Taking Care of Daddy


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"What's missing?" he asked. She looked him in the eyes.

"Me," she said simply.

"Huh? You're right here, " he said confusedly.

"No, dumb-ass, the word 'me,'" she teased, "As in...Fuck...ME...Daddy." She saw his hand speed up. "Fuck me, Daddy," she repeated. He was unable to control himself and semen erupted like a geyser, flying into the air before splattering onto him and the bed.

"Oh my God," he said weakly. Leah was shaken by the rapid and forceful ending. She stood up to get a towel and realized that her legs were trembling. She wobbled back and cleaned him up. He was already looking tired.

"Ok, daddy," she whispered, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead, "roll over so I can complete the treatment." She spent a long time giving him a backrub even though he was sound asleep.

Leaving his room took an act of supreme willpower on her part. Leah knew that she needed to relieve the sexual tension she was feeling, so she went into her room and got her trusty "rabbit" vibrator. It never failed.

Three orgasms later, though, she still felt like a total bitch in heat, and had no idea what to do. She thought of getting drunk or of smoking a cigarette—two occasional tricks she used to fill sexual voids—but she was in the middle of summer workouts and both of those were bad options for an athlete in training.

Finally, her hormones got the better of her and she resorted to the option she had been trying to avoid. Grabbing her phone before she could think too much about it, she found the contact for Mac, her asshole ex-boyfriend, and hit "send."

"Yah," came the voice she thought she'd never hear again, "who's this?"

"You're not going to believe this, but it's Leah," she said grimly.

"Wha—" he began.

"Do not talk right now or you may miss out on an opportunity," she cautioned.

"Huh? Ok?" he said stupidly. He was as dumb as a pig, she thought disgustedly, but he could fuck all night and was hung like a horse. She just needed the jackass from the waist down, she decided, so she continued.

"Ok. Here's the deal. I don't want to get back together, and I still think you're a total asshole and creep. BUT. If you want to get laid tonight—and I mean tonight ONLY—I'm desperate. And I thought you might be inclined to take advantage of the situation."

"Jesus Christ, Leah," he said harshly, "you get points for honesty, I guess. So you just need a hard dick, basically."

"That's right," she said just as coldly, "And if you need a wet cunt we could probably work something out. But ONLY with the understanding that it's one-time only."

"Well, I was going to jerk off but I'm out of Kleenex," he sneered, "so I guess your pussy will have to do. Are you going to come over here? My roommate will no doubt enjoy the show. You might get double what you've bargained for."

"Oh HELL no," Leah swore. She was positive that he motherfucker would be delighted to arrange a gangbang by the entire men's lacrosse team for her. "If you want to do this, you'll come over here, and follow my instructions completely."

"Where do I go?" he asked quietly, afraid to lose this heaven-sent opportunity. He remembered that Leah could fuck like a porn star. She gave him the address.

"Come around to the back door and don't ring the doorbell. My dad is here asleep and it will be my ass if we wake him up." She hoped he could at least follow that instruction. I will never, ever date another lacrosse player, she promised herself.

Mac arrived a short time later. Leah watched, horrified, through the living room window as he wandered up to the porch. Then he stopped and stared at the doorbell. Leah cracked open the front door.

"The back door is in the rear, numbnut," she hissed under her breath, closing the door in his face. Mac sheepishly retreated around the corner, and managed to find the back door. He tapped softly, and she opened it. He was wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts. His shorts were tented out with a massive hard-on.

"Don't say a word," she hissed, pulling off her clothes and getting on her knees. "Doggy-style. Hard and fast. Just get me off, ok? If you want to drop your load, well, whatever." He pulled off his clothes and skewered her powerfully, ramming his cock home with feral glee.

"Goddamn you, motherfucker," she grunted, "at least you can fuck." She grabbed the carpet and moaned as he began pounding her. Within minutes she felt herself coming. "Oh God," she groaned, "you're going to do it to me. Don't fucking stop." He just pounded harder, almost knocking her on her face. She was strong enough, though, to hold her own and she clamped down on him as she came hard.

