Summer Holiday Camping


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"Hey, I do know what I'm taking about sometimes. And I have been eyeballing women from well before you were born - that sounds so wrong, but whatever - where was I, oh yes, I have been admiring the female form for many years and yours is, maybe just a little bit lean, but very nice. And you have a huge heart. You are nice on the inside and that's where it counts, I think."

She rolled away from me a little, took my hand and placed it on her boob. "Feel that, not even a handful for you."

"Well, I couldn't possibly comment without sizing up its companion." I wasn't sure how she would take this, whether she was seeking reassurance about her body or actually flirting with me. Having a girl in bed with me, holding my hand on her boob made my blood flow elsewhere, depriving my brain of oxygen.

"Oh my god, are you trying to cop a feel of my other one? Typical male, never satisfied." Sitting up she straddled me, sitting on my stomach, picked up my hands and placed one on each tit. "There. Satisfied?"

I pulled a goofy look, and drawled, "Boobies. Me like boobies."

"Idiot" she said. Jiggling her bum, she reached behind her and wrapped a hand around my shaft. "Someone else is happy, too." And she scooted back until she had my length nestled in her slit. This is when I realised she wasn't wearing anything at all.

I groaned as the wet warmth slid slowly along the length of my cock. "That feels so good, Elena. You have no idea." When did she fish my dick out of my boxers fly? How did I not wake up?

"I have a pretty good idea, actually. How do you think it feels to me? And it's so nice to be able to do something for you for a change."

That brought me up short and I looked up at her. "What does that mean? You aren't doing this as ..."

"DON'T SAY IT!" she commanded. "Don't you dare! Do you think I'm doing this as recompense or out of gratitude! A debt fuck? That would make it like you paid me somehow and I'm not a prostitute." She threw herself off me and stormed off into the main room. "You bastard!" she said, trying to slam the curtain over the doorway.

Kicking off the duvet I followed her through, tucking myself back into my undies. She was sitting on the couch, legs up and arms around her knees, wrapped up in the blanket and gazing blankly out the window. It was chilly so I flicked on the heater as I walked past and sat on the other end of the couch.

"You said it earlier, Elena. I'm an idiot. But please try to look at it from my perspective. Let me explain. You are an awesome person, so full of fun despite everything life has thrown at you. And it has thrown so much at you. I admit, when I first saw you standing there on the other side of the river, I was a bit brassed off. I had come here expecting to be alone; if I was honest, I wanted to wallow in self-pity for a few weeks, and I resented you for being there."

Still looking out the window she said "I knew it. Shit. I messed up your holiday."

I briefly put my hand on her knee. "Tell me honestly, did I ever make you feel that you weren't welcome?"

A tear trickled down her cheek and she angrily brushed it away. "No. You were so nice to me. All the time. Even though I'd gate-crashed your site."

"The yobbos gate-crashed your site; I invited you to share this one. Do you know why?"

"Because you felt sorry for me. The poor city girl out of her comfort zone needing saving. The knight in shining armour complex. Bet it was good for your ego."

I stood and walked over to the coffee maker, setting it up for a brew. Once it was underway, I leaned against the bench and looked at her.

"That was unkind and hurtful, Elena. I wouldn't have expected it from you."

"You called me a hooker!" she spat.

"Technically I didn't, and it wasn't what I was meaning. I'm sorry I offended you." I picked up another mug, set it on the bench and chose a coffee pod, holding it in my hand, treating it like a worry bead.

I carried on, "You know I said I resented you when I first saw you? That lasted maybe three minutes. Talking with you, spending time in the pool with you, I enjoyed your company. I liked having you here." The machine beeped and I added milk and handed her the mug, then set the machine up for my one.

"Thank you for the coffee, Davey." She said, wrapping her hands around the mug for warmth. "Go on."

"You are interesting, you have opinions and views and life experiences both good and bad. You know what love is and what love isn't. You are young, and I don't mean that to belittle you, because you are wise. I've known you, what, less than three days, but they have been the best days for me for I don't know how long."

My coffee was ready, and I wrapped my hands around the mug before taking a careful sip. Elena nodded her head towards the seat beside her and as soon as I sat down, she spun around and leaned against me, pulling my arm around her.

