Taken by Strangers Ch. 02: Lucy's Plight


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She slid gingerly into bed and was just drifting when the phone buzzed. It was a message from Tom.

'Hey, are you up? Only just got your message. Thought you didn't want to ever hear from me again! Changed your mind, maybe?'

Lucy was exhausted. And now angry. She ignored it, switching off the phone, and was instantly asleep.


Lucy was bruised and sore for a few days. She fretted endlessly about what to do. She felt despair, of course, but also anger. At Tom, the tosser! But also herself. She played back the evening at the Kings Arms over and over in her mind. She'd basically given herself to him on a platter. Agreed to every demand. Begged for it. What a stupid cow! And now she felt trapped. Effectively owned by a monster of a man and his moronic employees. She knew it was rape. She knew what she SHOULD do, which was dial 999. But the consequences filled her with dread. 'These things don't happen quietly,' she moaned to herself. 'And a jury isn't going to look kindly on those photos.'

Plus, of course, her career would be over, her marriage ruined, possibly along with the marriages of the other men involved, although she didn't give a toss about them. She even imagined her own daughter would turn against her and gave thanks she'd emigrated a couple of years back. She spent the week in turmoil, unable to decide what to do.

Eventually she called Tom back during lunch hour.

"Hey there," he chirped cheerily. "Nice to hear your voice again...I thought you said..."

"Shut up," Lucy barked. "One of your so-called mates is blackmailing me. Roger Carter. He has photos for Christ's sake!"

Tom was silent for a moment and then finally just grunted. "Fuck."

"Jesus! Is that all you've got to say? You were supposed to be looking after me that evening!"

"I didn't see it, I swear. I told them no cameras. Honestly."

"Well he didn't bloody listen. He raped me last week and it isn't going to stop until you do something about it." Lucy was on the verge of tears, trying to hold back her anger.

"Shit! I don't know what to say. Have you called the Police?" said Tom, obviously panicked.

"Of course not. I'm a bloody school teacher and he's one of my student's parents. Where do you think that's going to end? And like I said, he has PICTURES!"

Lucy was loosing it, choking back the tears.

"OK, OK. I'll make a call. Lucy, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have..." He paused, struggling with the words, then changed his mind. "Leave it with me for a couple of days. I'll sort it, I promise."

Lucy calmed herself and got on with classes. Then at break her phone pinged.

"5PM, slut. You know the location. Don't be late for your next appointment."

'No! No!' she cried internally. 'Not today, surely!'

She threw up in the toilets, shivering with dread. 'I can't go through that again. Not so soon!' She tried Tom's number but there was no reply. 'Men are fucking useless', she raged.

She had an afternoon class and mumbled her way through it, unable to think clearly, glancing at the clock as it ominously ticked closer to 3.30 and the end of the school day. The bell finally rang and the class emptied, leaving her alone and afraid.

She HAD to tell someone! In a last desperate act, she dialled Janet, her closest friend. The one who told her about the original hook-up site. 'Maybe she'll understand this awful nightmare.'


Janet plied her with sweet tea, hugging her and offering reassurance. Lucy had told her everything.

"Just stay here for now. He won't do anything, trust me. He may be a thug, but he's a married man with a business. He won't jeopardise those."

"Thank you," whispered Lucy. She was ashamed, but Janet had been a true friend, listening patiently and simply holding her tight. "If I can just stay with you for a couple of hours. John will be home at 7. I'll be safe then."

"Of course, but we really do need to talk about calling the Police," said Janet firmly.

"Not yet. Please... I need some time to... you know, prepare for that."

Janet wrapped her arms around her friend as she wept.


It was 7.15. Lucy pulled up outside the house.

She was calmer now. They'd talked through everything and Janet firmly reminded her that she had little choice but to report the abuse. "A man like that doesn't deserve freedom," she'd said. Eventually Lucy accepted the inevitable.

"I need to tell John first," she'd whispered, dreading the idea, but resigned to it.

Her legs were a little wobbly as she made her way towards the house, and then her phoned pinged. It was John.

'Hey Honey. Meeting running over. Will be a bit late home. Steaks in the fridge.'

Lucy stared at it for a second and felt a shiver along her neck. Then she plunged into darkness as a canvas bag was pulled over her head. A hand closed over her mouth and arms grabbed her waist and lifted her.

"Thought you'd get out of your appointment, did you, slut?" Carter's gravelly voice permeated the bag close to her head as he dragged her into his truck.


Lucy drifted back to consciousness, still in darkness, and then shuddered as memories flooded back. She'd passed out as she was manhandled into Carter's truck. Maybe the shock? Or maybe one of those drugs that knocks you out, like they use in movies? She had no idea, but her head was spinning.

