Succubus Awakens


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I was also freaked out, felt guilty, and was determined to never see that happen again, to anyone. The idea of my magic extracting a price for balance, was almost as horrifying to me as the idea of abusing that magic and forcing it to steal a whole life for my power. It was shocking, and it was a hard lesson learned in my life. Harder for my principal, who'd lost two years of his life over it.

Obviously, it hadn't put me off sex, but sex was a large part of who I was. There was no giving that up, no more than I could give up eating, drinking, or breathing. It was who I was, I just had to make sure I followed the magic's urgings, so that it never came to that again. I also talk comfort in it, dove into it, but with a new sense of caution.

Chapter Eight -- Nightmares Take Two

Dennis said, "Unbelievable, you just went back to life as normal, thinking you'd get away with it?"

I shrugged, "You know I felt guilty, but yes. As far as the humans go, the coverup was a complete success. I just hadn't known about our world yet. Or that they'd smell something rotten when the paper ran a local story about Butler retiring. They even mentioned he looked older, and he had finished graying overnight, as well as having a haunted look in his eyes. Along with the mystery and scandal of a disappearing coach in a small town... well that was enough to draw you lot out to see if a nascent half-demon or some other rogue was involved.

"I'm not positive, but I suspect one of your investigators must've went to talk to Butler. Broke the enthrallment and got him to talk, either spell or compulsion."

I had the feeling the old nightmare would be back that night. The one that had plagued me for two years before fading. I had thought I was in the clear, little did I know the worst was yet to come. It was because of vividly remembering the memories of course, dredging all that up leading right up to what happened in the middle of the night that night, meant that I was very much dwelling on it. Dwelling on what had happened next. I'd be surprised if I didn't have a nightmare about it.

At least I'd be spared reliving it in detail in the waking world, there'd been no sex or enthrallment that night, after all.

It also filled me with rage, and it made me want to burn this place to the ground, but I took a deep breath. Revenge was an empty pursuit, especially in a world filled with so much violence, and it was their mind-rape that had me so on edge and the old memories tearing at my brain. I'd mastered that deep hatred of the councils long ago, for what they did to me.

I ate my evening meal silently, and for once they kept their mouths shut as I tried to calm myself. My mind was in turmoil as they took me back to my cell.

I blew out a breath, and I smiled grimly as the suppression spell on the cuffs finally snapped, and I took in a deep breath. It'd taken me almost three full days to do it, with nothing available to me but the tiny trickle of magic I'd had access to. I could hardly believe it'd worked. That was just phase one though, I had to get a lot of other stuff done too, and not get caught doing it in a building full of witches that could feel magic as long as they had active spells going.

Good thing I was half fae, and fae magic specialized in stealth and trickery.

Maybe my escape plan wasn't so crazy after all.

Once I had enough magic to start, I enchanted the cuffs with a glamour that both hid the fact I had any magic at all to work with, and that would feel to the witch like their enchantment was still active. It was a start, but all it did was cover my tracks for step one.

Even at full power I couldn't fight my way out of the council headquarters building, there'd be too many, and I'd be overwhelmed. Even if I managed to take down most of them, the Nephilim in the building would kick my ass.

I tossed and turned a bit more, planning in my mind, until I finally fell asleep.

Three years ago...

I felt another supernatural for the first time the second night after the last day of school. Woke up from a dead sleep. It was odd, as I felt them move toward the house. Me me, knew that I was feeling six shifters, two vampires, two witches, and a Nephilim, but the younger me this had happened to didn't have a clue at that point what they were.

The former felt wild and untamed, the second cold like the night itself, the third kind felt like nature and the elements, and the last felt like burning hot fire to my senses. It was a subtle thing too, and hard to fully quantify, but I knew there were eleven supernaturals closing in around my house, and I also knew they weren't here to ask me to join their club.

It was shocking, and I was frozen for critical moments not sure what to do about it, as my heart started to pound in my chest and adrenaline flooded my body. They felt dangerous.

Before I could break out of that indecision, I heard and felt them breach the house through the front and back door.

