System Restore

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A brother rebuilds his sister.
13.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/19/2021
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Author's Note: This a brother/sister (very) slowburn SciFi romance.






% AWAKEning. Self diagnostic complete. Dream cycle complete.

% Welcome back, SARA.

"Go fuck yourself." She muttered, rolling over and thrusting her head under her pillow. Not that it would do anything. She wasn't human anymore, she couldn't choose to go back to sleep. That was a system function, she wasn't in charge of when it would be triggered.

% You have 27 unread notifications, SARA.

"Again, go fuck yourself." She replied sitting up slowly. She hissed as one of her back muscles twinged. The pain lancing into her spine before there was a thud and pop as the damned thing righted itself.

% DAMAGE. Report to INFIRMARY immediately, SARA.

"Not a fucking chance." She slid off the edge of the bed. She wanted to yawn, but suppressed the urge. She knew it was just an instinct, now. She didn't actually experience tiredness anymore. Couldn't actually remember what that felt like.

% DAMAGE. Alert ignored. Assuming loss of function. Notifying SUPERVISOR, SARA.

"Cancel! Cancel!" She shouted quickly, "I'll go, I'll go, don't -"

The door slammed open as her older brother rushed in. He was only half dressed, his shirt undone to show off the muscles that any wrench monkey would end up with. He had a tie in one hand and had grabbed an emergency first aid kit in the other.

Sara cringed and tapped her head, "You got this thing dialled up to nine. Sorry. I just pulled my back when I got up. You really don't need to -"

He ignored her, sitting her down and beginning a full examination of her. Sara sighed, giving up. It didn't matter how often it happened, her brother was always going to worry about her. She understood why, and how close it had really been, but it did frustrate her.

Not that Rik actually noticed, but she hadn't had a chance to get dressed yet. Not even to the extent that he had. The wiring that plugged into her spine needed access to the whole thing, so the only pjs she really got to wear was a set of panties.

So as he sat there poking and prodding at her back and scanning for diagnostic information, she was slowly turning bright red. Especially as the cold was causing her tits to stiffen up so that they almost hurt.

"Six months." She muttered to no one in particular.

% Searching for SIX MONTHS, SARA.


% Initialising playback.

% When I was a young boy, I wanted to sail around the world...

"Cancel." She rolled her eyes.

Rik spoke behind her, "Hey, I like that song."

"Best part of getting hurt. I can't get songs stuck in my head anymore." She said light-heartily.

He sighed and sat down beside her, "You were right. Nothing to worry about."

"Apart from my brother seeing my tits for the tenth time this week!" Sara complained, glaring at him. She watched as it dawned on him and his gaze slowly lowered. He hadn't even noticed, which was almost as bad as him seeing them.

It wasn't even like they were small! Whoever had done the rebuild had to make them bigger, so that they had somewhere else to stuff some of the equipment. She'd gone, overnight, from a B cup and being kinda glad she never had to wear a bra, to a bloody F.

Rik flicked his head away from her and coughed nervously, "Uh... Sorry."

"Get out."

"Yup." He jumped to his feet, hoisting the first aid kit and went out into the hallway and closed her door. Only then did he call back to her, "I'm making French toast if you want any."

"Yes, please!" Sara called back to him with a grin.

% Dietary Restriction Warning. Suggested CONSUMABLE is not COMPATIBLE with current weight restrictions, SARA.

She moaned in frustration and stomped her feet on the ground. She really wished she could shut the bloody thing up, but technically speaking, only Rik was allowed to do that at this point. She was still in rehab, learning the ins and outs of her body. Which meant she had to have a supervisor who approved everything, and her brother was way overprotective.

Not that he didn't have a good reason for being so.

Sara turned her attention away from arguing with the lifeless husk inside her skull, which was pointless, to trying to find something cute to wear that wouldn't end with her feeling like a complete freak of nature.

Her reconstruction had been more extensive than most, so they hadn't managed to hide everything away like they could with less severe traumas. Which meant that she didn't really like and top that showed the back of her neck or her shoulders.

Thankfully it was winter, so high neck sweaters could still be cute. She didn't even want to think about summer and her usual beach cravings. Bikini season she might just hide inside and cry.

% Low endorphins detected. Administrating, SARA.

