Sweet Sweet Revenge


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"Seriously....where's Frank?" I asked ogling them both and stripping off my tie as I asked.

"Seriously.....I called him a few minutes ago." Shelly stated simply, walking over to help Cindy in removing my jacket. "He's in a meeting, and won't be here until sometime after six. I told him I was bending the rules just a tiny little bit." She said. "Seriously...."

Cindy was already down on her knees at this point unzipping my fly and fishing my already hard cock out of my jockey's. Shelly stood unbuttoning my shirt as Cindy finished undoing my belt and managed to slip both my pants as well as my shorts down around my ankles. Shelly joined Cindy on the floor then, and together they managed to help me step out of everything even though I still managed to be wearing my shoes and socks.

"Heads or tails?" Cindy said spotting some change that had fallen down onto the floor from my pants pockets. She then flipped a quarter into the air.

"Tails!" Shelly called.

"Tails it is!" Shelly said excitedly.

"I give up." I said...what just happened?"

"Shelly fucks you....you eat me silly." She said as though it made perfect sense.

"Works for me." I said grinning, and then followed the girls down the hall towards the bedroom.

"What about Frank?" I had to ask.

"Fuck Frank." Shelly said.

"Maybe later." I told them. They stopped turned and looked at me. I smiled, and then they both slugged me, toppling me down onto the bed.

As they'd already agreed by the toss of a coin, Shelly climbed into my lap and began easing herself down on me. Cindy lowered herself over my face, facing towards Shelly, and though it was difficult to really see anything, I knew that the girls were enjoying themselves as I occasionally glimpsed the two of them caressing one another's breasts, or frequently extending a hand to reach down and touch one another while I kissed one luscious wet cunt, and happily fucked into the other.

For twenty minutes we continued, I'd managed to give Cindy two small, but nicely felt little "O's" which is how she usually started out anyway. The BIG one would come later after she was really worked up. I started to think about pacing myself as well, since I felt myself getting awfully close, but the way Shelly was riding my prick was making that virtually impossible. Finally Cindy had had enough cunt licking, for the moment anyway, and slid off to watch her best friend fucking her husband. Shelly was close to orgasm herself, and began screwing her face up in expectation of it just as Cindy reached over, fondled my nuts...and caught me by surprise which immediately triggered my unexpected release. I began filling Shelly's pussy with a torrent of my hot juice, and she in turn began that high-pitched wail we'd all grown accustomed too. Eventually Shelly slid off of me and collapsed down onto the bed. I figured we'd all take a little break then and wait for Frank to finally arrive, which was still a good hour or so away. Boy was I wrong!

"Spread your legs Shelly." Cindy said slithering up between them like the horny snake that she was. Shelly grinned down evilly at her as she did, and opened them vulgarly so...exposing the puffy flesh of her pussy lips that had been savagely fucked, as well as a fair amount of joy-juice that had formed a rather nasty looking mess just inside the opening of that wide-spread fuck tunnel. Cindy immediately began gathering my cum-cream with the tip of her tongue, tunneling out and simultaneously exciting Shelly's pussy all over again.

"Fucking A", I exclaimed without even realizing I had used Franks saying to express myself. But the sight of Cindy licking my juice out of her best friends cunt was more than I could have ever imagined seeing, even in my wildest fantasies.

Cindy easily and quickly brought Shelly to a second even more intense orgasm minutes later. "I really must try that myself." Shelly stated. "Maybe shortly after Frank gets here." She added.

"Boy...won't HE be surprised!" Cindy exclaimed agreeing with her.

"Surprised at what?" Frank said suddenly coming into the bedroom. He took a quick glance at the three of us naked, and sprawled across the bed and immediately began undressing.

"What'd I miss?" He asked.

"You'd never believe it if I told you." I said grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

"Try me." He pressed interested.

"Better yet honey...we'll show you, but before we can...you need to fuck Cindy here....."

He glanced at me grinning just as silly as I was. "Do it Frank...you'll see what I mean afterwards....."


"Shut up Frank!" All three of us said in unison.

It was just as exciting to watch the second time around, and I was sporting a second serious erection by the time Shelly had finished devouring Frank's jisim from the inside of my wife's cunt.

"Ok boys....Shelly said looking up at the two of us after she'd finished. We've given you something special to see...now it's our turn."

