T-34's Rule and Boys Drool! Pt. 02

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Akira was warm, so very warm...
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/06/2021
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Alright, this got way more attention than I thought it would. This is yet another singular 4k word chapter. I might lengthen them out later on, but for now, that's what I'm working with. As usual, share some love, vote, comment, flick me an email. I'll start pumping out new chapters as I come up with them, but no promises on the time scale. I've still got a space opera to write haha

Thanks for reading!


Chapter Two

Akira slowly came awake. She was cocooned in warmth. The comfortable weight pressing all around her gave her comfort... Only...

"You're awake," a heavy, feminine voice said softly. Akira froze, not even betraying a quiver. The comfortable weight around her squeezed softly, before woman-handling her around to face the creature that had her ensnared. Akira shyly glanced up into a pair of brown orbs, that stared right back.

"Hello," she said weakly.

Bellinda smiled, a big friendly smile. "Hi. Are you feeling better now?"

"Mhm," Akira nodded meekly.

Bellinda pulled her close for a few heartbeats and Akira closed her eyes. It wasn't that she felt oppressed. Literally the opposite. She'd never felt like this before. Boys had paid little interest to her. Girls her age wanted to party and flirt. Akira just wanted to feel normal, but was too shy to ever leave the house. With the exception of Thomas of course. He'd been her best friend since he moved into the area. She was the first one he ever came out to and she'd held that secret until he came out to his parents, before introducing them to his first boyfriend. Over the years and several tearful breakups, they'd both decided to just stick it out together. And now, after all this time thinking she'd be alone. Here she was, snuggled in the arms of an ebony goddess.

Without thinking, Akira wriggled one arm under the larger woman's side and snuggled in closer. Just enjoying the comfort, without any real knowledge of why her chest beat quite so hard. With her face pressed between two enormous, but proportional breasts, she didn't see Bellinda's smile. But she felt as the amazonian woman began to stroke her hair. She'd never been... touched, before. Not like this. Not since her Papa died at least. He did the best hugs, while Akira's mother was rather withdrawn. So Akira snuggled in, and made the best of it.

"Hey! Ahh..." Ceejay paused, seeing the two women curled up on the dusty old couch.

"What's up?" Bellinda asked, rolling her eyes.

"There's some old angry dude here threatening to call the cops."

Akira froze, before pulling away from Bellinda. Quickly standing, she ignored the blush on her face while she dashed out of the small side office they were in. Heading right through the workshop, she could hear the voice clear as day.

"I know you're not supposed to be in there! Get out before I call the police!"

Akira couldn't be certain, but it sounded familiar. And as she rounded the side of Henry, she laid eyes on their angry guest. He was busy scolding Mel who was carefully climbing down off the tank without damaging any of the wreaths. Even in his anger, the old man was polite enough to offer her a hand. But it was as his eyes swept over the room, they landed on Akira.

"Hello Paul," Akira said softly.

"Akira," the old man took his hat off his head. "I-I'm sorry. We had alarms installed in case anyone broke in. After all these years, I never thought you'd be the one to open the shed."

Akira strode up to her Papa's old friend. He was mostly like she remembered, only older. More refined. He looked like he was taking care of himself. He glanced around at the three ladies with Akira and swallowed self consciously. It had been a long time since he'd been around attractive young women. Retirement had been good to him, but he hadn't had anyone to share it with.

"So, who's your friends?" He asked.

"Mel," the skinny blonde offered her hand to shake.

"I'm Ceejay!" the red-head darted in for a hug.

"Bellinda," the tall beauty patted Akira's shoulder as she passed to greet the old man.

Paul looked at each of them, "Well, sorry about the entrance. I'm Paul, an old friend. What brought on the decision to open up the shed after all this time?"

"Umm, we were... Kinda hoping..."

"We wanted to enter the Rolling Thunder Tournament," Mel said quickly, offering Akira a quick smile.

"An all girls crew!" Ceejay cheered loudly.

"Our original gunner was the one who set us up with a tank. But that fell through last minute, and we just happened to bump into the lovely Akira here," Bellinda smiled at the small woman.

Paul just looked over each of them, before nodding once. "Fair enough. You ladies know what you're doing?"

Ceejay deflated slightly, "Not in a T-34. We trained in an Italian Fiat-Ansaldo m15/42."