Her eyes widened and she felt a buzz in her head, making her instantly giggle. She'd felt the instant surge of artificial happy immediately. Injected right into her spine by her wonderfully oversensitive support system.

At least it came with some benefits.

She picked out her white turtleneck, a gold necklace and a pair of skinny jeans. That was about as much as she could do, fashion wise. Her bra, and ear rings were both functional. They had extra sensors feeding back into the support system to help out her inner ear.

Even her shoes had to be a boring pair of blue flats because most of the nerves in her feet were dead. Being able to have all the prostheses wasn't what got to her. She loved being able to function like she was still a person. She wouldn't choose her broken body over this one in a million years.

However, she desperately wished she could afford something even a little bit cosmetic.

For that... She'd need to be able to pay an entire R&D lab to make her customs. None of what she already had wasn't custom. Half of it had been made by her brother, and the other half for the professor he worked under at the hospital.

Sara was a miracle of modern science. More doctors and scientists were familiar with the computer crap stuffed inside her spine, her boobs, and skull than she could even count. A few Saturday morning news shows had even tried to cold call her, attempting to boost ratings by getting the Platinum Girl onto their show.

% Anxiety Warning. Cease current activity immediately, SARA.

"Fuck off." She laughed and finished getting dressed.

She skipped lightly down the stairs, laughing as the system squealed some more alerts in her direction. She saw Rik just beginning to serve up the toast, but looking as frazzled and distracted as ever. His smart watch was buzzing out notifications from her system, but he was paying it as much attention as she did.

"You know, you can be the best big brother, sometimes." Sara said sweetly, trying to reassure him she wasn't holding any bad feelings from the morning check-up.

He nodded tiredly, and put a plate on the bench, "Here you go."

"What's up?" She slid onto a stool and bit into the warm and cinnamon-tasting item.

Rik frowned, "Oh, Okka just wants me to do some overtime today."

"You should. If you want to." Sara said seriously, "You're saving people's lives, Rik. You need to stop trying to put me in front of everything else. I can cook for myself, clothe myself. Gotta let me try independent sometime."

He winced, "I don't mean to..."

"You understand this clunker." She tapped her skull, "Which means you get what could go wrong. So it makes you worry. But... If you did this overtime, what would you be doing?"

"Surgery at the kid's hospital."

"Exactly!" Sara announced, "And I know you want to. You love playing mysterious hero. The person letting someone walk again, see again. The person they never meet. I am censored proud of you, Rik!"

He blinked.

She rolled her mouth and tried again. "Censored. Censored censored. Censored fartknuckle gangly censored censored! Rik. I take it back. I hate you."

He reached for the first aid kit and checked over her, "Eh... Child lock mode. Sorry. Now why did that... Talking about being independent. Oh! I forgot, I was supposed to approve you moving to the next stage of rehab, last night. Damn thing assumed you'd had a relapse 'cause I didn't. Here you go."

"Fuck." She said and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fuck twat, shitting cocksack with a cuntbag!"

Rik leaned next to her, "It's finicky. Sensitive. Half of this stuff was never designed to work with the rest. I hate leaving you on your own. What if it puts you to sleep on the stairs? Then calls the cops on you? They won't get why you won't wake up."

She kissed his cheek, "Dude. Go be a hero. I'll watch movies and eat pizza. That'll set off so many alarms that you'll know I'm okay the entire time."

"Not anymore." Rik gave a small smile, "I just gave you supervisor status. You're all on your own, Sara."

His voice cracked as he said the last bit.

"Never. My brother loves me too much to ever give up on me." She said proudly and hugged his arm, "I will always know that, Rik. Always. Never doubt that I love you."

He kissed her forehead, "Okay. I'll wave you once I get in. Try and not override everything today, won't you? The exercise and stuff helps. You need it."

"Insinuate I'm gaining weight, again."

"Nope, I like living. Also, not what I meant." He laughed and headed for the door.

When it closed, Sara felt giddy. Her system dosing her to pre-empt the lonely feeling. She was pretty sure that thing was going to turn her into an addict or something if they didn't dial it down a notch.

% Low endorphins detected. Administrating, SARA.

"No shit." She giggled and then frowned, "I'm horny. God, why am I so horny? You going to fuck with that, System? Or am I actually allowed to censored today?"

