind romance this had been, she thought, replaying all the times they had made love, her teaching sessions in the Dungeon and sharing Ted with others, including Paula and Emma who, it seemed, expected replays of their original encounter each time Ted stayed.

Dana was eating breakfast with Todd when Helen slipped into the chair beside her. After they greeted each other, Helen brought up the topic in her mind.

"Dana, Ted and I were just wondering if you would consider Ted as a permanent resident. We'd both really love it if we could be together each night instead of only at weekends."

"Well," replied Dana grinning, "You sure took a long time to get round to asking. Personally I have no objections at all. How about you, honey?" she asked Todd.

"No, he seems a great guy and a great catch. I'm impressed with how well he fits in here and he certainly seems to love you," he said to Helen. "Just get him to fill out the forms and I think it will almost be a formality that he's accepted."

"Oh, thank you so much, both of you. I'm sure he'll be overjoyed," gushed Helen before she wolfed her breakfast to return and give Ted the good news.

"Just before you go." said Dana, touching Helen's arm as she rose to leave, "Once he is a resident here he will be entitled to a slave. We have no slaves ready for work experience until the end of this semester, so I wondered if maybe he would like Sequoia. I know she's still technically a trainee but she is unallocated at present, is extremely well trained, according to Scarlett, and probably deserves a break after the way she was treated by Ivan. Maybe you could suggest it to Ted and let me know his thoughts please."

"Ok, thank you, I'll discuss it with him. He has met her and I'm sure he was impressed with her, at least physically. Is she ready now or would there be a delay?"

"Her bruises have healed, at least as much as we can see, sometimes they take a while to heal completely inside. I had a look at her labiaplasty a couple of days ago and it appears to be completely healed and she does look very attractive now her lips are tighter, exposing a glimpse of her slit, and her uncovered clit looks positively gorgeous. I'm sure Ted will be very pleased with her. So she could go to Ted any time if she's acceptable to him."

"Ok, thank you. I'll tell Ted."

As Helen walked away she mulled over the thought of Sequoia being Ted's slave, available for sexual activities with her lover, and everything else that went with having another slave around them. That jealousy thing was still there a little, she noticed. It would be interesting, to say the least, she thought.

When Helen broke the news to Ted in her suite after breakfast he was really happy and very excited about the idea of having a slave, especially Sequoia. He thought she was particularly sexy and would be very happy to have her in his bed sometime, so long as Helen didn't object. He mentally pictured himself, Helen, Sequoia and Ian making love together all night. The thought caused his cock, so recently drained, to become partially hard. Helen noticed.

"Looks like you've got the hots for Sequoia already," she commented.

"Yep, it sure looks that way," he replied noncommittally with a grin.

"You want me to do anything for it?"

He considered for a short time, knowing that he was almost completely drained from cumming several times during their night together and weighing up whether he wanted to or even if he could cum again so soon. Why not, he decided.

"Hmmm, that would be nice," he answered, walking towards her with arms open wide.

"Right, my lover, down to the Dungeon for you."

Helen took him by the hand and led him downstairs to the Dungeon, hoping that it was vacant. It was, and she led him inside and shut the door.

"They say that in the old days people who wanted to join Dana's throng had to pass a test. Women had to take a huge dildo in their cunts while men had to have their balls pulled downwards and be able to withstand a certain pull. They stopped this once the reproductive control laws came in because many men didn't have balls that could be stretched down at all. However, the equipment's still here and usable so today I'm going to initiate you."

Helen led Ted to the frame above the hydraulic ram and tied him in position. She then tied his balls to the ring device she had screwed onto the ram.

"Ok, today you get a twelve pound pull, but first, the safeword for you is cucumber. Ok?"

"Ok, that's fine. If I say cucumber you'll stop immediately?"

"Yes, and whip your ass if you say it unnecessarily."

"Ok. I'm ready."

Ted braced himself and Helen started the machine, setting a tension of five pounds to begin with. Ted grimaced as the tension came on but then settled down and accepted the pain and pulling sensation as it increased to the set amount. His balls gradually stretched downwards in his sac and he noticed that the machine automatically kept adjusting the tension as they lengthened.

Helen increased the tension to nine pounds and Ted felt his balls aching as this tension came on. It felt like they were being pulled off and he looked in amazement tinged with fear at the distance they were stretched and the reddish blue color that his sac now was. Mentally he was envisaging what was happening inside, based on his knowledge of anatomy.

"Still Ok?" she asked. The last thing she wanted to do was make him incapable of giving her the babies she wanted in a few years' time.

"Yes. All good," replied Ted through gritted teeth.

"Right, up to twelve pounds. I'll hold it there for half a minute then release it. Here goes."

She increased the tension to twelve on the dial and the ram moved downwards, pulling his balls with it. Ted bent his legs in a vain effort to reduce the tension but of course the machine simply went further down and his arms paid the price. Should be use the safeword, he wondered. He alternated between watching Helen, as she watched the timer, and watching his hyperextended balls. The second hand on the timer moved painfully slowly towards the thirty second mark. Only a few more seconds to go.

