Taking The Class Pt. 02


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Will trudged towards Prez's office, a grin on his face. French exam was about as expected. I even finished early and had that nice chat with those sophomore girls who were nervous about their dates tonight. Adorable. Troublesome, but adorable. And who's to say that it's not customary to give a blowjob as a thank-you after a dance if the girl has a good time?

He rounded the last corner, bringing the doorway into sight. He slowed his gait, checking the time on his phone. 2:55. Perfect, I'm early. Nothing to complain about this time! He stowed the phone in his pocket. This is going to go smoothly, I can feel it.

He opened the door and strolled in.

"Right on time. {Finally, you're here.}" Prez commented, leaning against the front of her desk. She crossed her arms in front of her.

I can't win.

"You know, Will," she continued, "you should probably come to some of the actual meetings. {Why don't you ever show up to do your job?} If you're my vice president, it would be helpful to have you around to handle vice president duties when we need it. {How did you even get elected?}"

"But if all of us are here at once, Prez, who will be out there listening to the will of the people, learning about their wants and needs?"

"Will. {Ugh, are you fucking serious right now?} It's thirty minutes twice a week. {It's hardly any time at all.} Every week. {I make the time to be there, why can't you?} You show up, on average, once a month. {This is a generous estimate.} If that. {Very generous.}"

"Hey, that's not totally accurate, is it? I was here for at least two meetings last month. There was that one where Theresa and Ron argued about how best to solicit ideas for Senior Day for long enough that I decided to catch up on my calculus homework. And then Theresa was going over some of the budget-y details for Macbeth—you looked truly ravishing, by the way, your best performance yet, if I may be so bold—and doing a line-by-line of your accounting—"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. {I do my best.}" She sighed, looking down at her shoes. She kicked one of her feet lightly against the other. "I just wish I didn't always have to deal with that all by myself. {It would be nice if you helped out a bit.} It's tiring, y'know? {I'm exhausted.}"

Will blinked. Is this...are we having a moment? Ah, shit, I'm gonna fuck this up for sure. "You...want my help?" he asked tentatively.

She shook her head, then uncrossed her arms and looked back up. "No, I've got it. {Ugh, what am I thinking?}" Her gaze turned predatory. "Pull down the shade and lock the door. We have some squaring away to do, don't we? {I want to know everything.}"

He held up his hands in front of him. "Hold on, Prez. Like I said, we really can't talk about this at school."

She raised an eyebrow.

"I..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair. This is such a hassle to explain. "How much do you really know about Classes, Prez? You've read about it, sure, and you've had a Skill used on you twice that I know of—"

She glared.

"—And that definitely won't happen again, I'm sure, but my question still stands: What do you know?"

Prez maintained her glare while she thought. So cute! Fuck, snap out of it!

"Classes began appearing after the first world war. We get them when we turn eighteen, though nobody knows what causes it yet. Classes grant Skills, Traits, and Quirks," she grimaced at the last, "which are used actively, passively, and counter-productively, respectively. Classes have ranks, called 'levels', which determine their relative power. Typically people gain a Skill or a Trait every fifth level, and starting around level fifty a Class has the potential to change into a different Class. {I really need mine to change.}" She tapped a finger against the desk. "I think that's it? {Did I miss anything?}"

Will nodded. How to phrase this so she doesn't go full Prez on me?

"Can I ask you a question about Classes? {I need to know something about my Class.}" she asked.

"Is it about your Class?"


"Then no, not right now," Will replied.

Prez started tapping her finger harder.

It's like a time bomb ticking away... "Prez, that's all true, but I wanted to find out what you know about types of Skills. For example, and I'm specifically not saying this is hypothetical, imagine there were a Class which was specialized in information gathering. Are you following?"

Prez nodded, continuing to tap her finger.

"And this Class: what kinds of Skills would you expect that it would have?"

Prez scrunched up her nose and stared off into the distance.

If she keeps making these faces I'm going to lose my mind. Ugh. Get your shit together.

"Maybe something like improved reading comprehension to read faster, or enhanced memory, so they'd remember everything they saw?" she said after a moment.

"Those are good examples, sure. But suppose the information that they want to gather isn't visual. Suppose it's audio..."

Prez's face went paper-white. She looked at Will, eyes wild. "Are you fucking serious? {Someone overheard me?}"

Will nodded.