"Ah oh...." I said turning and looking at Frank, who was looking at me with the same worried expression on his face that I was showing.

"Yeah Guys....all's fair...." Cindy spoke up staring directly at me.

"Oh come on now.." I said honestly trying to beg this one off...as was Frank doing at the exact same time I was. "No way...." He said shaking his head no in addition to that.

"Well then....no more girl-girl stuff!" Shelly said emphatically.

"Where you'll ever see it anyway." Cindy chimed in adding.

I glared at Frank...who in turn glared at me. "You ever tell anyone...." I said threateningly

"Me? Are you kidding...." The girls giggled then excitedly.

It was like two teenage kids in the backseat of a Volkswagen trying to figure out what to do next.

"Here...lay on your sides facing in opposite directions." Shelly instructed. At least it wasn't a typical "69". I don't know if there's a masculine position for it, whether it's the one who's supposed to be on top, or the bottom. But neither Frank nor I seemed all that willing to relinquish even the tiniest little bit of whatever symbolic masculinity that represented. Lying side by side seemed to resolve that, though we both approached the subjects now in hand anxiously and more than a little tentatively. Shelly was soon caressing her husband's ass as she spooned him from behind, while Cindy basically did the same thing to me, cupping my balls and gently massaging them, which seemed to help considerably.

"Go on you guys...one...two...three....suck!" Shelly said forcing the issue. And so...we did.

"OK...so it wasn't all THAT bad." I said afterwards. As Frank and I spent the next twenty minutes flexing our muscles and talking in deeper voices. Sure, it was metaphysically strange for me to be sucking another man's cock, and eventually getting used to it. And true...it really wasn't all that bad, not like I felt like I had to go to a gays anonymous meeting shortly afterwards or anything. It was different yes...but more importantly the girls enjoyed it, and that was after all the whole point of it. Besides...they took pity on both of us once we'd 'demonstrated' our willingness to please both of them, so Shelly then took over sucking my prick, as did Cindy to Franks.

Shelly had one more little surprise in store for both Frank and I however, and she managed to accomplish that by having the two of us stand up side by side. Grabbing both of our pricks, she somehow pressed them together and managed to get a portion of each of us at least, inside her mouth where she began sucking us simultaneously. Cindy quickly came over to give her a helping hand, and helped her keep our pricks pressed together like that, adding a little additional stimulation in jacking us off slightly as she did. The timing couldn't have been any more perfect, as both Frank and I exploded together within moments of each other. Thankfully perhaps, for Shelly anyway, we'd each had previous orgasms so that the amount of sperm we suddenly filled her mouth with wasn't as overwhelming as it could have been.

We finally did take a break then, uncorked one of the bottles of Dom Peragon and toasted not only the sale of the Cabin to my ex-wife, but toasted the more than ever cemented friendship between the four of us.

It was six month's later without a peep having been heard from Silvia. I had all but given up on ever really hearing anything, and had pretty much accepted that eventuality. It was a nice peaceful Saturday morning, and I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee with Cindy, while the two of us sat reading the newspaper. It was then that my cell phone rang.


"Tom! Silvia!" She said heatedly into the phone. "You bastard!" She screamed at me. "You lying mother-fucking son of a bitch!"

I put my hand over the receiver while she continued to rant and rave at me over the phone. "Guess who?" I said to Cindy.

Finally when Silvia had run out of things to call me, I spoke.

"What's wrong Silvia?" I asked her calmly.

"You know damn well what's wrong Tom. "I'm going to lose the fucking cabin...and there's not a damn thing I can do about it!"

"Oh really?" I said..."And why's that?"

"Because they're building a fucking highway through there you rotten son of a bitch! I've got ninety days to relocate the place, or they're going to bulldoze it down. And you know fucking well I've got no place to move it to...and even then I lose every fucking penny that its worth! The BLM has some sort of right of way agreement that they say was in place long before your father built the place, so the property it's on isn't worth a red fucking cent to me. And the best I can get from them for the sale of the cabin itself is less than a hundred thousand!"

"Gee Silvia...I'm really sorry. But you've known all along just as I have that if they ever DID decide to build a highway through there that the cabin was in jeopardy. I even warned you...told you it was a gamble in the first place."