The bag was pulled off her head, dazzling her eyes briefly.

"Wakey, wakey, slut!"

She was naked, bent over a pile of tyres in the garage, legs and arms splayed and secured with something. Cable ties maybe? She wasn't sure but they were biting into the skin of her ankles and wrists. Her boobs hung over the edge of the tyres, her arse on show to the room. She thought absentmindedly that she might end up spending the rest of her life with her bum in the air.

"Time for your punishment, bitch," spat Carter from above her. She looked up but could only raise her head a little way. She could see his legs, standing in front of her. "The boys have left for the day but no worries. You and I can have a bit of fun, eh?"

He crouched in front of her face and she shuddered at the sight of two large crocodile clips in his hands.

"Leastways, I'll being having some fun," he muttered, chuckling menacingly, and pinched the clips on to her nipples. Lucy squealed in pain but he just laughed. Then he picked up a length of hose from the floor. It was black and greasy. He lay the cold rubber on her buttocks and Lucy shivered as he dragged it across her bum and along her spine. Then he lifted it and brought it down on to her arse with a thwack! She cried out in pain.

"You need to learn to turn up for your appointments," said Carter. He brought the hose down again. Lucy yelped.

"I won't miss it again! I promise!" She shouted. Her bum cheeks stung and she felt the heat of welts forming.

"Fucking right you won't," he grunted, but stopped flogging her. Lucy knew that wasn't the end and wasn't surprised to see his trousers drop to his ankles in front of her. He reached down under her chin and lifted her head. She found herself inches from his cock and recognised its rank odour. Carter was holding a large wrench.

"See this?" he said, waving the wrench in front of her eyes. "You're gonna suck my cock and take your punishment. If there's any biting, or I feel any teeth, this wrench is going up your arse. Got that?"

Lucy nodded, staring at the cold, shiny metal, suddenly empty of feeling.

Carter dropped the wrench with a clang, and gripped his hardening cock, edging towards her face.

"Now open up, slut."

Lucy's mind went blank. She felt the heat and throbbing in her buttocks, the stinging across her skin, plastic biting into her ankles and wrists, nipples numb from the clips. But she felt nothing else. No fear, just emptiness. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and waited, emotionless.

She heard a bang. It sounded a long way off, but she couldn't be sure. There were footsteps.

"What the fuck! Piss off, this is my garage," shouted Carter.

"And that's my wife. And I'm taking her home."

Something jolted Lucy's mind. She thought she recognised... or maybe it was a dream.... was that....?

"Oh Yea? Pudgy little cunt," smirked Carter. "You and who's army?"

The door cranked open again. More footsteps. Carter stepped away from her face and her head dropped, still in a daze.

"Shit! Look lads, it was just a bit of fun. We all had her at the Kings Arms remember? I mean, no disrespect but she's a just a filthy slut. She begged for it last time. You can all have another go if you fancy..."

Lucy heard a punch and a scream, then someone struggling. A blanket was thrown over her body and she felt the snap of cutters at her ankles and wrists. The crocodile clips were unclasped and blood rushed back into her nipples, pins and needles tingling in her breasts. Strong arms lifted her up. The warmth of a man's arms around her, pulling her head into his chest. She recognised his scent and realised it was her husband, John, and wondered what he was doing there. 'Are they fixing his car?' She thought deliriously.

"Look, how about some cash, guys?" started Carter from the floor.

"Shut your mouth!"

Lucy recognised the new voice. 'Odd? That's Tom,' she thought, as her mind began to clear.

"It's OK, Honey, just rest. You're safe now," said John close to her ear.

Lucy looked up into the room. Tom was standing over Carter. She saw Ray Clifton, smiling sympathetically. There were two men by the door and she immediately recognised them. Both parents that she knew. She blushed with embarrassment, but also relief that Jonathan wasn't one of them.

"What the hell...?" she started but her voice croaked.

"Janet called to check on you," said John. "When we realised you didn't make it home she contacted... well, these gentlemen."

As clarity flooded back into her mind, Lucy started sobbing. "John, I... I..." she stammered, hanging her head in shame.

"Tom has explained everything," he said softly. "I was shocked, obviously, but I think maybe I haven't been looking after your needs for a while. I love you and I promise I'm here for you now and forever. If you still want me."

He hugged her and smiled.

"I'm sorry too, Lucy," said Tom. "In fact, we all are. We took advantage of you and it was wrong. And this nasty piece of work should never have been invited."

"I'll call the cops," said Ray Clifton.

