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Married women want to satisfy their fantasies with a man.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2020
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Sometimes opportunity simply knocks, but this time it was banging loudly. I wasn't able to ignore it this time. I had watched as Trudy's husband walked across their back yard for at least the tenth time today to their large travel trailer and went inside. Trudy was gone for two days to go shopping farther north and my husband was doing field work for three days in the Traverse City area. After a few minutes I saw Gary walk back towards the house. He was bare chested, wearing only a pair of khaki shorts and sandals.

He had a body like my husband, only without the dark chest hair, so it wasn't like I shouldn't have been interested- well developed biceps, a nice well developed chest, and a wonderful tight ass. I had been attracted to him from the very first time I saw him but had always been able to refrain from acting on my lustful desires and expected this time would be no different.

I knew Gary was more than capable in bed as unlike the other married women in our small book club Trudy tended to be a little more revealing in terms of what their sex life was like. Over the years it had only served to whet my appetite for a piece of him. I had fantasied about him enough times to know he and my fingers were a pleasurable combination. I pushed my thoughts aside and went back to working on my novel. I had several articles to read as part of my research so I sat myself down with notepad and pencil at my side. I had been working for about fifteen minutes when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and walked downstairs to the front door. Gary was standing there big as life with a smile on his face, still bare chested, looking like a man on the cover of a romance novel. I took a breath as my body warmed at the sight as I approached the door.

"Good afternoon Linda. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

"No. Just doing some background reading is all. It's a good time to get some serious writing done with Brett gone. Come on in."

Gary stepped in and I felt myself grow warmer with another glance at his gorgeous tanned body. It was bad enough I had felt so horny while watching him at a distance this morning but now it was even more difficult to fight the urge to put my hands on him. I saw him give me an apprising look. My halter top and short shorts revealed my womanly charms to advantage. I wasn't surprised by the looks he gave me. I couldn't have dressed any better intentionally to display myself for his inspection and interest if I had wanted to.

Linda I was wondering if you have some liquid cleanser. I'm trying to get a stain out of the sink in the trailer and I can't find any. I have some shopping to do this afternoon so I can pay you back then."

I smiled broadly as I looked up at him.

"I think I can accommodate you that way and with anything else you may need."

"Anything?" He said provocatively as his eyes went straight to my partially exposed boobs.

I looked at him, then bite my lip seductively. I was so damn hot! I pulled myself back with great difficulty as a vision of him on top of me appeared. I could feel his big hot cock slipping into me as he lay on top breathing heavily into my hair. I took another deep breath and released it slowly.

"I have a bottle of what you need in the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I knew he was watching my ass. I put just a little bit more into my step. I chided myself for being so seductive when I should have left well enough alone. He was already watching. Did I want him to take me in my own home? The answer to my question popped up in favor of the idea. I pushed the thought away as I opened the cabinet door. I found the cleanser and walked back into the living room and handed it to him with a smile.

"This should do the job. Let me know if you need anything else."

"I can think if a few things. Would you like to have supper with me tonight? You know Trudy is gone and I wouldn't mind the company."

I looked at him with a glowing smile and twirled my fingers through my hair. I cocked my head to the side a little. I knew where this was going and couldn't stop myself. I wanted him.

"Yes. I'd love to. Maybe we could eat in the travel trailer. That would be different."

He smiled. "Yes it would. That's an excellent idea. What time do you usually eat? I can pick something up. Maybe Chinese."

"That sounds wonderful. How about five thirty. Any chicken dish will do."

"Good. Then it's a date."

"Ok. I'll walk over when its time."

I watched Gary walk away. His cute tight ass and slim hips making a huge impression. I felt my heart rate ramp up again. The anticipation of what I had just agreed to making itself felt. It felt dangerous, forbidden, enticing, and incredibly sinful to think I would feel him against me. I wanted it so badly my pussy was moist with my thoughts of pleasure. I had a hard time going back to my research. It was three thirty and I looked at the clock every fifteen minutes as the hands slowly clawed their way towards the appointed time.