He fucked her through that orgasm and right on into a second almost immediately. For number three, he flipped her over and drove into her in the missionary position. Finally, her pussy wore down his self-control and she could see that he was getting close. "You're just hanging by a thread," she teased.

"Ahhh, fuck,. You got me. Here it comes, bitch," he said as he shot into her heavily. They collapsed into a sweaty heap.

Almost immediately, Leah rolled away and put her clothes back on. He got up, looking at her strangely and got dressed.

"I guess I should say thanks," he began lamely.

"I guess I should say thanks too," Leah answered, "now get the hell out of here."

"Leah," he began, "I know..." She cut him off.

"Look. You shouldn't have been fucking six other girls while I was your girlfriend. I'm never going to forgive that, so this was just a one-time thing, ok?" she said, coldly. Then more gently, "I just got in need and you were the only guy who I could think of to do the job. So I guess we can call it even."

"Whatever," he said. "Take care, Leah." Then he was gone.

Leah headed back upstairs and took a long shower. She felt physically relieved, but also felt like vomiting—repelled as much by what she had just been willing to do as by the person she did it with. She got into bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Her father was having a struggle of his own. He had awakened not too long after Leah had left his room, and as before he felt completely renewed and refreshed. He lay in bed, thinking. He tried to make sense of what had happened between him and his daughter—and of what he was feeling for her.

And what was she feeling for him? She had said. "Fuck me daddy." Was she just playing with words trying to get him off, or... did she want...

Surely not. Not his little girl. He harbored no illusions that she was a virgin, but still...Leah wouldn't do anything that perverse. But what was is that Freud had said? Wasn't it something about how even chance expressions reflect our subconscious desires? He would have to look that up, he thought. Fortunately, he wasn't developing romantic feelings for...or was he?

He felt that he wanted to tell her again how much he appreciated her—how much he lov--, no, cared for her. He arose and went across the hall to her room. He was surprised to find the door open and the room empty. He became a bit alarmed, but figured that she had just gone downstairs, perhaps for a snack.

He decided to join her, and descended the stairs quickly. As he got to the bottom, he saw that the kitchen lights were on, so he headed in to see what she had cooked up.

Then he heard the sounds coming from the family room--sounds that froze him in his tracks. Oh, God, he thought, that's Leah's voice.

She was clearly in the throes of intense sex, and some stud was grunting like an animal as he hammered her. She was whimpering and groaning, and using the filthiest language he had ever heard. He was shocked and horrified that she could have gone from his bedroom to....to THIS. Shaken, he returned to his room, more confused than ever. As he lay awake, he wasn't sure at all how he felt, but... "Are you jealous?" he asked himself. Sleep was elusive.

Fortunately for them both, the next day was Saturday and they could sleep in. When he arose, Leah was already out on the deck with her coffee. There were dark circles under her eyes.

He stood and looked at her through the French doors. "My God, she is so beautiful," he thought.

He was still hurt by what she had done, but he knew that he forgave her. Surely she had a good reason for what she did. He got some coffee and went out, careful this time not to startle her.

"Good morning, honey," he began, "how are you?"

"I'm not sure," she said softly, "I had a rough night."

He resisted the urge to say, "I bet you did." Instead, he asked quietly, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I...I can't, really," she said. She looked so sad. He felt like he needed to do something.

"Leah, honey," he began, "I'm sorry if what we did last night put you in a bad way. I shouldn't have asked, I know, but..." She interrupted him.

"No, dad, I'm not upset about that at all. I feel good about that. It's that...I...I... It's just..."

He got goose bumps. Did she really say that she felt good about being with him? He decided that it was time to clear the air between them. If she could force her way into his room and administer therapy...well, two could play that game, he knew.

"Ok, I'll accept that," he continued. "So are you upset about...about what happened after you left my room?" She froze, her eyes getting huge.

