Sylvia's Mom Pt. 13


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As we turned onto the long gravel paved driveway of the 40 acre property, Celeste slowed the car allowing Delilah an ample opportunity to take in the well landscaped grounds. Celeste flashed me a very sexy smile when we heard Delilah gasp and say, "Oh my God, it's beautiful and we haven't even reached the house. When are you moving in?"

Celeste came to a complete stop, turned to look at Delilah and said, "Soon." Then she shifted her gaze to me and continued, "As soon as the financial arrangements are final which WILL be any day now."

I knew instantly, by her statement, she had "slam dunked" the "deal" and everything now was just a matter of going through the closing process. This woman was incredible and she fit in so well with all of us. She belonged in our jigsaw puzzle.

As Delilah followed Celeste and me through the house, I made sure she saw me pat Celeste on her firm tight ass several times. When we got to the bedrooms, I explained that Sheila and Leann would make the final decision on who got which room but the three of us, Sheila, Leann, and I, would definitely be sharing the master suite and the large playroom was to belong to all of us. Delilah knew one of the bedrooms would be hers without me having to mention it. With the five other bedrooms, there were enough for each of the girls to have their own room when everyone was there at the same time plus one to use as a guest room.

At that point, Delilah said, "But there are only three of us not including Sheila and Leann. Won't that leave two guest rooms?"

I raised Celeste's right arm over her head. She pirouetted around and fell into my arms. I smiled at Delilah and said, "I thought you might have figured out by now this beautiful little pixie is one of us and the "extra" bedroom belongs to her. Please give Celeste a VERY warm kiss of welcome, Delilah."

She grinned, as she held her arms wide open. Celeste eagerly rushed into her open arms. Instantly, they exchanged a very hot wet kiss which was worthy of lovers even though that was yet to come.

When they broke their kiss, Delilah almost pleaded, "Can we go back to the house now? I'm so horny I feel like I'm going squirt all over the floor."

I heard Celeste gasp as she heard that so I said, "Delilah is not kidding. She can cum so hard that she really does squirt and I love it when she does."

Celeste moaned, "Oh God, Delilah, if squirting can be learned will you please teach me how to do it?"

"Why do you want to know how to do that?" asked Delilah.

"Michael just said he loves it when you do it and I will anything to please him," she replied.

Delilah looked at me and said, "She really is one of us, Michael, and yes, Celeste, I will do my best to help you learn how to squirt for him. Now, can we please go back to the house. I'd strip right here and now but Michael, Sheila and Leann should be the ones to christen this place, not the three of us."

I agreed with her knowing that while Sheila would never mention it, she would prefer it that way, too, so I replied, "Let's go home, girls."

For the drive back to the house, I had Delilah sit in the front seat with Celeste. I knew they would want a few minutes to chat between themselves. Of course, it was not exactly private with me sitting in the seat behind them but it was the best we could do under the circumstances.

Once we were back at the house and inside, I poured a glass of wine for each of us. I knew Celeste would rearrange her schedule for the rest of the day and not go back to her office unless I told her to do so. She was already far too aroused to go anywhere and I wanted her to be a gift from Sheila and me to Delilah.

When I handed Celeste a glass of wine she looked at me and said, "I'm not going back to work today, am I?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"No, you are not, my precious little pixie," I replied.

Simply smiled at me.

We sat in the living room and chatted for a while until Celeste, finally, said to me, "Michael, please don't be upset with for asking this but I really want to be with alone Delilah for just a little while. All of this is new for me but the girl-girl thing is...uh...uh..."

I fully understood how she felt and it was a non-question request so I looked as Delilah and said, "Take her to 'our' room. I am sure you both are thinking the same thing. Have fun and get much better acquainted. I'll join you in a little while."

Of course, to Delilah the playroom was 'our' room. She took Celeste by her tiny hand and as she led her down the hallway, I felt almost as if I had just handed a wounded gazelle over to a hungry lioness so I called out, "Celeste, you're in for the thrill of your life."

"God, I hope so and, Michael, I promise that somehow I'll learn to do two things I know will please you. I'll learn to take all of you down my throat and I'll learn how to squirt for you," she called by to me.

I smiled to myself without bothering to answer her. I gave them a little over an hour to enjoy themselves before going to join them. When I got to the door of the playroom, they were lying there holding each other and giggling like two naughty schoolgirls.

As I walked into the room, I removed my clothes and asked, "Is there room for one more?"

They rolled apart making room for me between them. Delilah said, "Of course there is. What took you so long?"

Celeste smiled at me and said, "I can't do it yet, but I am positive I can learn how to squirt for you and I promise I will learn how to do it. Delilah is awesome."

Delilah grinned and said, "I believe her, Michael. She may have the body of a beautiful little pixie, but her heart is that of a pure Amazon. Celeste is incredible. How did you ever manage to find her?"

