Succubus Awakens


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My tight little ass tingled as I felt a finger against my puckered hole, and I felt it immediately relax as I leaned back against him. My eyes widened as he stuck the lubed-up digit into my tight little hole, while the other hand reached around and twisted my nipple firmly making me gasp in shocked pleasure.

I also got another first that day, besides being triple teamed and learning the consequences of my magic. There was such an exhibitionist thrill in facing my gym teacher and guidance counselor. I looked into their eyes, as I wantonly and very obviously enjoyed being ass fingered while also having my breasts abused with a firm touch.

Butler was doing a really good job actually, it was clear he was no stranger to anal sex, and how to get a woman ready for it.

They looked at me with wonder and amazement in their eyes, as if they'd never seen such a beautiful, sensual, erotic, or wantonly sexual creature in their lives. I even bit my lip and looked down at their laps with undisguised lust in my eyes, as well as the delicious enjoyment of feeling Butler get my ass ready for his cock.

Not that he even had too, my body would've taken him right off without fingering, as long as he was properly lubed. But him fingering my ass and stretching me out felt so damned good I wasn't about to tell him that. Not to mention the delicious feeling of being watched, while I felt all their emotions. Lust, desire, disbelief at what a hot slut I was, and finally a low level of uncertainty and fear about crossing the line that was quickly approaching.

Butler said, "The slut's ass is almost ready," as he shoved another finger up there making me gasp in pleasure, and then he whispered in my ear after kissing my neck, "Good girl, that's the naughty slut we both know you are."

A thrill went through me at that, being a good girl for him, but at the same time I felt a sharp surge of rage at what he was stealing from me. But that second part was too small, too tiny and insignificant in that moment, as my mind was overcome and fogged by lust, and the pleasure of him pinching my nipples, rolling them firmly, and fingerfucking my ass with two fingers.

The rage was washed away, as that fucker actually made me cum in that moment, and I let out a little gasp as the lighting bolt of pain went down my spine from the nipple twist, and exploded into pleasure, even as the waves of tingling burning pleasure from his fingertips helped push me over too. Not to mention all their deep lust, emotions, and because I had an audience. There were many different reasons a small shockwave of pleasure rocked my body, and I let out a shocked gasp of blissful ecstasy as my sphincter tightened around his fingers.

I could sense their shocked lust at watching me cum for them, it was so... deliciously naughty.

I also sensed that was the true moment of decision for both of the other older adults in the room. I mean Butler's prompting for them to get naked and ready to take me. To betray their integrity and use an eighteen-year-old cum-slut that they were responsible for, at least for another couple of days. Their wicked desires fought with their responsibility and integrity, and I felt a thrill of power, victory, and excitement as Jackson stood up and started to strip his clothes off as he looked challengingly and hungrily right back into my eyes. His heated gray eyes told me I was about to get fucked, and that I was going to get it whether I wanted it or not. I sent a shiver down my spine, in a good way.

After all, he'd earned the right to fuck my body.

Jackson's decision had chosen for Grimes as well, as he stood up a moment later and started to strip.

I was far too hot and wanton to resist at that point, I'd have done anything they asked me to at that point, save true pain. Jackson's cock was as long, hard, and as fat as I'd hoped, and Grimes wasn't that bad either. Middle of the road average, maybe an inch shorter than Butler's, and not quite as fat, but it was banana shaped with a natural curve.

The next few minutes I was lost in sensations, as the three men pinched and slapped my body, twisted my nipples and sucked on my neck, breasts, and elsewhere on my body. I had fingers in my pussy, in my ass, and I was a hot mess as they worked me up into a haze of pleasure and blissful sensations that I'd never felt before.

I was also hardly idle, both of my hands were stroking cocks, caressing chests, and I was giving wild and wantonly desperate fuck me looks as the three older men sent me into my second orgasm since I'd walked into the door. My ass squeezing Butler's fingers, while my pussy squeezed Jackson's, and Grimes bit down on my nipple while Jackson got the other.

It was as the orgasmic pleasure riddled through my body and I was helplessly weak in the throes of passion that they made it happen. Jackson laid down on his back taking my quivering body with him, and I screamed in pleasure as he speared up into my tight silken passage.