"In our school?"

Will nodded again.

"And they know. {They know about my Class.} They overheard! {They know!} Ohhh fuck! {Fuck, I'm so fucked!} That's what you meant this morning when you said not to—and just now—"

"Prez, calm down. Relax for a minute."

"Who? No, wait, you said I already had a close call with it this week." Her eyes widened. "Greg?"

Will nodded. "That's him, yeah But Prez—"

"I have to see him," she said, heading for the door, "make sure he doesn't talk—"

He stepped in front of her, wrapping the anxious girl in his arms. She struggled, on the verge of going nuclear. "Prez, relax. I took care of it already."

She stiffened. "You—What the fuck? {What could you do?}"

"Yeah, yesterday," he said. Will talked in a soothing tone, holding her less tightly now that she seemed to have cooled off. "That's how I found out about...things. But it's settled now. Um, he said he was sorry? But I talked him out of trying to apologize in person because I figured it would be safer this way. For him, I mean. I didn't get the full story about Wednesday but...I think probably I don't want to."

She stood there, her body completely rigid, for a few moments. Then she breathed.

Will released her, stepping back slowly. No sudden movements...

"Thank you, Will," she said while looking up at him. Her dark, brown eyes peered into his, and her full lips looked almost irresistible. "That's...surprisingly considerate of you."

"I'm here to help," he replied. "So now you get why we probably don't want to have this talk at school, or anywhere we'd be likely to be overheard?"

"I guess... {I can't believe I'm agreeing with you.}" Prez allowed.

"In that case, since I've already got plans for the rest of the day which, regrettably, I can't bring you along for, how do you feel about a little date tomorrow instead? I'd prefer your place, but if you'd prefer a secluded drive—perhaps to a quiet place with a scenic view—"

"Will," Prez cut in.

Alright, that was probably too far. But it just feels so wrong to have her smiling at me like that...

"Allow me to clarify some things which you seem to be confused about. {Don't get ahead of yourself.}" She stepped towards him, and he stepped back to compensate. She kept moving forward as she spoke. "First, there will be no 'date'; today I gave you my heartfelt thanks for your help with my...situation. {We're not dating, we just had sex one time because I was horny.}" His back hit the door. "I am very, very grateful for this. {I'm very appreciative.}" she said, running a finger down the center of his chest as she maintained eye contact.

He gulped.

"But that doesn't mean I've forgiven you. {I'll never forgive you completely.}" she continued, pressing her finger deeply into his skin just below his navel. She stepped back and crossed her arms once again. "Our need for meeting outside of school is strictly for the purpose of you giving me a reason not to make your life hell for the next year. If you have expectations beyond that, you will be sorely disappointed. {Don't think that I'm going to be a booty call or anything.} Do I make myself clear?"

"Prez, if you were any more clear..." he trailed off, seeing her gaze turn into the scowl that he felt more familiar with. "Yeah, crystal," he said.

"Good," she purred. It was anything but seductive. "Second, we're not going to meet at my house. You," she pointed at him, "are never coming to my house. Ever. My house is reserved for family and friends, and you will never be either of those things. That's why tomorrow," she smirked, "we'll be meeting at your house."

Chapter 2: Friday Evening, 5:16PM – Things Are Never Quite As Scary When You've Got A Best Friend


"Duude, thank fucking god it's Friday! I'm so ready for tonight!"

"Let's go, Will, we got a lot of sets to get through!"

Will racked the bar, sat up on the bench, then swung his feet off the side and stood up.

"Nice, let's get these wagon wheels going," Vinnie Smith said, grabbing a forty five pound plate off the weight tree and slotting it onto the barbell, replacing the twenty five pound weight that they'd been using for their warmup set. Daniel did the same on the other side, bringing the total poundage to 135.

"Lemme at it," said Don Macleod. "Today's the day, boys, I can feel it." He laid down on the bench, positioning himself under the bar. Unracking it, the bar and weights began to rise and fall in a smooth motion.

"Will, bruh," said Daniel Campanelli, edging closer. He leaned in, his tank top adhering tightly to his chest, then half-whispered loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear him. "I know I just asked you on Wednesday—and you tootally came through for me, bruh—but I've still got that yellow fever, y'na'mean? Can you do your thing and hook me up with another Asian hottie tonight?"

