Taking My Aunt to Dinner

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Taking my aunt out to dinner leads to so much more.
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Dear reader, as always. Please read the tags, if the tags don't appeal, go read something else.

Tags: aunt, nephew, incest, bareback, love, squirting,

I was sitting at my computer checking out some You Tube videos when my phone rang.

It was my mother, Cecilia, "Billy, It's your mother"

"Yeah Mum, your name on my phone sort of gave me a hint." I said, with fake sarcasm, "How's it going?"

"Great, but I've had enough of this hot weather. What about you?"

"Oh I'm great, going to the beach a few times a week, I've got myself an awesome suntan."

"Trim, taut, tanned, and terrific, eh." Cecilia said, "Just what I'm looking for."

"Sorry mum, you're not my type, and besides, I don't think dad would approve."

"Very funny, son, but it isn't for me."

"OOOHH, and there was me thinking you loved me." I said, "Who is it you want to hook me up with this time, and if it's that blonde bimbo next door to you, NO, NO, NO."

"I do love you son, and it isn't the bimbo. Honey. Would you do me a favor?"


"Would you ask your Aunt Tiffany out to dinner?"

"Aunt Tiff? Of course, but why?"

"Your Aunt is lonely, she has been since she divorced that useless uncle of yours." my mum said, "I want to try and get her back out into the world, instead of sitting at home like a lonely old spinster."

"Aunt Tiff isn't old, mum, hell, she is only thirty." I said, "but anyway, I would love to take her to dinner. But you already knew that didn't you?"

"Of course, You and your aunt Tiff are like, Rosemary and Thyme, Laurel and Hardy, Romeo and Juliet, Cheese and Crackers. Well, maybe not Romeo and Juliet."

I suppose at this stage I should explain.

I'm twenty four. I'm well built and fit because I work as a fitness instructor, which gives me unrestricted access to the gym I work at. With my good physique, blonde hair and blue eyes, I guess I would rate as good looking.

My mother is forty four. She is slim and attractive and, like me, she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Having a fitness instructor for a son has some advantages. I got her a membership at a gym near her home, and she gets easy access to the fitness instructors when she needs advise. Mum measures about thirty four, twenty four, thirty six, with a C cup.

My aunt Tiffany was a late arrival. Apparently my grand parents were seriously shocked when they found out they were going to have another baby. My grandma was wearing a birth control insert, but sometimes mother nature will have her way. I love mother nature, she gave me one of the hottest aunts any red blooded nephew could ask for.

I've always called her aunt Tiff, and at thirty, my aunt Tiff is slim and fit, like her older sister. Unlike my mum, my aunt has auburn hair, more shaded toward a lightish brown than red. She prefers to wear it short. That is the way I like it on her too. Aunt Tiff has a long, slender neck and a fine jawline, and the short hair allows those features to show. Like mum, aunt Tiff also has a C cup bust. In fact they both have almost identical bodies. Mum's body is more muscular than aunt Tiff's, thanks to the gym. They could easily swap clothes from head to toe and there is nothing that would not fit.

I picked up the phone, "Well here goes," I said to myself.

I dialed the number. "Hello?"

"Hey aunt Tiff, it's me, Billy."

"Hey Billy. How are you?"

"Oh you know me, young and dumb and full of cu... Never mind. I'm great."

"Sweetie, you're not dumb, and as for the rest, like you said, never mind."

"Aunt Tiff, I was wondering, would you come out to dinner with me on Saturday night?"

"I don't think so sweetie. I was planning to watch a Netflix movie that's just been released."

" OH. OK then, well, you enjoy your movie. I'll enjoy a beautiful dinner in that new french restaurant. All by myself."

"You? All by yourself? Ha Ha, that would be a first."

I told her that she wasn't being fair, I am usually by myself, which is why mum keeps trying to hook me up with just about anything that has a pussy and tits.

I told her that I was convinced my mother thinks I'm gay. She assured me that my mother thinks nothing of the sort.

"Come on aunt Tiff, I really don't handle rejection well. It destroys my ego, and self esteem."

"Yes. Very funny." she laughed, "OK, I will go, but you call me aunt just once while we are out and I will tip a bowl of soup over your head."

"Thanks aunt Tiff, love you." I said, "Hey aunt Tiff, Please wear something pretty for me." I hung up.

I smiled, then I rang mum, "Hey mum, just a quick one, I got a date for Saturday night."