A moment later that that scream was muffled, as Grimes stepped in front of me, firmly fisted my hair on either side of my head, and then drove his cock between my lips. I closed my lips snugly around him like the good little whore I was, and I sucked and licked his pole, while I let out a keen of pleasure that sent gentle vibrations down his cock and into his body. I went to town on his cock, even while I bounced lightly, squeezed, and rippled along Jackson's fat cock.

I could feel both of their pleasure go through the roof, as my own pleasure thanks to the magic creating sympathetic connections. I could also feel the natural pleasure of their cocks stimulating my body. I just followed my instincts, and I went with what felt good. Because as a succubus whatever felt good for me, felt good for them.

Grimes grunted, "Fuck, she's an amazing cock-sucker."

Jackson grunted too, "I haven't felt a pussy this good and tight in decade, and fuck if she doesn't use it better than anyone I've ever felt. I can't believe this little slut has been teasing us with her hot ripe body and model looks for four years."

Then I felt another surge of powerful lust from Butler, as I felt his lubed-up cockhead against my puckered star. I breathed out and relaxed, then gasped as he pushed it in. The burn was delicious, and familiar, but there was nothing like a real cock in my ass. Especially because I could feel the hot and tight pleasurable friction it was giving him.

I came like the fourth of July, as four times the pleasure from the men's pleasure, plus the overwhelming pleasure of just my own body, tossed me over the edge hard. I came so hard for them, I lost all control of myself, about all I could do was keep sucking and slathering my tongue, as Grimes took over and started to slide his cock forcefully between my lips and into my throat. My pussy and ass seemed to know what to do on their own, my succubus magic turned those holes into pleasure and milking machines while I was cumming myself.

I was lost in it, and the next orgasm hit me even before I'd fully come down. They had my body rocking back and forth, taking two thrusting cocks down below and one above. It was the most amazing experience of my life, and I already couldn't wait to do it again. I just needed to be paid for it, with money, affection, or trade in tasks, such as not flapping their gums about what I was up to the last six weeks of school.

Four times the pleasure was insane, and I came helplessly again and again, even while working their cocks the best I could. I lost count at twelve, and we'd only been at it for maybe six minutes, each one of my orgasms lasted for close to thirty seconds. It was almost too much, a normal woman would've passed out, but my made for sex body and magic seemed up to the task of taking in all that pleasure.

Grimes was really plowing my face now, he'd been slowly ramping up the length and strength of his stroking cock through my lips, watching me carefully for distress and what the limits were. There were no limits for me, and I really enjoyed the harsh throat fucking as I sucked while swirling and slathering my tongue to make it better for him.

In fact, with the feedback and sympathetic connection, the more pleasure he felt the better and more powerful my orgasms became. I'd never felt more pleasure in my life.

They were all talking to dirty to me. Calling me their talented little whore, their cum dump, and all sorts of other nasty degrading shit. It really didn't do anything for me, at least not directly, but nor did it truly bother me. Indirectly of course, it thrilled them to say it, and I felt that thrill which made it good for me too, enhancing our sex with their nasty dialogue.

Then of course, it all went really wrong.

Grimes grunted deeply, and my current orgasm went up about ten notches as he started to empty himself down my throat, my nose stuck in his abdomen as I rhythmically swallowed to make it better for him.

My orgasm was kicked up again, as Jackson grunted, "Fuck, too fucking good you dirty slut," and he started to pump his cream deep into my heated and tautly stretched out passage, and I keened powerful around Grimes still cumming cock as Jackson slapped both of my nipples simultaneously. Hell if I didn't like it, but it was crazily intense.

Beyond even that, my magic feeding on both of them increased the potent pleasure of all three of our orgasms.

Then of course, Butler roared, "I'm going to fill your slutty ass," and I felt the pleasure hit him like a landslide.

That's when my magic struck like an avenging snake, and Butler screamed while I keened at the far more potent rush of pleasure that flowed into my body. It was like I was absorbing ten times the power than normal, and it was hurting Butler badly.

It increased my pleasure like normal, times ten, but for him my magic was clearly denying him the pleasure he should be feeling in emptying himself in my tight little ass. It had him writhing and screaming in overwhelming pain.

