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Cuckolding/hot-wife story.
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SUCCESSION by Andrew1968

This is a cuckolding/hot-wife themed fantasy story. It features some husband humiliation. Please be aware of that. I will delete any rude/useless comments. I will routinely discard any rude/useless email I receive.

This story moves from one part to the next in fairly swift succession. The story covers a period of time extending from a couple's honeymoon onwards. The first three parts of the story end in the same way - a wife chases a man or a group of men down while her enthralled husband watches. The fourth and final part features the sex the hot-wife enjoys with her black lovers and the slow disintegration of her husband from a man into a mere shell, addicted to voyeurism and endless humiliation.



It was one of those fateful moments. It was one of those occasions when everything changes for the better.

Ben didn't notice the significant exchange of glances, the flirty smiles, the body language, and the briefly spoken words between his wife, Jessica and the black man she swiped a barstool from. All Ben noted was his pretty young bride bringing the stool back to their table, so Ben had a place to sit, while he ate his hamburger and drank his beer.

Jessica had been looking about for one extra stool when she spied the man she desired and the barstool she needed. He was sitting in a corner all by himself. He was occupying a table large enough to seat four people. He had one seat to himself. He had one seat to spare. Jessica wasn't sure where the other two stools had gone. She assumed other scavengers, not unlike herself, had rushed in and nicked the other two from him.

The man Jessica was checking out, from across the room, was a few years older than she was. She estimated he was in his early thirties. He was tall and handsome. He was well muscled with very dark skin and black hair. He was dressed in a singlet top, not unlike Jessica's, apart from the vast size difference. Jessica noticed his white shorts and the track shoes he wore.

Jessica had approached him. She walked right up to him. She was standing just a few feet from him and then just a couple of feet from him.

"Do you mind if I take this seat," Jessica had softly asked him, with a gentle smile, while she gazed up into his dark eyes, "unless you need it, of course?"

He had looked down at her. The woman who approached him was in her late twenties. He noticed the rings she was wearing. She was married. She was just married. She was on her honeymoon, he correctly judged. She was such a tiny woman. She was so pretty, like a doll. She had large eyes, small pouty red lips and a delicious little body. His large black cock began to stir and thicken in his shorts as she and he exchanged soundless desire for each other. Jessica leered up at him with a lazy grin. He slowly and deliberately licked his lips.

The large black guy knew Jessica's sort well. They were horny liberated types who were always having sex or focused on organizing their lives so they could get sex at some point in the near future. They were usually white women who more or less openly desired dark skinned men. They were usually married or else involved in a long term relationship with some other man. They tended to be self-centered, pleasure-hungry and fun-loving. Marriage was more of a casual thing and not at all about the unbreakable chains of a "death do us part" contract. The large black guy knew the type well. He loved them.

Most men, who were married to such a woman, would carefully watch her. Most men, who were married to such a woman, would keep an eye on her, put their foot down, and draw a line in the sand and say: no, you can't cross that line. Sometimes, however, a male wouldn't object or stand in the way of their wife spending time with a tall dark stranger while they were on vacation or even enjoying their honeymoon. Some husbands were soft. Some husbands had trouble saying no. Some husbands just loved the idea.

"What was that," he finally asked, breaking the silence, before picking up his drink and sipping it.

"Oh sorry," Jessica said, breaking into soft happy laughter, averting her eyes, then rolling them and shaking her head at herself, before looking up at him again with her best "come fuck me" expression. "Hey, do you mind if I take this stool? I'm short one. My hubby needs it."

"You're a short one alright," the man said, causing Jessica to playfully scoff, then grin at him and watch him with her wide bright eyes. "You're a cutey. What's your name, sweetie?"

"Awww shucks, mister, you'll make me blush," Jessica said, batting her long lashes, fanning her face with her hand and then playing with her long fine brown hair, "sooo, can I take it or not...?"

The sexy male broke into soft laughter. Jessica chuckled. She dropped her eyes and ran her vision over his large muscular arms, shoulders and chest.

"Nice pecs and guns," Jessica whispered with a pleased expression on her face. "Mmmm, yummo - anywho, can I swipe your spare stool, mister?"

"Well, only if you give me your number and your name, cutey," the large black male stated.