"Both of you are awesomely incredible. Baby, I didn't exactly find Celeste. She was more or less given to me by Sheila and Leann. It seems more likely to me that she has found us and in so doing she has also found herself."

Celeste just blushed.

I laid down between them on the bed and pulled them both into my arms.

"From the way you two described each other, there is no need for me to ask if you enjoyed yourselves. I only hope I can continue to deserve the love and attention that you and the others girls so freely give to me. Every man should be so fortunate," I told them.

We spent the next two hours in every sexual combination of positions we could imagine for two women and one man. One of their favorites seemed to be having Delilah lying on her back with Celeste lying face down on Delilah's tummy and my face between their legs licking them both to earth shattering orgasms while they "made out" like the lovers they were becoming.

Of course, my newest little pain slut, Celeste, began begging me to take her anally. This time she didn't want any lubrication other than with the juices from her soaking wet pussy and she did not want me to put the butt plug in before I took her.

I looked as Delilah and asked her, "Do you want to watch this?"

"Watch? I want to be a part of it. Celeste is your slut. Aren't you, dear? Delilah said as she looked at Celeste. " are going to do exactly what Michael tells you to do," She continued.

"Yes, I am, Michael," Celeste said as she looked up into my eyes. She was clearly acknowledging Delilah while at the same time directing her answer to me. "I never thought I could become a slut but for you, Michael, I am," she added submissively.

Then she looked at Delilah and asked, "Will you please help me please Michael?"

Delilah grabbed Celeste by her slender wrist and as she dragged Celeste forward to her dripping smoldering pussy looked at me asking, "Will you let your little slut eat my aching pussy while you fuck her tight hot ass? I will not let her escape."

The thought of Celeste even pretending to try to escape never came to my mind. I knew Celeste wanted me to take her and her eating Delilah's eager pussy would be a bonus so I smiled at Delilah and said, "under the condition that you will teach her how to take me down her throat and learn to squirt for me."

"With pleasure," she replied.

I slipped my turgid cock inside Celeste's wet steaming slit to moisten gather her lubricating juices. Celeste wanted it hard and deep to feel some pain so I entered her immediately with powerful long deep thrusts. She met each of them by pounding her hips back into me with her own fervent gusto and vigor. There was nothing tender or gentle in the way I took Celeste. It could only be described as consensual rape which is exactly what she desperately wanted and needed. She was starving for fierce, brutal sex. Celeste ground hips frantically back against me meeting each of my forceful driving thrusts with her brand of fury fueled lust. She transformed from a passion filled woman into a savage animal driven by the raging inferno of her burning desire as took clung to Delilah's hips and ground her mouth hungrily into her molten cunt.

This was too much for me to even attempt to prolong my orgasm. My balls exploded as they propelled what felt to me like a gallon of my hot molten sperm deep inside her fiery bowels. She followed almost instantly as her body was racked by spasm after spasm of her own orgasmic release. Delilah erupted simultaneously her own cum spewing all over the face of Celeste with such abundant profusion that she sputtered and gurgled in her attempt to swallow the fountain of Delilah's astonishing flood of juices. Delilah had squirted for me many times before but this was as though it was a tsunami. I was almost afraid Celeste would drown from the sheer volume which erupted from Delilah's loins.

When we finally caught our breath and tried to regain some sense of our collective composure, Celeste told me she was going to buy a butt plug to wear all day, everyday so she could condition herself to be ready for me anytime I wanted her.

Then she smiled very shyly as she said, "Leann was right. I do love it in my ass and with you the harder to do it, the better I like it."

Delilah, laughed and said, "Michael, it is a very good thing she is yours because I would never let her out of my sight much less from between my legs if she was mine."

Celeste gigged and moaned breathlessly, "I feel like that girl in the play "West Side Story." I think they called her Anybodys. I'm not tough like she was except when I'm working. Right now, I know I am where I really belong."

I wanted to laugh but it just wouldn't come out. She was fully revealing her true submissiveness much like an animal in the wild exposing its soft underbelly as it yields itself to a dominant one. I was unwillingly to take her any farther at this point so instead I pulled her close to me and kissed her very tenderly.

As she melted in my arms, Celeste whispered, "I'll do whatever you tell me to do, Michael. I have never felt so much as I do now that I really belong to someone. This is truly what I want."

There seemed to be no limits or boundaries for this beautiful little pixie with the heart of an Amazon. She was like a runaway train which could not and would not stop until it either derailed or ran off a cliff in pursuit of the bliss of her passionate orgasmic release. She claimed to have very limited sexual experience but I knew this was only because she had not found anyone who could match her seemingly endless and uncontrollable desire for pleasure.