Sara blinked and gritted her teeth. "Censored override you piece of censored!"


"Awesome. Turn off child lock before I rip you out of my fucking skull." She snapped, and then rolled her eyes, "You know? Disable ever turning that thing back on."

% Suicidal Ideation Alert. Report to the INFIRMARY immediately, SARA.

"No. And don't you dare tell Rik! Override!" She snapped in a huff, and stormed back to her room. She really didn't understand the thing inside her at all. Or why it seemed to only talk to her when she was alone or it was completely awkward.

She suddenly blinked, remembering it playing music for her this morning and realising she now had control of a lot more of the bloody thing, even if it was exceptionally erratic. "Uhm... Porn?"

% Searching for PORN, SARA.

She blushed and giggled, sitting on the edge of her bed. She hadn't actually expected that to work. Could this thing actually search for pornography? Was she really about to get a VR ride on a cock?

% DEFINITION: Lurid or sensational material.

Sara sighed heavily, "Well, that sucks. There was me hoping. Anyways..."

She grabbed her phone from where she'd left it lying on top of the charger and lay back on the bed. She pulled up the most popular adult video site and flicked through the front page.

Most of the videos on the landing page did not interest her in the least. She didn't want to see some girl covered in fake cum supposedly from ten different guys. She didn't want to see someone prolapse. Gigantic dicks were about as interesting to her as leprechauns were.

She was so bored that she nearly missed it.

Sara stopped scrolling and stared in absolute horror. She swallowed as she stared in pain at the video thumbnail and the title underneath it, praying that it wasn't real, and hating the fact that it looked like it might be.

% Anxiety Warning. Cease current activity immediately, SARA.

"No. Also... Do you know how to issue a copyright takedown or whatever?" She struggled not to burst into tears.

% You wish to FLAG this video for copyright violations? Please supply ownership information, SARA.

"It's me in the fucking video. Rare video of Platinum Girl before surgery." Her bottom lip trembled, "Fucking Cole. He either uploaded it or he sold it. I never wanted to do it! He just liked the idea of watching it together."

It wasn't much of a porn video. All she did in it was blow him, and it was a super shaky video because he hadn't been able to focus on both it and her mouth. It had been somewhat fun to make, at the time, but she had begged him to delete it, after.

She thought he had, even.

% Report has been issued, SARA.

% You have 28 unread notifications, SARA.

"Is that new one from the site? Automated spam or takedown?" She said, still struggling not to just dissolve into tears. Why did it stop her getting upset when her brother left, but then not care at all when she was crying!?

A single tear slipped down her cheek, as she refused to give in to the feeling.

% Notification Analysis Follows. Automated analysis of the video suggests that voice prints do not match. Takedown has been rejected. Would you like to appeal, SARA?

"Yes." She said and wiped at her face, "Also, can you make me feel happy?"

% Grief is an ordinary part of the healing process, SARA. Cannot recommend suggested ACTION, SARA.

"Fuck you." She muttered and tucked her phone into her pocket and looked up at the ceiling, "I really hate you, System. Did you know that?"

% Information. This automated intelligence system is not programmed for emotional interfacing, SARA. The models responsible for emotional connection were removed from all standard military systems, SARA.

She rolled her eyes and sat up, "Fine. I'm upset. What can you do for fun?"

% Information. This automated intelligence system was designed to assist with accessibility functions for military veterans, SARA.

She closed her eyes and sighed, hating how her life felt like it was continuously going around and around in circles. She always ended up doing the same things, and then something would upset her, and she'd repeat the cycle.

"Initiate dream playback. What did I dream about, last night?"

With her eyes closed, she felt the images slowly imprint onto her. It wasn't quite like reliving a memory, but it wasn't like her vision was hijacked either.

The first scene that faded in found her sitting in a car, with a belt over one shoulder. She turned to the guy beside her, laughing and waving at him.

"Skip the nightmare, please." She whispered sadly, trying not to cry as she saw her dad's face fading away.

% Warning. This dream contains sexually explicit content. Are you 18 or over and wanting to see sexually explicit acts, SARA?

She gave a nervous laugh, "I had a bloody wet dream? Also, how old am I System?"

% Information. Your age is logged at twenty six years old, SARA.

"Aha. So... Why the interstitial? Show me the damn dream already."