Even in that moment when it was impossible to think through the pleasure, that was the impression I had. My magic was extracting a price of pain, and of his life, for taking what wasn't his and what he hadn't earned, the pleasures of my body.

I tried to pull the magic back, but unlike with Bobbi when the magic had been easily and eagerly responsive to my wishes, in this case the magic would not yield. Perhaps it would've yielded to my not inconsiderable disciplined focus. I'd grown up with fae magic, and I knew how to control it, my powers if not spells or potions which required knowledge I lacked in the moment.

But I was incapable of such focus, in the throes of ecstatic pleasure times four. With Bobbi, her affection and mine allowed me to easily coax my magic from feeding a second time in a day, but apparently my semi-sentient magic was far more stubborn when it came to dishing out negative balance. Of extracting a price from those who would dare take pleasure from me without earning it in some way or fashion.

I was horrified by his screams, but I was also lost in pleasure at the same time. More than that, my ass was so tight around him at the moment even as he was desperately trying to flinch away my ass refused to let him go. As if my magic had taken over that body part as well. There was also a part of me that felt... glad the fucking prick was suffering.

Grimes had finished, and he recoiled in shocked horror at Butler's horrific screams of pain.

I looked down in time to see reason return to Jackson's eyes, as he too finished emptying himself into my nubile body.

Jackson screamed, "What the fuck! What the fuck are you doing to him!"

I gasped, "Can't, don't know," the throes of bliss wouldn't release me, though at that point it was only times two.

Jackson looked over my shoulder and his eyes widened, "You're killing him, what the fuck are you!"

"Not, killing," I panted out as my body continued to be wracked by pleasure.

I wasn't sure what he saw in Butler's face, but I could see in Jackson's eyes that he didn't believe my breathy denial.

That's when it went really wrong, because Jackson swung for my face. I managed to turn my head to just take a glancing blow, fae were faster than humans, but I was kind of stuck in place at the moment and weak during the never-ending orgasm.

My head exploded with pain, and I saw stars. Then I gasped, and my eyes widened, as Jackson's hands closed around my throat painfully. I got he was trying to save his buddy, from god knew what the hell I was from his point of view, but it wasn't helping.

My sight grew a bit dim, as another wave of pleasure rocked through my body.

"Stop," I gasped.

He screamed, "You stop, what the fuck are you!"

He held my throat tightly in one hand, and he brought his fist back for another punch.

I don't know what his intentions were, to knock me out, or outright beat me to death. I felt his stark fear, and his sharp horror at Butler's torturous screams, and a very violent determination to save his friend.

I panicked, even in my endless pleasure of the moment, and my magic responded to that wild panic.

First, Butler went flying back as my ass finally released him, and then my whole body was wreathed in fire, hellfire, for the very first time. Just in time to take Jackson's punch. I didn't even feel it, because his hand was incinerated as it hit my face, and he screamed as the eerie green fire started to consume his arm.

I jumped up and back in horror, only to see I'd set his middle on fire too, his glorious fat cock was already gone, as was half his pelvis as the fire eagerly licked up and down his body. I turned, Butler was out cold, passed out from the pain.

Butler also had a few new lines around his eyes, and his hair was less salt and pepper, than simply salt now. Gray hair. My instincts told me he'd paid for his transgression against me with two years of his life, and more than that he didn't even get to feel the pleasure, only pain as he emptied into my ass. That seemed a little steep, apparently my magic thought my ass had been worth a lot, because for the first time since this afternoon I felt like there was balance between us.

I swallowed, holy shit. What the fuck was I?

Then I turned back and looked at the fire, Jackson was almost completely consumed, and I had no connection to the fire, though I could feel it. It wanted to consume life, that's all it wanted to do.

I looked up into Mr. Grimes face, and he was looking at me with horror and hyperventilating, while trying desperately to put his clothes on.

I sent my magic out, "Stop, and relax," my own voice quite shaky. The enthrallment still worked, he froze in place, and then took a deep steadying breath and seemed to calm.

I nodded, "You will never speak of this, or of anything about me at all unless it's related to academic accomplishment, do you understand."

He nodded, "I do, what the fuck are you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. A lot of fun when the rules are followed, but obviously I'm no one to try to kill, or steal pleasure from, apparently. Go... now."