Delilah and Celeste finally wound down enough to leave for the day. When they left, I was all but certain those two insatiable nymphs would go to Celeste's house and have another hour or two together.

When Sheila got home later, she wanted all the details. I described everything to her with as many vivid and graphic details as I could remember; some of which were barely more than a blur. Sheila, as she usually did when I told of my sexual activities with any of the other girls, became very aroused by my description of the days events. Her breathing consisted of short shallow gasps, her eyelids were partially closed and her legs were slowly opening and closing. I knew if I kept talking to her, giving her more and more graphic details of the intimate events, her delicious juices be flowing in such great profusion that she would soon be begging for sexual release.

When I told her how Celeste had wanted me to brutally take her tight little anus while refusing either artificial lubrication or penetration with the butt plug and how forcefully I had done it, I thought she was going cum then and there.

I brought her down to earth by telling her Celeste was going to buy a butt plug and wear it every day so she would always be ready whenever I wanted her. Sheila smiled and asked it that was my idea or had Celeste brought it up herself. I told her Celeste had come up with that idea all by herself without even so much as a suggestion from me.

Sheila's smile broadened and she whispered, "Celeste really is a wanton little pain slut. I want to see you spank her soon. She already wants you to own her, Michael. Go ahead; make her your personal little slave girl. I know that is what she really wants. She is aching for you to take full and complete control of her sexually. She will maintain her desire for success in her business life but she wants you to dominate her otherwise."

"I believe you may be correct, my love, but do you want me to have that much power and control over her?" I asked.

"You already have me almost to that point I just can't bear the physical pain," Sheila admitted.

"Well, I know Celeste wants more from me than what I have given her thus far but I want you to be absolutely certain you want me to follow through with it. Properly training a submissive, especially enslaving her, requires a considerable amount of uninterrupted time as well as what can sometimes be rather severe punishment. I just want you to know what is required and be prepared to accept it."

"I will not permit her to have sex in any form or to cum unless I give her permission. I will make her bathe all of you girls and stand by the bed to serve us as we desire and to clean us after we have sex. What I am saying is there is a lot for you to consider. If you truly want me to do it, I will mold Celeste into a perfect 'pleasure slave'. Just be absolutely certain this is what you want me to do," I told Sheila. I wondered if she would actually have me follow through with her request.

"I want you to do it, Michael, please make her your slave. Make her do everything you command her to do and make her do it to perfection. She is perfect for this," Sheila said. She was almost moaning as she spoke.

"I will have her here tomorrow night. I want you here when I tell her what I want her to do, BUT...I will give her the opportunity to accept it or to refuse it. If she accepts it, there will be no backing out later. However, should she decline, there will be no further mention of it." I stated firmly.

"DO IT, MICHAEL! DO IT!" Sheila cried out loudly.

There seemed to be little doubt that she really wanted me to do this. In fact, I think she was actually trying to live out her own secret desire through the body and mind of Celeste. Sheila was such a highly charged sexual being, I could hardly understand how she could be satisfied by having only one man in her life but since she was now fully in tune with having women as well, somehow, it made sense.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

MAJOR04 clearly doesn't understand that dominance is neither bullying nor cruelty. A submissive has an emotional need to be controlled (to what extent depends on the individual) and a dominant fulfills that need. The traits MAJOR04 cites as being positive -- strength, intelligence, and compassion -- are all necessary for a dominant. Having those traits, to which I would add perceptiveness, is what differentiates a dominant from an abuser. Some actions may be similar, but an abuser acts out of a selfish desire to make their victim less, while a dominant acts out of love and respect, helping their submissive become more fulfilled. An abuser's actions lower a victim's self-esteem; a dominant's actions raise a submissive's self-esteem.

The criticism that Sheila is truly the dominant partner in the relationship, however, is well-founded. Michael isn't like her ex-husband -- and Sheila won't try to make him so because that doesn't meet her needs -- but he is just following Sheila's lead when he should be taking charge. I suspect that doing so would also fix the growing distance between him and Sylvia, which is probably Sheila's doing, despite her stated intention of not driving them apart.

MAJOR04MAJOR04over 6 years ago
Too much , To far

I don’t understand why you have a need to have your main character become a

teenager with a need to be cruel and abusive?? I understand anger but you develop your men/ teen lovers as intelligent and compassionate but strong and then you reverse

The emotional dynamics to show them as bullying someone who loves them!!! Michael is suppose to be the DOMINANT in this dynamic group but now you have made Shelia the true DOM!! I expect him to be taking it up his ass and become what her ex husband was.... As with all writers I suspect you may have a need to destroy the person you built up as actually being a cruel bully with no conscience!!!!! Sorry you are allowing this to happen in this story like you did in Aunt Madge. It is a real downer for the story!! Sorry but I really like your stories and have read them all and this seems to be a trend it really takes away from all your good work!!!

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