Jessica burst into delighted laughter. She pouted. She made sure he could clearly see the shape of her breasts. She was pleased to note he was looking and she was happy - her nipples were protruding and visible through her singlet.

"Really," Jessica said playfully, grinning as he considered her tits.

"Uh huh, I'll call you, baby and we can get together and have a drink sometimes," the large black man suggested, "or you can even join me now..."

"Well, I am here, with my husband, on our honeymoon," Jessica softly explained, picking up the empty barstool and dropping her eyes to assess the large looking bulge in his white shorts, "mmmm, mmmm, that looks nice."

"You like what you see, do you?"

Jessica burst into soft laughter. She looked up into his dark facial features. She was blushing. She was all silly.

"Look, let me see what I can do, baby," Jessica stated with a smile, blowing him a kiss. "I might be able to join you for a drink."

"For sure, girl, I've taken care of more than one married babe, who's been looking for something better, while on her honeymoon," the big black man softly said as Jessica turned, ready to walk away with the stool.

"Uh huh, noted and appreciated, don't you go away now - oh, and my name's, Jessica, by the way or Jess to my friends," Ben's wife said, over her shoulder.

"Uh huh, I'll stick around - damn," the male whispered, his eyes glued to Jessica's sexy little swinging curves as she marched off across the room with the barstool in her hands.

Jessica was bouncing about. She was wearing a baseball cap, a singlet top, tight small shorts and a pair of thongs on her pretty feet. She wasn't wearing any underwear or a bra. The shape and contours of her pear shaped breasts were clearly visible through her thin top. Her little shorts were stained with a damp spot at the crotch from her wet pussy. Her long brown hair was down and tied back in a ponytail. Her beautiful facial features and her body were tanned. Jessica looked so sexy as she raced about and jumped up and down on the spot.

"Are you okay, Jess," Ben asked, noting the distracted look on his new wife's face and aware of her fidgeting.

"Hmmm," Jessica said, raising her eyebrows, sighing, dropping her light blue eyes and shrugging. "Oh, I'm fine, I'm just a bit hot and distracted - that's all."

"You're always hot and distracted," Ben muttered with smile.

"Uh huh," Jessica affirmed, still restlessly moving. "I have ants in my pants."

"Why don't you come and sit down, babe," Ben suggested, patting the barstool next to his. "Your lunch's getting cold."

"I'm not really that hungry, babe," Jessica softly stated, picking up her margarita from their table, turning, sipping and running her eyes over the good looking guy she had taken her husband's stool from. "I might gnaw on something later. I'm hoping it'll be something long, dark and hard."

"Ah, yeah, sure, Jess," Ben muttered, scratching his head, looking confused.

Ben noted his wife. He watched the direction of her eyes. Jessica was swinging her upper body back and forth as she sipped her cocktail from a short straw. She was moving her sweet hips to the rhythm of the music drifting out to them from the bar. She stopped drinking for a moment. She was looking at something or someone.

Jessica's husband followed the line which was running from his wife's eyes to her target. Ben gasped with surprise. His beautiful little wife was running her gaze over an older black guy, who was sitting all alone at a large table in a far corner of the room they were in. Ben noticed the hulking size of the dark skinned man. Ben noticed how tall he was.

Ben turned back to his sexy wife. Jessica was watching the black guy in the corner with a soft inviting smile on her face. Her large eyes looked flirty and playful. She was gently swaying with the music. She placed her lips on the end of the straw and sucked. The liquor flew up through the interior of the straw and filled her mouth. Ben watched Jessica. She was just staring at the large black man in the corner as she moved her body from side to side and enjoyed her margarita. Ben noticed. Ben saw it. The black guy was looking back at Jessica. The big black man was grinning at Ben's wife and motioning her to come to him. Ben turned his head and watched his wife. She finished sipping. The straw fell from her mouth. She licked her lips and then she just beamed at the smiling black guy.

"Oh my God," Ben whispered, sitting back on his stool, before reaching out, picking up his glass of beer and gulping it.

Jessica turned to her husband. She stepped forward and set her margarita down on their table. She didn't look up at Ben for a moment. She was still wriggling and moving her body. She finally looked up and met her husband's wide startled eyes. She was grinning. Her light eyes were sparkling.

"Are you okay," Jessica asked Ben, "you look so shocked and surprised?"

"Do you know that guy," Ben asked back, "who's sitting in the far corner down there?"