She figured that though porn had managed to upset her, that her own dreams might distract her. She was also intrigued, she couldn't remember the last time she had a wet dream. What the heck had got her hot and bothered when she was asleep?

"Why do we have to ride the stupid ferris wheel?" Sara heard herself complaining, as the imagery faded in. She was sitting on a seat across from her brother, as the two of them sat there looking incredibly bored.

She remembered this. It was an actual memory.

Her parents had taken her to a theme park for her twenty first, but they had insisted as well that she and her brother ride the slow-ass and boring ferris wheel, because the two of them had a fight that morning and weren't really talking to each other.

Rik shrugged, pulling his phone out of his pants and started scrolling through a site. Now and then she saw him quirk a smile, as he stopped to watch a video, his eyes flashing with the familiar light of a projected holovid.

It was generally considered rude to watch those kinds of things with other people around, because you couldn't see the world whilst watching. However, it was still pretty damn common, too.

Sara pouted, crossing her arms and leaning down in her seat, "It's my birthday. Why am I in trouble for getting annoyed at you? You're the one who walked in on me!"

Rik looked up from his phone, "That's why you're annoyed at me? I thought you were just being a spoiled brat that I didn't get you a gift! Fuck's sake. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to see!"

"What did you see?"

"Uhm... Everything. Sorry." He cringed.

Sara sat up slowly, "Really? You saw... Everything?"

That was not what she'd said in her memory. In fact she'd told Rik never to talk to her again, and by the time they got off the ride her entire birthday had been pretty much ruined. The two of them had hated each other.

In fact, it wasn't until her accident that they had really reconciled.


She shrugged out of her t-shirt, throwing it aside, and lifting up what was definitely the rack she had today and not back then. "Did you get a good look at these, then?"

"What are you doing, Sara?" Rik said awkwardly, suddenly sporting more grey hairs. Looking much more like he did today, prematurely aged by the efforts he'd gone to just to keep her alive. A year of impossible surgeries having taken their toll... But leaving him looking mature and sexy.

She stood up, sliding off her pants, and cocking a hip for him. Showing no signs of reconstructive surgery. Not a single scar or blemish to her body. "Did you get a good look at my pussy, too?"

Her sleeping brain had the corniest one-liners ever.

"Why did you shave it into the shape of a love heart?" Rik said, staring at her bush.

Sara crossed over to him, and straddled him. Putting her arms around his neck and she kissed him. He was soft and warm, but felt somehow otherworldly, the uncanny valley of the dream failing to quite give the real experience of kissing someone.

She felt him instantly poking at her naked pussy, his hard on pressed right up against his jeans. She ground down on it, feeling herself getting wet and ready.

Sara broke the kiss and grinned at him, "'Cos I love you, moron."

It might be full of corny one liners and terrible ideas... But Sara knew that her twisted mind hadn't just conjured this one up and out of nowhere. She... She was actually starting to get off on this. Even if she was about to fuck her own brother.

His clothes were suddenly on the floor, and she was leaning back into the seat. Rik standing over her, one hand beside her head as he pushed at her entrance, "Tell me that you want this."

"I fucking want you to fuck me." Sara said with a grin, before grabbing onto the seat as he pushed his way inside her. She moaned as she felt her entrance opening up, as he slid into her in an instant, burying himself all the way into her.

% Elevated Hormone Warning. Current levels of EXCITEMENT are not COMPATIBLE with current activity restrictions, SARA.

"Fuck off." She laughed, reaching down and undoing her jeans, slipping a hand inside her panties. "This is hot. So wrong. But hot."

The dream shifted again, the way that dreams did. The scenery was incomplete, suggesting that her brain hadn't bothered to fill in the blanks. Rik was leaning down over her, as she had both hands behind his neck.

He moaned for her, as his hips shook her body. Driving his dick in and out of her with repeated and fast movements. The dream Sara was grinning up at him, moaning desperately and trying to adjust herself so that he could go deeper and deeper.

"That's it, Rik. Fuck your little sister. Fuck her wet little cunt."

% Elevated Hormone Warning. Cease current activity immediately, SARA.

Her finger made its way into her wet slit, probing and curling as her thumb rubbed at her hood. She could feel her face flushing as she watched her brother fuck her pussy. Felt him bearing down on top of her as she flicked her bean.