Taking The Class Pt. 01


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"Alaina, girl, that was over a year ago. You gotta let that one go. You kicked that guy so hard he probably still can't sit down, and that was before Ken gave him a piece of his mind."

"He even did the yawning-arm-wrap-around move!" Alaina's voice rose in pitch. "I thought it was a joke until he started reaching down my shirt! You said he was one of Ken's friends!"

"Yeah... a friend..." Ayanna looked out of the corners of her eyes and she muttered, "...of a friend." She picked up speed after the hedge. "But what about that Tim guy? He got to home base, right? And--"

"Ay, I was in a drought. It was like the Sahara, and Tim was a half cup of stale water in a ditch. At best. He was decent looking and didn't immediately start pawing at me, but I know you remember how that ended up. My nipples were sore for days." She leaned in and hissed, "And he gave me a fucking hickey!"

"But just think of all the younger students who copied your turtleneck look afterwards!" Ayanna said.

Alaina glared back. Having Mom give me that 'I know' look was bad enough, but then when she started suggesting makeup options for covering 'neck blemishes' I thought I was gonna die of humiliation.

"Look, maybe these guys weren't knights in shining armor for you, but I did what I could. You said you were too busy to find a guy, but you were the one who broke up with Spencer. And you stayed broken up, even with," Ayanna raised both hands at her sides, "whatever kinky thing—"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Alaina hissed. "Not so loud! That can't get out!"

Ayanna's hands came around in front of her like a shield. "Okay, my bad, but you know what I mean. I'll concede that maybe some of my setups were," she harrumphed, "not up to standards, but It's not my fault you can't find a date. You're the one who decided that after you-know-who you wanted to focus on your studies and not get distracted by going out with someone from this school."

Alaina started a retort, then stopped. She furrowed her brows. "Wait a minute. When did this become about my lack of a boyfriend? My whole situation was caused by a guy!"

"Puh-leeze, I know you want someone to blame, but how you gonna blame the guy that, by your own account, gave you," she leaned in, "the best dicking in the past century, maybe ever. A, if I were you, I'd be calling him up for seconds, thirds, fourths, you name it! Any time, any place!" She waggled her eyebrows. "I'm still a little tempted, and if Ken didn't just rock my world on Monday I might do more than have my little idle fantasies."

Alaina blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes. I definitely shouldn't have told her about that.

"I kid, of course," said Ayanna, leaning back in her chair. "I'd never cheat on my Ken. But you don't have that problem." She started packing the remnants of her lunch onto her tray.

"No, I have another problem, specifically with him," Alaina growled the last part. "He—"

The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. Forty minutes is not enough time for lunch. The din of the students, all 500-something of them, flooded towards the pair of girls as it surged past them and towards the exits.

Alaina put the zipper bag back into her lunchbox next to the ice pack and sealed the whole thing up.

"You gonna tell me what that problem is?" asked Ayanna as they stood up, practically shouting in order to be heard.

"Definitely," said Alaina at a more normal volume after she closed the gap between them. They started walking towards the door, heads together. "But let's wait until later, Ay. You free after school? Well, after the council meeting..."

Her dark-skinned friend considered it as they walked out of the cafeteria. "Ah, can't. I gotta babysit the brats today; I'm even skipping a Future Business Leaders meeting for it. How 'bout tomorrow?"

Alaina sighed. "I have to tutor—"

"A, c'mon. Take a break. You're not even getting paid that well!"

Alaina frowned. I really shouldn't, but it would be nice to have some time off to hang out with Ay...

"We'll get ice cream. From that new place on the boulevard. I know you've been itchin' to go since they opened last month, and I hear their pistachio is insane." Ayanna grinned widely and stared her down.

That's not fair, she knows my weakness! "Fine, you win," Alaina pouted. "I can at least take one more day off since there's no tests coming up."

Ayanna pumped her fist in the air. "Yes! I'm gonna grill you so hard—I mean, I'm gonna stuff you so full of ice cream you won't even notice the grilling!"

Alaina snorted and rolled her eyes. "Right. I'll see you in History, Ay."

"Later, A!"