"Oh, you mean that big black man?"

"Yeah," Ben asked, while his sexy wife fidgeted.

"Well, sure," Jessica stated. "I went and grabbed a spare barstool from him. He let me have one. The one you're sitting on, Ben."

Ben scratched his head. He nodded.

"Ummm, okay," Ben said, raising his eyebrows, before picking up his glass of beer and drinking.

There was a long silent moment. Jessica was nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Hey babe," Jessica asked, playing with her hair and smiling, "do you mind, do you mind if I go and have a quick drink with him...?"

Ben choked. He spluttered. He set his glass back down on the table. Jessica kept talking as her husband started coughing.

"I know we're married and we're on our honeymoon, but I don't think it would be that big of a deal if I spent some time getting to know the locals. He's a friendly guy. We chatted a bit while I was grabbing a stool for you. I mean he's nice and polite. I mean it might be fun having a drink with him and getting to know him better."

Ben finished coughing. He grabbed his paper napkin and rubbed his wet lips. He dabbed. He dropped the napkin.

"So, what do you think, babe," Jessica continued, in a bright tone, with a friendly expression on her face, "do you mind if I go and have a drink with him?"

Ben looked at his beautiful wife. She looked so keen to join the big black guy at the far end of the room. Ben didn't have the heart to say no to her. The idea actually thrilled him.

"Ummm, okay, Jess - if you really want to," Ben stated with a surprised smile on his face. "I don't mind if you go and do that."

Jessica gasped and squealed with pleasure. She clapped her hands together. She bounced up and down on the spot. Her ponytail flew from side to side and her breasts moved beneath her top.

"I just love you," Jessica exclaimed enthusiastically. "You're the best husband a girl could ever ask for! I really appreciate this! I won't be too long, I promise. It'll just be a quickie! Will you be okay here all by yourself?"

"Ummm, yeah sure, Jess," Ben said, scratching his head. "I'll just be sitting here."

"Good boy," Jessica stated, quickly leaning in, kissing her husband on the cheek with a loud smack, withdrawing, turning and then running off towards the big black guy at the four seat table in the corner at the far end of the room.


Jessica stood there silently in the dark. She watched her two young children for a long moment. Both kids were sound asleep. Jessica sipped her champagne. She abruptly turned. She walked to the bedroom door, turned the handle, pulled the door open, stepped out and closed the bedroom door behind her.

Jessica's husband, Ben was waiting for her in the corridor. Jessica turned to him after she had soundlessly pulled the bedroom door closed and let go of the handle.

"How are the twins," Ben asked, a bit too loudly.

"Shoosh," Jessica softly hissed up at Ben, before breaking into a grin, laughter and then continuing to speak as Ben ran his arm around Jessica from behind and pulled her close, "don't wake the kids, Ben - they're finally asleep."

"Okay, okay," Ben whispered, slowly inhaling the scent of Jessica's scalp, before breaking contact to imbibe more beer.

Ben's wife smiled. She drank more champagne. She pressed her body against her husband's and rubbed her form against the underside of his hard cock. Ben laughed. He ran his free hand down Jessica. He drank more beer.

"Do you like that," Jessica whispered up at him playfully, before softly chuckling.

"Yeah, I love it," Ben exhaled with a sigh, after he had finished his swig.

Jessica turned to face her husband. She took his hand in hers. She pulled him down the dark corridor, away from their children's bedroom. The two of them stopped at the top of the stairs. She turned to face him again.

Ben's wife sipped more champagne. Jessica swallowed and grinned up at him. Ben ran his free hand around her. She forced herself up against him. She was so tiny. She was only five foot, three inches tall. She had long chocolate colored hair, large blue eyes and lightly tanned skin. Ben's 31 year old wife had a beautiful body. Jessica was so striking. Jessica was so attractive.

Jessica finished her glass of champagne. She parted her full lips after she swallowed. She smiled up at him with an inviting expression on her face. Ben lined up his wife. He leant in. He kissed Jessica's mouth. The two of them burst with gasps and sighs. She ran her fingers through his hair. The kiss was intoxicating. Jessica was glued to him. She caressed his dick with her belly. Ben was grabbing at her petite form with his free hand. He almost spilt his beer. He tried forcing his tongue inside her mouth. Jessica instantly withdrew.