That freed me from my hesitation, and I pulled on the yoga pants and t-shirt next to my bed as fast as I could, which was pretty fast for a fae. Unfortunately, not from what happened next, as I heard my father pump his shotgun.

"Freeze!" he yelled from the top the stairs as he ran down the stairs, while I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my backpack as I headed toward the door.

The backpack held a small purse, and over three thousand dollars from my six weeks of whoring. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but just in case I had to run I'd need that money.

My heart skipped at the loud growls in response, then my father's startled yell and the explosion of his shotgun. As I opened my door, that yell turned into a horrific scream that cut off in gurgles, and I froze again as my eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat then took off like a hummingbird in my chest.

My father was dead, and I'd never been in a fight before, save Mr. Jackson. I had no idea what I was facing, my father had just died, and I was partially frozen with shock and fear as I stepped out into the hallway.

"Mom, get in your room now and lock the door!" I yelled as I saw her peeking down the hallway with wide frightened eyes. No one was more surprised than me when she actually did it. Until I realized I'd just used my enthrallment on her.

I turned to see my brother with his shotgun and a look of rage on his face at dad's death, and I repeated my order as the enemy flowed up the stairs. It was reflex, only in hindsight did I realize I'd given the orders in the hopes they'd not kill my human family after they'd killed me. My instinct had been to protect them, and I knew they stood no chance against what had come for me.

The cold ones came first, so much faster than all the others. They were light on their feet, dressed in business casual clothes, and looked quite young. They did have fangs, and long clawed nails on their fingers, but my real worry at the moment was the scintillating light reflecting from their swords.

Swords. What the hell?

Much like Mr. Jackson my power of Hellfire reacted instinctively. I'd been experimenting the last couple of days, and it was an impossibly hard power to master. It took unshakeable focus, because the fire would follow my wishes, even a random thought. If my focus on keeping it contained as a shield faltered in the slightest, the fire would explode off of me, and once disconnected it had a mind of its own.

More than that, it shared it's hunger and bloodthirst for consuming life, so it's very nature made it easy for random thoughts to make it explode away from me, and increased the difficulty of focusing without distracting thoughts.

But it was all I had, and the hallway exploded with green light as fire licked over my whole body at the last second because they zipped down the upstairs hallway faster than I could track. All I could see is a blur of movement, not make out details.

I saw the look of shock in the vampire's face, as his sword slammed into my neck and stopped cold, the flames of hell would protect me from physical and magical harm, as long as I fed them and had the magic to support them. I'd figured out that much in the last two days.

Vampires were the fastest supernatural race, but fae were second best that way. More than that, vampires were extreme fire hazards. They were far more vulnerable to fire than anything else save the sun. Not that I'd known that at the time, but it had worked out for me. My hand shot out like a snake and gripped his neck, and the fire sheathing my hand made the vampire go up like a roman candle.

I focused all my concentration on it even in my shock, in pure survival mode, and pulled all that fire and magic back into me and the bastard fell dead and crisped. The second vampire was gone, back downstairs and right next to the guy that felt like fire and the two that felt like nature. The two wild ones were still downstairs as well, one of those had killed dad. Outside, were the other four wild ones that hadn't breached, it looked like they were guarding the house. They were watching all four sides for an exfiltration effort.

I heard him say, "Definitely a demoness, and half fae. Raymond is dead."

I tilted my head, and then reached down and picked up the sword. I shook my head in fascination, as my fire licked down the sword and covered it in a nimbus of green flames.

The fire one said, "Burn her out."

My heart seized. Besides being immune to fire making the order dumb, my mother and brother were stuck in their rooms. Although, the house wasn't immune to fire. If they set the house on fire we'd all die, and running downstairs was suicide. The one that felt like a small sun to my senses was easily as powerful as I was, and he probably knew what he was doing in a fight.

It was only my greater power as a demon that allowed me to take the vampire so easily. It also told me what I was, half demon, I was a succubus after all. And a fae, the ears.