"Wait!" Said Lucy firmly, jumping out of John's arms, wiping her face, anger boiling up from her soul. "You can call them, but first I want a word with this fucker."

She strode across the room and straddled Carter's body as he cowered on the floor, whimpering, trousers still hanging off his ankle. The blanket had fallen away but Lucy felt no shame. She stood there naked, glistening with sweat in the flickering lights of the workshop. Tall. Defiant. Amazonian.

"Hand me that wrench," she said. "And hold him down."

The men fell silent. Lucy towered like a crazed lioness. Poised to kill.

"Are you sure this is a good...?" started John.

"Just give me the fucking wrench!"

Carter started begging as she stood over him. She bent forward and grabbed his phone, tossed it on the floor and smashed it with the wrench. The men looked on with awe as Lucy hit it again. And again. And again. Heaving and grunting as she crushed the device into tiny pieces.

"Wow," mumbled Tom under his breath. "Feeling better now?"

Lucy ignored him, red-faced with rage, glaring down at Carter.

"You're a bully, just like your son. Oh and he's expelled, by the way. Explain THAT to your wife. And as for raping me, you lucked out this time. Thought my career too precious to me? Thought I was petrified to tell or go through the ordeal of a rape trial? Well you were wrong, buddy." She looked across at John and smiled. "My marriage is important to me, and I hope I can find a way to repair it, but men like you don't deserve freedom of any kind. Hopefully they'll put you away for decades."

Then she paused and leaned forward, lowering her voice. "And just remember, whatever happens next, my friends here aren't far away. So if I see you again, or hear any rumours about you..." She stared into his eyes and whispered, "... I'll be arranging an appointment."

And with that she lifted the wrench, slamming it into his groin with a thud, and Carter howled in agony.


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luvmassageluvmassageabout 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comments Tess. Certainly one of the difficulties with writing erotica is attempting to walk that delicate line between common fantasies and misogynistic thinking. The gangbang fantasy idea actually came from a woman I know and I've also had several conversations with women who hold similar fantasies of submission. But despite good intentions I'm sure the whole story is overlaid with my own ingrained male-centric attitudes and feelings. There is certainly an issue with the all-male cavalry coming to rescue the damsel in distress thing, which is troubling. In my defence I've written gay male stories too and tried writing as both male and female characters. Some would argue that I'm not 'qualified' but surely that is part of what makes writing a challenge. And fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ok so I know you left a warning in the comments at the end of ch1, so I was prepared for it to get ugly. It definitely turned into a horror story and TBH I skimmed past details until Lucy got in touch with Tom (2nd time lol) and her friend. I’m glad it had a good ending that bastard definitely got what he deserved. Your writing style is great and you clearly have talent.

I know it’s a bit of a morality tale and her husband has realised just how unhappy she was but the thing that really bugs me is the holier than thou attitude. All women get slut-shamed ALL the time, you might think that sounds extreme but it’s a real problem. FFS a virgin could reject some guys advances and more often than not she suddenly a fucking whore? It’s a cultural bias, society judges women but not men and just to make it worse over time women have reinforced this attitude, it’s bizarre.

In your story the original group of guys all turned up to have some sexy fun but that one guy Carter has a problem with women doing what they want so decided that she’d said yes once which in his head meant he was entitled. That said none of the other guys could respect her right to have fun because they all made leading comments.

Love your writing but yeah I had to skip the rough parts in this one. Thanks for sharing

Tess (uk)

luvmassageluvmassageabout 3 years agoAuthor

In response to the anonymous poster, I have not made any claims that this story is consensual. It's deliberately listed in the Non-Consent category for that reason. I would like to think that readers would see this alongside the first part of the story in the context of an anonymous (consensual) gangbang that had dreadful consequences. I don't feel the need to apologise for describing a rape scene in an erotica story any more than I might describe a murder in a whodunnit or thriller. It is an integral part of the story, and in my opinion, an essential part of the moral discussion. It is not intended to turn you on, so if that's all you require of Literotica, then maybe keep clear of the non-consent/reluctance category? That is, after all, what the categories are there for.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I normally love your stories and this one started off really well but it descended into rape and then even lower anal rape which I found a total turn off! That is definitely not CNC

cotswoldSMcouplecotswoldSMcoupleover 3 years ago
Great story.

Superb. Hopefully Lucy will discuss with her hubby how best to thank Tom and the others

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Clearly a talented writer

Could you come up with a story that explores fantasies without a descent into violence? It’s not so easy but I think you’ve got the ability to do it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Importance of trust

This story highlights how it is so important for fantasies to be played out with a trusted person present. She was pretty naive to do what she did with someone she had just met...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

wow what a great story, glad lucy got her own back

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