Don finished his set and switched with Vinnie, who made the heavier weight look exactly like the warm-up set.

"Yeah, about that," said Will. "I had a thing at school today and had to use my Skill. I'm tapped out tonight, guys. Sorry."

Vinnie got up and stretched; he was quickly replaced by Daniel, who continued to talk as he executed his set.

"You kiddin' me?" he said. "What's...oof...goin' on with you this week, Will? You only came out on Wednesday and...oof...even then it was like you were on Mars or somethin'. Hey one-a you jokers put some donuts on this or...oof...something? Feels...oof...heavier than usual." He racked the bar, clanking it into place, and sat up. "Your old man chew you out again or what?" He looked at Will.

Vinnie slapped his slightly overweight friend. "Hey, don't be a dick. You know Will doesn't like talking about his dad. And no, I didn't put any tens on it, you're just a fatass who skipped bench day too many times. You're up, Will."

"Fine, put me at the top-a the order for next set, I'm gonna prove this shit is rigged," said Daniel.

"It's cool, Vin, don't worry about it," said the vice president as he took over the bench.

"Boys, boys!" Don broke in, looming over his exercising friend from behind the bar in the spotter's position. "There's only one thing that explains this week. Will, you don't gotta say it. When was the last time we saw exactly this behavior?"

"Oh, ho, ho!" said Daniel, head following the bar as it pumped up and down. "You mean—"

"Will got a girlfriend? Again?" said Vinnie, hand cupped to his chin.

The bar wobbled dangerously on the left side.

"Whoa, dude," said Don, leaning in to stabilize.

"At least wait 'till I'm off the bench before you start formulating the next installment in The Legend of Will White," said Will as he held the bar above him. He resumed his reps, finishing off his set and then racking the bar.

"Wait, is it real? I can't tell from his reaction," said Vinnie with a snicker.

"Bruh, what the fuck? How you gonna get a girlfriend again and not bring her to get my blessing first?"

"Shut the fuck up, Daniel, how you gonna use the same joke every time?"

"C'mon Highlander, the classics—"

"Another recycled joke? Like I haven't been hearing that one for the past ten—"

"Guys!" said Vinnie. He gestured at the weight tree on the opposite side of the bench from him. "Don, put on a twenty five." The tallest boy of the group slapped the same sized plate that he'd requested onto his side before adding a clip to hold the plates together. "And clip," he added as Don started away from the bar.

"Okay, Coach," said Don.

"It's not a girlfriend," said Will. "I'm still single. Very single."

"Bruh, you almost capsized just now. I'm not sayin' you're lyin', but—"

"C'mon Will, who is it? Even you gotta admit you been weird as fuck this week. If it's not a girl, what else could it be?"

"I don't wanna join these idiots, but they do have a point. Daniel, c'mon, man, we don't have all night. Will, you have anything you wanna tell us?"

Will sighed. I knew this was going to be a hassle. There's no way I can explain this, and I don't hate her so it's not like I'm going to throw her to the wolves.

"What the fuck," Daniel huffed from under the bar after completing his first rep. "Did you put—"

"For fuck's sake, no, there's no donuts on the fucking bar!" said Don. "Quit being such a baby. Or do you just want actual donuts, you fucking fatass?"

Will, in the spotter pose, gradually increased the amount of force he was applying to the bar's upward motion until he was nearly lifting the entire thing by the end of his friend's set.

Daniel clanked the bar into place and sat up, panting, then started stretching his arms back and forth.

"Nice set," said Will. "All you, bud, I barely touched it."

"Yeah, I know it, bruh, that one felt even lighter than the last set. I don't even need a spot 'til we get a second set of real plates on here."

Vinnie rolled his eyes.

"Will, c'mon. You gotta give us something. I even had that great cover for your black eye that you managed to get without us."

Vinnie took his spot on the bench and quietly repped away, showing no discernible difference in exertion since the last set.

"Alright, alright, I'll agree that one got me pretty good. Almost snorted milk out my nose at lunch when I heard it the first time. Nice work," said Will.

"Yeah, you're lucky on that," said Vinnie, pausing midway through his set. "I was down range and he would have blasted me good. Instead he just squirted it into his own eye. Almost my ass." He looked up at Will, rolled his eyes, and resumed his reps.

