Strong Safety Ch. 03

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Things change in Liam's world.
13.6k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/22/2023
Created 07/07/2023
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Foreword: The pace increases in this installment. For those interested, this won't be a forever story with no ending. It's just taking me a while to tell it. I will keep posting the chapters as quickly as I can, I understand the frustration of a long story with long breaks between publishing. Hope that you're enjoying the ride. I appreciate the feedback and the votes.

Disclaimer: This is a piece of erotic literature with sexual scenes. All participants are fictional but over the age of 18.

Our schedules got busy after that weekend. The rodeo team was traveling every other weekend and the football schedule was in full swing so we didn't see much of one another. We tried to grab lunch after classes or dinner after practices in the cafeteria at least once a week but things had shifted uncomfortably. I knew it was my fault for not being honest about my feelings for her but if there was one person I never wanted to be compared to it was my Uncle Jake. Mom was careful not to excuse her behavior but I believe an honorable man walks away from a woman in a relationship.

When it rains it pours. Our season had gotten off to the best start in years before the fecal material ran into the rotating blades. First, Mason Jones went down with a broken thumb on his throwing hand, so our starting QB was out for the rest of the season. This was painful not necessarily insurmountable because Michael Jones (no relation) was a very capable backup. The second blow came when we were in the 3rd quarter of a close game with North Greenville. Mathias Ellison, our starting all-conference tailback went down with a knee injury. We lost. Mom texted:

Mom: dinner? You name the place.

Liam: sounds good, I'll be out in 15 minutes.

Mom: Is anyone joining us?

Liam: not this time

We went back to three brothers and enjoyed a family dinner. Gigi asked, "Did anything happen between you and Alicia?"

"No ma'am, she was looking for something casual and you guys know me better than that."

"What about Lauren?" Mom asked.

"What about her? She was seeing someone and I think she still is. We're friends."

"Is that what you want, sweetheart?"

"I don't know, Mom. She's with someone and I can't be the reason that they're not together."

"I understand that Liam. I'm going to share something with you and you might get mad. If you do get mad at me and not at Lauren okay?"

"Mom, I already know y'all talk okay? She told me when they took me shopping for clothes for the rodeo. I assume that y'all are still talking, probably about me."

"You're too smart for your own good boy" Poppee roared in laughter.

"I worry about you, Liam. Boys don't tell their mamas about things in their lives."

"That's not true, Mom. We talk every week."

"And when I ask you how you're doing you say?"

"Fine or good, because I am."

"You can't describe your physical and emotional well-being in a single word, son. It's just not possible. Lauren shares her insights with me and what's going on in your world. For the past couple of weeks that has slacked off because you've started shutting her out as well."

"We haven't been able to hang out as much lately because of our schedules."

"It's more than that and you know it, son," Grandpaw Rob said.

All five faces were watching me as I tried to sort out how to explain my behavior.

"I'm not going to pursue a girl in a relationship with someone else. If there are any romantic feelings in it then I won't put myself in the middle of it. I'm not like him."

"No, you're not at all like Jake, Liam" Grandmaw Tina said, "but don't let fear of that keep you from being the friend or man that Lauren wants and needs. She has told your Mom how you've been there to protect her from some idiot on her own team on two separate occasions."

"What do you mean wants? She has what she wants with Ty."

"You sure about that?" Mom asked.

"She hasn't told me anything different and she's still with him."

"You haven't given her an opportunity, have you?"

"We get together for lunch once a week and she has my number if she needs anything."

"You've blown her off for the last two weeks, Liam. She's afraid that you're upset with her."

"No ma'am, it's nothing like that. Just that our schedules haven't synced up to allow us to get together. Between classes, practices, games, and competitions neither she nor I have much time."

"You both have a break coming up for Thanksgiving. I already know that she isn't heading home for the break because they have a rodeo in Mississippi that weekend. I would like you both to come to our house for Thanksgiving dinner. It's not an overnight trip for y'all so you guys can drive in for lunch and hang out for a while before heading back."

"I am planning on being home for at least a couple of days that week, Mom. I don't think it would work. She may already have plans with Alicia or Ty."

"Invite them all and they're welcome to stay at our house and you can stay with Gigi and Poppee. If we need more room then we'll figure it out."