"What do you mean?" she asked, trying to sound innocent, "I just went to bed."

"Leah, I...um...woke up after you left. I wanted to talk with you a bit to tell you how much I appreciated what you did. But you weren't in your room so I came downstairs..." Leah burst into tears.

"Oh God, no... please, please no." She slipped out of her chair and fell to the deck, sobbing, "Not that. Anything but that. I never wanted you to see me...like that." She curled into a ball, hugging herself and began rocking back and forth, wracked with sobs.

By now, her father was crying too. He got down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him and holding her as she cried.

"You weren't doing anything wrong, honey," he whispered to her.

"Yes I was," she sobbed, "I didn't even want to do it...with him. I didn't care who it was...I was just...I was so...worked up...after you finished. But I shouldn't have done it with him...not in our house. I'm so sorry." She continued to sob, her body shaking. Her dad held her until she had cried herself out. He sat her up and wiped the tears from her face. She was starting to calm down.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," he assured her. "I never saw anything. As soon as I heard you I beat a hasty retreat—but I did hear enough to know that you needed some privacy." He took a deep breath before continuing, "But why...I mean...you've...you've been so good to me...when I...when I needed help...with... Didn't you think that I...um...that I could help you if you needed it?"

She sniffled and whimpered, "You said that you wanted this to be a one-time thing...and then you were sleeping. I knew you wouldn't do it with me...and I was desperate. I needed...I wanted...a man. No, that's not right. I needed a man." She took a deep breath and exhaled, shuddering. "I wanted you," she added very softly. Her father sat next to her, stunned. She had wanted him? Tears welled again in her eyes.

"And now I've ruined everything,,' she wailed, "I've betrayed you and you'll never want to touch this slutty daughter of yours again." She looked at him. "I'll move out today if you want," she said, once again dissolving into tears. She pulled away from him and threw herself down on the deck.

He embraced her and quieted her as he did when she was a little girl. Again he helped her into a sitting position and held her close, now experiencing her as a woman instead of as his child.

He realized that all along he had known the answers to the questions that filled his mind; he had just refused to hear them. It was time to listen to what he had been trying to tell himself...and to hear what she had been trying to tell him.

He buried his face in her hair and smelled her scent—so fresh and youthful. She nuzzled her head in his shoulder, but he lifted her chin and looked into her teary eyes. He smiled at her.

"You mean the slutty daughter who says, 'Fuck me daddy?'" he asked. "Actually, I think that little wench could be handy to have around," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Leah looked stunned. "But after I--" she began. Her father put his hand on her mouth to silence her.

"Neither one of us wanted to acknowledge what we were feeling for each other, and look where that's got us," he said, "Maybe what we need is a fresh start. How about it?"

He saw her face light up with a beautiful smile. To him, her teary, snotty, slobbery, messy face looked like that of an angel.

They both began to cry, overcome with emotion, as they held each other close. She pulled away and looked at him intently, then leaned forward and kissed him. He nodded slowly. It was real.

Leah slumped against him, exhausted. Then she began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" her dad asked.

"Well, I just thought that someone is going to have to take care of that slutty daughter's sexual needs so she's not out fucking creepy guys at all hours of the night. Got anyone in mind to handle that job?" she asked.

"Yes I do. And I'm going to keep you on a short leash, young lady," he assured her. He helped her up and they went back in the house. As they passed the spot where she had fucked Mac she shuddered slightly.

"Not here, honey," he said softly, "come upstairs with me." She went eagerly.

"It's time for a backrub again," she sighed, "Except that I'm the one who needs it this time."

Sunlight was streaming into his room and the bed was soft and warm. He carefully undressed her and gently helped her into bed, removing his own clothes before joining her. They hugged, naked together for the first time, thrilling to the contact of their bodies.