"Ok, that's it," said Helen, raising the ram to remove the tension. His balls stayed long, hanging half way to his knees as Helen removed the thongs from them and allowed the blood to resume its normal circulation.

"How's it feel now?" she asked.

"Better now than a short time ago but they're still sore."

"And they will be for a few days, I have no doubt. But right now I want you to fuck me in the sex swing. You up for that?"

"Of course."

Holding hands they walked to the sex swing and Helen climbed into it, Ted tightening the straps to hold her securely in place. When she was ready he spread her lubrication using his fingers then pushed her away, letting her fall back onto his cock. It took four attempts before Helen was able to hold his cock and he then fucked her hard and deep, pushing his cock right to the end of her cunt, causing her to gasp as she quickly approached her orgasm. As she came around him, he also came, feeling her strong cunt muscles holding his cock and milking every last drop of cum he had. They rested for a few minutes then he withdrew.

"Now it's my turn," he told her.

Leaving her tied helpless in the swing he selected a multi-tailed flogger and started flicking it gently between her legs, then, without further warning, he brought it down gently on her pussy. She flinched, but made no comment. He repeated the stroke harder and she gave a small cry and wriggled to try to ease the sting.

"I'm going to give you ten more like that."

He did, each one slightly harder than the previous one, until for the last few Helen gave a small shriek as each blow landed and gasped for breath between blows as she dealt with the stinging sensations.

"Now, my darling, it's time for you to cum for me."

Ted released her from the swing and led her to the Sybian machine.

"Emma told me about this machine last week but would not demonstrate it for me. She said if I wanted to see how it worked then you would need to demo it. She did explain how to set it up though so I'll put a nice big dildo on it and then you can show me just what a cum slut you really are."

As he was talking he had selected a large dildo from the drawer, fitted it to the machine and lubricated it.

"Right, darling, ease yourself down onto that."

Helen saw no way out so to humor him she wriggled her hips to align the dildo then slowly sank down until it was fully inside her and she was firmly seated on the saddle.

"Now for the fun part," said Ted, reaching for the tie down straps and fastening her knees to the floor on each side and her wrists to the bar above and forward of her seating position to force her clit onto the vibrating fingers on the dildo pad.

"I'll start you off gently then gradually increase the speed. You look sooo sexy tied up on the Sybian, the dildo deep inside you, your clit pressed against the fingers ready to be vibrated and to make you cum again and again and again," he gloated.

"Darling, please release me. I'll stay here and cum for you but I want to be able to dismount when I want to. Please do that for me, honey."

"Hmmm, maybe you need some more bondage just to let you know who is in charge here."

Ted selected a length of rope and carefully bound her breasts, winding several strands of rope around the base of each breast tightly enough to constrict them but not so tight as to cut off the circulation. He took the rope up on both sides of her neck and tied it tightly, pulling her breasts upwards as an offering to himself.

"That looks better," he said as he admired his handiwork. He bent down and sucked on and lightly bit each nipple, watching them deepen in color and engorge still further. "Time for the fun to start."

Ted adjusted the rotation and vibration controls to a slow speed and watched Helen's response as she felt the dildo slowly rotating in her cunt as the vibrations pulsed against her clit, sending erotic sensations throughout her body. She closed her eyes and allowed the sensations to wash over her, already pushing her towards another orgasm.

Ted watched her responses closely, noticing the characteristic way she dealt with stimulation and knowing that she was already on her way to her release. 'God she's a sexy girl' he thought to himself, feeling overwhelmed by love and gratitude for Helen's love for him. He turned both dials up a little to about a third of the way towards maximum.

Helen felt the increase in sensations and almost immediately knew that she was close to cumming. Her hips began a fucking movement without any conscious thought and this served to propel her towards her inevitable orgasm even faster. Suddenly she was there.

"AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she came helplessly in her bonds, going limp for a few seconds as she passed out from the overwhelming stimulation of her nervous system. Being bound as she was she remained in position, sagging from her wrists, while the machine remained on a medium speed.

Ted watched her closely, ensuring that she was breathing and coming to no harm. After only a few seconds she revived and scowled at him.

"You could have turned it off. You've had your fun so please release me now."

In answer Ted simply increased both knobs to approximately two thirds of the way around. Helen let out a shriek as she felt the stimulation almost double and, despite having just cum hard, she felt another orgasm approaching.

"No! No more, oh please no more, please turn it off."

"Remember the safeword if you really want to stop," reminded Ted.

"No, no more. It's too much. Oooohhhh," continued Helen, obviously not yet ready to put an end to her torture.

She began thrashing about as much as possible while remaining bound to the machine and the bar above, trying to dissipate the stimulation, but with little success. She was rolling her head from side to side, moaning, shuddering and rapidly approaching her next crisis.