"Yes ma'am."

The next Wednesday, I was able to meet with Lauren and Alicia for lunch in the student center. "Long time no see, stranger" Alicia greeted me.

"It's good to see you too, Alicia. You've been on a tear lately; seems you're breaking hearts in the competitions and on campus. Good to see you too, Lauren."

"Hey Liam, I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

"A man would have to be a fool to hide from a girl like you, Lauren. My schedule has been crazy for the past couple of weeks. I looking forward to the fall break. Speaking of which, do either of you have plans for Thanksgiving?"

"No, we have a rodeo that weekend in Mississippi so driving back to south southeast Georgia is out for me," Lauren said sadly.

"I'm not any better off, it's 5 hours one way for me so I'm just going to stay on campus" added Alicia.

"My mom was afraid y'all would be alone for Thanksgiving. She wanted me to extend an invitation to the three of you to join us at our house. We can do it as a day trip or an overnight whichever y'all prefer."

"The three of us?" Lauren asked.

"Ty is invited too."

"He won't come; he's mad at me and has been since the night we had the rodeo here."

"What?! Why?"

"He was pissed that you smashed Zack's knee. He's done for the season after surgery. He said that you shouldn't have been so brutal because you're bigger and stronger than Zack. Said that it was a dirty move to fight like that. So, I got pissed at him. I told him that if he had stood up for me and told Zack to fuck off then he could have been as gentle with Zack as he wanted to be. I reminded him that Zack had already sucker-punched you once and then I said that I was glad that Zack was off the team. Then he told me I was being a selfish bitch because Zack was one of our best riders and now our team would suffer. We haven't spoken since."

Now she had tears rolling down her cheeks and Alicia was hugging her friend trying to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry, Lauren. I was trying to stay out of y'all's way so you could enjoy your time together before he left. He was an asshole to say those things. You don't have to accept our invitation if it's going to cause you more trouble with the team."

"No Liam. I want to celebrate Thanksgiving with you and your mom. You've been an absolute friend to me and asked for nothing in return. I'm sorry that I put you in those situations. Thank you for standing up for me."

"That's what friends do and thank you for standing up for me to Ty. I'm sorry it cost you so much" I said to Lauren reaching out to squeeze her hand. "What about you, Licia? You want to join us for Thanksgiving?"

She gave me a curious look as I used the shortened form of her name. "Why not? I wasn't looking forward to hanging out on a dead campus anyway."

"So, day trip or overnight? If we go for the day then we'll leave here around 8:30 and have lunch with my family. They'll tell embarrassing stories about me over dessert and we'll head back this way about 4. Or, we can head out Wednesday afternoon after we get done with practice, say 6. You two will share my room at Mom's and I will stay with Gigi and Poppee."

"I would love to do the overnight trip," Alicia said flirtatiously. "You don't need to move out of your bed on my account."

I shook my head as the blush started to spread from my neck and through my cheeks.

"But I'm down for whatever Lauren wants" she finished.

I turned to look at her eyes which were still red from crying and asked softly, "What about you beautiful; what do you want?"

Her eyes changed at that moment. There was recognition and hunger there. I had been careful not to flirt until this point but if Ty was going to be an asshole, then his loss would be my gain.

"Yeah, overnight sounds good to me too" was her response but her expression was clear she meant more than her words were saying.


On Wednesday evening we were loaded into my truck and headed south. It was only a three-hour drive so I hoped to make it by 9:30 because my grandparents tended to be in bed by 10. I'm not one of the rich college kids with a new full-size SUV; I'm the one driving my grandfather's hand-me-down pick-up. It's an extended cab 4-wheel drive GMC pickup that's 8 years old and has 140xxx miles on the odometer. I love it. Grandpaw had helped me put a leveling kit on it so I could run 33s without any trouble and we had installed a roll-up tonneau cover right before I left for school. I was grateful for Grandpaw's good taste because I like the silver paint and dark-tinted windows. She wasn't new but she's mine and I was proud to be sitting in the driver's seat.

I picked the ladies up in front of their dorm room at a little after 6. My practice had gone long and so I was running behind. They smiled at me when I pulled up to the curb.

"Sorry, I'm late. Practice ran over a little. Y'all ready to go?"