"It's my turn to apologise." she said.

"Oh hush and wait your turn, I haven't finished yet."

"How much longer?" she joked.

"Try being patient for a change. Sheesh! Kids these days. Anyway, where was I?"

"You were saying how much you like having me around and how these last few days have been the best for ages." she prompted.

"Did I say all that? Wow, imagine, a bloke talking about feelings. I must be getting all new age and shit."

"New age? That is so last century, old man."

"Whatever Trevor. Anyway, I meant what I said. I like your company; I like being around you. I like you. But I'm also very aware that I must be twenty years older than you at least. I have grey hair and wrinkles, but you are ..." I paused, trying to formulate the words.

"Skinny and fucked up." She interjected before I could carry on. "And just so you know, I'm actually OK with that. And I like you, too, Davey old man. I think you are a special kind of person, but in a good way, of course. You have shown me friendship when I really needed it, and I would never in a million years have thought I would meet someone as wonderful as you in a camping site. I expected Bubbles, Julian and Ricky, not Mr Awesome." She stood up, still wrapped in the blanket, put her mug on the bench, saying "I need the loo. Can you put some music on or something."

I laughed at that, hit my play-list and turned it up a bit louder than usual. After a while I faintly heard the shower running, so I made some toast and scrambled some eggs which were just about ready when she appeared.

"Real coffee, inside plumbing, and breakfast. You really know how to show a girl a good time."

"I try, my dear."

Elena stood there, looking at me. "That's the first time you have called me that. I like it." She walked up and enveloped me in a hug, kissing my cheek. "I like it a lot."

"If you are lucky, I may say it again sometime, but right now, if we don't plate these eggs they'll be rubbery and ruined. Can you grab some eating irons and I'll being the plates over."

"Eating irons? Oh, Ha, cutlery. Funny."

"Salt and pepper are in the cupboard behind you."

We must have both been hungry for we didn't talk much during breakfast, but once finished I carried the dishes over to the sink bench and was about to wash them when Elena pulled me away saying she would clean up while I relaxed. It would have been wrong to argue, but after seeing her moving to the music with her hands in the sink, I went and had a cool shower.


Elena wasn't in the living area when I came out of the bathroom, I found her back in bed reading, pillows behind her back and the duvet pulled up to her neck.

"Grab your book, "she said. "We are going to have a lazy day and enjoy each other's company."

"I see you have commandeered all the pillows; good thing I have more in the wardrobe" and collecting my book and some pillows I joined her under the duvet. She scooted across to rest her back on my side and again pulled my arm around her. We read in silence for a while, apart from the occasional muttering from her about the characters in the book, and then she laughed.

"What's funny?"

"Andrew Douglas tied to a tree, naked. Poor man. How humiliating for someone so prim and proper and very English."

"Lots of trees here, would you like me to tie you to one to see what it's like?" I asked.

She gave my arm a swat. "You kinky bugger. Would you like to see me tied up or in handcuffs?" She looked like she was mulling it over, then said, "Maybe in here, but outside, I don't know. Not when it's raining, that's for sure, but when it's a lovely day. Maybe." She turned her head to kiss my cheek, but I had turned my head in surprise, and she kissed me on the lips. She pulled her head back a bit, looked at my mouth, brought her hand up to caress my cheek, and kissed me again, with more enthusiasm.

She turned until she was sitting on me again, one hand on my cheek the other behind my head. I had forgotten she was naked but stroking my hands down her back I encountered no clothing at all, just that glorious feeling of bare skin under my hands. As the kiss grew in intensity, I progressed from gentle caresses to kneading, massaging her muscly back. There wasn't an ounce of fat on her, and when my hands grasped her butt, the bones were just under the skin.

"I don't have much of an arse, eh, and you know I don't have much tit. I only wear a bra because I have extremely sensitive nipples."

"You have very nice breasts and I feel honoured to have been introduced to them." I said with a smile, and to prove the point gave each one a kiss. "Look, you are who you are, and as long as you are healthy, and happy with your body, what's the problem?"