They waved, then parted as they headed in opposing directions: Alaina to her double period Chemistry class and Ayanna to Spanish.

Despite the prospect of being grilled, tomorrow is looking up. Alaina found that maintaining her smile was easier after spending lunch with her longtime friend. Or perhaps it was simply the promise of her favorite ice cream flavor. Yeah, maybe things aren't so bad? So what if my Class is [Onahole]! I'll just ignore it. There's plenty of people who don't let their Class rule their lives; wasn't one of our recent presidents a [Philosopher]?

Her knee-high, black, suede boots made a satisfying clicking sound as she strode through the halls of her school. She stowed her lunchbox in her locker before checking her appearance in the small mirror that hung on the inside of the locker door. She straightened the neck of her blouse—also black, and pulled down her tan skirt where it had ridden up slightly on her waist. Her wide-rimmed brown glasses completed the look.

Damn, I look good. Hot, even. She licked her lips slightly, feeling a small tingle pass through her body. She had a slightly naughty thought. Time to get some revenge.

The grabbed her binder and a pair of textbooks, then hip-checked the door closed and strutted off towards the science department.

Alaina Bishop wasn't unpopular when it came to the population of her school. She'd always garnered some amount of attention, but it wasn't something she sought out: it was simply her subjects paying their due respects to their queen.

As she walked through the halls now, however, things were different. If she caught a classmate looking, she smiled warmly back at them—a genuine smile. To a one, they smiled back. They have been bestowed the queen's favor! She giggled at the thought.

Their monarch was in a good mood. There was revenge afoot!

* * *

Revenge is exhausting. How do porn stars manage this? I have so much respect for them now.

Alaina grimaced inwardly. Outwardly, she caught him looking again out of the corner of her eye and twirled a strand of hair slowly around her finger, crinkling her brow just right and pursing her lips while she looked down at her textbook.

It's definitely working though. He's been shifting in his seat the whole period, and he waited until everyone had left before standing up after Chemistry. I even stalled by talking to Stacy and Daniel about our lab results and he wouldn't get up. She fought back a laugh, but it wasn't easy.

Ayanna was on to her, of course. She'd filled her friend in when they met on the walk to their last class of the day, AP History, and the two of them had shared a hearty laugh at the expense of Will White.

"I'm gonna make him stand up in class," declared Ayanna when their mirth had subsided to a reasonable degree. "Damn, that's harsh though, A."

"He deserves it. I'll tell you tomorrow, you'll agree."

"Okay, I believe it. You sure this isn't some kinda weird student council mating ritual though?"

"No! I told you, I'm not interested! At all!"

"Okay, okay, if you say so. But you seem pretty heated yourself; you know your pupils are fuckin' huge now, right?"

She stopped twining her wavy locks and focused on the reading. Ugh, this is the same thing from tenth grade. And eighth grade. And sixth grade. They really want to drive home the basic rules and history about using Class Skills in public. But everyone must know by now about how regulation of Skills increased and became enforced after it was proven that a [Sharpshooter] killed JFK from a mile out with a pistol using one of his Skills. Or how valued Classes and Skills became to society after an elite group of soldiers with Classes were deployed to establish beachheads on D-Day under the codename Operation Neptune.

Why can't we learn about more... interesting... topics? Like how Veronica Foster gained the [Gunsmith] class after she started assembling guns during World War II and became a cultural icon. Or how the White House began staffing the Secret Service with agents who had Skills that could detect other Skill usages to prevent another [Temptress] from beguiling the president after Marilyn Monroe's escapades at JFK's birthday.

Alaina nearly sighed, but she caught herself and scanned her peripheral vision first. Yup, he's checking me out again. Squirm, slimeball. She ran her tongue slowly over her upper lip and was rewarded by slight movement at the edge of her vision. This is almost too easy.

She giggled in her head. It might not be as life-ruining as some of the ideas I came up with last night, but it's satisfying in its own way.

The downside, however was the difficulty in maintaining the effect. There's only so many ways a girl can primp and preen and be "innocently" seductive. If I weren't so turned on, this would be super boring.

Wait, when did this start? She rubbed her thighs together, feeling the telltale stickiness between her legs. Argh! I'm supposed to be giving him blue balls, not blue-balling myself!