At five fifteen I got up, went into the bathroom and put on a fresh pair of panties and brushed my teeth. I looked at my hands as I washed them. I took my wedding ring off and laid it on the vanity. I didn't need a reminder that what I was about to do was something I shouldn't really want or need to do. But this opportunity was simply too good to pass up, we would have all night.

Meanwhile Trudy is over a hundred thirty miles farther north.

I knew I shouldn't have made up my mind to do this. I had finished shopping in Cadillac and found myself driving west to Traverse City to spend the night. I'd had all day to talk myself out it and it had only served to reinforce the idea I needed a little variety in my life. There was a small risk, I wasn't sure Brett would be interested.

Gary and I had gone to lunch with Brett and Linda on Sunday and we had discussed our plans for the coming week together. As usual Brett was friendly and when I 'accidently' touched him in the kitchen he smiled. Those touches had turned me on each time over the past few months. During the previous two years I simply couldn't bring myself to even do that, he simply filled my fantasies. The warm tingle in my shorts had felt good as I looked at him while we ate afterwards.

I knew what motel Brett was going to use and I had made up an excuse to go shopping a day later. Gary seemed more than willing to have me go by myself. Which was surprising as we seldom went our separate ways if going somewhere farther away for overnight. Still, I was pleased it had been so easy. I had been giving seductive hints to Brett for months and he had shown but mild interest. At least I thought it was interest. Now I was going to find out for sure. I wasn't even sure I knew why I wanted to do this, other than the fact I found Brett so invitingly delicious and things had gotten boring it the bedroom.

Despite some gentle prodding on my part Linda never let on how Brett was in bed when we got together with our book club or visited together over coffee at her house. But she never hinted she wasn't pleased with him either. After six years of marriage I couldn't say I wasn't happy to be married to Gary. But I felt the need to experience something a little different. Something tempting, forbidden.

I pulled into the parking lot at the motel and didn't see the vehicle Brett should be driving. I sat and waited about ten minutes until I saw the distinctive logo on the car. I watched as he got out, walked up the stairs and stopped at the door of room 26.

I got out. My heart beating hard. I swallowed as I took my first steps. Did I really want to do this? The answer was a pantie wetting, pussy burning yes. This was my chance to experience him as I had dreamed of so often. Did there really need to be a reason or only a need?

I was standing outside the door my heart pounding. I unbuttoned my blouse one more button. I took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened slowly and Brett's face appeared. Then a surprised expression as he recognized me.

"Hi Brett. I was in the area and thought I would see if you wanted to have supper with me."


"Well are you going to invite me in?"

"Yes. Of course. I just wasn't expecting to see you is all."

"I know. Brett I just had to see you since I was here shopping. I could use some company and thought perhaps you did too."

"Trudy I've been trying not to get worked up over you. But you're being here with me all alone is much too tempting. You're one beautiful woman. How do you expect me to react?"

I looked at him with a coy smile, touched his arm and started to caress it.

"Like a man with a beautiful woman would act if he could do anything to her he wanted."

"Trudy. I can't do that. I can't do that to Linda and I can't do that to you. As much as I'm tempted. I have to be sensible. It won't work. Maybe it's good to fantasize about, but this is real. If we do this it can't be undone. I don't want to hurt you by saying no. But it's better to disappoint you this way than hurt you the other way."

I felt crushed, embarrassed, and ashamed. I was about to cry and run out the door when he took me into his arms and held me. I sobbed for a minute, then stepped back from him. I wasn't sure what to do exactly. Maybe there was still a chance. After all he was holding me. What came to mind didn't make sense. But I decided to ask anyway. At least my curiosity would be satisfied. Maybe Linda didn't say anything about him as he was well endowed. There had to be a logical reason. Maybe I could find a way of seducing him yet.

"Brett I'm not proud of myself right now. But you're such a handsome man I can't help but be attracted to you. I'm horny as hell. I just want you to do one thing for me. I want to see and touch your cock. I know it sounds crazy. But I want to know you in a way few women have ever known you. It will be our secret. I'll never tell anyone."