"Man, why couldn't you let me be cool just this once?" Will ran a hand through his hair.

Vinnie racked the bar.

"Cuz you're a fuckin' nerd," said Daniel, looking theatrically confused.

Will laughed.

"If we give you one, pretty soon you'll be strutting around thinking The Legend of Will White is entirely factual. But forget all that, Will," Don waggled his eyebrows. "Who is she? Is she hot? Wait, don't tell me, did you and Laura get back together? Damn, she's hot as fuck." He sat on the bench. "This is it boys, the prequel. Next set and it's happening."

Will put a hand to his face. "No, it's definitely not Laura."

"Dunno what she ever saw in you anyway, I'm the brains of this outfit," said Daniel.

Vinnie doubled over, coughing.

"You okay there, Vin?" asked Will.

"Yeah, my bad, he just hit me with that and I inhaled some spit while trying to laugh."

It was Will's turn to double over, this time in laughter. "Daniel," he said after he could breathe again, "you don't even go to our school. How are you going to go out with one of the three hottest super-seniors from another school? It's not like you're going to meet her at a club with us." He gave Don a knowing look as the super-senior from his own school sat up from his set. "And I don't think you're going to find her at any donut shops."

"Ohh, fucking roasted," said Don, offering up a fist for Will to bump.

"You guys are such assholes," said Daniel. He attempted to stifle a chuckle and failed.

Will laid down on the bench. He took a couple deep breaths, then lifted the bar off and started pumping it up and down.

"So it's not Laura," said Vinnie. "Probably for the best, I didn't like her."

"Same. Off the scale in both directions, but no idea what you saw in her. Other than those knockers, I mean," said Don.

"Yeah, she was a real whore. Like, actually a whore. If I find my boy's girl in a bathroom stall blowing another guy for drugs, I'm pullin' the plug even if she offers to titty fuck me next," he paused, looking each of them in the eye. "And I didn't, obviously, 'cuz that would be unethical."

"Guys. Please." Will grunted between reps.

"One more, c'mon, you got it," said Don. "Yeah!"

"Good form, Will," said Vinnie in an approving tone.

"Thanks guys. And Daniel, I know you've got my back, but that was only a couple weeks ago. Give me at least a month before you start telling me those kinds of details, eh?"

"Yeah, my b, my b. But bruh, if you're gonna go out with a girl we're vettin' her first. You always go for the crazy chicks, and it never works."

"You going up?"

"Nah, bruh, I'm gonna stick with this." Daniel took a seat on the bench. "Leave the risk-takin' for tonight!"

"Again," said Vinnie from his position at the head of the bench, "this complete and total idiot is not someone I want to agree with, but he's making a lot of sense today, Will."

Daniel gave him the finger before lifting off for his set.

"Vin's right, dude," said Don, pointing to his red-faced, struggling friend on the bench with his thumb. "This guy is as dumb as a fucking rock. I mean, he's really not smart at all! But when even he's saying it, you know you got a problem. You gotta stop scraping the bottom of the barrel for these bitches. Either give up and get a couple cool girls you can call when you wanna bone, or find someone more like...you. Somebody smart, who can go places."

"Yeah, what he said." Vinnie shrugged the barbell off his panting friend, then let it slowly drop back to rest on his chest. "Pick somebody out of your brain trust classes, there's gotta be at least a couple cute girls there." He repeated the motion, but this time it didn't seem like the bar would move once it came to rest at the bottom once more. "Right?" He pulled the bar up and racked it.

Daniel lay there, breathing heavily for a moment, before he sat up. "Yeah, c'mon, bruh. You don't always gotta go out with girls who are just like—"

"Whoa!" Don headed him off. "Dude, not cool, don't—"

"It's okay," said Will, frowning. "He's right, though I guess I never really thought about it before. I do tend to date girls who are a lot like my mom."

"Uhh," said Don.

"You sure you don't got one-a those Optimus complexes?" asked Daniel.

Vinnie let out a deep sigh, leaning his elbow over the bar and then his head into his hand. "It's Oedipus. An Oedipus complex."

"Yeah, that's what I just said," said Daniel as he got off the bench.

Do I have an Oedipus complex? There's no way, is there?

"Well, let's look at the facts," said Don.

"He likes blondes," said Vinnie, removing a twenty five pound plate from his side. "Will, gimme another wagon wheel over there."