"Oh Honey that's great, anybody I know?"

"Sure. Your sister. G'night mum." I hung up.

Saturday night I drove across to aunt Tiff's place to pick her up.

I was wearing designer jeans, which is unusual for me. I'm normally either in shorts, or King Gee work wear. My shirt was an American import western shirt.

When aunt Tiff opened the door I was blown away, "Is this pretty enough?" she asked me.

She was wearing a strapless red dress, which was held up by nothing more than her body.

It tightly held her bust, with just enough of a dip in the center so the swell of each breast was clearly visible. Then it pulled in against her waist, before gently wrapped itself around her hips, and her shapely butt. After that, it slid down her legs to about one third of the way down her thigh. Her legs were bare, and her shoes were a simple pair of red pumps, the color of which, perfectly matched the dress.

"Aunt Tiff. You look absolutely gorgeous. I wish you were not my aunt..."

"Whoa, easy tiger." she giggled

"Shall we?" I asked, offering her my arm.

My aunt Tiffany linked her arm through mine and we walked to the car. I opened her door for her, and she slid into the seat. With her butt down in the seat she lifted her legs to swing them in. I was offered a view of her thighs up to her red lacy panties, which again matched her red dress. I had to look away, or I would have had some embarrassing explaining to do, I could already feel my jeans getting tighter.

I got in the car and drove to the restaurant. It hadn't been open long, and was still a novelty in the area, so was still very popular. We found a parking space, and I went around and opened aunt Tiffs door.

Again she swung her legs around, and with her knees parted just enough, put her feet out on the pavement. I was again afforded a clear view down her thighs to her lacy red panties. She extended her hands out to me and smiled up at me. I pulled her up out of the car. She linked her arm with mine, smiled up at me, and said "I'm so glad you like what I'm wearing. Are you sure I'm not showing you too much of myself."

"aunt Tiff, it is perfect. I asked you to wear something pretty for me. You have exceeded my expectations, Thank you." I bent and kissed her cheek. It was almost an innocent kiss except I allowed it to linger just a few seconds longer than an innocent kiss would. Aunt Tiff looked up at me, studied my face, then smiled. As we approached the front of the restaurant aunt Tiff regarded the queue at the front door.

"Oh, Billy we are never going to get in there."

"We can try, lets see how it goes." Billy said

As we walked past the front door of the restaurant the Maitr de called out, "Bonjour, Billy, Bienvenu, welcome. Please, you and your lovely lady would be my guests, no"

"Oh, Merci, Reynard, You are too kind. I would be very honored to accept your invitation."

Reynard led us inside and showed us to a private table in a corner alcove.

"Billy, I am so glad you could come." Reynard said, in a much less accented French than he had used out the front of the restaurant.

"I'm glad you could find a table for us. Reynard I would like you to meet my...companion, this is Tiff."

"Mademoiselle, Enchantee." Reynard said, as he took Tiffs hand and kissed her fingers tenderly.

"Oh, Reynard, thank you." Tiff said, blushing bright red.

Reynard left to continue welcoming guests and making sure that staff were making all the guests evenings an unforgettable experience. Tiff turned me, "OK, Explain?"

"Reynard is a customer of mine. When I asked him about the possibility of getting a table here one day soon, he told me he would be happy to arrange it."

"His French seems to come and go." Tiff grinned

"Oh, He is French, but he's been here about ten years, so he has to ham it up a bit for the customers."

"I didn't know you knew French." Tiff said to me

"French kiss, French letter, and about six words, that's all."

Tiff laughed, "I'll take your word for it."

We had a truly wonderful evening, the food was superb, Reynard recommended a wine to go with our meal which was absolutely amazing. We laughed together, whispered together, giggled together. We really did have a great time. As the bottle of wine mellowed us a little we quietly talked while gazing into each others eyes. Eventually we decided that it was time to go.

I helped Tiff into the car and drove her home. At her front door she turned to look up at me. "Billy, Thank you, I had an absolutely wonderful evening. I can't remember when I last went out and enjoyed myself like that."

"I don't think I have ever enjoyed myself like that." I said, "Thank you for agreeing to come with me."

She looked up at me, gazing into my eyes, I looked down at her.