I watched the expression on his face. I could see him agonize over what I had asked for. I was sure it had made a difference, he would bend to my will. He was a man. Then he looked at me and glanced at the cleavage showing in my blouse.

"Trudy I will if that will satisfy you once and for all. I guess it's one way of showing you I care for you as a friend. I can't help but be flattered that a wonderful and attractive woman like you would want to have sex with me. Even then I really shouldn't do it. You know that."

I looked at him with pleading eyes. I was sure my efforts were going to be rewarded.

"Please. Just this once. Only the two of us will ever know it happened."

I watched as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor, then he pulled down his briefs. There in full view was a fully erect circumcised penis. I gasped. It was big! Not only was it a good six inches long but it was as big around as an Italian sausage.

I just stood looking for long seconds before I stepped to him and placed my excited, trembling hand around it. It was wonderfully warm and hard, overflowing my entire hand easily. My pussy started to moisten my panties. I caressed it a few times and gently let it go thinking my touching him would push him over the edge. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Brett. You're big. I never knew."

He pulled his briefs up, then bent down to pull his pants up. I didn't say anything more. I had planted the seed and would let his ego do the rest. Compared to what I was used to it was an incredibly wonderful example of male anatomy. I would certainly fantasize about it.

But it would be better if put to use right now. My mind raced. Maybe my holding it had changed his mind. Perhaps if I could convince him to spend time with me this evening. I could offer him oral.

"Now. Are you ready to go and get some supper? Its five thirty and I'm hungry. I wouldn't mind the company. But Trudy after that you need to go to your motel."

I was still hopeful. He would change his mind yet. Maybe just another little nudge to his ego.

"Yes. I would like that. I'm hungry too. Now that my curiosity has been satisfied I think I can handle it. It's not as good as getting laid but it's something we can share. Brett you have a beautiful body. Linda is a lucky woman. I hope she knows that."

One hundred thirty two miles to the south Linda was almost ready.

It was five twenty five. I looked in the mirror one more time. Satisfied I walked out the back door, across the lawn, and squeezed between the shrubs that separated our backyards. I had just gotten to the trailer when I heard a yell from the direction of his house. Gary came walking towards me with a large brown paper bag in his hands. I opened the door of the trailer and we stepped inside. My heart was beating hard in my chest in anticipation. It wasn't anticipation of the food, but of what we would do afterwards.

We sat down and proceeded to dish out white rice and servings of chicken and broccoli. We talked a little, but I could tell he was interested in getting through the meal to get to me. I didn't waste a lot of time myself, my pussy was hot and achy. I wanted a nice sized cock to fill me and make the ache go away.

We looked at one another as our plates lay empty. Then he reached for my hand and I stood up to face him. He took me into his arms and kissed me. I kissed him back and was disappointed in what I felt. It wasn't like Brett's soft lips on mine. Gary wanted to push his tongue into my mouth. I felt disgusted as this was something I had never liked. I endured a few more kisses, then diverted his attention as I reached down into his crotch and rubbed gently. I didn't feel a whole lot. Maybe he didn't have a full erection yet.

We walked into the back of the trailer to the bedroom. He reached to touch my breasts and I smiled. I removed my halter top and he kissed them for a few minutes as I felt my ache grow to a dull throb as he pressed his lips around my nipples and pulled firmly several times. My body responded with joy. I watched as he took his shirt off, his muscled chest reminded me of a male dancer. He removed his shorts and pulled down his briefs.

I started to remove my shorts and then felt a pang of guilt as I noticed the white, untanned ring of skin showing where my wedding ring should have been. Then my gaze went to his crotch, his fingers holding his erect penis.

My thumbs were under the elastic band of my panties as I was ready to pull them down. I stopped. His penis was less than four inches long! It wasn't hard to guage as Brett's flaccid penis was easily as long. In less than a second the fantasy I had harbored was shattered and reality came crashing in. I saw the band of pale skin where my wedding ring had been.

"Gary. I can't do this. I'm sorry. I just can't. I thought I was ready."