"That's refreshing to hear. So many of my friends and work mates tell me I'm too thin or imply I'm anorexic. It doesn't take long to get sick of that." She paused, then said "I was OK with my body, but I'm starting to wish I had a bit more meat on my bones for you."

"Now cut that out right now. Don't think you need to change for me, young lady. If you want to change how you look you damn well do it for you, and not for anyone else, and especially not for me. I like you. You. Not skinny you, or blue nail polish you, or blonde haired you, just you. If you put on so much weight the fire-brigade had to be called to get you out of bed ... no, I would intervene before that happened, but only for the sake of your health, not to try to get you to conform to how I think you should look."

"You got quite passionate about that, Davey. I think you might actually mean it."

"Fair tooting I do, kiddo."

She smiled and gave me a peck on the lips. "Don't steal my lines."

She did the glance thing again, so I knew to expect something. "Can I ask you a question? It's about something you said earlier. Um, ... You are sooo much older than me, decades older in fact." She smiled when she said it, but it hurt a little bit, which she must have seen in my eyes. "No, I'm sorry, I was just teasing, Davey. Honest. This age thing really worries you, doesn't it."

"I'm very much aware of it, yes."

"Do you know what that tells me, which I think is really quite wonderful? It means you are thinking about a future for us, even if you don't really think it possible because you're a geriatric and I'm a juvenile. I think you would like us to have a future together. And you know what? So would I." Elena lay against me, chest to chest, head on my shoulder, and I pulled the duvet up, covering her back.

"Thanks." She said. "It's not very warm eh."

"No, but better now, dear one," and I gave her a squeeze. "You're right, I do think about you and me and where we are going. And I also know there is a wealth of life experiences between us. Two decades worth of living, as you so kindly reminded me. And those years between where you are on life's journey and where I am, that's where so much living happens: the relationships, trying to be an adult and do the expected things like a wife and career and owning a home."

"You didn't mention a family. Do you have children?"

"I really wanted children but that wasn't to be, I had mumps in my teens, and it made me sterile. My wife didn't mind, said she didn't have to worry about the health risks of contraceptives or the inconvenience of having kids and putting her life on hold to look after them. Yeah, odd attitude, eh. I would gladly have stepped back and run my business from home while looking after the kids." I shrugged. "It seems that the only thing I have been successful with was my businesses."

"Nope, not true. You have been very successful with you. I told you earlier how wonderful I think you are, don't expect me to say it again. That was a one-time-only soul baring."

I kissed her forehead and threw her off me onto her side of the bed.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? I was all cozy and comfortable, you beast!"

"Soz," I said straight-faced, "I need the loo. Would you like me to bring you a coffee when I come back?"

"That would be awesome. But lose the boxers, I want eye candy, too."

"Really? You want to see me naked?"

Elena nodded, pretending to wipe drool from her chin.

"You're weird. I think naked men just look untidy; naked women are so much more shapely and better to look at."

"Stop talking, drop the jocks, do what you need to, and bring me coffee."

I unlocked my phone and handed it to her. "Can you put your details in my Contacts list and send a text to your phone so you have my number saved too? Only if you are OK doing that, though."

When I came back with the coffees, I handed her a mug and sat mine on the cabinet next to my side, then tied back the privacy curtain from covering the doorway to the living area.

"It's nice and warm through there with the heater going and I've turned on the fan, this should let it flow through here." I lifted the duvet and told Elena to mind her hot drink while I got back into bed.

After a theatrical clearing of her throat, Elena lifted the duvet up again and asked, "Why are you still wearing clothes? I thought I was quite clear in my request."

"It's like this, you see, hun. It isn't that warm through there and it's cool in here, and you know what effect the cold has on guys. I didn't want you to be disappointed. So I kept them on, however if you really want you can unwrap your gift at your convenience."

She shook her head, slowly, side to side, saying, "Your loss. I could have been all swooning and desirous for you after seeing your bat and balls. Too late now."

"No skin off my nose. He's had no attention for so long now I doubt he would know what to do anyway."

"Bullshit. Isn't it like riding a bike? You know, muscle memory?"

"Memory?" I replied, with a puzzled look. "At my advanced age I can't remember what memory is. I think you will have to see if you can recreate those neural pathways for me. Somehow."