Paul cocked his eyebrow, "And your old friend just dropped the whole idea?"

"It was her brothers," Ceejay groaned. "Apparently she didn't ask if we could use it until the day and he said no. All that training for nothing."

Paul shook his head, "Training is never for nothing. The skills you learned driving that tank will transfer to this one, don't you worry."

"We never actually drove the tank," Mel said softly.

Paul sighed. "Look, I've got a few hours. Do you want some pointers to get old Henry here into action?"

Three of the ladies beamed brightly. The fourth, froze in apprehension at the idea of being in that cramped turret with Bellinda.

"Okay," she said softly.


"Alright, ease her out!" Paul called through the intercom.

He was sitting on the top of the tank while the crew were all in position. If not for Akira's small stature, there wouldn't be enough room for the two of them inside the turret. Comfort was a distant second to the demands of WW2. But it did leave her rather close to the large woman pressed in beside her.

"You okay?" Bellina asked.

Akira nodded slightly, touching the controls for the turret to steady herself as the tank lumbered forward. She knew the last hands to touch them were her Papa's. And she had mixed feelings about touching them now. The original electronic system was replaced with a more modern one. The original T-34's had issues with broken teeth, noise, and even sparks. This new system worked perfectly and was designed to move at the same pace as the original.

"Alright, Ceejay, on the roof above you, there's a switch with a speaker next to it. I want you to flick it."

Ceejay glanced up, seeing the switch immediately and did as she was told. The moment she did so, the tank rumbled like the engine came to life. It was purely artificial, but as the old tank rumbled onto the lawn, you'd be hard pressed to tell it was fake.

"Get up to walking speed and make some slow turns. Don't go throwing me off!"

The tank lumbered out into the yard. For any observer, it looked and sounded just like a real T-34. And with Ceejay at the controls, it drove like one too. Smooth wide turns left barely any marks in the grass. And it gave Paul a grin, that maybe these girls knew what they were doing.

"Pull to a stop, let me off, then do some faster laps of the yard."

Ceejay called out her agreement, before pulling back on the brakes and slowing the tank to a comfortable stop. Paul handed the intercom back to Bellinda, who wrapped it back around her head. Then, as he climbed down, Bellinda reached up and closed the hatch, sealing them all inside. As the turret went dark the internal lighting switched on, giving the inside a faint glow. Akira ignored Bellinda staring at her and pretended to check over the systems via the small panel. Obviously, there was nothing wrong, but she had no idea what to say to the dark skinned woman who made her feel things that confused her more than any single person had ever before GASP BREATHE CALM!

"You okay?"

Akira almost flinched, before nodding slowly.


"Ready ladies?!" Ceejay called over the intercom.

Akira blanched realising they could hear everything said between them. But with Bellinda and Mel giving their consent, she felt Bellinda's eyes on her again.

"Let's go Ceejay," Akira said softly.

Paul walked straight into the shed, before grabbing out a chair and setting it on the lawn. He shifted his hat to better cover his eyes from the sun, while he watched the still stationery tank. What he wasn't expecting, was for it to suddenly start throttling up. The throttling up itself was just the sound it made through the sound system mounted underneath, but it did mean that Ceejay was about to do something dangerous.

"Oh no," the old man gasped.

Before he could get out of his chair, the tracks of the tank lurched into movement. The harsh metal bit down into the earth and the tank reared up from the torque of the motor. Paul watched in horror as it launched across the yard. It went straight for a few meters, before sliding from side to side, like Ceejay was having trouble keeping it steady. She was heading right for the trees at the rear of the property. Paul, with all the speed of an old man, sprinted for his jeep.

Ceejay was cackling madly...

"This things great!" She squealed through the intercom.

Akira could see the status on the panel, they were at the top speed at 53km/h. No huge sprinter, but for the era and the fact Henry weighed in at twenty-eight and a half tonnes. But in a flash, everything went sideways. Akira, terrified at the sudden change in momentum, threw her arms out. The harness she wore kept her in her seat and safe, but her hand suddenly met something warm. The warm thing quickly enveloped her hand and Akira turned her head to see Bellinda holding her hand. In the low internal light, Akira hoped Bellinda couldn't see her blush.

"And spin!" Ceejay called.