I quickly pulled my shorts up, put my halter top on, left the trailer, and went straight across the yard and into the house. I was so ashamed. I sat down on the sofa tearful. Why had I allowed myself to think another man would give me more pleasure than my husband? Brett had never given me reason to think he was interested in another woman and here I was seducing the husband of one of my best friends.

Gary was ready to do me and would have if I hadn't backed out. It wasn't the size of his penis that had changed my mind. It would have served me well enough. Maybe it would have taken a bit more work, but it would have given me pleasure. I realized at the last moment that the price I would have paid was too high for what I was going to get. I was simply going to get fucked. Not loved.

One hundred thirty two miles to the north.

Trudy walked into her motel room alone and glanced at the clock- six forty-five as she sat on the edge of the bed. Dinner had been easy going enough with light conversation. They had enjoyed the food immensely and as time went on Trudy realized it wasn't going to happen. Brett had bid her a good night as she got into her car in the parking lot to leave for her motel. She felt confused. No man had ever refused her, they had always sought and pursued her until she blessed them with her willingness to accept them.

Two weeks later Trudy and I drove to our book club together and we discussed our current project with the other members. As usual we talked about kids, clothes, and other topics before coming around to talking about men. Specifically, the misdeeds and funny things our husbands had done since our last meeting.

Trudy had little to say this time, which was unusual. She told us all about her shopping trip to Cadillac and Traverse City two weeks before and how pleased her husband was to have her back home. Though my expectation that she would say her husband was happy to have her back home was fully realized. As usual I didn't say anything about Brett. Though this time I was tempted as he had been absolutely wonderful for weeks.

I remembered that when Brett came home from being away that week he was extra attentive to my needs. He took me into his arms his first night back and made love to me with a passion I hadn't experienced for months. But then maybe it was because I put more of myself into it too. I had decided to wait to satisfy myself until his return. I suggested a new position, one that of the girls had talked about, and we enjoyed it together to mutual advantage. He took me doggie style, thrusting slow and steady until we found my sweet spot. It was as if he appreciated me in a whole new way and I remembered why I had married him- he was affectionate, honest, dependable, and interested in our having a family.

I didn't know at the time I went to the trailer with Gary I was pregnant. I tried to convince myself later my hormones had driven me to want sex so badly I wanted it right then from someone that was readily available. After reflection I knew this wasn't true. I had taken advantage of an opportunity to indulge in my long-term fantasy.

It was the missing wedding ring that made me realize how much I had to lose. I would have betrayed my vision of myself as a dignified, moral woman, and a loving wife. I had decided almost too late it was too high a price to pay.

I realized hours afterwards I was gifted with a man that truly loved me. I was determined Brett would never face the kind of seduction I had engaged in with Gary. I would do whatever I needed to make sure he would continue to want only me in his life.

A week later I knew I was pregnant with our first child and when I told Brett he was thrilled with the news and doted on me constantly.

It was a few days before our book club meeting the following month. I looked in the mirror after my hot shower and inspected my slightly bulged stomach with a smile. Damn, after six months of trying Brett had nailed me good. It must have been the night he gave me back to back orgasms after I wanted him at just after midnight.

Months later. Perhaps more than ever, I realized that my attempt to make my fantasy with Gary a reality had been an invitation to disaster. I couldn't look Gary in the face after that; we avoided one another. It seemed that Trudy was distant and our visits to have coffee together dropped off.

There's a price to be paid for infidelity and I was now paying for it in ways I could not have imagined. Never, ever again, would I take advantage of an opportunity to cheat on my husband- the damage to my self-esteem had been significant and long lasting. I knew it would have ruined my marriage, my life.

I had finished the final draft of my novel and sent it off to a publisher for consideration and immediately grew anxious- would it be good enough? Time would tell as it does with most things.

I set about working on the second novel I had prepared an outline for; the characters already identified.and fleshed out and the introductory chapter nearly finished in draft form.

Then I wondered, should I switch genres and try writing a romance novel about a woman that didn't realize how good the man she was engaged to was for her. She had almost spent a night with his handsome best friend in a camping trailer.