"Yeah, where should we put our bags, and where do you want us to sit?" Alicia asked.

"I'll take your bags and seat yourselves where you're comfortable."

I was thankful they didn't seem to be heavy packers and only had a small roller bag a piece. I grabbed them and put them in the bed of the truck secured them beneath the cover and headed for the driver's door. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Lauren had flipped up the middle console and was sitting directly next to me. It wasn't the most comfortable seat and the only reason she would sit there was to be next to me. Alicia had taken the remaining front seat.

"We both get carsick so we like to ride up front," Lauren said weakly.

I leaned close and spoke softly into her ear, "I think you're right where you belong." She smiled at me and those dimples appeared. Damn, I love those dimples.

"Are you two going to be flirty and gross the whole time, 'cause I can just stay here" Alicia teased.

"Jealous much?" Lauren pushed back.

"A little, I have seen him in his underwear." She laughed as I turned red.

"Who's in charge of the music for this road trip?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I am!" they said in unison giggling wildly.

"Well get something playing and let's get on the road."

Jordan Davis began singing about his world and how it spins as the BFGs under my truck started chewing pavement. This isn't an interstate drive and we were on state highways for most of the drive which kept my speed to around 60 mph. It wasn't long until the pop country had faded and sappy love ballads took over. My musical deficiencies aren't limited to dancing. I can't sing, either. I was doing my best to keep my voice lower than the radio so they couldn't hear me. Then Brett Young came on singing about his hidden feelings and I could feel Lauren's eyes on me.

In case you didn't know, I'm crazy bout ya and I'd be lyin' if I said I could live this life without ya, even though I don't tell you all the time, you had my heart a long, long time ago. In case you didn't know.

She watched me the whole time I sang along with Brett. As the song ended she kissed me gently on the cheek and snuggled into my shoulder. I took my right hand off the wheel and she happily wrapped my whole right arm in a hug. Alicia looked over at us and smiled sweetly.

I knew instantly that I was in deep trouble. It had been a matter of hours that I had allowed myself to start flirting with her and I was developing feelings for Lauren. I was already hoping she would become my girlfriend and my first lover.

As we pulled into my hometown, I gently shook my arm to awaken Lauren who had fallen asleep cuddled into it. "We're here" was enough to awaken Alicia. We pulled into the small 2-bedroom house I had grown up in. Mom had started out renting it but was able to purchase it from the estate when the previous owner passed away. She was only 41 now and I hoped that she might try and start over now that I was out of the house but she seemed determined to remain right where she had landed after my dad's death.

I opened the front door and announced us by yelling "Mom, we're here." She came out of the little kitchen and greeted us each with a hug. "Girls I have Liam's room set up for y'all. The bed is a queen so y'all can share or I can make out the couch if you would like your own space."

"We're roomies on the road so we're fine sharing" Lauren assured her, "Thank you for hosting us. We really appreciate your generosity."

"Liam, why don't you get their bags and you can head over to Gigi and Poppee's" Mom instructed.

"Yes ma'am" and I headed out to grab their bags.

"Mrs. Stanley, would it offend you or Liam for him to stay here on the couch tonight? I would like to talk with him a little while and I know he said his grandparents turn it early."

"Thank you for asking me first and I'm okay with it as long as he doesn't mind. Is it a private conversation, I can hide out in my bedroom if you need the room."

"Semi-private, we're not talking about anything embarrassing, just personal."

"I take it y'all's relationship has changed."

"Not sure but I would like it to."

They stopped talking as I came back into the front door with Lauren's and Alicia's bags. "Liam, can I ask a favor from you?" Lauren asked sincerely.

"Yes ma'am"

"Would you be comfortable staying on the couch tonight so we can spend some time talking tonight? I have something I need to ask you."

"Yeah, I can stay here. Let me text Gigi and let her know about the change of plans. Mom, can you get me the sheets and blankets I'll need for the sofa."

"Do you want me to grab your bag while you text your grandmother," Lauren offered.

"No, I didn't even bring one."

"Wait, what? What were you going to take to your grandparent's house."

"Don't need to take anything. I have my own room and clothes there already. You may want to prepare to face Gigi's wrath for asking me to stay here tonight" I said with a wink and a smile.