In a gut wrenching maneuver, Ceejay threw Henry sideways and then into a one-eighty, so they were facing back the opposite direction. Slamming the controls forward, Henry lurched into action again, racing back towards the house at the front of the yard. This time Ceejay kept the tank moving in a slow winding fashion, before using the width of the yard to turn around and come to a stop. Directly in front of the tank, was Paul's jeep. Akira listened as Ceejay popped the driver's hatch and pushed it open.

"Hey Paul! Henry's a lot faster than I thought he'd be!"

Paul just got out of his jeep and gaped for a moment, "y'mean that crazy driving was intentional?"

"Yup!" Ceejay beamed.

The old man just shook his head, "Girly, if you can drive like that, and Akira can shoot half as good as her Papa used to, you're gonna make it interesting for some folks."


After a few pointers from Paul and a few more laps in Henry. The ladies packed up the shed. After promising to meet them in the morning to sign up for the tournament, the three left. Though Bellinda did leave a little slower than the others. Then, with nothing else, Akira made her way inside and started preparing a meal for Paul and her mother.

"Akira, who owns that Jeep out front?" She called, coming in the front door. "Looks almost like Paul's old one."

"Hello Sato," Paul said from the living room.

Akira's mother froze, hearing his voice, before turning and giving the old man a hard look. "Paul, what are you doing here?"

"Akira's made some friends."

Sato frowned, before heading into the kitchen. "Akira, you know I don't like you bringing around guests!"

"Mama, it was only the shed, I didn't bring them in the house."

"THE SHED!" Sato yelled, whirling around to Paul.

"I didn't take her in there. It was her idea Sato."

Akira shrunk her shoulders in as she stirred the pot of pasta. It was simply spaghetti with bolognese sauce. It was something her Papa had taught her to make. The sauce was already simmering and she was just about ready to take the pasta off the heat.

"Akira, what's going on?" Sato asked.

"I met some friends," Akira said softly.

"Akira, speak up. I can't stand when you mumble."

Akira swallowed and tried to keep her nerves under control. Her mother was a firm woman. But that firmness rubbed her wrong and she always struggled to speak with her mother. But she took a deep breath and smiled up at her mother. "I made some friends today. We're joining the Rolling Thunder Tournament in the morning."

Turning her attention back to the stove, she didn't see her mothers face turning red.

"Akira, you will tell your friends, they can find somebody else!"

Akira froze, "But... Mama-"

"NO!" Sato snapped, "It's time you learned to behave like a lady! To find a good husband!"

"I don't want a husband!" Akira snapped.

"What? You're going to marry a woman instead? You would bring that shame upon me?"

Akira froze... She glanced up at Paul and saw the expression on his face. Without another word, she turned off the stove and marched out of the kitchen. She ignored her mothers calls and headed straight out of the house and towards the shed. Without stopping, Akira pulled the key from around her neck, but instead of going to the large front doors, she went to the side. Pushing the key into the lock, she felt the click as it opened.

"AKIRA!" Her mother shrieked, coming across the lawn.

Akira didn't look back as she stepped inside. Closing the door behind her, she flicked the lock as the automatic lights came on inside. Taking out her phone, Akira checked the time as a drop of water hit the screen. After looking up, she felt as the second tear rolled across her cheek.

"Akira, open this door!" Sato called.

Akira moved away and headed for the couch where she'd slept earlier in Bellinda's arms. Laying down, she inhaled the faint traces of the larger woman's scent. As her lip quivered and the tears started, Akira unlocked her phone and scrolled down to Bellinda's name.


"Akira honey?!" Bellinda knocked on the side door.

She waited a few moments before reaching to knock again. But before she could, there was a small click from the lock and the door swung open. What she saw, shocked her. Not in the traditional sense, but in the sense that this was more than it appeared to be in every way. Akira stood there, dressed as she was earlier in a grey, long sleeve shirt and a knee length skirt. Her dark hair framed her puffy red face.

"I didn't know who to call," Akira said softly.

Bellinda just stepped in through the shed and took the small woman in her arms. "Shhh," she held her. "It's okay now."

They cuddled for a few minutes, before Akira started feeling better. And by better, that meant she was suddenly aware that she was in the arms of a woman she barely knew. Pulling out of the embrace, she looked up at the woman that made her question herself.

"So what happened?" Bellinda asked gently, saving Akira from trying to start on her own.

Akira sighed, before heading for the couch. Bellinda closed the door behind her and followed the small intriguing woman.