"Don't bother, I'm out of here!" I yelled, even as the witches started to cast a spell. I didn't hesitate that time, and ran back in my room, leapt into a ball, and slammed through my bedroom window. I didn't feel a thing with the flames around me taking the impact, nor did I feel myself hit the ground except my brain did rattle a bit from the quick stop as I rolled and hopped up from my feet.

I yelled, "Protect and follow me!" at the pony sized wolf lunging for me.

He locked his legs and slid to a halt right in front of me, its amber eyes burning in hate and anger.

I smirked. I hadn't known it at the time, but the witches had fucked up not shielding them from my ability to do that. Perhaps they hadn't known at the time I was a succubus, because normal warrior demons couldn't do what I just did. But I hadn't known any of that at the time.

The other three wolves raced around the house and I turned, sending my power to all three of them. Unlike compulsion enthrallment didn't require eye contact, I just had to be touching them with that magic.

"Stay here and delay them! Kill them if you can."

The three wolves changed trajectory and ran for the house and the other supernaturals inside.

Then I turned and ran my ass off, a huge wolf running behind me as I faded into the woods outside of town. I was very familiar with my fae power of glamour and I let the fire recede as I covered up my trail by blocking my scent as well as the shifter wolf's. I ran a long way before I looked back, and horror and shock filled me at what I saw.

They'd done it anyway, burned my house. Why? I could see the glow of fire filling up the night from the direction of my house. It made no sense to me, and filled me with a rage, I wanted to hunt them down, but that would be stupid.

Still, I'd killed them. I'd killed them too, I mean. My heart twisted in horror at the idea, and what my brother and mother must be feeling, as they were choking on smoke and the heat of the fire was closing in around them, and they would be unable to leave their rooms. I'd done it to protect them, and they'd have probably died anyway trying to protect me, but I killed them.

Results matter, not intentions.

My whole family died that night.

I kept running, tears running down my cheeks and sobs escaping my strangled throat...


I gasped as I woke up in a cell, covered in sweat. I was so tempted then, so filled with rage, and power. I'd slept long enough to recoup my magic, and I imagined I could burn this place down and kill most of them before the couple of Nephilim there could kill me. Nephilim were rare after all, there was no more than two or three in most major cities, and one of those was running the council. Many smaller cities didn't have them at all, and they would have to call in Nephilim to handle the half demons if they were revealed.

Point being, it was hard to master myself, as the fear, grief, and sorrow of that night came back. Three years or not, it felt like it'd just happened, and I suppressed the sobs that wanted to escape my throat as I glared at the camera. Even if I could kill a bunch of them and escape, there was no way mine would live through it. If I really wanted to escape this place with my three lovers, then I needed to use subtlety, and take small steps.

For their sakes, I mastered my rage. Fucking councils.

I got started on it then. Glamour wasn't my only fae power after all, and I had very much learned how to enchant since being that terrified little girl. Every fae could enchant and glamour, there were other powers as well the fae had, but as a half fae I wasn't nearly strong enough to have the rarer gifts.

I had to be careful, use secondary magic to disguise and hide what I was doing. I wouldn't be ready to move until I'd made this cell level of Reno's supernatural council building mine, and when I had warped all the protections in it to work for me it would be time to go. Not to mention, enchanting all the cameras so the guards in the security room on another level would see what they expected to see, when it was time to leave.

If it worked, we'd just walk out in the middle of the night, invisible under my glamour, no one the wiser.

It would take time. Worse, I could use a glamour enchantment to make it feel right to a witch's magical senses, if they had detect magic casted, if not then they couldn't feel other magic. Only Nephilim and half demons could feel magic naturally and identify races from the feel of them. Point being though, if they specifically cast a spell on any of the enchantments to analyze their magic in detail the game would be up. If such a spell was cast on my cuffs then they'd know their enchantment had been broken and replaced, and that I was full of power.

But if they just felt them in a general sense, they wouldn't be able to tell they'd been subverted.

So yeah, still a little desperate of a plan. I also needed to keep my faint new hope and confidence at holding my full power in check, or Dennis would notice the difference and try to figure out why.