I don't know what made me do it, but I bent and kissed her. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it was neither a familial kiss or a platonic kiss either. It was soft and sensual, just a pressing together of our lips, which allowed us to feel each others lips as we molded them together. After several seconds we both realized that we needed to stop, aunt Tiff put her hands against my chest and held me away from her, we pulled apart and looked at each other. With our eyes locked together we both said our good nights simultaneously. I got in the car and drove home, I was confused, what had happened tonight, between me and my aunt.

The next morning after coffee and some breakfast I called aunt Tiff. "Hey aunt Tiff, when was the last time you went to the beach?"

"Oh I don't know Billy, a couple of years I guess, why?"

"I'll pick you up in an hour." I said

"Like hell you will, I've got nothing to wear to the beach."

"OK, Two hours. That gives you time to find something to wear."

"Billy, you are impossible."

"I know Aunt Tiffany, It's one of the things you love about me. Bye." I hung up the phone.

Two hours later I was at aunt Tiff's to pick her up. She came out in a summer hat, a button up summer dress, and leather sandals. Carrying a beach bag with a rolled up beach towel in it.

I opened the car door and watched her walk out to the car on those pretty legs of hers.

Aunt Tiff has awesome legs, they are long and shapely and go all the way up to her butt. Although with the dress they were only visible up to mid thigh.

As she got to the car she gave me a peck on the cheek, "Morning Billy, I found something to wear" she said, spinning to model the dress. The bottom of the dress flared out, so I could see all the way up her thighs, but no further.

We drove towards the coast and as we approached Coastal Drive I said, half to aunt Tiff and half to myself, "Left to the nudist beach, or right to the family beach with all the screaming kids."

"Right, Billy, and so help me God, if you don't start behaving yourself I am going to tell your mother on you." she giggled

I turned left, "Billy, you perverted little sex maniac...."

I'd pulled up at the shops to get water to take down to the beach with us. "Whoops, sorry Billy." aunt Tiff said, red faced.

I returned to the car with water, and a bottle of sun screen that I'd grabbed as an afterthought just in case aunt Tiff didn't have any. Once back in the car I did a U turn and headed up the Coastal Drive to the family beach. When we got to the beach we had to do a few laps of the car park before finding a vacant space. All the warm weather lately had brought out people in droves.

We grabbed our beach bags and headed towards the beach. It was fairly crowded but not really packed yet. It would be packed by lunch time though. Aunt Tiff and I made our way through the people laid out all over the beach until we found a vacant patch of sand. "I think this is about as good as we are going to get Billy." aunt Tiff said to me.

I looked around, then nodded. We laid out our towels next to each other, with our bags at the head of our towels. I pulled my T-shirt off over my head, and pulled my jeans off to reveal my board shorts.

Aunt Tiff slowly unbuttoned her summer dress, being careful to keep herself covered as she did so.

I wondered what she was up to. "Billy, If you laugh at me I promise I will never speak to you again." she said.

Then she slowly opened the dress to reveal her bathers.

I gasped in a deep breath, and stared in astonishment. Before me stood my aunt, with her sun dress draped off her shoulders and flowing down her back and sides.

At the front she was covered by a bikini top which had cups no bigger than the top of a Coke can. The swell of her breasts clearly visible on all sides. The bikini bottom had a long narrow triangle of material which only just covered her Mons pubis. It was clear that she would have needed to shave most, if not all of her pubic hair to wear this bikini. "Billy, you will get sand all over your tongue if you don't put it back in your mouth!" aunt Tiff giggled. "From the look on your face I take it you approve?"

"Approve? Aunt Tiff, UM, I don't know how to answer that question without sounding perverted."

"Good, I was hoping you would like it." she said, as she shrugged the sun dress off and slowly turned around.

The narrow triangle of material at the front became another narrow triangle at the back. Both her beautiful round butt cheeks were fully exposed, there was just enough material to barely covered her butt crack. "Billy, I'm trusting you here. Don't you dare breath a word to your mother about how I dress for you."

"You have my word aunt Tiff, I won't say a word to mum."

We lay on our towels and enjoyed the morning sunshine. I was lying on my back, aunt Tiff on her front. I remembered the sun screen. Grabbing the bottle I said, "we better get some of this on you. I don't want you to burn."

I poured a generous helping of sun screen into my hand and started to apply it to her back and shoulders, spreading it and rubbing it in. I made sure I reached all the way up her neck to her hairline. I put it all over her arms and down the sides of her back. "Um, Do you want to do the sides yourself?" I asked.

"You are doing a great job Billy, Keep going."