At his wince I held up my hand, countermanding the last order, and raised an eyebrow in question.

He said, "My car is at the school, Butler brought us here. He didn't want a lot of cars out front, since he has nosy neighbors."

I blew out a breath, okay that was actually good news, sort of. If anything could be considered good about this.

"Alright, sit down and relax."

I looked back down, and I gasped as my body flushed with guilt. There was no sign of his body, and the green flames were moving toward Butler who was passed out on the floor not three feet away. I took a deep breath, and tried to control it with my magic, make it go out. Nothing.

I frowned and I brought that magic back up, I could feel it in me, feel it want to burn everything. It wanted to destroy and consume life. I carefully lit a fingertip on fire, and it tickled my finger, but the flame was perfectly controllable.

Sure, it made me feel invincible, and it also made me feel a bit bloodthirsty, but I could control it with focus, and if it was touching me.

I bent down, and ran my finger through the crawling flames, and the magic on my fingertip kind of collected it up, and it wreathed my hand in green fire. Then I could put it out. Obviously, another power to master, and I wondered if there were any more that I didn't know about.

It was also a power I couldn't allow to get away from my body, or my control. At the time though, I didn't imagine it would come up often. Clearly, it was a defensive power to kill, and outside of that day I'd never had anyone try to kill me before. Up until that point in my life, anyway.

There weren't any other powers as far as I knew even then, the three-year older version of me watching this play out again in my mind. No more powers that only required mental strength to wield, just spells, enchantments, and potions. Which was quite a lot actually, but it was a point.

I also felt my older self's horror at what had happened. My body was still trembling from the non-stop overwhelming pleasure for over ten minutes before it'd all gone to shit. While I felt bad about Jackson, the son of bitch had been about to kill me, so I wasn't too upset about that.

Though I knew it was ultimately my fault, if I had walked away then it never would've happened. Butler wouldn't have taken what didn't belong to him, so he wouldn't have been punished for it, which had led to Jackson's panicked anger and attempt to kill me.

I was also more than a little bit in shock.

Butler stirred, and he looked murderously angry.

I sent out my magic, "Calm down, and shut the fuck up."

He looked like he'd been clubbed.

I said, "You will never speak of what happened here today. You will never even talk about me, outside of any need to do so in relation to my grades or schooling. You will wait a half an hour, then take Grimes back to his car. You two will have to cook up your own story about Jackson's disappearance, I'm sure it'll be noticed quickly he's not around tomorrow, and his car is in the parking lot. I'd suggest you say you don't know. Because none of this ever happened, am I clear?"

Butler said calmly, "Very. What the hell are you."

I chuckled, "No idea. I do know you'd have had a lot more fun if you'd taken my advice, and just paid me for my ass. I honestly had no clue that would happen, it's the first time I've been coerced, but I can say I'll make sure it never happens again."

Even then, I was enjoying their lust and fear, to my own sense of guilt. I'd killed a man, in self-defense maybe, but it'd been avoidable, and I knew it. There was enough blame to go around, but some of it was mine.

Lastly, I realized why that was so important, that balance. I was a total pleasure slut. Without my magic demanding balance in my sexual dealings, humans could easily coerce me into being a fuck toy to control and even sell. I remembered the thrill I'd felt, at all their pleasure and their domination. Without the added need for balance, I would be utterly swept away by that feeling.

In short, the balance helped me maintain control of myself, and over all my sexual dealings. I understood it, and it would never happen again.

I went into his bathroom to wash up a bit, I had cum leaking from my ass and pussy. Then I pulled on my dress and got out of there.

The vision skipped. It took the rest of the afternoon to cover the last few blowjobs on the last day of school. I was also with Bobbi that afternoon, that whole afternoon, which ate up the rest of the potion time that day. She was almost as insatiable as I was, my body drove her crazy, and her sweet affection and the way she adored and worshipped me in bed seemed even more precious to me.

Being a dirty cum-slut with four times the pleasure had been awesome, the most pleasure I'd ever felt, but I'm not sure it could be called better than what I shared with my first lover. Intimacy, emotional connections, those were important even for a succubus, because I was still a woman. Pure physical pleasure with no real connection could never truly compare to the enhancement of being someone's lover. Sex was about more than just pleasure. But it was that too.