* * *

"I'll be honest, I was running on fumes at the end there. Being erotic for two hours straight is so fucking hard," Alaina complained as they walked through the explosively loud hallways after class. School was out for the day, and the halls were inundated with students rushing to their lockers before they left for clubs, activities, or home.

"I'll bet he was hard," Ayanna snickered. "I'm just mad that he didn't have to stand up. I thought for sure I had him when I bounced my eraser in front of his desk and asked him to give it back. Never expected him to be so limber, or to be able to kick it back so accurately without leaving his chair."

"Didn't he play soccer? I thought I remembered hearing that at some point." They turned down a hallway, walking through a set of double doors and into a stairwell.

"Yeah, sounds familiar," Ayanna said after a moment of thought. "But enough of the normal chit-chat. I can't believe that newspaper guy came and asked you out after class! He had to've been waiting outside the room to get in that fast after the bell rang. Guy must have the biggest balls in the school to barge in like that. And to ask you out!"

"I can't believe you got me to say yes!"

"A, you looked like you were so hot by the end of class the sun would have melted if you put it between your legs. I didn't make you do anything." They pushed through another set of double doors, nearly bowling over an underclassman in the process, and exited the stairwell.

"Sorry, sorry. Are you okay?" Alaina said, reaching out to steady him.

His eyes widened. "N-no, my b-bad," he stammered before darting away.

"Ah, he ran off." Alaina stared at the younger boy who was scampering down the hall towards the front door, looking more like a hermit crab than a student due to the size of his enormous backpack. Freshmen. She shook her head and gave her friend a look. "You did too make me. What else do you call that elbow when I was about to let him down gently?"

"My arm slipped while I was packing up."

"What about the second time? When I was going to tell him that I'd be the one driving?"

"A, trust me on this. You gotta relax a bit. Let him take you out for coffee or a movie or something. Fuck, it's Greg MacDonald from the newspaper club, the guy's practically got boring stamped on his forehead. C'mon. It's not gonna be anything crazy. Plus, it was cute the way his knees were knocking together when he asked if he could," she affected a nasally voice, "'have the pleasure of spending the afternoon together?'"

"Hey, that's a little mean," Alaina said. "How would you feel if you heard someone saying you had boring stamped on your forehead?"

"Pretty accurate, A. Eat, sleep, study, run, fuck. Basically my life. But also, if a coupla elbows in the side is enough to 'make' you do something, you're probably not that against it to begin with. We both know you're just doing this to annoy Will. You shoulda seen his face, scowling black eye and all. You really got in his head."

Alaina's smile covered her whole face. I did, didn't I? And who knows, maybe there's more to Greg than meets the eye. He's a year older than me and he's the managing editor, just under the editor-in-chief. That's kinda cool. Isn't it?

* * *

"And so I tell Roy that the layout definitely can't have the photo in the upper left corner, that's just not going to work if we want the columns to—"

It's not that he's boring, he's just too passionate. About the newspaper. It's interesting! I never knew so much work went into determining exactly how the columns are laid out, and how different layout grids lead to different feelings when you read a story...

"Wow, really? And what happened next?" she said at the appropriate time.

It's not boring. It's not! I do feel bad for not paying attention. I wonder what his Class is?

They'd been driving around in his surprisingly comfortable, new-but-used coupe for a while—he'd bought it with the money he earned from working summers and part time at the town's newspaper, he'd informed her in a matter-of-fact tone which was not quite braggadocio that only a newsman could manage—but she hadn't been paying much attention to the time or their location, instead getting caught up in her own thoughts. She listened just enough to respond or encourage him at the right times, but even she would admit that it wasn't her finest acting role. Greg didn't seem to notice, however, and he kept chattering away happily as he drove.

"I-I have somewhere I want to take you. I think we'll really enjoy it!" he'd said at the outset. Normally this would be a red flag on top of a red flag on a planet made of red flags. But Ay's right, it's Newspaper Greg; at a minimum, nothing weird is going to happen and I'm not going to have a story that can top Dick Counselor. I'll just go with the flow, and he'll probably take me to see a printing press or—

She broke out of her fog, recognizing her surroundings but not quite believing her eyes.