Their first kiss was tentative—breaking a new ground of intimacy that was unfamiliar and uncomfortable—but a second and third put them on more solid footing. Their tongues touched, first exploring, then seeking, finally dancing together eagerly. As they kissed, he wondered if he would be able to perform--he wasn't going to be able to compete with the young stud of last evening, he knew. She sensed his hesitation and smiled.

"I've got an idea," she giggled. "Let me go explore a bit." She kissed her way down his body, working down to his semi-erect penis. She took it in her mouth and began giving him a slow, sweet blowjob.

"Oh, honey," he sighed, "I didn't expect...ahhh." She didn't stop until he was rigid.

She squatted above him and put his cock at her opening, wiggling around to tease him, then sitting down firmly. They both gasped, then she began riding him, rotating her hips and moving up and down. He held her hands to steady her, and she moved purposefully, gazing into his eyes.

It didn't take long for either of them. Leah went first, her strong, steady movements becoming faster. Her eyes focused on him then stared blankly as a dreamy expression crossed her face. He could tell she was floating away.

"That's it. Let go, honey," he encouraged, "you look so beautiful."

She sped up more and began bearing down with her internal muscles, breathing faster with the effort. Her eyes closed and she began to make whimpering sounds, then her body went rigid and she began to shake, grunting softly with each spasm.

She came hard, but never stopped riding him. Soon, his head dropped back and his back arched. She felt his body become tense as he prepared for orgasm. Leah reached down and masturbated herself, gaining a second orgasm so they could climax together. After the first few intense contractions subsided they opened their eyes, shuddering gently against each other as they came back to reality. Leah dropped forward and they began kissing again, this time as lovers.

They lay together afterward, her head nuzzled into his chest. He held her tightly.

"I love you, Leah," he said tenderly as he began to doze off, "I love you very much." He gently ruffled her soft hair.

"I love you too," she sighed, "More than you could imagine."

As they drifted off to sleep, Leah thought back to her youth, remembering how she would listen outside her parents' bedroom door. It made her happy to hear them. She always felt so loved and secure.

She snuggled closer to her dad. Now she was on the other side of that door, feeling even more loved and secure.

Because she was completely his.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Normally, I get aroused by incest stories, but don't actually consider that I would ever be involved in one. After all, they are pretty far outside of societal norms, and often tend to harm those involved. But I have to say, the way this was written, I could almost see how it would be a loving and helpful relationship for both.

I know that is most likely just an excuse for an old guy to get laid by a hot young babe, but still, a good story.

izzieDizzieDabout 8 years ago
Very sweetly done!

DITTO ON THAT 'make a film'!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Decent but could use some editing

The overall story was fine but there were parts that could be deleted to tighten the story a bit (scene about the eating out could go away, for instance) and the switch of POV from daughter to father was jarring--add a row of asterisks to show a break.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Make film

There are so many good romantic stories here like this one...can't someone make films out of these stories... Not just porn movies but romantic and erotic.

travelingguy26travelingguy26almost 9 years ago

you should totally add to this story, very good.

LonerDaddy1962LonerDaddy1962over 9 years ago

It was sweet... Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I don't know what it is exactly but there is something about this story that makes it one of the best I've read

kennyboy82kennyboy82over 11 years ago

Just plain brilliant! More like this please.

imharmless69imharmless69over 11 years ago

Your characters are living, breathing human beings with very real doubts, fears, passions and needs. A great, great story.

hieratichieraticover 11 years ago

good build up, every event was given a reason to happen without boring the reader. Organic chacters, with realastic reactions. Calling the ex to try and sate her needs before running up to her Daddys bed was far more nautral than makeing a bee line to incest . 6 stars.

mafia_patriarchmafia_patriarchover 11 years ago

I don't read father/daughter stories much,but this was well done.

Beeman2005Beeman2005over 11 years ago
REALLY nice story

Excellent job, very good writing. It started appropriately slow and tentative for both of them and built up nicely. Would love to read more daddy-daughter from you!!! :-)

tenbears43tenbears43over 11 years ago

That is a true incest love story. I like the way it was done.

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