"Mama doesn't want me to sign up," Akira said, sitting on the couch.

Bellinda stopped, "What are you going to do?"

Akira shrugged, "I don't know. She was really mad when I told her."

"AND I'M STILL MAD!" Sato yelled, storming in.

"You!" Sato pointed at Bellinda. "Get off my property this instant! I have to speak with my ungrateful child."

"Mama!" Akira gasped.

"No!" Sato snapped back. "This has gone on long enough. Tell your... Friend, to leave," Sato sneered at the tall, dark woman.

Akira looked over at Bellinda, who was half stepping back. And Akira immediately knew she didn't want Bellinda to leave. "No."

Sato paused, "No? What do you mean no?"

"Mama, as per Papa's will, the shed, it's contents and the land it sits on is legally mine. Bellinda is more than welcome to stay on my property as long as she wants."

Sato stood for a moment, "Fine. You can stay out here then."

Turning on the spot, Sato stormed out, slamming the door behind her as she went. Akira dropped to her knees, before clutching her face as angry tears rolled down her face. Almost immediately, she squeaked in fright as she was swept off her feet into a bridal carry. Terrified of the sudden shift in perspective, Akira clutched to Bellinda's front as she carried the small woman towards the door. With Akira gripping her so tightly, Bellinda was able to release one arm and get the door open. She checked that Akira was wearing the necklace with the key, before flicking the lock. Stepping sideways out of the door. Bellinda pulled the door closed behind her. Still with Akira in her arms, she carried the small woman down the side of the house. A shadow moved in front of one of the lit windows, but when Bellinda glanced up, she saw the blinds pulled closed. Shaking her head, Bellinda made it to her car. Crouching, she held Akira on her lap while she fished out her keys and hit the unlock button. The lights on the car flashed orange and the locks clicked, allowing Bellinda to open the passenger door.


Akira was warm. So very warm. The bed seemed a little firmer than usual, but it was comfortable in a way she couldn't understand. That was until she squeezed the soft lump in her right hand, and felt something firm up under her fingers. Immediately coming awake, Akira let out a small squeak, before tumbling out of bed with a thump.

"Wha-Akira?" Bellina snapped awake. "Honey, are you okay?"

Akira sat on the floor in an oversized shirt, rubbing the back of her head where she'd hit it. But as she looked up, she froze at the sight before her. Bellinda was topless. Her large breasts caught Akira's eyes and she blushed before looking away.

"Akira?" Bellinda asked again.

Akira raised her eyes to look at the goddess before her again. "Good morning," she said softly.

"It's still a little early," Bellinda smiled, before raising the blanket in invitation.

Before Akira could think, she was already standing. Before she could come up with a reasonable excuse to remain at arms length, she was under the cover. Before she could lay with her back towards the ebony goddess, her face was pressed into the worlds loveliest breasts. Her skin was dark, smooth and perfectly soft.

Bellinda just held the small woman in her arms and reflected on how she felt. She'd been with girls before, but traditionally had chased after men. But something about this pint sized woman made her all gooey inside. Akira's thoughts on the other hand were in turmoil. On one side of things, she treasured this intimate moment more than anything since her Papa had died. On the other hand, she had no idea what it even was.

"You've got an egg," Bellinda said softly, stoking the small lump where Akira had hit on the floor.

Akira shuddered softly, but pressed herself firmer into the larger woman. They laid there, snuggled under the blankets for a time. Akira drifted in and out of sleep, waking for brief moments and slipping back to a comfortable snooze. Bellinda just smiled and held the small woman that made her feel things she hadn't felt in a long time.



"It's time we got up. Want some breakfast?"

Akira moaned softly and pulled away from the warm place against Bellinda's chest. Rolling to the end of the bed, Akira stood, only pausing to shake the large t-shirt down to cover her ass. Bellinda only barely hid her immediate reaction to growl, but watched as Akira shuffled out of the room. Getting up herself, Bellinda went to the bathroom and performed her morning rituals. After washing her hands and splashing a little water on her face, Bellinda threw on a top and made for the kitchen. Only... It was already occupied. Akira was whisking what looked like egg yolks in a bowl, while a frying pan warmed on the stove.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Akira froze and shrank in on herself. Bellinda saw it happen immediately and cursed herself, so she said the first thing that came to mind. "You're a guest. You shouldn't be cooking me breakfast."