"Spoilsport," Ben hissed in her face as she grinned at him, studied his eyes in the dark corridor and then quietly laughed at him.

"Turned on, huh," Jessica asked Ben, before leaning back in and planting soft, hot pecks on his cheeks and ears.

"Absolutely, and you," Ben asked, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation of his gorgeous wife's kisses and caresses.

"Of course, isn't it obvious," Jessica whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ben exhaled in Jessica's ear as she seduced him and wound him up.

"Are you gonna cum in your pants, Ben," Jessica asked him, breathing into his ear.

"No, no, no," Ben hissed, his cock twitching and threatening to do just that, as Jessica rubbed herself up against him and kissed and stroked him, "I won't, I won't, I won't."

"Are you sure, Ben," Jessica breathed in his ear, after she had finished licking and nibbling on the end of his lobe. "You're sure you're not going to cum in your pants."

"Uh huh, uh huh," Ben muttered, nodding, "I won't, I won't."

"Really," Jessica asked him again, standing up on tippy toes, her tight tiny frame stuck to his and her lips pressed against the entrance into his inner ear.

"I won't baby, I won't - I promise."

"Good, I don't want you to either," Jessica softly said, before pausing and then changing the subject once she was sure Ben was under her spell. "We really do have to talk about Winston. We have to get this sorted. We have to make a decision and stand by it. He's waiting downstairs for me and we've left him all alone for ages now, so it's gonna have to be a quick decision, so I can get back to him."

"Yeah, I know," Ben whispered, nodding, dropping his eyes.

"We've been married now for four years and it's been a wonderful four years," Jessica whispered, between planting soft kisses on her husband's cheek and ear, "and we've had two beautiful children, whom we're raising together. You have a settled career and are earning good money. I have a great group of friends. Maybe it's time to begin a new chapter. Obviously, neither of us wants to lose the good things we have, but there's always room for new experiences and growth."

"Does this new chapter revolve around you and Winston getting together?"

Jessica softly sighed. She smiled. She spoke a moment later.

"Of course, Ben - your best friend's waited so patiently for his chance to be with me. Winston really has put his entire life, on hold, for years, so he can be with me."

"He has, yeah," Ben admitted. "It must be hard for him."

"For sure, it really must be. I can't imagine what Winston's going through, but it must be an emotional hell for him," Jessica continued. "I realized he was attracted to me when I first met him years ago. I never imagined he would fall in love with me, but he did. I naturally assumed he would get over it, when you and I got engaged and then married, but he didn't. I thought he would find someone else or just drift out of our lives, but he hasn't."

"Yeah, he really does have a thing for you," Ben agreed. "He's never gotten over it."

"A thing for me," Jessica hissed, surprised and then annoyed by her husband's words. "Winston adores me - he loves me - he worships the ground I walk on. Do you know how hard it's been for me to keep him at arm's length all this time and keep saying no to him? It's been tough for me and heartbreaking for him."

Ben licked his upper lip. He nodded.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Jess."

"You really haven't been very helpful, honey, or of much use, Ben," Jessica continued. "I mean, for God's sake, make a decision, one way or the other and stand behind it."

Ben nodded. He was about to speak, but Jessica cut in.

"At the very least, express an opinion, so I know what you're thinking."

Ben nodded. He was about to speak, but Jessica cut in.

"Babe, how much longer is your best friend going to have to wait? It's so unfair to keep him hanging like this."

Ben was about to say something, but Jessica cut him off again.

"Is he going to get a shot with me or not, Ben," Jessica asked, adopting a sharper and more demanding tone of voice, while prodding his chest with her fingertip. "If not, then you really need to put your foot down FINALLY and tell him that, and if so, you really need to give us both the green light and step aside so we can actually make it happen and get together."

Ben gazed down at his wife. He leant in and kissed her scalp. He exhaled in her hair. He inhaled. Her scent was so intoxicating and overwhelming. Ben was about to speak. Jessica was waiting impatiently.

"Hey, are you two alright up there," Winston suddenly called out from the bottom of the staircase. "You haven't got lost up there, have you?"

"Yeah, we're fine, Winston," Jessica stated, after turning her head in his direction, before turning back to her husband with a stormy expression on her beautiful features. "Your best mate and I are just talking and sorting a few things out. It won't take much longer - I promise, baby. We'll back down soon, honey."