"Y'all wear me out. Is it okay for me to use your shower before bed, Mrs. Stanley?" Alicia asked.

"Of course sweetheart, let me show you where everything is" Mom replied leading her toward the bathroom.

When they were out of the room Lauren said, "Let me go get changed for bed and then we can sit in here and talk."

"Okay, would you like something to drink or to snack on?"

"Are you having something?"

"I've missed Mama's sweet tea and I could go for some popcorn."

"That sounds wonderful! I'll have what you're having" she said with a smile.

"It will be here when you get back." Then I pulled her into a hug.

3 minutes and 20 seconds later I dumped the popcorn into a bowl big enough for us to share and carried it into the living room where I had already placed the tea. I sat down on the sofa to wait for Lauren but she appeared almost as soon as I sat down. She had changed out of her jeans and boots and was in what I believed to be one of my t-shirts and some shorts that only peaked out when she raised her arms high enough for the hem of the shirt to ride up. Her hair was still in a ponytail.

She sat down on the far end with her back to the arm. I was a little disappointed because I had enjoyed the closeness in the truck and was afraid that it had been a one-time thing.

"What's on your mind, beautiful?"

She blushed and said, "That. You never flirted with me before Liam and now things have changed. You've changed. What's goin' on?"

"You were unavailable before and now you're not. I really like you, Lauren. You're beautiful, sexy, smart, sassy, and the most desirable woman I've ever met. I couldn't tell you all this before because of what you and Ty had going on but he decided to put the rodeo team above the most incredible woman in the world and I want an opportunity to convince you that I am or can be what you're looking for."

"Wow, that's a lot. Let's start with Ty and me. I told you that we weren't a couple, why didn't let me know then? I was trying to ask you."

"I get that but two things. When we first met you told me that you already had a crush on someone and weren't looking for anything more than friends. Number two, infidelity has had a major impact on my family. I'm not ready to go into all the details but it's safe to say that I won't break up a relationship and I have absolutely no tolerance for cheating."

"I can understand those two reasons. I feel the same way about cheating. Liam, I think you're something special. I would like to see if we could be more than friends" she said the last part with a smile.

"I would like that too." I stretched my hand out to her and she accepted it. It felt so right to pull her to me and she seemed happy to settle into my lap. I heard movement in the hallway and said "Come on out, mom. We're done with the serious stuff."

"I'm not your mother and you better be glad otherwise I would spank you" chided Alicia.

"You made that weird" I laughed.

"Yeah, it sounded different in my head. So, I guess you two have figured it out."

"Don't know about that but we're going to try to" Lauren said looking at me.

"Have you kissed her yet? You know you're supposed to after all this drama" Alicia asked me.

"I was about to give it a shot when I heard someone lurking in the hallway. You trying to perv on us?"


"You out? Coming up empty? Can someone give Licia a line she's about to have tap out" I teased.

"Just shut up and kiss her already" she came back.

"Damn, that's a good line" I smirked and turned to Lauren to ask, "Is that okay with you?"

She nodded and smiled at me. Wow!

Our foreheads came together and then our lips found their counterparts. Her lips were full, pouty, tender, and sweet. I lost rational thought as soon as we connected. My world became Lauren and her sweet kiss. I didn't want to lose the moment but I didn't want our first kiss to become a sloppy make-out session in front of Alicia either. I broke our kiss and simply pulled her deeper into my arms and held her like she was the most important thing in the world. She sighed contentedly and allowed me to hold her.

"Aww, you guys are too sweet. Can I have some of your popcorn?"

It was only 10:30 so I turned on the TV we watched the end of some rom-com with Ryan Gosling. The girls giggled like crazy when I took his shirt off.

"I don't know, Liam" Alicia chattered while munching popcorn, "you might have him beat. I think your abs may be better than Ryan's."

"When did you see Liam's abs?" Mom asked after appearing suddenly.

"When he was in his underwear in the dressing room while we were shopping for rodeo clothes" Alicia grinned.

"Liam, I thought I taught you that changing rooms were private areas, son. Why were you hosting young ladies in your changing room?" she teased.

"Oh, I didn't see any private areas, Mrs. Stanley. Just unmentionables" Alicia continued her verbal jest.