My memories of that night lingered, fueling my focus and anger as I carefully did what I could. I'd break and subvert the cuffs keeping my witch and two shifter lovers drained last. I didn't want to give them false hope.

Breakfast the next morning was a little healthier, and there was even orange juice. I kept my sarcastic comments from escaping my tongue, and those comments truly were very out of character for me. I just hated the councils that much. In the main, even three years after high school, I was still the same person at the core. Perverted comments and teasing innuendos almost constantly occurred to me in normal conversation, and it was my nature. I had integrity, balance in my relationships, and I was a good person. Or so I believed.

"Something wrong?"

Gale sighed, "My modification to the investigation was denied."

I tried to suppress the surge of relief, though that would be natural enough even if I had no hope of escape, because it would mean I'd live longer either way.

"Was there a reason given, or is it just because they're dictatorial assholes that hate having their orders doubted or questioned?"

Gale barked a laugh, and then looked horrified as she covered her mouth and her eyes flickered to the camera.

I winked saucily, then I was forced to suppress my magic's response ruthlessly, as Dennis cuffed me hard on the side of the head. My magic wanted to incinerate the fucker, and it roiled powerfully behind the fae glamour that told anyone feeling magic I was still drained.

Dennis growled, "Enjoy it while it lasts, because for every day your death is delayed, I'm going to add minutes of excruciating pain to your execution."

"Charming. Any chance of getting a last meal like the humans do? Blond, redhead, brunette, doesn't matter to me."

I think I was a little on edge because I hadn't had any sex for three days. The last thing I wanted to do was Jill myself off for their entertainment. I was still a nympho, and my Jilling had been part of my controls on my libido and needs. Less than it used to be, but still important. Regardless, I seriously regretted that last statement, it was far too telling. I'd been going for flip wiseass, but it didn't make Dennis angry at all, it made him smug as he looked at me in knowing amusement.

No doubt he could scent the longing that I'd truly felt while saying that despite myself.

Gale shook her head, "Enough. Let's get started."

As usual, she gave me the potion, then cast her spell.

Chapter Nine -- Supernatural World -- Pre-Emergence

Three years ago...

For the first hour or more in my memories, I was fucking and sucking truckers. For a few reasons, I figured it would be better to stay off the grid. The councils had an in with law enforcement through spells and compulsion, and they could no doubt track credit cards. They could also question people with compulsion, and it wasn't being arrogant to say I stood out, in a huge way.

I was the girl that every man eye-fucked and every woman felt attraction or jealousy of when I walked into a room.

Regardless, people would remember me, and taking public transportation seemed foolish, almost as foolish as going back for my car. Surely the human authorities would be looking for me as well at some point, when they didn't find my corpse in the burned down house along with the rest of my family.

Secondly, I only had a few grand, and I wasn't sure how long that would last. So it seemed wise to trade my body's pleasures to not only save my money but add to it. Plus, succubus, it was what I did, and I did it well.

It wasn't hard, there were several trucker gas stations at the interstate, which is where I eventually ended up that night. I blew them up front, for food and to travel with them. In almost every case my seductive nature and the easy way I could relate and talk to people with receptive empathy meant they were also fucking me for a cash transaction at the end of the ride when they couldn't take me further. I was naturally seductive on all levels, even in my grief, not just my model gorgeous face and body built for sin.

I had integrity, so I gave them the best fucks they'd ever had, and it was delicious. I even enjoyed the looks of wistful awe, when I left them drained and happy. It was also when I decided I liked fucking older men better. They were always awed, grateful, and not clingy, plus they also had a clue how to truly pleasure a woman.

So, when I arrived in Reno I had over four thousand dollars in my backpack, and I'd felt ten cocks pulsing and quivering deep inside my body as they emptied into me. It was... wild, and kind of awesome actually. A little harder on the cleanup than a condom, but each time I had to switch directions and trucks I was at a trucker place, so it was easy enough to use the shower and freshen up for the next customer.