I used more sun screen to rub into her sides, feeling the swell of her side boob against my fingers.

I couldn't help getting aroused by the feel, I started to harden.

I rubbed the lotion into the side of her boobs, feeling the soft firmness against my hands.

Aunt Tiff moaned at the feel of my hands rubbing the sides of her breasts. I moved my hands further down covering her waist and her lower back with lotion. Again I hesitated. "It's OK Billy, Please keep going."

I began to rub more lotion into her butt cheeks. My cock was so hard it hurt. I couldn't believe this was my aunt that I was feeling up. My aunt that was giving me a massive raging hard on.

I had to force myself to move on from her butt. I started to apply lotion to her thighs, starting with the backs of the thighs, and working down the outside. I was about to move down to the backs of her knees and her calves when she slowly spread her legs a little and said, "Don't forget the inner thighs Billy."

Oh, Fuck, my cock was already hurting so bad, and there was already a big patch of pre cum visible on the front of my boardies. I poured a bit more lotion into my hands and started to rub it into my aunts inner thighs, all the way to the edge of the thin strip of material which covered her sex. "NNNGGGG." I couldn't help it, I shot a load into my boardies.

Aunt Tiff heard me. "You OK Billy?" she asked innocently.

"Uh yeah." I said

I finished covering her with the lotion then stood up. Before she could turn over and look at me, I said, "I'm off for a swim."

I headed down the beach with my hands in front of me, hoping other people on the beach wouldn't see what I had done. If I had looked back I would have seen the knowing smile on my aunt's face.

When I returned to my towel she was just finishing up doing the sun screen on her front half. I was disappointed. "Feel better after your swim Billy? Not feeling as hot as before?" she asked with a tiny grin just visible on the edge of her lips. "I thought I better do the front half myself, I hope you don't mind."

We spent several hours on the beach alternating between soaking up the sun, and cooling off in the ocean. Before mid afternoon we decided that we should get off the beach and under cover.

I pulled my T-shirt on and helped aunt Tiff to slip back into her sundress. We walked back up the beach, tossed the beach bags in the car and made our way to a beach side bar. With beers in hand, and a light snack ordered we found ourselves a couple of stools at a table overlooking the beach.

"Billy, I need to ask you something, and I want you to be honest." aunt Tiff looked at me, "Did your mum put you up to asking me out, to get me out of the house?"

"She did, but I would have done it long ago, only two things stopped me." I admitted


"You are my aunt, you would have said no if I had asked you out on a date." I said, "And my mother would have gone ape shit if I had asked her sister out on a date."

"You were wrong on both counts weren't you." aunt Tiff said, "How long have you been waiting?"

"I've looked at you as a woman instead of an aunt for years. I would have asked you out not long after you divorced uncle Ralph, if I thought I could."

"I would have said yes, even back then." she told me, "remember there is only a few years difference between us. We grew up together. More like friends than relations."

"speaking of which, would you please stop calling me aunt. We are both adults now, and it makes me feel old."

"OK, aun...Tiffany."

She smiled at me. Then sipped on her beer. We enjoyed a couple of beers and a snack, then as the sun was getting ready to set Tiffany stood up and linked her arm through mine. "Come on." she said

"lets go back to the beach and watch the sunset."

We walked arm in arm back to the beach and stood at the water's edge. With our arms still linked together we watched the sun dip below the horizon and all the little clouds over the ocean all turned bright red. Tiffany turned and looked at me. With her fingers she turned my head away from the sunset to look at her. We looked at each other for a few moments, then she slid her hand along my face and around my neck. She pulled me down and kissed me. The kiss we had shared on her doorstep yesterday had been a sensual meeting of our lips. We broke it when we both realized that we were kissing a relative, and we shouldn't be doing what we were doing. This time we didn't let the taboo stop us. We kissed as a man and a woman. Passionately, sensually, lovingly. "Tiffany?"

"ssshhhh, Billy. it's OK." She said, before molding her lips back against mine again.

This time when we finished our kiss Tiffany linked her arm through mine again, "I think it's time you took me home, don't you?" she asked

We walked back up the beach and drove back to Tiffany's house. Once there she grabbed her beach bag off the back seat, "Well come on." she said.

I got out of the car and we walked to the front door. Tiffany fished in her bag for the keys and we went inside. "Billy, I need a shower to wash this salt off. There should be some beers in the fridge, help yourself."