Isn't this... Wait a minute. Her eyes narrowed.

The car pulled to a stop on top of a hill overlooking the town, a gorgeous sunset on the horizon. They were in an empty cul-de-sac. The surrounding property had signs up indicating the for-sale status to real estate developers who might be passing through.

Humphrey Lane was the street's name, but the students mostly referred to this spot as Hump Hill due to it being a common place to end a date.

Stay calm. It's probably a coincidence. She looked over at the driver's seat. Next he's going to say something like 'I wanted to show you this sunset, because its fiery beauty is almost as great as yours!' and I'll cringe while acting like I'm fla—

Suddenly, she heard a clicking sound and felt something against her lips and Greg's face was all she could see out of her stunned eyes. What the fuck. She briefly felt a tongue, and it wasn't hers.

What. The. Fuck.

But before she could even react, matters escalated. Greg pulled away, a hand going to his mouth, and he turned to the side. He began pawing at the handle of his door. It seemed that he hadn't quite learned all the details in his new-but-used car yet, because the door had automatically locked when he started to drive and it wasn't unlocking automatically when he pulled the handle. He frantically grabbed at the door lock, the kind with the slippery metal flap just above the handle which needs to be turned outward using fine motor control, and literally dove out of the car and onto the grass.

Then the vomiting began.

Alaina sat in her seat, unsure how to even process the events that were occurring. He kissed me. Which was pretty surprising. And then he started throwing up. That was... also pretty surprising? Um.

She looked out the driver's side door, where the retching was continuing unabated. The sound, while terrible and gross, was also somehow hilarious simultaneously. It sounds like a cartoon character throwing up. He's vomiting, but he's also somehow yelling at the same time?

She sighed for what felt like the millionth time this week. I better make sure he doesn't drown or something. She unbuckled her seatbelt, placed her small travel purse on the floor in front of her seat, and unlocked the door. It was difficult to actually exit the vehicle; the lowered position of the seats, her skirt, her short legs, and her tall boots all conspired to keep her in. After struggling briefly, she looked around; seeing that there was nobody else nearby, she propelled herself out of the car with her arms, heedless of how her skirt reversed itself up her torso and exposed her underwear. Her battle underwear.

Alaina quickly pulled her skirt down once she was back on her feet. A thong felt like the pick when I was angry and preparing to fight to the death this morning, but now I think I'm just going to have a cold butt in a few minutes.

She walked around the car, bracing herself mentally for the grossness.

Aaand it's pretty gross. But I'm going to be a doctor, dammit. This much vomit is—wow, so that's more vomit, huh.

"Um." she said. "So uhh..." she tried again. "This is pretty awkward. Are you uhh... okay?" She reached over, thinking to touch him on the shoulder to offer some kind of moral support.

Greg, seeing that she was reaching towards him, looked up with terrified eyes, spewed one last gout of yellowish-brown gunk, and fell backwards, panting.

You have got to be joking. She stood there staring downward, the Greg-gunk dripping off the edge of her skirt, onto her knees, and into her boots. She blinked.

* * *

"Let's um... Let's pretend this never happened," Alaina said as she pulled the car back into the school parking lot next to her own vehicle. Greg had felt too sick to drive, and she didn't feel like waiting around for him to recover while she had vomit inside her fucking boots. She pressed down hard on the brake pedal and her toes squelched. She felt a soft piece of something mushy against her toe, and it was definitely not something that had been there when she'd left school.

I've never wanted a shower so badly in my life. And even that feels like an understatement. No, don't think about it. Don't think about it. Too gross.

Greg grunted, but remained curled up in the back seat. She took that to mean that he agreed.

"I'll leave the keys in the cup holder here. If anyone asks... I'll say we had a nice drive and talked about... newspaper stuff. Hopeyoufeelbetterbye."

She grabbed her purse and made for home as fast as she could.

"So gross. So, so gross. So fucking grooooossssss!" She shouted as she drove.

* * *

Alaina scrubbed at her feet as the water rained down on her. Ew. Ew ew ew ewewewewewewewew. EW! What the FUCK!