Silvia had lost a little of her initial steam by now, confused, frightened...certainly mad yes, but now she was less assured that I had anything to do with it.

"Why didn't your father buy up the surrounding property's anyway?" She asked desperately. "If he'd done that, the fucking BLM wouldn't have the rights of ownership through there."

"I told you Silvia, he couldn't afford to do that. Not THAT property anyway."

"What do you mean...not THAT property?"

"Well you see Silvia...though he certainly couldn't afford to buy up all the property surrounding the Cabin, he DID have more than enough to buy up a lot of almost worthless, nearly useless acres surrounding the mountain the cabins built on. When he did that...he effectively cut off any ability by the BLM to exercise their rights of right of way. There was no way through the property he owned that allowed them complete and total access."

"But I never saw any other property listed as being owned by you in the divorce." She questioned me accusingly.

"That's because dad purchased it under the ownership of the company he owned, and which eventually I inherited. And as you well know in our divorce agreement, you signed away any entitlements and rights of the business in order to get the things out of the divorce that you got. The property WAS listed there Silvia, it simply wasn't worth anything. Maybe you...or your attorney missed that. But if you'd care to go back and look, you'll see that it's listed, along with its current day value...which was basically next to nothing."

I could hear the quiver of rage in her voice when she next spoke.

"Well if that's the case...then how on earth did they manage to obtain permission to build through there?" She asked.

"Easy....I sold all the land back to them."

"You'll never get away with this Tom! I'll....I'll....so help me I'll find a way to fuck you over."

"You already did that....ten years ago Silvia. So now it's your turn."

"I mean it Tom.....in fact, I'll call your sweet little wife and tell her all about your girlfriend, tell her everything we did together up there at the cabin that weekend."

"Would you like to speak with her?" I asked.

"I'm not kidding Tom, I mean it!" She threatened again.

"I'm not kidding either Silvia. Matter of fact...she's sitting right here, let me put her on."

"Hi Silvia...." Cindy said.

Cindy looked at me and spoke.....chewing her non-existent gum. "I don't think she's there honey." She said to me still chewing. "Or if she is...she's not saying anything."

"Debbie?" Silvia questioned her sanity as she did.

"Hi ya kiddo!" Yeah...it's me. Only the name's not Debbie, it's Cindy." She said suddenly dropping the Debbie accent and speaking as she normally did.

"You....you...you're really Cindy? Tom's wife?"

"Yep. So you see Silvia....there isn't anything you can do to ever hurt Tom again. So...why don't you see what you can do about saving your precious little cabin, and leave Tom and I alone....oh. And Silvia? One more thing...don't ever call here again!"

Cindy pushed the disconnect on the phone and came over to me sitting down in my lap as she did. "You know what I want to do today honey?" She asked.

"No what?" I said playing along with her.

"Lets drive up to the lot and see how the buildings coming along. Besides...I'm feeling rather frisky at the moment, and the thought of fucking you in the middle of that gorgeous meadow sounds like a really fine idea...don't you agree?"

"I can't think of a solitary thing better to do Cindy...Debbie...or whatever the fuck your name is." I told her.

And then she punched me....hard.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Well, obviously some authors specifically target an audience of the deeply mentally ill, delusional extreme fetishists, and those text files don't really make sense to 99.9% of people.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Stopped reading on page 1.

She was a cheating slut with multiple men, and he was still looking at her and getting a hard on after the divorce was finalised. Then he re-married and thought about the slut on their anniversaries etc and basically missed her.

Not interested in pathetic Simp MC's.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Sylvia deserved worse than she got (her attorney would be on the hook for not discovering the encumbrance on the cabin's title prior to closing), but otherwise a good story of extramarital sex. There was no cheating, and no one was humiliated or abused. The possibility of pregnancy is a wild card in such swapping situations, and is a practical concern that would have to be considered in a real life situation. Tom is sterile, but would Cindy give birth to Frank's child? What would that mean for both marriages?

ImshakenImshakenabout 2 months ago

Interesting revenge story. Could have done without the male 69 sex scene. Could use a spell check. Champaign is a city in Illinois, champagne is an alcoholic sparkling wine. It's Dom Perignon. 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A fun story that kept me entertained all throughout. Giving it five for entertainment value and for a spectacularly planned long con that any old tyme grifter would have been proud to have run.


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