"Read your book, then, granddad, and don't let your coffee get cold, I'm not going to leave this warm bed and heat it up for you."

"Yes, dear, anything you say, dear." So I did, leaning back into the pillows and making myself very comfortable, book in one hand, coffee in the other, and duvet pulled up to my chin.

Elena looked at me, sighed, and settled into the same position as me, book and mug, although I noticed she knocked back her coffee quickly and put her book into her left hand. Peripheral vision is awesome, allowing me to see the duvet move as her right arm slowly slid towards me, inch by inch, until her little finger touched my thigh. Acting as if I hadn't felt anything I turned the page and put my mug down on the cabinet. Her little finger reached out again and with a touch as light as a feather, stroked my thigh.

Again, acting as if I was oblivious to her actions, I snuggled down further and rolled half onto my left side, effectively bringing my manhood closer to her hand. Giving her a smile and a kiss on her shoulder I returned to my book. She waited until I was apparently engrossed again before I felt her fingers on my fly, easing the button through the hole. I was half hard by this time, anticipation is a wonderful aphrodisiac, and I escaped from the constraints of my underwear without trouble. Lifting my right knee up to give her easier access, I faked a yawn and turned the page.

I felt her hand gently, ever so softly, stroking along my length, stimulating me to full hardness. Curious to see what she would do next, I said, "You haven't turned a page for a while. Are you still awake?"

She jerked in surprise. "Only just. I think I'll have a doze for a while." And she put her book down and rolled onto her right side, throwing a couple of the pillows on the floor. I settled the duvet over her, saying, "Dream sweet" and returned to my book.

All was still for a couple of minutes, until I noticed she was sliding her head under the covers. With me still half on my left side everything was in a handy position for her, and she took full advantage, enveloping me in her hot, wet, mouth. Her tongue stroked all over my glans while her head gently bobbed up and down.

"That's very distracting, Elena. How can I read my book when you are doing that? I thought you were tired?"

Elena giggled with her mouth still full, but then threw back the covers and looked at me wantonly, keeping her eyes on mine while she upped the pace and suction, caressing my balls with one hand while jacking me with the other. It was so visually and physically stimulating I pushed my head back into the pillows and groaned with pleasure.

Taking me further and further in every time she slid her mouth down my length, I hit the back of her throat and she held me there sucking hard, with her tongue rippling against my sensitive underside. Pulling back with a gasp for air Elena dove forward again, forcing my member further into her throat. The sensation was so overpowering I couldn't help myself and thrust forward driving my hardness even further into her. Elena had to pull back before she gagged, eyes watering, lungs heaving.

She was about to take me into her mouth again, but I put my hand under her chin and drew her back up. "I'm sorry, my dear one. I didn't mean to do that. Did I hurt you?"

"No, you just surprised me. I'm OK. Did I do alright, I haven't had a lot of experience."

"I loved what you were doing, it felt so good, but it's meant to be pleasurable for you too. Don't hurt yourself or anything."

"I was enjoying myself." I got the glance again. "Davey, will you do something for me? Lose the undies, like now. I don't want to get all down and dirty with wash and wear poly-cotton, I want skin on skin with nothin' between."

"To hear is to obey," and I quickly dropped them on the floor along with a couple of my pillows.

We rolled together in a full body embrace lips to lips, hips to hips, hands roaming freely until we both moved apart to allow unhindered access. Elena pushed me onto my back and straddled me, settling my shaft between her dripping labia, rolling her hips, sliding her sweet pearl along my length, backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, faster and faster, her breathing and mine deepening, becoming ragged as she increased the pressure, the friction, the speed until she drew in a deep breath before letting out a great groan of pleasure, fingers digging into my chest as she froze, her hips twitching, muscles rippling in her groin. I caught her as she collapsed, eyelids fluttering, gasping for breath, seeming to be barely conscious.

Elena lay in my arms while she caught her breath. Giving me a kiss on the cheek, she said "Holy shit. That was fun."

I smiled at her, "You look like you enjoyed yourself. Do you come here often?"

She gave me a look as if I was mentally deficient, then said, "Only the once so far but I'm hoping for many more."

"Well, I am happy to help you on your journey to achieve your infinite number of orgasms."